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Bøger af Bear Grylls

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  • af Bear Grylls
    92,95 kr.

    "Tilbage til Sibirien. Jeg husker en aften, hvor fotografen Simon Reay og jeg lå i vores soveposer på tynde luftmadrasser direkte oven på sneen under et træ. Ingen af os kunne sove, og en gang i timen prikkede han til mig og viste mig temperaturmåleren i hans kamera, så jeg kunne se, hvordan det hele tiden blev koldere.’Jeg ved, det er koldt, Si. Snottet i min næse er frosset, og det gør ondt blot at trække vejret.’"Eventyrer Bear Grylls fortæller om nogle af sine farligste, mærkeligste og mest spændende oplevelser i vildmarken. Vi er med, da han tager USA’s præsident Obama og en hel flok livvagter med ud i vildmarken som en del af et tv-program, da han må drikke sit eget tis for at ikke at dø af tørst, og om hvordan han har overlevet i 42 graders kulde i det nådesløse Sibirien. Bear Grylls fortæller også om hverdagsudfordringer som angst og mindreværdsfølelse, som kan være lige så svære at tackle som vilde dyr og bjergbestigning.Edward Michael "Bear" Grylls (f. 1974) er en britisk eventyrer, forfatter og tv-vært. Bear Grylls er kendt for sine mange overlevelsesture og blev som 23-årig den yngste englænder til at bestige Mount Everest. Efterfølgende har Bear Grylls krydset Nordatlanterhavet i en gummibåd, og i 2008 besteg han nogle af Antarktis’ uudforskede bjerge for at samle penge ind til velgørenhed og for at promovere alternativ energi. Bear Grylls har skrevet en række bøger om overlevelse og står bag populære tv-programmer om, hvordan man overlever i det fri.

  • - Forfatter til bestselleren Mod, sved & tårer
    af Bear Grylls
    159,45 kr.

    I sin nye selvbiografi Never give up fortæller den tidligere SAS-soldat, adventure-eksperten, spejdernes øverste chef og tv-værten Bear Grylls om sit ekstraordinære liv og karriere, siden han tonede frem første gang på tv.Bogen giver et indblik i en række bemærkelsesværdige eventyr og personlige historier fra Bear Grylls’ vanskeligste ekspeditioner. Samtidig reflekterer Grylls over og fortæller ærligt om virkeligheden bag nogle af de mest nervepirrende overlevelsesmissioner.I den længe ventede opfølger til bestselleren Mod, sved & tårer tager Bear Grylls læserne med ind bag scenerne i Man vs. Wild; den tv-serie, som for alvor satte gang i hele adventure-branchen.Han giver også et unikt og ærligt indblik i, hvordan det er at tage ud i vildmarken sammen med præsident Obama, Roger Federer og Julia Roberts, blot for at nævne nogle få af de globale superstjerner, der har har været gæster i Running Wild.Undervejs deler Bear Grylls sine personlige udfordringer med fx angst og mindreværd, finder frem til de sande værdier i adventure og hylder den styrke, der er i bløde værdier som mod og venlighed – og i aldrig at give op.”Der er så mange positive budskaber indeholdt i Bears’ mange utrolige eventyr.” Roger Federer”Bear Grylls er en inspirerende leder for folk i alle aldre. Hans passion for adventure er virkelig smittende.” Gareth Southgate”Hvor dyb passion og store eventyr mødes, venter Bear Grylls med åbne arme (og måske lidt gedehjerne man kan snacke på).” Julia Roberts

  • af Bear Grylls
    99,45 kr.

    MISSION: SurvivalLOCATION: The Indonesian jungleDANGERS: Lava flows; fearsome tigers; orang-utansYoung survival expert Beck Granger is supposed to be enjoying a holiday. But when a volcano erupts he is stranded and must flee from red-hot lava and molten rocks crashing out of the sky.If he is to stay alive, he must make his way acrossthe jungle to safety travelling right through the heart of tiger territory . . .The fourth book in an explosive adventure series from real-life survival expert BEAR GRYLLS.

  • af Bear Grylls
    99,45 kr.

    When teen adventurer Beck Granger finds himself stranded on a Himalayan mountainside, he has to draw on all his strength and skill to survive. After death-defying climbing and sheltering in some of the hardest terrain on earth, Beck also has to somehow make it through bear attacks and flash floods. But the biggest challenge of all is still ahead Can Beck finally learn the truth about his parents deaths and bring their killers to justice?

  • af Bear Grylls
    84,45 kr.

    Young adventurer Beck Granger is invited to South Africa by an old friend of his parents' to help out on a project to prevent rhino poaching. But when he arrives all is not as it seems, and Beck is caught up in something more dangerous than anything he's ever survived before . . .Not only are there the poachers to contend with, but somebody seems desperate to track Beck down - whatever the cost. And then there are the hundreds of wild animals . . .

  • af Bear Grylls
    99,45 kr.

    A gripping adventure story from Bear Grylls, packed with real survival details and dangers at every turn!When Beck Granger is ship-wrecked in the open seas, he needs all of his survival skills to save a small group of passengers.But the sinking was no accident. In order to stay alive, he ll have to work out who wants him dead, and why.That is, if the sharks don t get him first . . .

  • af Bear Grylls
    84,45 kr.

    A gripping Australian adventure story from Bear Grylls, packed with real survival details and dangers at every turn!When Beck Granger follows a mysterious clue to the town of Broome in Northern Australia, it is just the beginning of an adventure that will force him into some of his toughest survival challenges yet!The search for clues takes Beck into the heart of the Outback, where he must battle raging storms, ravenous crocodiles, cunning villains and a secret that may link back to the death of his parents many years ago . . .

  • af Bear Grylls
    99,45 kr.

    Mission: SurvivalLocation : The Sahara DesertDangers : Diamond smugglers; heatstroke; scorpionsAfter being forced to parachute out of a smugglers plane, teenage adventurer Beck Granger is about to face his toughest survival challenge yet the Sahara Desert. Blistering sun, shifting sand dunes, and no water for hundreds of miles . . .Can he survive the heat and make it out alive?

  • af Bear Grylls
    109,45 kr.

    MISSION: SURVIVALLOCATION: The Alaskan mountainsDANGERS: Blizzards; grizzly bears; white-water rapidsA fatal plane crash. A frozen wilderness. The world s youngest survival expert is in trouble again . . . Beck Granger must find help across the mountains but even if he survives the deadly cold, can he escape the hungry wolf that is on his trail?The second book in an explosive adventure series from real-life survival expert BEAR GRYLLS

  • af Bear Grylls
    109,45 kr.

    En overlevelsesguide til livet – Hvordan du opnår dine mål, trives i modgang og vokser som person er fuld af historier fra Bear Grylls mange ekspeditioner og uddannelse til SAS-soldat. Historier der er spændende, følelsesfulde og afslørende. Ved at vise læseren, hvordan han har håndteret modstand, livsfare, sult og tilsyneladende uoverstigelige forhindringer, hjælper Bear Grylls læserne med at sætte sin egen kurs mod deres drømme.Vildmarken lærer os værdifulde ting om os selv, andre og verden omkring os. De erfaringer kan redde vores liv, når vi befinder os på et bjerg eller dybt nede i en kløft, men de kan også forbedre vores dagligdag ved, at give os færdigheder og indsigt til at forstå vores situation og de muligheder og risici, der er omkring os. Livet i vildmarken lærer os at være ydmyge over for de ting, vi ikke kan kontrollere. Nogle dage er vejret for dårligt, eller mørket forhindrer os i at komme videre. Men det lærer os også at komme i kontakt med vores instinkter, overvinde forhindringer, gribe mulighederne og se farerne i øjnene.En overlevelsesguide til livet er ikke en selvhjælpsbog i traditionel forstand. Det er heller ikke en håndbog om, hvordan man kan blive lidt mere effektiv eller marginalt mere succesfuld. Det er simpelthen en samling af historier og eventyr, der afslører noget dybtgående om den menneskelige sjæl for at vise os, at vi alle er i stand til mere end vi tror.

  • - Blizzard Challenge & Desert Challenge
    af Bear Grylls
    149,45 kr.

  • af Bear Grylls
    137,95 kr.

  • af Bear Grylls
    99,45 kr.

    A second heart-stopping contemporary adventure inspired by Rudyard Kipling's Jungle Book stories, from real-life adventurer Bear Grylls.

  • af Bear Grylls
    97,95 kr.

    Author of MUD, SWEAT AND TEARS and star of MAN VS. WILD and THE ISLAND, Bear Grylls delivers a hair-raising, adrenaline-fuelled sequel to his SUNDAY TIMES bestselling novel, GHOST FLIGHT.

  • af Bear Grylls
    81,95 kr.

    Could you survive in the jungle?After being washed away down the Wainganga River during a flash flood, Mak wakes up alone in the Indian jungle. The jungle is full of danger - poisonous snakes, cunning monkeys and desperate poachers - and every step Mak takes might be his last.Mak finds help and friendship from other jungle creatures, but he will need all his skill and luck to survive and make his way back home.Spirit of the Jungle is a heart-stopping contemporary adventure inspired by Rudyard Kipling's classic The Jungle Book, from real-life adventurer Bear Grylls.

  • - One Man's Dream to Lead a Team Across the Treacherous North Atlantic
    af Bear Grylls
    249,45 kr.

    'An epic story of hardship, friendship and faith.' Daily Telegraph Shortlisted for the William Hill Sports Book of the Year Award, this is the compelling account of the most recent adventure of the bestselling author of Facing Up. It started out as a carefully calculated attempt to complete the first unassisted crossing of the frozen north Atlantic in an open rigid inflatable boat, but it became a terrifying battle against storm-force winds, crashing waves and icebergs as large as cathedrals. Starting from the remote north Canadian coastline, Bear Grylls and his crew crossed the infamous Labrador Sea, pushed on through ice-strewn waters to Greenland and then found themselves isolated in a perfect storm 400 miles from Iceland. Compelling, vivid and inspirational, Facing the Frozen Ocean will appeal to all Bear Grylls' many readers and win him many more.

  • af Bear Grylls
    74,45 kr.

    Get ready for an expedition to the windy coast with Bear Grylls. Discover the animals that live in the shallows and find out all about the marine plants, bright corals and sea birds that thrive in this watery habitat. Wrap up warm and dive into this exciting book bursting with fun facts, quizzes, word searches, and mazes.

  • af Bear Grylls
    74,45 kr.

    Get ready for an exciting expedition through the world's seas and oceans with Bear Grylls. Discover the animals that live in the deepest and darkest place on Earth, learn all about creatures from killer whales to anglerfish. Wrap up warm and dive into this exciting book bursting with fun facts, quizzes, word searches, and mazes.

  • af Bear Grylls
    74,45 kr.

    Have you ever wanted to be an adventurer like Bear Grylls?Get ready for an expedition to the world's highest mountaintops. Discover the animals that live in the most remote places on Earth, from brown bears and mountain lions to eagles and marmots.

  • af Bear Grylls
    74,45 kr.

    Have you ever wanted to be an adventurer like Bear Grylls? Wrap up warm and dive into this exciting book bursting with fun facts, quizzes, word searches, and mazes. The perfect introduction to Bear Grylls for younger fans, packed full of fun illustrations, facts and over 60 stickers.

  • af Bear Grylls
    84,45 kr.

    Get ready for a summer adventure with Bear Grylls. Explore the great outdoors in the summertime. With recipes for campfire cooking, first aid tips for the hottest weather and tips on how to navigate using the stars on a clear night, this is the ultimate guide to summer survival.

  • af Bear Grylls
    84,45 kr.

    Embark on an amazing adventure with Bear Grylls to explore the great outdoors. Learn how to stay warm and dry outdoors in winter, how to identify and prevent hypothermia, how to navigate icy and snowy terrain safely and where to find food in harsh conditions. This is the ultimate survival guide to the world's coldest places.

  • af Bear Grylls
    84,45 kr.

    Get ready for an adventure with Bear Grylls. Learn how to survive in deserts, rainforests, mountains, polar areas, and the vast, blue ocean with this essential guide to the most extreme places on the planet. With tips throughout on navigation, building shelter, finding food and surviving any threats that come your way.

  • af Bear Grylls
    84,45 kr.

    Get ready for an adventure with Bear Grylls. Explore the wild woodlands and discover how to build shelters, find food and water, and stay safe from dangerous plants and animals. Learn what equipment to pack, how to navigate the woods and how to deal with emergencies in this guide to the forest.

  • af Bear Grylls
    74,45 kr.

    Pack your belongings and dive into this exciting book bursting with fun facts, quizzes, word searches, and mazes. The perfect introduction to Bear Grylls for younger fans, packed full of fun illustrations, facts and over 60 stickers.

  • af Bear Grylls
    74,45 kr.

    Have you ever wanted to be an adventurer like Bear Grylls? Wrap up warm and dive into this exciting book bursting with fun facts, quizzes, word searches, and mazes. The perfect introduction to Bear Grylls for younger fans, packed full of fun illustrations, facts and over 60 stickers.

  • af Bear Grylls
    154,45 kr.

    Ever wanted to be an adventurer like Bear Grylls?Get ready to take off and embark on some of the most epic flights in history. Soar over the Atlantic, travel around the entire world in a hot air balloon, and shoot off into space with the Apollo 11 mission.

  • af Bear Grylls
    159,45 kr.

    1. Bear says fun facts 2. Amazing photography; 3. The Great Outdoors

  • af Bear Grylls
    84,45 kr.

    Discover everything you need to plan an amazing adventure with Bear Grylls. Learn what you will need to bring, how to create the perfect campsite, and how to stay safe in the wild. Includes step-by-step instructions and tips from Bear

  • af Bear Grylls
    84,45 kr.

    Get ready to keep fit and have fun in the wild with Bear Grylls. Learn why exercise is so important and discover some great games and workouts to stay in top shape. Includes step-by-step instructions and tips from Bear.