Bøger af Carla Kelly
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188,95 kr. Surgeon Jesse Randall serves with Marching Hospital Eight, of Wellington's army in Spain. He loves Elinore Mason, daughter of a ne'er-do-well officer. Can Jesse keep her safe from Major Bones, a terrible lecher?
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223,95 kr. THE KEEPER OF THE WESTERN DOOR by Carla KellyWhen Mary Blue Eye travels to Wyoming Territory with her friend to help her settle into her new married life at Fort Laramie, Mary is treated more like a servant than the friend she thought she was. Thankfully, she finds a new friend in Sergeant Blade, though Mary fears that her Seneca Indian heritage will keep a man like Blade from truly caring for her. Soon Mary is tasked with making fourteen calico dresses in two weeks, and Blade turns out to be the best ally she could ever ask for.A CONVENIENT ARRANGEMENT by Sarah M. EdenPatrick Quinn needs a wife. Hiring maids who leave within weeks to marry another fellow in a female-scarce Wyoming town hasn't been helpful. Quinn needs a woman who will stay. When he writes to a mail-order bride service, and four-foot-eleven Mirabelle Smith shows up, they agree to each attend to their own duties and tasks. Their marriage will be a convenient arrangement for them both. But sometimes the heart has other ideas.ISABELLA'S CALICO GROOM by Kristin HoltDr. Henry Merritt is desperate for dental patients, especially since Dr. Isabella Pattison arrived in the growing town of Evanston in the Wyoming Territory. It seems the female patients want a woman's touch, and the male patients are quite fond of a pretty dentist. But if Henry doesn't find a way to put Isabella out of business, his own practice will go under. When Isabella proposes that they team up together, and Henry gets to know her, he discovers the last thing he wants is for Isabella to leave.
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198,95 kr. Can true love survive the changing seasons?ELLEN FOUND by Carla KellySet in location of Old Faithful Inn, 1903-4. Working in a discouraging café, Ellen escapes an awful situation in rough and tumble Butte, Montana, and goes to work as second in command to a wary cook in the shell that will become Old Faithful Inn in Yellowstone Park. She meets Charles Penrose, head carpenter on the massive project of Old Faithful Inn, which is being finished in a harsh Wyoming winter. Will it really open June 1, 1904? Can Ellen start to trust the other workers? What will she learn about the other employees? And Charles. He's a widower with a young daughter there, too. Like Ellen, he wants more.THE WIDOW OF DAYBREAK by Christine SterlingDoris Whistler is learning how to survive in a town taken over by outlaws. When the leader of an infamous gang murders her husband, her choices are to tuck tail and run, or stand her ground and make Daybreak as promising as its name. It proves to be a difficult task with the good citizens in fear of the corrupt mayor and godlessness that abounds. What she doesn't expect is the support of a traveling lawman who believes in her and the tiny town she loves so much.MAY I KISS THE BRIDE? by Heather B. MooreViola Delany is not happy about being sent to the middle-of-nowhere, small town Wyoming. Yes, it will be good to let the gossips find something else to talk about other than her failed engagement. And yes, it will be nice to spend the summer with her Aunt Beth. But as Viola sits on the train heading for Wyoming, wondering how she'll ever occupy her time in such a small town, none other than a real life cowboy sits across the way. She can't help but take peeks at him, noting that the condition of his unpolished black boots and scuffed rawhide jacket seem to be authentic . . . All right, so he might be tall, dark-haired, and handsome if a woman doesn't mind green eyes and a dangerous-looking scar, but this man certainly has nothing to do with her. Besides she'll never see him again. What are the chances he's traveling to the same middle-of-nowhere small town?
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198,95 kr. The year is 1808. Davey Ten, a promising Gunwharf Rat, has finished a year of medical school at the renowned University of Edinburgh. It's been a tough year for Davey. Students and faculty alike have been informed of Davey's early workhouse years, his questionable parentage, and his lowly status. These bigots have condemned him by silence, which is killing his spirit. All Davey wants is to return to St. Brendan's. Master Able Six finds a solution. Why not send along another Gunwharf Rat to keep him company? Able's grandmama, a Scot of wealth and influence, arranges for the two Rats to stay at her Edinburgh house, maintained by Esther Teague, a spinster. Fellow Rat Avon March returns to Edinburgh with Davey. Adept at skulking, Avon will provide needed conversation, but also try to learn about the mysterious disappearance of a Royal Marine sergeant and Royal Navy warranted officer, from the hospital's famed Royal Infirmary.
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108,95 kr. Bestselling author Carla Kelly's Regency series The Channel Fleet continues, and the life-and-death stakes couldn't be higher for this dashing Naval hero!Return to her respectable life...Or take a scandalous path to marriage?
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183,95 kr. Three Regency Romance novellas by Josi S. Kilpack, Carla Kelly, and Jennifer Moore.SAINTS AND SINNERS by Josi S. Kilpack. When Neville Franklin's best friend Burke wants to wager who can kiss Eloise first, Neville puts a stop to it. Eloise has been his friend since childhood, and, well, she's off-limits. Especially to Burke. As Burke pursues Eloise and claims that she has a tendre for him, Neville becomes more and more protective of the girl he grew up with. On the night of the Christmas ball when Eloise appears in a dress that clearly shows that she is no longer a girl, but a beautiful woman, Neville realizes that his protective feelings toward Eloise have turned into something greater. But now, Neville's best friend stands in his way.THE CHRISTMAS ANGLE by Carla Kelly. Sailing Master Able Six is on half-pay with the British navy, biding his time during the uneasy Peace of Amiens and the resumption of war. Meanwhile, he's invited to teach young pupils at the home of a vicar outside of Plymouth. There, he unexpectedly meets Meridee, the spinster sister-in-law of the vicar. From the moment Able sees Meridee, he's entranced. When she asks him about his past and discovers his remarkable yet troublesome gift, he realizes he's finally found someone who can care for all of him. Sadly, Able's low station and half-pay gives him no way to provide for a wife. Meridee's lack of dowry and dependence on relatives makes their union impossible at best. But isn't Christmas a season of hope?THE PERFECT CHRISTMAS by Jennifer Moore. Archie Clawson wants nothing more than to give Jane the perfect Christmas. Since her troubled childhood, she's not experienced a Christmas with all the trimmings. To top off the perfection, he also plans to ask her to marry him on Christmas Eve. But as he and his friends, including Jane, travel to his country home, they are caught in a snowstorm and discover that notice of their arrival did not get through to the house staff. Worried over the disappointment he must be causing Jane and the complete shift in their planned Christmas, Archie fears that he's misinterpreted her kindness towards him and lost her favor forever.A Country Christmas is a Timeless Romance Anthology® bookOther books in the Timeless Regency Collections:AUTUMN MASQUERADEA MIDWINTER BALLSPRING IN HYDE PARKSUMMER HOUSE PARTYA SEASON IN LONDONA HOLIDAY IN BATHFALLING FOR A DUKEA NIGHT IN GROSVENOR SQUARE
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178,95 kr. Benedict Nesbitt, Duke of Knaresborough, becomes a reluctant Good Samaritan. He offers a ride to a Spanish woman and child trudging in the rain. She does him a good turn, and he feels obligated to return the favor.
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198,95 kr. Libby Ames must tend a London merchant who meets with an accident near her uncle's house. Nesbitt Duke is far more than that. In this classic Regency Romance, a duke goes courting in disguise. His rival? Only a bumbler.
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29,94 kr. De Røde Bånd Kaptajn Alexander Napier er såret i kamp og arret af livet. Når julen nærmer sig mindes han altid med vemod den lykkelige tid, som engang var. Mødet med den yndige Amalie Harlowe får ham dog til at se lidt lysere på tilværelsen. Og hvem ved – måske er hun personen, der kan tø isen omkring hans frosne hjerte?En Gave til Jul Jeremiah Faulk ved ikke, hvor han skal tilbringe julen, for ikke og tale om resten af livet ... Krigen er ovre, han er helt alene og mindet om hans tabte kærlighed, Ianthe Mears, trænger sig hele tiden på. Men en god gerning ændrer alt – han bliver genforenet med sit livs kærlighed – og pludselig vækkes håbet til live igen.Julens Glæder At han vil forelske sig, er det sidste viscount Sebastian Selwick forventer, da han ankommer til en stor herregård i forbindelse med oplæsningen af et testamente. Men tiltrækningen mellem ham og Sophia Pettibone er så stærk, at de stjålne kys under misteltenen bare må føre til en fortsættelse. Tør han tage chancen og fri til den livfulde miss Pettibone?
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29,94 kr. Efter at være stødt på grund på en Sydhavsø, har James Trevenen levet som alene som skibsbruden på øen gennem de sidste fem år. Nu er han atter hjemvendt til England, hvor han får en heltemodtagelse som en anden Robinson Crusoe, en sand gentleman, beslutsom og handlekraftig, blandt de finere kredse. Men kun James kender til den høje pris, han har måtte betale for sin overlevelse! Siden Susannah Park blev frosset ude af det bedre selskab, har hun ladet sig nøje med sit stille og forudsigelige liv. Lige til James dukker op i hendes tilværelse. Den smukke, unge enke fornemmer snart, at hun kan hjælpe med at læge de sår, fortiden har pådraget ham og gøre ham ’hel’ igen. Men hvad er det egentlig for hemmeligheder, denne stilige og fascinerende mand skjuler?
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- 29,94 kr.
29,94 kr. Det er ægteskab eller i fattighuset Sally Paul har ingen penge og bruger sine absolutte sidste ører på en kop te - og prøver samtidig at undgå fattighuset. Det sidste hun forventer, er et tilbud om ægteskab ... fra en komplet fremmed mand. Admiral Sir Charles Bright’s dage på havet er forbi - og i følge myndighederne, betyder det, at han må finde sig en kone. Han møder Sally, som har brug for et hjem, og han tilbyder en løsning ... de gifter sig i al hast, men vil de nyde deres bryllupsnat?
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123,95 kr. Join master romance writer Carla Kelly in this joyful celebration of the most wonderful time of the year. Set in regency England, these Christmas tales will take you from dangerous adventures on snowy roads to cozy little cottages filled with holiday mischief.
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113,95 kr. Struggling through college and balancing her summer job with the Wylie Camping Company, Carrie simply doesn't have time to consider romance. War Veteran Sergeant Ned Ramsey isn't looking for love either, busy with his own complicated affairs. But as the magic of Yellowstone starts making its way into their hearts, both begin to see love move up their priority list.
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103,95 kr. Douglas felt his face grow warm when Olive sat across from him. With no hesitation, she took his hand in hers.Don't worry, Mr. Bowden. How on earth could anyone go through a lifetime of war and not have a bad dream or two?' She released his hand and just looked at him, her face so pleasant. He couldn't think of a time he had seen such kindness, which made her nearly beautiful.When war-weary Surgeon Douglas Bowden, recently retired from the Royal Navy, decides to set up a country practice, he wants to be far away from the ocean. But upon seeing a seriously injured boy in Edgar, Douglas rushes to help and finds himself in a Scottish fishing village right next to the sea.There he meets Olive Grant, she of the Scottish fiery temperament who has long ago given up on romance and marriage. Promising to stay for only a few days until the boy is better, Douglas learns that Edgar has more problems than solutions. Little does he know that it's his heart that needs the most loving care, and that Edgar (and Olive) are the perfect remedy. The best healing doesn't always take place inside the doctor's office in this brand-new regency romance from master storyteller Carla Kelly.
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113,95 kr. Major Mischief... Miss Onyx Hamilton is on the verge of making what everyone agrees is a perfect marriage. The overwhelmingly respectable Andrew Littletree is so taken by her virtue and beauty that he's willing to overlook the scandal clouding her birth and her lack of family and funds.But then handsome, charming Major Jack Beresford comes galloping into Onyx's sheltered life. With his wealth and aristocratic blood, Onyx knows it's highly improbable that he would ever ask for her hand. Fortunately, the laws of probability have no effect on what Onyx is ready to give this supremely unsuitable gentleman. Her heart...New and longtime fans alike will relish this delightful regency romance from a true master of the art. Charming, sweet, and full of fun, it's simply impossible to stop reading.
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198,95 kr. Don't cry, Emma, he said. I'm not crying, she murmured, attempting to wipe away the tears. Thank goodness for that, he replied, keeping his tone light. 'Pon my word, Emma, I hope you are worth five thousand pounds. The infamous Lord Ragsdale is as rich as sin, as sinful as he is rich, and as heartless as he is handsome. But after he saves Emma from a life of indentured servitude and shame, Emma decides that it is her personal duty to save him from his wicked ways. Step one--stop his drinking, his gaming, and his wild revelry. Step two--make him break up with his mistress, the superbly sensual Fae Moullé, and transform him into a suitable suitor for the ideal wife that prim and proper Lady Clarissa Partridge would be. Step three--don't fall in love with him. Bestselling author Carla proves once again that love, transformation, and spontaneity are the best ingredients for an exquisite romance.
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103,95 kr. Beautiful and brilliant Miss Ellen Grimsley considers it a scandal that she---a female---cannot attend Oxford while her dunderhead brother can. That's why she dons his robes to do his work for him. But when a handsome lord learns Ellen's secret, he decides to teach her a lesson of his own. This delightful period romance will earn top marks from readers everywhere!
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283,95 kr. At the end of the 18th Century, during the decline of the Spanish Empire in the New World, a brand inspector saves a lovely orphan from her cruel relatives and sets out to solve the mystery of her lost inheritance.
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168,95 kr. The Seven Year Audit of 1784 brings new visitors to the Double Cross, a downtrodden accountant and his daughter, Catalina, who captivates the household with her storytelling. When Paloma and Catalina are kidnapped Marco is frantic.
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