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Bøger af Ben Elton

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  • af Ben Elton
    138,95 kr.

    I 1920 bliver to drenge født samme dag i Berlin. Den ene er jøde, den anden er adopteret og arier. De er brødre. I begyndelsen har deres oprindelse ingen betydning, men efterhånden som det politiske landskab ændrer sig, bliver de tvunget til at træffe beslutninger, som får forfærdelige konsekvenser. Med udviklingen i Nazityskland som bagtæppe fortælles brødrenes historie. Bogen begynder i 1956, hvor den ene, overlevende bror forhøres af den engelske efterretningstjeneste og genoplever sin barndom, opvæksten i Hitlers Tyskland, forholdet til sin bror og ikke mindst deres kærlighed til den samme kvinde. Fortællinen om de to brødre er fiktion, men alle væsentlige begivenheder i Hitler og naziregimets vej mod magten er faktuelt og korrekt beskrevet. Forfatteren Ben Elton står bag kult tv-serier som Blackadder og The Young Ones. Two Brothers er hans 14. roman. Hans prisbelønnede krimi Popcorn fra 1996 er den eneste af hans bøger, der er udkommet på dansk (L&R). Ben Eltons far er født i Tübingen i Sydtyskland i 1923. I 1929 flyttede farens jødiske familie til Prag, og i februar 1939 til England for at undgå nazismens trusler. Faren er født Ludwig Ehrenberg og ændrede navn til Lewis Elton under 2. verdenskrig. Moren Mary er ikke jøde. Ben Elton er født 3. maj 1959 og er gift med en ikke-jøde. Han bor i Australien.

  • af Ben Elton
    158,95 - 238,95 kr.

    I 1920 bliver to drenge født samme dag i Berlin. Den ene er jøde, den anden er adopteret og arier. De er brødre. I begyndelsen har deres oprindelse ingen betydning, men efterhånden som det politiske landskab ændrer sig, bliver de tvunget til at træffe beslutninger, som får forfærdelige konsekvenser. Med udviklingen i Nazityskland som bagtæppe fortælles brødrenes historie. Bogen begynder i 1956, hvor den ene, overlevende bror forhøres af den engelske efterretningstjeneste og genoplever sin barndom, opvæksten i Hitlers Tyskland, forholdet til sin bror og ikke mindst deres kærlighed til den samme kvinde.Fortællinen om de to brødre er fiktion, men alle væsentlige begivenheder i Hitler og naziregimets vej mod magten er faktuelt og korrekt beskrevet. Forfatteren Ben Elton står bag kult tv-serier som Blackadder og The Young Ones. Two Brothers er hans 14. roman. Hans prisbelønnede krimi Popcorn fra 1996 er den eneste af hans bøger, der er udkommet på dansk (L&R). Ben Eltons far er født i Tübingen i Sydtyskland i 1923. I 1929 flyttede farens jødiske familie til Prag, og i februar 1939 til England for at undgå nazismens trusler. Faren er født Ludwig Ehrenberg og ændrede navn til Lewis Elton under 2. verdenskrig. Moren Mary er ikke jøde. Ben Elton er født 3. maj 1959 og er gift med en ikke-jøde. Han bor i Australien.

  • af Ben Elton
    98,95 - 118,95 kr.

    Lost in a blizzard of hashtags, his already complex investigation is further impeded by the fact that he simply doesn't `get' a single thing about anything anymore. Get ready for a roller-coaster thriller, where nothing - and no one - is off limits.

  • af Ben Elton
    153,95 kr.

    Berlin 1920Two babies are born. Two brothers. And the brothers are faced with an unimaginable choice....Which one of them will survive?Ben Elton's most personal novel to date,Two Brothers transports the reader to the time of history's darkest hour.

  • af Ben Elton
    118,95 kr.

    For amiable City trader Jimmy Corby money was the new Rock n' Roll. If he hadn't met Monica he would probably have ended up either dead or in rehab. But Jimmy was as lucky in love as he was at betting on dodgy derivatives, so instead of burning out, his star just burned brighter than ever.

  • af Ben Elton
    128,95 kr.

    Flanders, June 1917: a British officer and celebrated poet, is shot dead, killed not by German fire, but while recuperating from shell shock well behind the lines.

  • af Ben Elton
    128,95 kr.

    HIGH SOCIETY is a story or rather a collection of interconnected stories that takes the reader on a hilarious, heart breaking and terrifying journey through the kaleidoscope world that the law has created and from which the law offers no protection.

  • af Ben Elton
    154,95 - 215,95 kr.

  • af Ben Elton
    188,95 kr.

  • af Ben Elton
    228,95 kr.

    "This does indeed deserve comparisons with Blackadder" Radio Times"A knockabout, well-researched take on the working and domestic life of Shakespeare."

  • - Gasping; Silly Cow; Popcorn
    af Ben Elton
    293,95 kr.

    This collection of Ben Elton plays includes three works: "Gasping" is a satire on yuppiedom, advertising and corporate greed; "Silly Cow" is a satire on the modern world; and "Popcorn" adopts the sick humour, violence and sexiness of the Stone-Tarantino school of film-making.

  • af Ben Elton
    163,95 kr.

    Doris Wallace, bitchy queen of the tabloid press, is on the verge of a glorious venture in TV. She's not going to let anything get in her way, not even the "silly cow" suing her for libel. Any skeletons she may have in her cupboard are, like her bondage gear, firmly locked up - or so she thinks.

  • af Ben Elton
    163,95 kr.

    Set in the Beverly Hills home of Oscar winning movie director Bruce Delamitri, Popcorn is a satirical comedy thriller with the firepower of a hit squad. When notorious killers Wayne and Scout interrupt Bruce's passionate introduction to Brooke Daniels, a nude model and actress, they want more than an autograph from their cinematic idol. Wayne intends to use Bruce's "art" as justification for murder. Events are disrupted by the arrival of Bruce's soon to be ex wife and spoiled teenage daughter and his producer. However, Wayne means to succeed whatever the cost.5 women, 4 men

  • af Ben Elton
    128,95 kr.

    It's the 1st of June 1914 and Hugh Stanton, ex-soldier and celebrated adventurer is quite literally the loneliest man on earth. A war that will begin with a single bullet. But can a single bullet truly corrupt an entire century? And, if so, could another single bullet save it?

  • af Ben Elton
    153,95 kr.

    Chart Throb is the ultimate pop quest. There are ninety five thousand hopefuls, three judges, just one winner. And that's Calvin Simms, the genius behind the show. Calvin always wins because Calvin writes the rules. But this year, as he sits smugly in judgement upon the mingers, clingers and blingers, he has no idea that the rules are changing.

  • af Ben Elton
    153,95 kr.

    Imagine a world where everyone knows everything about everybody. And even tiny defiances won't go unnoticed. Ben Elton's dark, savagely comic novel imagines a post-apocalyptic society where religious intolerance combines with a sex-obsessed, utterly egocentric culture.

  • af Ben Elton
    153,95 kr.

    As his old class begins to reassemble in cyberspace, the years slip away and old feuds and passions burn hot once more. Meanwhile, back in the present, Newson's life is no less complicated.

  • - The Whole Damn Dynasty
    af Ben Elton
    253,95 kr.

    Many years ago, Edmund Blackadder made his first appearance on our screens. Comedy has never been the same since. This edition features the complete scripts of Blackadder's adventures and, mostly, misadventures. It includes: "Blackadder", "Blackadder II", "Blackadder the Third" and "Blackadder Goes Forth".

  • af Ben Elton
    153,95 kr.

    It's two fifteen a.m., you're in bed alone and you're woken by the phone. Your eyes are wide and your body tense before it has completed so much as a single ring. And as you wake, in the tiny moment between sleep and consciousness, you know already that something is wrong. Only someone bad would call at such an hour.

  • - Satirical Thriller
    af Ben Elton
    133,95 kr.

    Stark is a secret consortium with more money than God, and the social conscience of a dog on a croquet lawn. But EcoAction isn't in society: it just lives in the same place, along with the cockroaches. If you're facing the richest and most disgusting scheme in history, you have to do more than stick up two fingers and say 'peace'.

  • af Ben Elton
    153,95 kr.

    Killed in the name of oil and steel. How did the ultimate freedom machine end up paralysing us all? How did we end up driving to our own funeral, in somebody else's gravy train?Deborah and Geoffrey know, but they have transport problems of their own, and anyway, whoever it was that murdered the city can just as easily murder them.

  • af Ben Elton
    133,95 kr.

    One house, 10 contestants, 30 cameras. Another group of people submit themselves to the exposure of the televised real-life soap opera. But this time it's different. Who is the murderer? How did they manage to kill under the constant gaze of 30 cameras? How did they do it? And who will be next?

  • af Ben Elton
    143,95 kr.

    And given that the average IVF cycle has about a one in five chance of going into full production, Lucy's chances of getting what she wants are considerably better than Sam's. What Sam and Lucy are about to go through is absolutely inconceivable.

  • af Ben Elton
    133,95 kr.

    Bruce shoots movies. Wayne and Scout shoot to kill. In a single night they find out the hard way what's real and what's not, who's the hero and who's the villain. The USA watches slack-jawed as Bruce and Wayne together resolve some serious questions. Does Bruce use erection cream? Does art imitate life or does life simply imitate bad art?

  • af Ben Elton
    133,95 kr.

    SEMI DETACHED. If the end of the world is nigh, then surely it's only sensible to make alternative arrangements. All he cares is that his movie gets made and that there's somebody left to see it. In marketing terms the end of the world will be very big.

  • af Ben Elton
    158,95 - 238,95 kr.

    Den berømte eventyrer og tidligere elitesoldat Hugh ’Guts’ Stanton rejser tilbage i tiden til 1914. Hans mission er at forhindre mordet på ærkehertug Franz Ferdinand – det mord, der startede verdens hidtil værste krig. Men kan et enkelt mord virkelig ødelægge et helt århundrede?Og hvis det er tilfældet, kan et andet mord så forhindre det?Og hvad er konsekvenserne af at ændre historiens gang?Hvis du havde én mulighed for at ændre verdenshistorien …Hvor ville du tage hen?Hvad ville du gøre?Hvem ville du slå ihjel?