Bøger af Carsten Hansen
- Redskaber til kommunikation på arbejdspladsen
238,95 kr. En bog til medarbejdere på bl.a. det pædagogiske område og sundhedsområdet. Bogens omdrejningspunkt er kommunikationen mellem medarbejdere på alle niveauer, og bogen kan derfor bidrage til et bedre arbejdsmiljø.Bogen er praksisrettet, den er let tilgængelig og indeholder en lang række modeller, der kan hjælpe til at forstå, hvad der sker i forskellige situationer, hvor der kommunikeres. Desuden indeholder den konkrete redskaber, der kan hjælpe den enkelte til en klarere og mere målrettet kommunikation.Bogen omhandler bl.a. samarbejde, aktiv lytning, at kunne sige nej, feedback, konflikter og den vanskelige samtale.
- Bog
- 238,95 kr.
- A forgotten chess master
246,95 kr. It has rightly been said that chess is more than a game, but less than a science. It follows that it is doubtful whether chess, as a profession, is desirable for any but a genius. Curiously enough, one of the very greatest, Morphy, always was most wroth when professionalism was attributed to him, and this may have been partly the reason why he gave up chess altogether. Yet one may well ask whether the world was better off when an outstanding chess genius spent his energy on being a moderate lawyer. This problem comes to most players who are enthusiastic, and achieve a measure of success in chess, and we find a satisfactory solution in the life of R. P. Michell.
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- 246,95 kr.
- Play better endgames
118,95 kr. Originally published at the beginning of the 20th century as part of a series for chess improvers on all phases of the chess game, this little book contains examples of pawn play in endgames that inexperienced and club players will greatly benefit from studying.With more than 100 well-chosen positions, the author illustrates the types of chess endgames that players should master once they understand and master the fundamentals.The material has been reexamined, reanalyzed, and edited by FIDE Master Carsten Hansen.This is the first time this book has been published in algebraic notation.
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- 118,95 kr.
- 1...e5: The first detailed coverage of this important opening complex for twenty years
228,95 kr. A reprint of the 1999 classic!The 1...e5 systems of the English Opening lead to positions rich in tactical and strategic subtleties, making them suitable for players of all standards and temperaments. These lines have not been properly covered in chess literature for twenty years, and this thoroughly researched book fills a gaping void. The main systems covered include the Reversed Dragon, where the position is balanced on a tactical knife-edge; the tense Closed lines, where Black adopts a King's Indian set-up; the fashionable lines with a very early ...Bb4; and the main lines of the English Four Knights, as used in many top-level games. The unique GAMBIT System makes it easy to use the book to the maximum practical advantage. "Quick Summaries" introduce the main themes of each system, where appropriate suggesting a coherent repertoire of reliable lines. Then comes detailed, unbiased coverage of all the critical lines, for reference and detailed study. Whether you're looking for a quick ! ! introduction to an opening system for surprise use, a refresher course in a favorite opening, or to research an opening deeply, the GAMBIT Guide is the ideal choice.
- Bog
- 228,95 kr.
- Dutch, Benonis & d-pawn Specials: Winning in 15 Moves or Less: Chess Tactics, Brilliancies & Blunders in the Chess Opening
163,95 kr. WINNING FAST IS FUN! This book is a collection of games played by the best players in the world in which either White or Black wins in 15 moves or less either a result of brilliant chess tactics, an accumulation of mistakes or blunders. Through the study of the games in this volume, you will improve your opening play, opening repertoire, strategies, and tactical ability. The chess opening covered in this volume are: Dutch Defense (1 d4 f5)Benonis - Modern Benoni, Schmid Benoni, Old Benoni & Benko GambitTrompowsky (1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5)The d-pawn Specials: Anti-Indians - Torre, London, Colle & Other 3rd move optionsOld IndianBudapest & Fajarowicz GambitsMinor d-pawn SpecialsThere is plenty of instructive mistake and small masterpieces in this collection featuring many of the best players from the last 150 years.
- Bog
- 163,95 kr.
- 1.e4 e5: Winning in 15 Moves or Less: Chess Tactics, Brilliancies & Blunders in the Chess Opening
163,95 kr. WINNING FAST IS FUN!This book is a collection of games played by the best players in the world in which either White or Black wins in 15 moves or less either a result of brilliant chess tactics, an accumulation of mistakes or blunders. Through the study of the games in this volume, you will improve your opening play, opening repertoire, strategies and tactical ability. The chess opening variations in this volume are all the variations of the Sicilian Defense, such as: Scotch GameItalian Game & Evans GambitTwo KnightsRuy LopezThree & Four KnightsKing's GambitThe PetroffPhilidor & Minor DefensesVarious GambitsThere is plenty of instructive mistake and small masterpieces in this collection featuring many of the best players from the last 150 years.
- Bog
- 163,95 kr.
- Semi-Open Games: Winning in 15 Moves or Less: Chess Tactics, Brilliancies & Blunders in the Chess Opening
168,95 kr. WINNING FAST IS FUN! This book is a collection of games played by the best players in the world in which either White or Black wins in 15 moves or less either a result of brilliant chess tactics, an accumulation of mistakes or blunders. Through the study of the games in this volume, you will improve your opening play, opening repertoire, strategies, and tactical ability. The chess opening variations in this volume are all the variations of the Sicilian Defense, such as: The Pirc Modern DefensesThe King's FianchettoThe Alekhine DefenseThe Scandinavian DefenseOwen's Defense, Nimzowitsch Defense & the St.GeorgeThere is plenty of instructive mistake and small masterpieces in this collection featuring many of the best players from the last 150 years.
- Bog
- 168,95 kr.
- Anti-Sicilians: Winning in 15 Moves or Less: Chess Tactics, Brilliancies & Blunders in the Chess Opening
163,95 kr. WINNING FAST IS FUN! This book is a collection of games played by the best players in the world in which either White or Black wins in 15 moves or less either a result of brilliant chess tactics, an accumulation of mistakes or blunders. Through the study of the games in this volume, you will improve your opening play, opening repertoire, strategies, and tactical ability. The chess opening variations in this volume are all the variations of the Sicilian Defense, such as: Alapin Variation 2 c3 The Grand Prix Attack The Closed SiciliansThe Rossolimo (2...Nc6 3 Bb5) with 3...g6The Rossolimo Attack with other 3rd MovesMoscow Attack (2...d6 3 Bb5+) 2.Nf3 d6 Specialties2.Nf3 e6 SpecialtiesO'Kelly (2...a6), Ultra-Fianchetto (2...g6) and Nimzowitch (2...Nf6) Other SpecialtiesThere is plenty of instructive mistake and small masterpieces in this collection featuring many of the best players from the last 150 years.
- Bog
- 163,95 kr.
- Anti-Sicilians - Large Print Edition: Winning in 15 Moves or Less: Chess Tactics, Brilliancies & Blunders in the Chess Opening
183,95 kr. This is a LARGE PRINT edition.WINNING FAST IS FUN! This book is a collection of games played by the best players in the world in which either White or Black wins in 15 moves or less either a result of brilliant chess tactics, an accumulation of mistakes or blunders. Through the study of the games in this volume, you will improve your opening play, opening repertoire, strategies, and tactical ability. The chess opening variations in this volume are all the variations of the Sicilian Defense, such as: Alapin Variation 2 c3 The Grand Prix Attack The Closed SiciliansThe Rossolimo (2...Nc6 3 Bb5) with 3...g6The Rossolimo Attack with other 3rd MovesMoscow Attack (2...d6 3 Bb5+) 2.Nf3 d6 Specialties2.Nf3 e6 SpecialtiesO'Kelly (2...a6), Ultra-Fianchetto (2...g6) and Nimzowitch (2...Nf6) Other SpecialtiesThere is plenty of instructive mistake and small masterpieces in this collection featuring many of the best players from the last 150 years.
- Bog
- 183,95 kr.
263,95 kr. In the phase of the game, the endgame, strange things happen. Material advantages don't bring home the expected fruits, wins vanish, draws slip away, and frustrations build. Why is it that when things are supposed to be simpler, they become slippery and nearly impossible to handle with any kind of accuracy? And why do players such as Rubinstein, Capablanca, Andersson, Karpov, and Carlsen seem able to drum up resources out of nothing, make the lives of their opponents miserable, and win things that looked drawn and draw things that looked lost?Many factors are at play, but an accurate assessment of the remaining resources, both present and latent, allows these players to make better plans and maximize the potential for a positive outcome.In this book, experienced authors, IM Lakdawala and FM Hansen, look at this phenomenon and help the reader better "read" the positions to understand what measures are needed in a given position.Along with numerous practical examples, and endgame studies with practical application, there are also many exercises for the student to work through, either on their own or with a coach.
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- 263,95 kr.
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- 228,95 kr.
298,95 kr. - Bog
- 298,95 kr.
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- 258,95 kr.
218,95 kr. One of the best ways to improve your results in chess is to study tactics. In the present book, you will be challenged more than 200 times with positions taken from the author's popular Chess Life column. Each set of puzzles contain three easy puzzles, three medium puzzles, and three difficult puzzles. Working through the puzzles and then carefully playing through the annotated solutions will help you to improve your tactical radar as well as your calculation skills
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- 218,95 kr.
158,95 kr. Alle ønsker at vinde hurtigt, helst direkte ud af åbningen. Denne bog indeholder et udvalg af de mest interessante og smukke partier fra de foregående ni bind i denne serie.I hver af partierne vil du se topspillere vinde eller tabe i 15 eller færre træk enten som resultat af en brøler, en serie mindre fejl, eller fantastisk taktik.Ved at studere partierne i denne bog vil du forbedre dit åbningsspil, styrke dine taktiske færdigheder og gøre dig klar til at møde skaktaktiske udfordringer i dine egne partier.
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- 158,95 kr.
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- 278,95 kr.
333,95 kr. 50% Tactics - 50% Opening Book - 100% Enjoyment! Enter the world of chess miniatures where games are decided in 20 moves or less! Marvelous Modern Miniatures features the largest collection of miniatures chess games played in the last half-century. Over 500 pages of cut and thrust! Although every player is rated at least 2100, the overwhelming majority are strong masters or grandmasters. You will follow them as they do battle with tactical fireworks raging around them. The surprising depth of the annotations (each one of the 2,020 games has meaningful comments) turns this book into a virtual course on tactics. Looking for traps and pitfalls in your favorite openings? You'll probably find them here. Marvelous Modern Miniatures will improve your tactical skills and alertness and sharpen your opening play. As a bonus, the entire collection is immensely enjoyable!
- Bog
- 333,95 kr.
238,95 kr. - Bog
- 238,95 kr.
- Flankeabninger: Vind i 15 traek eller faerre: Taktik, smukke sejre og brolere i skakabningen
157,95 kr. - Bog
- 157,95 kr.
- Dutch, Benonis & d-pawn Specials - Large Print Edition: Winning in 15 Moves or Less: Chess Tactics, Brilliancies & Blunders in the Chess Opening
198,95 kr. - Bog
- 198,95 kr.
- Bog
- 233,95 kr.
- Indian Defenses - Large Print Edition: Winning in 15 Moves or Less: Chess Tactics, Brilliancies & Blunders in the Chess Opening
208,95 kr. - Bog
- 208,95 kr.
- Flank Openings - Large Print Edition: Winning in 15 Moves or Less: Chess Tactics, Brilliancies & Blunders in the Chess Opening
208,95 kr. - Bog
- 208,95 kr.
- Winning in 15 Moves or Less: Chess Tactics, Brilliancies & Blunders in the Chess Opening
128,95 kr. - Bog
- 128,95 kr.
- Improve your tactical radar to step up your game
288,95 kr. - Bog
- 288,95 kr.
- Bog
- 288,95 kr.
- Bog
- 258,95 kr.
- Comprehensive coverage of the long-established main line of the Nimzo
208,95 kr. - Bog
- 208,95 kr.
- Bog
- 258,95 kr.
- A Focused Approach To Studying Chess Openings
208,95 kr. - Bog
- 208,95 kr.