Bøger af Benedikte Brincker
378,95 kr. Usikker Modernitet undersøger udviklingen i danskernes værdier over fire årtier og indfanger de historiske forandringer, som er foregået siden 1981. Danmark omtales ofte som et samfund kendetegnet af lykke, tillid og tolerance, hvor hverken religion eller social klasse for alvor deler befolkningen op, og hvor ligestilling, miljøbevidsthed og ikke-autoritær opdragelse er værdier, der samler de fleste.Det billede kan man imidlertid ikke tage for givet, da mange af disse værdier er forholdsvis nye, og nogle af dem endda kun findes hos en mindre del af befolkningen. I 2017 var der mange danskere, der var mindre lykkelige og mindre tillidsfulde, end de var blot et årti tidligere.Usikker Modernitet undersøger alt fra danskernes nationale stolthed, bekymring for indvandring, politiske deltagelse, politiske værdier, holdninger til overvågning og miljøbeskyttelse, frivilligt arbejde, religion, medborgermoral, ligestilling, opdragelse og oplevelse af ulykkelighed og analyserer udviklinger og tilbageslag i et sociologisk perspektiv.Bogen præsenterer resultaterne fra Den danske værdiundersøgelse. Undersøgelsen er en del af et europæisk projekt og foretaget siden 1981 og senest i 2017. Ved hver undersøgelse er der et stort antal spørgsmål, der er identiske, og derfor kan man – helt enestående – sammenligne over tid.Bogen er redigeret af lektor i sociologi på Aalborg UniversitetMorten Frederiksen.
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- 378,95 kr.
341,95 kr. Bogen analyserer vores samfund ramt af epidemien og ser COVID-19 som en forandrende begivenhed og et historisk brud. Bogen sporer de dybereliggende brud og de myriader af tanker og relationer, som COVID-19 har ført med sig og reflekterer over tilstedeværelsen af epidemien i en historisk kontekst.I bogens analyser aner vi nye former for magt og betragtninger om bl.a. krop, køn, by, klima og klasse. I Det epidemiske samfund opfattes samfundet som en tilstand af refleksivitet, hvis forandringspotentialer er igangsat af tilstedeværelsen af virus. Bogens bidrag er skrevet af førende danske forskere og vækker til eftertanke.Bogen er redigeret af Ole B. Jensen, professor på Institut for Arkitektur og Medieteknologi, Aalborg Universitet, og Nikolaj Schultz, ph.d.-stipendiat i sociologi på Københavns Universitet. Begge kendte for deres engagement i at åbne nye mulige tankerum.
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- 341,95 kr.
395,95 kr. Political sociology is fundamentally interdisciplinary, combining theories and empirical insights from disciplines such as sociology, political science, political economy and media studies. This book provides a state-of-the-art introduction to the broad field of political sociology, from the historical formation of states and the institutions of welfare states to sociological theories of voting behaviour and other everyday political activities. It avoids advocating any particular discipline or theoretical perspective, instead inviting students to engage and take part in debates that are central to political sociology and important to society at large.Introduction to Political Sociology is edited by Benedikte Brincker, associate professor at Copenhagen Business School, with contributions from key scholars in political sociology.
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- 395,95 kr.
- Nation-Building in Denmark and Scandinavia, 1800–1930
248,95 kr. Cultural differences are often the trigger for conflict – whether politically motivated or arising from dissonant understandings of national culture. But what we regard as distinctive today in our cultural heritage or day-to-day cultural experience is deeply rooted in the rich diversity of the national currents of the nineteenth century. Culture and Conflict: Nation-Building in Denmark and Scandinavia, 1800–1930 explores the many strands of Danish and Scandinavian culture that helped to shape these cultural identities.The sixteen contributions in this volume analyse how competing national agendas influenced the development of political life as well as literature, the visual arts, and music. A central theme is the cultural conflicts that formed an essential part of nineteenth-century nation-building. Culturally as well as politically, boundaries were drawn up, ideologies were formulated and discussed, and determined attempts were made to suppress divergent cultural voices in the drive to forge strong national or Scandinavian narratives. The results of these conflicts were the enduring cultural struggles that form the subject of this volume.The contributions at hand, by scholars from Denmark, Britain, Norway, the United States, and Germany, bring a broad and interdisciplinary perspective to bear on these distinctively Nordic themes. Aimed both at students and at established scholars, the chapters discuss the many facets of nationalism, its cultures, and its countercultures, as well as revisiting the historiography of the 1800–1930 period with a more pluralistic approach.
- E-bog
- 248,95 kr.
294,95 kr. The public sphere is normally considered to be a forum for democratic deliberation. It can serve many other uses, however, such as an arena for strategic communication, a space for identity formation or a ‘showcase’ for celebrities. By bringing together researchers from political science, public administration, sociology and media studies, New Publics with/out Democracy presents a comprehensive perspective on the transformation of the public sphere in the emerging network society.The book presents a series of theoretical and empirical contributions concerning current changes in political communication, participation, identity and the role of the media and journalists.Within a common framework of analysis, the individual chapters in the book cover a wide range of issues concerning the way political institutions, citizens, NGOs, firms and not least the media and journalists engage the public sphere, such as post-ideological politics, governance by performance and evaluation, transnationalisation, branding, Internet use and journalistic praxis.Although the book clearly suggests that the public sphere is an increasingly important medium of politically active and informed agents, it also insists that is proceeds far beyond the democratic publics of parliament and citizens in modern society.
- E-bog
- 294,95 kr.