Bøger af Barbara McMahon
98,95 kr. Væverier af drømme Laura bliver helt mundlam, da en græsk gud, der er en tro kopi af hendes afdøde ekskæreste kommer gående ind på galleriet. Jed Brodie viser sig at være Jordans enæggede tvilling, men de har kun udseendet tilfælles! Jed er alt det, som Jordan ikke var: ærlig, kærlig og opmærksom. Laura indser hurtigt, at hun er ved at blive forelsket i ham. Det er følelser, som hun for enhver pris bliver nødt til at fortrænge. Hun er blevet såret én gang, og det vil hun aldrig udsættes for igen ...!Bestemt for hinanden Da Kane Healey måtte udkæmpe sit livs hårdeste kamp, fandt han ud af den sande mening af ordene: "Hvis du elsker en, er du nødt til at slippe vedkommende", og han besluttede sig derfor til at møde sin fremtid alene. Ung og bange og alene opdagede Rhiannon, at hun var gravid. Men Kane var forsvundet uden at vide noget om det mirakel, han havde efterladt. Nu har de en sidste chance for at rette op på fortidens fejl. Vil Kane knæle og gøre Rhiannon til sin brud, under Valentineballet?Med dette kys... Capriottis og Fegans var svorne fjender. Men synet af Raye Fegan i en rød kjole, hjemsøger stadig politichefen, Jericho Capriotti. Han havde aldrig forestillet sig, at Rayne, en genert, musegrå, fornuftig kvinde, nogen sinde ville komme til ham for at få hjælp. Selvom Jericho og Rayne har al mulig grund til at kæmpe imod, så føler de sig tiltrukket af hinanden. Følelserne bliver mere og mere hede, og Jericho står over for et valg: At være loyal over for sin familie - eller at vælge kærligheden og Rayne ...
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- 98,95 kr.
73,95 kr. Sneet inde på ranchenCowboyen Ty Halliday er opdraget til at blive en hård mand i en barsk verden, hvor der absolut ikke er plads til barnlige forhåbninger.Amy Mitchell, der er enke og enlig mor, er, selv om hun er en evig optimist, desillusioneret angående kærlighed, men hun drømmer stadig om at møde en mand, der kan være far for hendes søn.Amy farer vild og havner sammen med sin søn på Tys farm. De sner inde sammen, og Amys optimisme og babyens smil begynder at optø Tys frosne hjerte, godt hjulpet af klingende bjælder og den knitrende ild i pejsen …Det store juleønskeDa Cath Morgan står og ser sneen falde og får alt til at se perfekt ud, ved hun, at hun har truffet den rette beslutning, om at holde jul alene, langt fra storbyen og fra sin mand, Jake. I seks år har Cath drømt om at få mere ud af sit ægteskab, en mand, der ikke farter rundt i hele verden og et hjem fyldt med glade børnestemmer. Men så let agter Jake ikke at give slip på sin kone. Han har én jul til at vise hende, hvor højt han elsker hende og til at delagtiggøre hende i de hemmeligheder, der har holdt ham væk!
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- 73,95 kr.
93,95 kr. Forførende franskmand med bagtankerDen høje, flotte franskmand Xavier Salgado-Lézille er ikke en mand, som en kvinde uden videre kan sige nej til. Jane forsøger at stritte imod, men hun er uerfaren og desuden jomfru. Det er ikke en del af planen at forelske sig og da slet ikke at opdage, at hun er gravid, da affæren er slut. Xavier ved, at hun venter hans barn, og han vil have en arving. Jane er udvalgt som hans brud!Den perfekte sønCesar Villon de Falcon er verdens største racerkører og Monacos notoriske playboy. En frygtelig ulykke gør, at han må kæmpe for sit liv. Sarah Priestly; Den fortryllende kvinde ved siden af hans seng, som har en hemmelighed, hun håber, vil bringe ham tilbage til livet. Cesar har en søn! Den lille dreng, som har sin fars øjne, giver Cesar viljen til at leve igen. Men er det fornuftsægteskabet med Sarah, der gør denne modige mand hel igen?En dyrebar gaveAnnalise bliver lykkelig, da hun opdager, at hun gravid! Hun ved intet om babyer, men hun er sikker på, at hun og hendes mand, Dominic nok skal finde ud af, hvordan man tager sig af et lille, nyt liv! Men Dominic bliver kun chokeret og slet ikke glad over nyheden. Sandheden er, at han stadig lider under en ulykkelig oplevelse fra sin fortid, hvor han også ventede barn med en kvinde, hvilket han har holdt skjult for alle. Selv sin elskede Annalise! Så selvom han på den ene side længes efter at dele hendes glæde og spænding, så skaber frygten for at historien vil gentage sig en kløft mellem ham og det menneske, han elsker allerhøjest, nemlig Annalise.
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- 93,95 kr.
73,95 kr. Chefens tilbudLianne O'Mallory længes efter at få et barn, men tiden er ved at løbe ud for hende. Hun har lavet en hemmelig liste over den perfekte mand, men efter en række katastrofale stævnemøder havner hendes liste i papirkurven - hvor den bliver fundet af hendes sexede chef. Tray Elliot kan ikke forstå, hvorfor hans smukke, intelligente medarbejder har lavet den liste, men det interesserer ham. En mand som ham vil dog aldrig indrømme sit eget, hemmelige ønske om en familie - men denne chef har et forslag, som Lianne måske ikke kan modstå.En dyst om kærlighedJason Barton vil have Rosies ranch, og med sin sexede fremtoning og stålhårde blik plejer han at få, hvad han vil have. Rosie Wilson er ved at miste sin families arv, men hun er en fighter, og har ikke tænkt sig at give op uden kamp. Da Rosie og Jason strander sammen, er der fare i horisonten. Og pludselig er der kun et sted, Rosie vil være: i armene på sin cowboy!
- E-bog
- 73,95 kr.
73,95 kr. Barnepigens eventyrMiniserie: Brudene fra Bella Lucia (7)Melissas tur til kongedømmet Qu'Arim er en belønning for det arbejde, hun har udført for Valentine familien. Hun skal arbejde for Bella Lucia restauranten, men da hun har ret godt tag på sheik Surim Al-Thanis tre små børn, er sheiken fast besluttet på at hun skal være barnepige for dem… Da Melissa indser, hvor meget børnene har brug for hende, går hun med til at blive - hun vil lære sheiken at elske børnene. Men i stedet forelsker hun sig i en mand, hun kun kan drømme om nogensinde at blive gift med…Valentine brylluppetMiniserie: Brudene fra Bella Lucia (8)Louise Valentine er netop blevet tilbudt et job… Max Valentine vil bruge hendes ekspertise som PR rådgiver til at redde familieforetagendet. Men efter at Louise har opdaget, hun er blevet adopteret, føler hun ikke ligefrem, hun står i gæld til familien Valentine…Men loyaliteten vinder, og gnisterne flyver, når Max og hende arbejder sammen. Der har altid været noget mellem dem, skønt Max har vidst, det var forbudt område. Nu lader de følelserne få frit spil – men kommer fortiden til at stå i vejen for dette specielle Valentine bryllup…
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- 73,95 kr.
223,95 kr. Life as I knew it was revolutionized the very day Fiona Hunter came to town. With her feisty temperament and her do-what-it-takes attitude, she has me spinning in circles. As sheriff, I swore to keep order and fairness throughout the parish-but how can I uphold this duty when all I want is to protect her? Despite her relentless bickering and the skirmishes we fight, I can't help but be smitten when she flashes me a smile.
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173,95 kr. Confinement in this one-horse town, while my foot heals, is driving me crazy with boredom, which is why I volunteered to help Piper find her phantom parents. She never stops pestering me; go figure. It's annoying, but kind of cute. It's not like there's a real possibility of us being together - we're from totally different worlds and it'd never work. But on lonely nights, the idea of home and domestic bliss with Piper by my side is enough to make me dream.
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168,95 kr. We were high school sweethearts until Cassie played a pivotal role in the most awful night of my life when my sister tragically killed herself. Though that was not the reason Cassie was removed from her foster home and placed elsewhere, it was opportune timing. Now twelve years later she's returned. I'm stuck between wanting to make her suffer for that night or embracing her tightly and never letting go.
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173,95 kr. For a brief and shining moment last summer, Cath Norris believed she had found her dream man. But with the suddenness of a lightning bolt, he vanished from her life without a trace. Fortunately for Cath, she still had her job to help keep her feet on the ground-that is until one stormy morning when the new CEO arrives at work… Trace Williams, the man she'd recently fallen head-over-heels in love with. It turns out Trace had followed his own rule once he discovered where she worked: never date a subordinate. The situation becomes especially complicated when Cath discovers that she's pregnant-and it can only be Trace's baby. When the two come face-to-face to discuss the future of their unborn child, sparks begin to fly! Will these star-crossed lovers find an unexpected way to make it work? If you're a fan of surprise babies, sweet romances and unconventional happy endings, you won't want to miss this charming story! Download your copy today.
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173,95 kr. Chelsea Tolliver has found the perfect job. The only hitch-CEO Dirk Remington wants a "mature" executive assistant, not a twenty-something like Chelsea. But with an ingenious disguise and some help from a friend, Chelsea pulls off the impossible and lands her dream job. Then Dirk meets Chelsea without her disguise and doesn't realize she's the competent assistant he just hired. Sparks fly between them and Dirk asks her out. Chelsea can't say no, but how can she continue her charade in the office while spending so much time with the boss outside work? Will she be able to keep up her double identity or will it all blow up in her face? Download your copy today and join in Chelsea's wild ride.
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173,95 kr. Susannah Mercer worked tirelessly for years to reach her ultimate goal - becoming a doctor. Now that she's finally living her dream, all that's missing is romance. When the chief of staff pairs her with grumpy surgeon Greg Haversham for an important hospital event, she gets a bit overzealous with trying to look sophisticated. To Susannah's surprise, the cantankerous doctor offers to help her land a date. Then to her shock, Greg finds himself drawn to her-but only for an affair. He's sworn off relationships forever. While he isn't looking for something serious, she is. The only option - cut ties with him. That is until an unlikely turn of events changes Greg's heart forever.
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173,95 kr. The EscapeJenny is a elementary school teacher on summer vacation, escaping an awkward situation in her home town after a recent breakup with her fiancé. A short-term summer job is perfect. And who wouldn't like the temporary job in New Orleans watching a precious baby girl. Let the good times roll. The PromiseInjured oil worker Jared Montgomery lost his best friend in a horrific accident. Now he returns to New Orleans to recuperate, bringing his friend's orphaned baby home with him. He'd promised to bring her to the US if anything happened to his friend. Since Jared spends most of his time traveling the world, he'll put the little girl up for adoption, as soon as a suitable family is found. Best Laid PlansJared finds himself falling for the adorable baby girl and her beautiful and outspoken nanny. But this footloose and fancy free bachelor has never been one to choose home over adventure. And Jenny's definitely not looking for any ties by summer's end. Just how much sway does a baby have?
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173,95 kr. When Brianna's home is broken into, her office ransacked and her car looted the last person she wanted to see is Detective Jake Morgan, the man who broke her heart two years ago.Jake Morgan responds to a routine B&E. To his surprise, it's the home of the woman he walked away from two years ago. Breaking up with Brianna had been the hardest thing he'd ever done. Now, nothing adds up-not who's stalking her, nor why she's still single.He'll do his best to find the stalker-he'd do that for any citizen. But when the chips are down, will he lay his heart on the line for a woman he never should have left?If you like sweet reunion romances, cops and happy ever after you'll love Tangled Hearts.
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173,95 kr. Betrayed by her dead husband Shannon's sworn off cowboys forever! Except - she needs someone to teach her the ins and out of ranching until she can operate the ranch on her own. Her choice? An injured rodeo cowboy who's only there until he's fit again.Jase Hart's a man living for the moment--following his dream on the rodeo circuit. When he's temporarily sidelined by a few broken bones and cracked ribs, he throws in with Bobby Blackstone's widow to bring her up to speed on running a cattle ranch.
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193,95 kr. Starting over-againDani considers herself lucky to get an assistant's job that pays so well even if it is in the back of beyond and temporary. The timing is perfect. She'll do the work, save every dime, and be well on her way for the next step when the job ends. Fending for herself is her new mantra, and no involvement is her new motto. No women allowedConnor can't believe his partner hired a woman for an all male construction crew site-what was he thinking? He'll soon send her packing. Or so he thinks until she proves invaluable. Still his policy is no women allowed and that means pretty petite one who tug at his heart strings. Another road he refuses to travel. Tragedy struck once. Conner won't open himself up to another possibility of unimaginable heartache. As for Dani, she knows better than to trust anyone. Is a two-month temporary job long enough to change their minds?
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173,95 kr. It's do or die time. Molly Forrester has to succeed or admit defeat and end up marrying some man more interested in her father's bank account than his only daughter. This time she has to make it work! It's her last chance. Falling in love is the last thing Josh Hart will do in this lifetime. He doesn't have time for romance, he has a ranch to run. Unfortunately his long-time housekeeper left. To keep good cowboys, he needs a good cook-and soon. Nothing about Molly Forrester convinces Josh she's the right choice, but he has no alternative at the moment. She can stay until he finds a woman over fifty who can cook and clean and stay out of his way. At least that's the plan. If you like a fun-filled sweet cowboy romance, you'll love Reckless Heart.
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173,95 kr. Caitlin thought spending Christmas break emptying her late aunt's house would be an opportunity to clear her head. Instead, the time alone just sharpens her loneliness. So much of what she'd expected from her marriage- love, companionship, a family- she realizes she can never get from her journalist husband.Zach moves heaven and earth to be home for Christmas, only to find an empty house. He tracks Caitlin down, but he fears she's already made a choice and he has no hope of changing her mind.It would take a miracle to bring them back together. Will they reach for each other across the gap between them? Or will they walk away from one another, this time forever? If you love reunion romances at the holidays, you'll love The Christmas Locket.
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183,95 kr. Years ago a series of accidents which came close to death plagued Kassie Montgomery. Heiress to a family fortune, she couldn't get anyone to believe someone was trying to kill her. When she dared not remain another day, she stole away in the night, cutting all ties with home and family, and going where she hoped no one could ever find her.Eight years later private investigator Jake Lancaster takes the job - locate the missing heiress and return her to her family.
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168,95 kr. When Katie Donovan kicks off her loveless marriage, she doesn't expect to find true love in the sun and sand of Key West!But to her surprise, her husband follows her all the way to Florida, determined not to let her go without a fight...of romance.Who knows what can happen when romance becomes the agenda and Katie's determined not to give in? Get ready for the beach side drama of a man determined not to lose his wife and a woman who demands true love.Delve into your copy today and enjoy this fun tropical adventure.
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183,95 kr. When Gillian Parker inherits a house in Rocky Point Maine from a woman she never met, she can't believe it. The charming New England town has all anyone could want with a seaside setting and friendly neighbors-except for the one next door. Joe Kincaid doesn't trust his new neighbor. He's too wary to trust anyone from glittering Las Vegas when she says she's here to stay in bucolic Rocky Point-especially when another claimant arrives to take possession of the house. He refuses to let down his guard no matter how interested he's becoming in Gillian. Trust like love takes time to build. Can these two become more than neighbors? Or will the past be too much to overcome?
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208,95 kr. Julianna Dawson is the definition of a 21st century woman. Though that doesn't stop her from leaving her prestigious career in Manhattan and agreeing to be a mail order bride to an unknown cowboy in Wyoming. Though she loved her job, this is her best chance for a family, for the life she dreamed of having. There simply isn't an alternative.Rancher Blake Reynolds can't believe his luck when his last-ditch gamble pays off. He only receives one response to his bride-wanted ad, but it's enough if they can make things work--and if he wants to keep his ranch, he will make it happen.Can Blake and Julianna's marriage of convenience simply be a cut-and-dry business deal? Or will it turn into something more unexpected? Mail Order Bride is an uplifting and joyous story about cowboys, complex family dynamics, and an unstoppable ticking clock. Follow the magical journey today!
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183,95 kr. Starting OverWhen Faith Stewart begins life anew after a life-threatening illness, she's determined to make the best of her new circumstances - make friends, be the best nurse she can and find a place for herself in her new adopted town. Romance was the last thing on her mind. Been there, done thatTate Johnson had it all-a lovely wife and his dream job in Boston. When tragedy struck, he returns home to Rocky Point to rebuild his life, find solace in old friends, familiar places and the traditions of his home town. Falling in love again is the last thing he plans to ever do. When the Lord leadsNo matter the best plans of man, if the Lord directs his path differently, he'd best follow it. Despite the past, are Tate and Faith ready to step out in faith and follow their hearts?
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168,95 kr. Kelly Evans' first encounter with bossy, opinionated, know-it-all cowboy Kit Lockford really rankles. She's sure all Mr. Bossy needs is some retraining-and she just might be the one for the job.Despite his vow to stay away from entanglements, Kit can't resist the sweetest woman he's ever met. He tries to push her away with bad behavior, but she's sure there's a better man inside him. Can there be something to what she says about his disability-that it's a part of him and doesn't need to be a barrier between them?If you enjoy stories about opposites finding their way to love, this sweet cowboy romance will have you rooting for their happy ever after. Get your copy today!
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