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Bøger af Bhawna Arora

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  • af Bhawna Arora
    768,95 kr.

    As estratégias de gestão comportamental para pacientes pediátricos evoluíram muito ao longo das últimas 2 décadas, tendo as técnicas adversas como o exercício bucal de mão sobre mão e a restrição das vias respiratórias perdido uma popularidade considerável.1 À luz desta tendência, a sedação consciente é uma dimensão vital da odontologia pediátrica para as crianças que não cooperam para o tratamento num ambiente convencional. Inquéritos realizados a dentistas pediátricos em meados e finais dos anos 80 revelaram que 70 a 76% dos inquiridos utilizavam a sedação consciente. Um inquérito recente da Associação Americana de Médicos Dentistas Pediátricos descobriu um aumento do uso de sedação pelos dentistas pediátricos em 2000.4 A popularidade da sedação consciente entre os dentistas pediátricos é sublinhada pelos meios seguros e eficazes através dos quais os medicamentos sedativos podem ser utilizados quando os profissionais seguem as Directrizes para o Uso Eletivo da Sedação Consciente, Sedação Profunda e Anestesia Geral em Odontopediatria.

  • af Bhawna Arora
    768,95 kr.

    Die Strategien zum Verhaltensmanagement von Kinderzahnpatienten haben sich in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten stark weiterentwickelt, wobei ungünstige Techniken wie die Hand-über-Mund-Übung und die Hand-über-Mund-Behandlung mit Atemwegsbeschränkung erheblich an Beliebtheit verloren haben.1 Angesichts dieses Trends ist die Sedierung bei Bewusstsein ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Kinderzahnheilkunde für Kinder, die bei einer Behandlung in einem konventionellen Rahmen nicht kooperieren. Erhebungen unter Kinderzahnärzten Mitte bis Ende der 1980er Jahre ergaben, dass 70 bis 76 % der Befragten eine bewusste Sedierung einsetzten. Eine kürzlich durchgeführte Umfrage unter den Mitgliedern der American Association of Pediatric Dentistry ergab, dass Kinderzahnärzte im Jahr 2000 vermehrt auf Sedierung zurückgriffen.4 Die Beliebtheit der bewussten Sedierung bei Kinderzahnärzten wird durch die sicheren und wirksamen Mittel unterstrichen, mit denen sedierende Medikamente eingesetzt werden können, wenn sich die Behandler an die Leitlinien für den wahlweisen Einsatz von bewusster Sedierung, tiefer Sedierung und Allgemeinanästhesie in der Kinderzahnheilkunde halten.

  • af Bhawna Arora
    348,95 kr.

    Za poslednie dwa desqtiletiq strategii uprawleniq powedeniem detskih stomatologicheskih pacientow preterpeli znachitel'nye izmeneniq, a takie neblagopriqtnye metody, kak uprazhnenie "ruka nad rtom" i "ruka nad rtom" s ogranicheniem dyhatel'nyh putej, poterqli znachitel'nuü populqrnost'.1 V swete ätoj tendencii soznatel'naq sedaciq qwlqetsq zhiznenno wazhnym aspektom detskoj stomatologii dlq teh detej, kotorye ne mogut sotrudnichat' pri lechenii w obychnyh uslowiqh. Oprosy detskih stomatologow w seredine i konce 1980-h godow pokazali, chto ot 70 do 76% respondentow ispol'zowali soznatel'nuü sedaciü. Nedawnij opros chlenow Amerikanskoj associacii detskih stomatologow pokazal, chto w 2000 godu detskie stomatologi stali chasche ispol'zowat' sedaciü.4 Populqrnost' soznatel'noj sedacii sredi detskih stomatologow podcherkiwaetsq bezopasnym i äffektiwnym sposobom primeneniq sedatiwnyh preparatow, esli wrachi sleduüt Rukowodstwu po wyborochnomu ispol'zowaniü soznatel'noj sedacii, glubokoj sedacii i obschej anestezii w detskoj stomatologii.

  • af Bhawna Arora
    339,95 kr.

  • af Bhawna Arora
    339,95 kr.

    Cephalometric radiography is a standardized method of production of skull radiographs to make measurements of the cranium and the orofacial complex. In this technique the patients head is precisely oriented with the help of a head positioning device so that the control magnification is possible. As the head position is reproducible valid comparisons can be made between external and internal dimensions in the same population group or the same individual can be measured at two points in time.

  • af Bhawna Arora
    455,95 kr.

    Behavior management strategies for pediatric dental patients have evolved greatly over the past 2 decades, with adverse techniques such as hand-over mouth exercise and hand-over-mouth with airway restriction having lost considerable popularity.1 In light of this trend, conscious sedation is a vital dimension of pediatric dentistry for those children who fail to cooperate for treatment in a conventional setting. Surveys of pediatric dentists in the mid to late 1980s found that 70 to 76% of respondents used conscious sedation. A recent survey of the American Association of Pediatric Dentistry members found an increased use of sedation by pediatric dentists in 2000.4 The popularity of conscious sedation among pediatric dentists is underscored by the safe and effective means by which sedative drugs can be used when practitioners follow the Guidelines for the Elective Use of Conscious Sedation, Deep Sedation, and General Anesthesia in Pediatric Dentistry.1

  • af Bhawna Arora, Poonam Kamboj & Tejbir Singh
    568,95 kr.

  • af Bhawna Arora
    339,95 kr.

    Wound healing to a limited extent is guided by the nature, but utmost care is required for an uncomplicated healing. Healing of the major surgical wounds are of prime as are the large traumatic wounds. As infections of these types of wounds would eventually result in bacteremia and toxearmia with associated secondary complications would culminate in death of the patient. Hence wound care, whether a minor or a major becomes the prime important factor in monitoring the wound healing.

  • af Bhawna Arora, Vineet Inder Singh Khinda & Mridul Mahajan
    825,95 kr.