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Bøger af Brian Proctor

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  • af Brian Proctor
    177,95 kr.

    What are you waiting for?>You can achieve great success in life, in your career, and in your relationships by taking care of the little things--to reach that big milestone. In this book you will learn: THE SIMPLE WAY TO ACHIEVE BIG GOALS HOW SMALL STEPS CAN MAKE A DRAMATIC IMPACT IN YOUR LIFEWAYS TO LIVE WITH ABUNDANCE, NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE A MORNING ROUTINE THAT SETS YOU UP FOR SUCCESS HOW TO EASILY BECOME AN AUTHORITY IN YOUR FIELDAN EASY TECHNIQUE TO GET PEOPLE TO LIKE YOU WHY YOU NEED TO DO WHAT BRINGS YOU JOY THE MAGIC WORD THAT IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS ...AND MUCH, MUCH MORE.Brian Proctor, best-selling author and coach, will help you step out of your comfort zone and embrace the life you've always dreamed of by providing easy-to-understand concepts that you can use right now to make your life better, richer, and more joyful.

  • af Brian Proctor
    88,95 kr.

    This book is designed to give the aspiring colorist that wants to break int the comic book field the images to needed for color practice using Photoshop or whatever other medium they wish to use.

  • af Brian Proctor
    143,95 kr.

    All Girl Action Pose Reference Book is a drawing reference/drawing book for the comic book artist that have trouble with drawing the female body especially in action positions.

  • af Brian Proctor
    108,95 kr.

    This book is a pose reference drawing book, showing the anatomy in various action poses. designed for the comic book artist, or anyone wishing to better their skills in anatomy drawing.

  • af Brian Proctor
    313,95 kr.

    Action Pose Position 360, the pose reference book for the comic book artist, this book contains not only a large number of action pose for you to reference from, but is also takes those same poses and shows them around from different angles, giving you a greater choice of of positions and a greater understanding of what the body looks like when rotated. This books also comes with the finished drawings from my YouTube channels, Action Pose Position of The Week series, where I teach you how to draw. So not only can you use those positions in your drawings, but also visit my channel and learn to draw these positions step by step, giving you the best of both worlds in one book.

  • af Brian Proctor
    348,95 kr.

    I 2006, i en alder af 72, steg Bob Proctor og hans træningsprogrammer ud på verdensscenen med filmfænomenet The Secret. (Hemmeligheden) Det, der fulgte, omfattede flere optrædener på Larry King Live, The Ellen DeGeneres Show og Nightline. Bobs verden var for altid forandret, men han var klar. Faktisk havde han Forudset det. Længe før sin film- og tv-debut, levede og underviste Bob Proctor i principperne for succes. Han var en pioner på dette område, årtier før det blev alment kendt, og havde en sund besættelse med at dele sine opdagelser med hele verden i over 60 år. Bob Proctor er blevet fejret som en af verdens største lærere i velstand og er efterlignet af mange af de bedste ledere indenfor personlig udvikling. Han banede vejen i begyndelsen i 1961 da Ray Stanford gav ham et eksemplar af bogen Think And Grow Rich (Tænk & Bliv Rig). Han fortsatte med fuldstændigt at lave sit liv om, og vigtigst af alt, dedikerede han sit liv til at hjælpe mennesker rundt om i verden, fra alle mulige baggrunde, til at indse deres sande ubegrænsede potentiale.Selv nu, efter at hans død i februar 2022, er Bob Proctor fortsat katalysatoren, som inspirerer utallige drømme til at gå i opfyldelse og udløser legemliggørelsen af ægte frihed for mænd, kvinder og børn over hele verden. Der er ingen i verden som Bob Proctor. Som den søn, der arbejdede ved sin fars side, blev Brian Proctor ofte spurgt om, hvordan det var at vokse op som Bob Proctors søn. I denne bog svarer Brian på det spørgsmål ved at dele historier, lektioner og dybt personlige erfaringer, i en en letlæselig samtale, som giver dig et indblik i Bob Proctors private verden.I denne bog vil du finde mange fordele, når du lærer fra bag kulissernes visdom og styrke. . Du vil lære det på en – trin – for - trin måde:• Hvordan du begynder dagen i dag med små skridt, som vil have stor indvirkning på resten af dit liv. • Instruktioner til at fjerne de mentale blokeringer, der holder dig tilbage. • Instruktioner at efterligne, som træner dit sind til at komme ud over fortidens sår og helbrede dig selv. • Gennembrud, hvorfor det, bare at ønske sig noget, ikke er godt nok. • Klarhed, der afslører, hvorfor overflod er din fødsels ret. • …og rigtig meget mere.

  • af Brian Proctor
    178,95 kr.

    In 2006, at the age of 72, Bob Proctor and his trainings rocketed onto the world stage with the movie phenomenon The Secret. What followed included multiple appearances on Larry King Live, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, and Nightline. Bob's world was forever changed, and he was ready. In fact, he'd been expecting it. Long before his movie and TV debut, Bob Proctor lived and taught the principles of success. Bob Proctor has been celebrated as The World's Greatest Prosperity Teacher and emulated by many of the top personal development leaders. He blazed the trail beginning in 1961 when Ray Stanford handed him a copy of the book, Think And Grow Rich. He went on to completely turn his life around, and most importantly to him, he dedicated his life to helping people around the world from every possible background realize their truly unlimited potential. Even now, after passing away in February 2022, Bob Proctor remains the catalyst that inspires countless dreams to come true and unleashes the embodiment of true freedom for men, women and children worldwide. There is no one in the world like Bob Proctor. As the son that worked by his Dad's side, Brian Proctor was often asked what it was like to grow up as Bob Proctor's son. In My Father Knew the Secret, Brian answers that question by sharing stories, lessons, and deeply personal experiences, in an easy-to-read conversation that lets you into the private world of Bob Proctor. You will find within these pages many benefits as you learn from behind-the-scenes wisdom and strength. You will learn in a step-by-step fashion: ¿ How to begin today with small steps that will impact your life. ¿ Instructions to clear away the mental blocks that are holding you back. ¿ Stories to model that train your mind to get beyond past hurt and heal yourself. ¿ Breakthroughs about why simply wishing for something is not good enough. ¿ Clarity that reveals why abundance is your birthright. ¿ ...and so much more. You may have, up until now, associated success solely to living in harmony with The Law of Attraction. However, this book will show you that there is so much more to the story of life's success - and you will be empowered to implement your expanded awareness immediately for transformational results and a joyful life.