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Bøger af Aurora Rose Reynolds

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  • af Aurora Rose Reynolds
    148,95 kr.

    Storbypigen November flygter fra New York og nogle rigtig dårlige oplevelser. Hendes far bor i en lille by i Tennessee, og November glæder sig til at lære ham bedre at kende og mærke trygheden i den lille by. Men det er, som om Novembers problemer følger efter hende. November begynder at arbejde for sin far i hans stripklub, hvor hun tager sig af regnskaberne. Hun får kun lov til at komme forbi i klubbens åbningstid en enkelt gang, og lige den dag løber hun ind i Asher Mayson. Han er den perfekte mand. Altså lige indtil han åbner munden. Ham skal November slet ikke have noget med at gøre! Men det er bare synd for hende, for skæbnen har andre planer. Asher Mayson har aldrig haft problemer med kvinder. Men da han møder November, ændrer det sig. Pludselig kan han kun tænke på, hvordan han kan gøre November til sin og sørge for hendes sikkerhed. Advarsel! Bogen indeholder sexscener og en stærk alfahan.

  • af Aurora Rose Reynolds
    158,95 kr.

    Storbypigen November flygter fra New York og nogle rigtig dårlige oplevelser. Hendes far bor i en lille by i Tennessee, og November glæder sig til at lære ham bedre at kende og mærke trygheden i den lille by. Men det er, som om Novembers problemer følger efter hende. November begynder at arbejde for sin far i hans stripklub, hvor hun tager sig af regnskaberne. Hun får kun lov til at komme forbi i klubbens åbningstid en enkelt gang, og lige den dag løber hun ind i Asher Mayson. Han er den perfekte mand. Altså lige indtil han åbner munden. Ham skal November slet ikke have noget med at gøre! Men det er bare synd for hende, for skæbnen har andre planer. Asher Mayson har aldrig haft problemer med kvinder. Men da han møder November, ændrer det sig. Pludselig kan han kun tænke på, hvordan han kan gøre November til sin og sørge for hendes sikkerhed. Advarsel! Bogen indeholder sexscener og en stærk alfahan. Aurora Rose Reynolds NEW YORK TIMES, USA TODAY & WALL STREET JOURNAL BESTSELLER Aurora er en rigtig navy brat. Hendes mand arbejder i USA Navy, og sammen med ham har hun boet over næsten hele USA – for tiden bor de i Tennessee. Hun er gift med en alpha-mand, der elsker hende så meget som mændene i hendes bøger elsker deres kvinder. Han giver hende alt den inspiration hun har brug for. Når Aurora ikke skriver, så læser hun, eller går i biografen med sin mand. Ind imellem tager de på en weekendtur ud i det blå, eller hænger ud sammen med familien og vennerne: Hun holder af hverdagen og beundrer dens skønhed.

  • af Aurora Rose Reynolds
    145,95 - 158,95 kr.

    Ashlyn Mayson er glad for sit singleliv. Hun nyder sin frihed og fylder dagene med arbejdet som klinikassistent hos byens tandlæge og samvær med den store, til tider kaotiske, Mayson-familie. Men da klinikken bliver solgt, ændres tingene. Den nye ejer, Dillon Keck, er karismatisk og udfordrende, og han begynder straks at skubbe til alle Ashlyns grænser. Dillon er alt det, hun ikke leder efter – kontrollerende, stædig og tiltrækkende på den mest forvirrende måde.Deres professionalisme sættes yderligere på prøve, da Dillon inviterer Ashlyn med til en konference i Las Vegas og – uden at spørge – kun booker ét værelse. Da de en sen nat ender med at blive gift under en spontan og vild bytur, står Ashlyn over for en indre konflikt, hun bliver nødt til at håndtere: Hvordan skal hun forene sit behov for uafhængighed med de følelser, Dillon vækker i hende, følelser der bliver stærkere, jo mere hun prøver at modstå dem?Dillon Keck har altid fokuseret på arbejdet, og succes er vigtig for ham. Han har aldrig prioriteret kærligheden, men Ashlyn vækker noget i ham, han ikke kan ignorere, og da de uventet bliver gift, føler han en overraskende ro ved tanken. Hendes uafhængighed tiltrækker ham, men samtidig kolliderer den med hans trang til at kontrollere og beskytte. Det står hurtigt klart, at deres forskelligheder enten vil rive dem fra hinanden eller binde dem tættere sammen. Da Ashlyn pludselig havner i alvorlige problemer, må de begge lære at stole på hinanden og skabe et forhold, der ikke kun er baseret på fysisk tiltrækning.Indtil Ashlyn er ottende del af Aurora Rose Reynolds’ populære Indtil-serie, hvor vi følger Mayson-familiens nye generation. Som altid er der masser af intensitet, kærlighed og stærke følelser.Advarsel: Bogen indeholder sexscener og en stærk alfa-han!

  • af Aurora Rose Reynolds
    538,95 kr.

    Ashlyn Mayson er glad for sit singleliv. Hun nyder sin frihed og fylder dagene med arbejdet som klinikassistent hos byens tandlæge og samvær med den store, til tider kaotiske, Mayson-familie. Men da klinikken bliver solgt, ændres tingene. Den nye ejer, Dillon Keck, er karismatisk og udfordrende, og han begynder straks at skubbe til alle Ashlyns grænser. Dillon er alt det, hun ikke leder efter – kontrollerende, stædig og tiltrækkende på den mest forvirrende måde. Deres professionalisme sættes yderligere på prøve, da Dillon inviterer Ashlyn med til en konference i Las Vegas og – uden at spørge – kun booker ét værelse. Da de en sen nat ender med at blive gift under en spontan og vild bytur, står Ashlyn over for en indre konflikt, hun bliver nødt til at håndtere: Hvordan skal hun forene sit behov for uafhængighed med de følelser, Dillon vækker i hende, følelser der bliver stærkere, jo mere hun prøver at modstå dem?Dillon Keck har altid fokuseret på arbejdet, og succes er vigtig for ham. Han har aldrig prioriteret kærligheden, men Ashlyn vækker noget i ham, han ikke kan ignorere, og da de uventet bliver gift, føler han en overraskende ro ved tanken. Hendes uafhængighed tiltrækker ham, men samtidig kolliderer den med hans trang til at kontrollere og beskytte. Det står hurtigt klart, at deres forskelligheder enten vil rive dem fra hinanden eller binde dem tættere sammen. Da Ashlyn pludselig havner i alvorlige problemer, må de begge lære at stole på hinanden og skabe et forhold, der ikke kun er baseret på fysisk tiltrækning.Indtil Ashlyn er ottende del af Aurora Rose Reynolds’ populære Indtil-serie, hvor vi følger Mayson-familiens nye generation. Som altid er der masser af intensitet, kærlighed og stærke følelser.Advarsel: Bogen indeholder sexscener og en stærk alfa-han!

  • af Aurora Rose Reynolds
    145,95 - 158,95 kr.

    June Mayson og Evan Barristers stormende forelskelse endte med et lynhurtigt og hemmeligt bryllup lige før Evan blev udsendt. June lover at vente på ham, for hun er fuldt ud klar over, at hendes følelser for Evan aldrig kommer til at forandre sig. Men da hun modtager skilsmissepapirerne fra ham, mens han stadig er i udlandet, er der ikke rigtig andet at gøre end at lægge ham bag sig.Der er ikke andre, der kender til hverken ægteskabet eller skilsmissen, da June flytter tilbage til sin families hjemby. Hun bliver derfor noget overrasket over at møde Evan og samtidig være mere eller mindre tvunget til at befinde sig i hans selskab. Hun gør alt, hvad der står i hendes magt, for at ignorere, at hun stadig føler sig draget af ham, for hun er vred over fortiden. Men hun har svært ved at ignorere den smerte, hun kan se i hans blik, hver gang de får øjenkontakt.June Mayson er datter af Asher og November fra Indtil November og dette syvende bind i serien INDTIL, lader intet tilbage at ønske i forhold til de fantastiske relationer i Mayson-familien, seksuel spænding og forelskelse med kilden i maven.Advarsel: Bogen indeholder sexscener og en stærk alfa-han!

  • af Aurora Rose Reynolds
    248,95 kr.

    June Mayson og Evan Barristers stormende forelskelse endte med et lynhurtigt og hemmeligt bryllup lige før Evan blev udsendt. June lover at vente på ham, for hun er fuldt ud klar over, at hendes følelser for Evan aldrig kommer til at forandre sig. Men da hun modtager skilsmissepapirerne fra ham, mens han stadig er i udlandet, er der ikke rigtig andet at gøre end at lægge ham bag sig. Der er ikke andre, der kender til hverken ægteskabet eller skilsmissen, da June flytter tilbage til sin families hjemby. Hun bliver derfor noget overrasket over at møde Evan og samtidig være mere eller mindre tvunget til at befinde sig i hans selskab. Hun gør alt, hvad der står i hendes magt, for at ignorere, at hun stadig føler sig draget af ham, for hun er vred over fortiden. Men hun har svært ved at ignorere den smerte, hun kan se i hans blik, hver gang de får øjenkontakt.June Mayson er datter af Asher og November fra Indtil November og dette syvende bind i serien INDTIL, lader intet tilbage at ønske i forhold til de fantastiske relationer i Mayson-familien, seksuel spænding og forelskelse med kilden i maven.Advarsel: Bogen indeholder sexscener og en stærk alfa-han!Om forfatteren:NEW YORK TIMES, USA TODAY & WALL STREET JOURNAL BESTSELLER Aurora er en ægte 'navy brat'. Hendes mand arbejder i U.S. Navy, og sammen med ham har hun boet i næsten hele USA – for tiden bor de i Tennessee. Hun er gift med en alfa-mand, der elsker hende lige så meget, som mændene i hendes bøger elsker deres kvinder. Han giver hende al den inspiration, hun har brug for. Når Aurora ikke skriver, læser hun eller går i biografen med sin mand. Indimellem tager de på en weekendtur ud i det blå eller hænger ud sammen med familie og venner. Hun holder af hverdagen og beundrer dens skønhed.

  • - Assumption, Obligation, Distraction, Infatuation
    af Aurora Rose Reynolds
    393,95 kr.

    Assumption a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof They say when you assume that you make an ass out of you and me. Kenton Mayson learned this lesson firsthand when he made assumptions about Autumn Freeman and the kind of woman she is based on what little information he had. What he finds out is she's not only beautiful, but also smart, funny, a fighter, and exactly the kind of woman he wants to share his life with. Autumn made assumptions of her own about Kenton, and now he needs to prove her wrong in order to protect her and their future. ObligationAn obligation is a course of action that someone is required to take, whether legal or moral. At six years old, Myla was sent to a family her father and mother had chosen for her when they knew their time on earth was almost up. What they were unaware of was what they thought would be her safe haven would become her living hell. Kai has been watching Myla from afar since he took over the family business from his father and inherited the responsibility of keeping her safe. When word gets back to Kai that Myla is not only in danger, but that his assets are being compromised, he immediately jumps into action and does the only thing that can be done at the time by marrying her. Neither Myla nor Kai would have thought that something that started off as a farce would become the most important thing either of them could've ever done. DistractionThe great intensity, novelty, or attractiveness of something other than the object of attention. Sven is a man who takes pride in his ability to separate himself from his emotions. He's a man who knows who he is and where he's going in life, a man who needs no one, because needing someone, anyone, is a weakness. His past taught him love isn't enough. Maggie wants the happily ever after, but has never picked the right men, or stuck around long enough, to build a forever. It's always been easier to get out early, before emotions make things messy. When Maggie wakes up naked in Sven's bed, with no memory of the night before, these two must be honest about their feelings and face their fears, so they can build a future together. Will love be enough for them to get their happy ending together, or will a threat from outside strike them down before they ever have a chance? Infatuation A feeling of foolish or obsessively strong love for, admiration for, or interest in someone or something; a strong and unreasoning attachment From the moment Justin sees the beautiful blonde living in the apartment below his, he becomes curious, and over time, that curiosity turns into an obsession. When the moment finally strikes for him to make a move, will he take it?

  • af Aurora Rose Reynolds
    148,95 kr.

    This book is a complete standalone. That moment your life changes. That moment that changes your life. That moment you love someone more than you love yourself. That was the moment we gave our son up for adoption and the moment I was left bare. A wide-open space that would forever be empty. There are moments that define you as a person, moments that prove just how strong you are, moments you push yourself to keep going forward when all you really want to do is give up. It was in one of those moments when I reached out and found him waiting for me. When Shelby Calder left home fifteen years ago, she never planned on returning to the Alaskan town she left behind. But after the death of her grandfather and a bitter divorce, she hopes going home will be a fresh start for her and her ten-year-old son. Zach Watters has made a lot of mistakes in his life. But when he sees Shelby Calder, looking more beautiful than ever, standing outside her childhood home, he promises himself that letting her go won't be a mistake he ever makes again. Some things never change and love is one of them.

  • af Aurora Rose Reynolds
    148,95 kr.

    Finding out my husband, my best friend, only had months to live was devastating. Sitting out under the star-filled sky, listening to him wish on star after star, night after night, almost killed me. He never wished to get better. He wished for me to be happy. He wished for me to find the strength to move on. I told him his wishes were pointless, because happiness wouldn't exist without him. I found out soon after he passed away that I was pregnant. But I had no idea his final wish would bring me something I never thought I'd find again.

  • af Aurora Rose Reynolds
    158,95 kr.

    Efter nogle dramatiske begivenheder ønsker Ellie Anthony og hendes treårige datter, Hope, bare fred og ro. De står alene i verden og har ingen at stole på. Ellie leder på ingen måde efter kærlighed, mest af alt leder hun efter et sikkert sted at bo. Men da Jax Mayson insisterer på, at de skal bo hos ham, ser Ellie ingen anden udvej end at stole på ham. Også selvom hun er urolig over de følelser, han vækker i hende.Første gang Jax ser Ellie, falder han for hende med et brag. Han ved, at det nu er hans tur til at opleve Mayson-forbandelsen. Jax' oplevelser som barn spejler på mange måder de udfordringer, Ellie står over for, og det giver ham en stærk trang til at beskytte de to piger og gøre dem til sin familie. Han er fast besluttet på at bevise, at han er manden, Ellie og Hope fortjener. Men han ved også, at det betyder, at han må gøre op med sin fortid – som han ikke har tænkt på i over 20 år.Indtil Jax er sjette bind i Aurora Rose Reynolds' succesfulde Indtil-serie om November, Trevor, Lilly og Nico. I Indtil July og Indtil Jax følger vi nogle af de døtre og sønner, der kom ud af de legendariske kærlighedsmøder mellem November & Asher, Trevor & Liz, Lilly & Cash og Nico & Sophie.Advarsel: Bogen indeholder sexscener og en stærk alfa-han!

  • af Aurora Rose Reynolds
    198,95 kr.

    Efter nogle dramatiske begivenheder ønsker Ellie Anthony og hendes treårige datter, Hope, bare fred og ro. De står alene i verden og har ingen at stole på. Ellie leder på ingen måde efter kærlighed, mest af alt leder hun efter et sikkert sted at bo. Men da Jax Mayson insisterer på, at de skal bo hos ham, ser Ellie ingen anden udvej end at stole på ham. Også selvom hun er urolig over de følelser, han vækker i hende.Første gang Jax ser Ellie, falder han for hende med et brag. Han ved, at det nu er hans tur til at opleve Mayson-forbandelsen. Jax' oplevelser som barn spejler på mange måder de udfordringer, Ellie står over for, og det giver ham en stærk trang til at beskytte de to piger og gøre dem til sin familie. Han er fast besluttet på at bevise, at han er manden, Ellie og Hope fortjener. Men han ved også, at det betyder, at han må gøre op med sin fortid – som han ikke har tænkt på i over 20 år.Indtil Jax er sjette bind i Aurora Rose Reynolds' succesfulde Indtil-serie om November, Trevor, Lilly og Nico. I Indtil July og Indtil Jax følger vi nogle af de døtre og sønner, der kom ud af de legendariske kærlighedsmøder mellem November & Asher, Trevor & Liz, Lilly & Cash og Nico & Sophie.Advarsel: Bogen indeholder sexscener og en stærk alfa-han!

  • af Aurora Rose Reynolds
    158,95 kr.

    June Mayson and Evan Barrister's whirlwind courtship resulted in a secret marriage right before he left for boot camp. Evan knows deep in his gut that June is too good for him, but after getting a taste of the beautiful life they can have together, he's unwilling to let her go. June promises to wait for him, knowing neither time or distance will ever change her feelings for Evan-that is until she's served with divorce papers while he's overseas and she's forced to let him go. Her marriage and divorce a well-kept secret, the last person June expects to run into when she moves back to her hometown is Evan. Angry over the past, she does everything within her power to ignore the pull she feels whenever he is near. But how can she ignore the pain she sees every time their eyes meet? How can she fight the need to soothe him even if she knows she's liable to get hurt once again? Is it possible for June and Evan to find their way back to each other again? Or will they be stopped by an outside force before they ever have a shot?

  • af Aurora Rose Reynolds
    158,95 kr.

    Wes Silver wasn't looking for love, but when July Mayson literally knocks him on his ass during their first encounter, his world is turned upside down by the quirky blonde, and every moment with her makes him more determined to protect her. July Mayson doesn't understand the pull she feels toward the bad boy biker Wes Silver, but she knows being with him is like nothing she's ever felt before. Now all she has to do is tell her overprotective father, Asher Mayson, that she's found her boom.

  • - Underground Kings
    af Aurora Rose Reynolds
    133,95 kr.

    as-sump-tion: a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof They say when you assume that you make an ass out of you and me. Kenton Mayson learned this lesson firsthand when he made assumptions about Autumn Freeman and the kind of woman she is based on what little information he had. What he finds out is she's not only beautiful, but also smart, funny, a fighter, and exactly the kind of woman he wants to share his life with. Autumn made assumptions of her own about Kenton, and now he needs to prove her wrong in order to protect her and their future.

  • af Aurora Rose Reynolds
    158,95 kr.

    Cobi Mayson knows exactly who Hadley is to him the moment he sees her for the very first time. That doesn't mean it will be easy for him to convince her to take a chance on him. Hadley Emerson knows she could fall hard and fast for a guy like Cobi. A man who seems to show up every time she needs him, but she knows better than to just hand over her heart.Knowing his future with Hadley is on the line, Cobi begins to tie their lives together. As the invisible rope that connects them tightens and things between them heat up, an unknown threat emerges threatening to to take away their happily ever after and send them both into darkness.

  • af Aurora Rose Reynolds
    148,95 kr.

    Lea Lamb and Austin Wolf were young when they fell in love. They never imagined the future could hold anything other than together-forever. When Lea's father dies in a tragic fishing accident, she's crushed under the weight of her grief and catches a glimpse of another type of future, one she knows she's not strong enough to face. Austin is angry. For the past fifteen years, he's believed the woman he loved with every ounce of his soul left him without so much as a backwards glance. When Lea unexpectedly returns to their hometown, all the years of heartache inside Austin bubbles to the surface and presents itself as blinding rage. Faced with the truth about the past, a newly discovered secret, these former lovers will learn that if they want to have any chance at the future they'd given up on all those years ago, they will have to rescue one another from drowning in pain so debilitating it will leave them both fighting to breath. Warning this book is intended for mature audiences and may contain triggers for some. Natasha Gentile said This book, this book, killed me. I was so surprised when Aurora announced that Austin was getting a book. I mean we met Austin in Until Lilly where we didn't really want to like him, but we fell for him hook line and sinker. From the first page of this book your heart is beating a little bit faster than normal. Read More Sleep Less blog said highly recommend this story!!I found this book different from Aurora Rose Reynolds's other books!I'm really sad this story ended because I devoured it!! I can't wait to read Zach and Shelby's story!! Forever reading book blog said. I love Aurora Rose Reynolds and when you add in a second chance love story with an alpha male then I'm sold! Nichole from Sizzling pages said devoured this read as I always do anything this author writes. Wendy at CCBH Blog said What I love about Aurora's writing is that she sets the scene perfectly in order to hit you right in the gut. This story was so raw, sad, intense, beautiful, and real! Dawns Book Buzz said Sometimes in life all we need is to curl up somewhere comfortable, grab a glass of wine and dive into a book you know you're going to love. Ms. Reynolds is able to make this happen for me time and time again. Shayna Renee's spicy reads said Reynolds gives us page after page of heartbreaking, chest tightening, heart warming, and intensely passionate goodness. Carmen's Confessions said Since the moment I first picked up Until November, Aurora has been a must read author for me. I just love her novels so much. And this book was just further proof of her right to be on the very high pedestal I have her placed on. Michel From Smut book Junkie reviews said There are certain authors that each reader puts on their personal favorites list because they seem to touch the reader on a personal level. Whether it be the characters, the series, the writing style, or the entertainment value, the author finds a way into the reader's heart. For me Aurora Rose Reynolds is one of those authors. Megan Gartin Said I absolutely adore Aurora Rose Reynolds. I feel in love with her writing when I was reading Until November. I love her heroes and Heroines. I love that her Guys are extreme alpha males. And her heroine's don't take no crap and their strong and not whiney. Lkay ❇✾Dirty Girl Romance❇✾ said What's better than a second chance romance? A second chance romance with an Aurora Rose Alpha. *swoon* Reading is sexy book blog said I highly recommend if you are in the mood for second chance romance with lots of heart and steamy scenes. Carol (StarAngel's Reviews) Allen said Ms Reynolds never disappoints in engaging the reader and her character development is right on target. The hurt, anger, love, and hesitation are eminent throughout. Kitty cats crazy about books said So beautifully written, a story that just sucks you in, a second chance at love.

  • af Aurora Rose Reynolds
    168,95 kr.

    When Mia Allenton's sister calls, asking her for help after finding out her husband cheated, Mia packs up her life in Montana and moves to Tennessee to be there for her and her three girls. As Mia begins to settle in, a tornado comes through, bringing along with it Talon Mayson, a man determined to prove to her that good men do exist.Talon knows he's got his work cut out for him when it comes to earning Mia's trust, but slowly her walls start to crumble, and they begin to build something beautiful. Unfortunately, someone from Talon's past isn't happy about him being back in Tennessee, and they're willing to do anything to prevent him from ever being happy.Is the Boom between Talon and Mia strong enough to weather the storm that's coming?

  • - Until Her/ Until Him book 6
    af Aurora Rose Reynolds
    148,95 kr.

    Harmony Mayson isn't the kind of girl to take unnecessary risk, but after meeting Harlen MacCabe, she starts to wonder if maybe she should be. The more time she spends with the wild and free biker, the more she starts to crave the freedom he gives her... And even more, she starts to crave him. Harlen lives his life on his own terms. After losing both his parents at an early age to a robbery gone bad, he knows how precious life is, and he's determined to get as much out of it as he can. When he runs into the beautiful Harmony and finds out she's moving to town, he knows it's time to take his shot. She thinks he only wants to be friends, but she couldn't be more wrong. What Harmony and Harlen don't know is that their time might be cut short. Revenge is in the air, and someone won't stop until a debt is settled.

  • - Box set
    af Aurora Rose Reynolds
    468,95 kr.

    Complete Until Series Until November Until Trevor Until Lilly Until Nico

  • af Aurora Rose Reynolds
    113,95 kr.

    After the first sighting, he's fascinated. After the first smile, he's infatuated. By the first kiss, he's obsessed. Nolan sees Chloe through a window of a bakery in downtown Manhattan. At first sight, something about her calls to a piece of him he thought was lost. Without thinking, he begins watching her, and when the moment presents itself, he strikes, claiming Chloe for himself. For a man who is used to getting what he wants Nolan wont let anyone or anything stand in his way.

  • af Aurora Rose Reynolds
    113,95 kr.

    Mike Rouger isn't looking for love. He decided long ago that he would rather stay single than get mixed up with a woman again. Then Kathleen Mullings comes back into his life with her teenage son and changes everything. What happens when a man set in his ways meets a sassy woman who knows what she wants? Mix in the Mayson clan and the Christmas season and you're sure to enjoy the ride of Second Chance Holiday.

  • af Aurora Rose Reynolds
    158,95 kr.

    When Cash Mayson was forced to choose between the love of his life and his unborn child, he knew exactly what he had to do. No matter how broken it left him. When Lilly Donovan was forced to accept that the guy she loved wasn't who she thought he was and became a single mother, she knew exactly what she had to do. Proving just how strong she was. What happens when years later you find out that everything you thought you knew was a lie? Can two people who once loved each other overcome the obstacles that are thrown at them and fall in love all over again? Cash Mayson had forgotten how it felt to be loved Until Lilly came back into his life. And now that he remembers, he will do everything within his power to keep not only the woman that he loves, but also his children. The power of love is a beautiful thing.

  • - Until Him/Her
    af Aurora Rose Reynolds
    413,95 kr.

    Until AshlynDillon Keck knew Ashlyn Mayson was drunk when she suggested they get married. He knew he should have taken her back to their hotel room and put her to bed. Instead, he did what he had been craving to do since the moment they met. Claim her as his. Waking up married in Vegas isn't something Ashlyn Mayson ever thought would happen to her. Having Dillon, her boss, a man she thinks is a dick, insist they stay married is absurd, but every time he touches her, she gets lost in him and wonders if maybe they are meant to be together. But someone isn't happy for Dillon and Ashlyn and their new found romance, and they're willing to do anything to keep them apart. Even commit murder.Until Sage Sage Mayson had Kimberly Cullen once, and the memory of that brief encounter has tortured him since the moment he pushed her away. He should have followed his gut, but he didn't, and now he's left watching the woman he wants more than anything from afar. Kimberly vowed to protect her heart from Sage, but when her sister is murdered and her world starts to fall apart, he's the one person she finds herself leaning on. Getting a second chance is something Sage knows is rare. He's not going to squander the one he's been given, and he won't take no for an answer when it comes to making Kim his.But what Sage doesn't know is Kim has a secret that could leave them both devastated and heartbroken.Until Harmony Harmony Mayson isn't the kind of girl to take unnecessary risk, but after meeting Harlen MacCabe, she starts to wonder if maybe she should be. The more time she spends with the wild and free biker, the more she starts to crave the freedom he gives her... And even more, she starts to crave him.Harlen lives his life on his own terms. After losing both his parents at an early age to a robbery gone bad, he knows how precious life is, and he's determined to get as much out of it as he can. When he runs into the beautiful Harmony and finds out she's moving to town, he knows it's time to take his shot. She thinks he only wants to be friends, but she couldn't be more wrong.What Harmony and Harlen don't know is that their time might be cut short. Revenge is in the air, and someone won't stop until a debt is settled.

  • af Aurora Rose Reynolds
    148,95 kr.

    [ob-li-gey-shuh n] An obligation is a course of action that someone is required to take, whether legal or moral. At six years old, Myla was sent to a family her father and mother had chosen for her when they knew their time on earth was almost up. What they were unaware of was what they thought would be her safe haven would become her living hell. Kai has been watching Myla from afar since he took over the family business from his father and inherited the responsibility of keeping her safe. When word gets back to Kai that Myla is not only in danger, but that his assets are being compromised, he immediately jumps into action and does the only thing that can be done at the time by marrying her. Neither Myla nor Kai would have thought that something that started off as a farce would become the most important thing either of them could've ever done.

  • af Aurora Rose Reynolds
    158,95 kr.

    Trevor Mayson had his life planned out - make the family business successful and play the field for a few more years before eventually settling down. Then he sees her. Liz Hayes was beautiful, shy and everything that he could ever want...but she didn't fit into his plans. After Trevor painfully rejects her, Liz finally starts to move on, but Trevor is finding it difficult to truly let her go. It seems the more he tries to stay away, the more intense his feelings for her become. Like a stretched rubber band, he can only take so much before snapping. Liz Hayes is done waiting for Trevor and isn't interested in getting her heart broken by him again, but Trevor is making it difficult for her to forget him when he shoves his way back into her life. Can Trevor prove to her that he is worth falling in love with again, and is he ready to change his life plan to let her into his heart?

  • af Aurora Rose Reynolds
    158,95 kr.

    Ellie Anthony isn't looking for love. She isn't even looking for a man, but when Jax Mayson insists on keeping her and her daughter safe, she's left with no choice but to trust him. Now she just hopes she doesn't get hurt when she falls hard for a guy who's known for breaking hearts. Jax Mayson knows that Ellie is his BOOM the moment he sees her. When he finds out she has a daughter, he realizes he wants a family, and he will do whatever is necessary to keep both of his girls safe, even if that means facing the demons from his past.

  • af Aurora Rose Reynolds
    168,95 kr.

    Colton and Gia are from Until June Colton Allyster is relieved to be back home. After a year of rehabilitation, losing his career as a Marine along with his fiancé, he's had to learn quickly what's really important. Colton grew up wanting to serve his country. Managing his parents' biker bar was never part of his plan, but after meeting Gia Caro, he's beginning to think that's exactly where he's meant to be.Ever since Gia Caro arrived in the small, sleepy town of Ruby Falls, Tennessee, her life has spiraled out of control. Between losing her grandmother a little more each day to dementia, and her hot boss's constant attention, her once quiet existence isn't so quiet anymore.After weeks of sidestepping Colton, things get out of hand, and before Gia knows what's happening, she's spending her nights in his bed and her mornings in his kitchen. And as he cleans out drawers and makes room in his closet, she starts to wonder if she's falling too fast.

  • af Aurora Rose Reynolds
    158,95 kr.

    Sophie Grates has never had it easy, but she's finding her way through life one step and one day at a time. That is, Until Nico comes in and flips her world upside-down. He forces her to see you cannot live life from the outside looking in, and sometimes you have to step out onto the ledge so you can really enjoy the view.Nico Mayson knew the moment he saw Sophie Grates that she was the one. His whole life, he has been judged by what's on the outside, so finding a beautiful woman who sees the real him only makes his feelings that much stronger.Nico knows the kind of man he is, and the things he is capable of, and he will do everything in his power to help Sophie fight her demons so they can have their happily ever after. Everything in life worth having is worth fighting for.

  • af Aurora Rose Reynolds
    158,95 kr.

    November is looking forward to getting to know her father and the safety of a small town. After leaving the big apple and her bad memories for Tennessee, November starts working for her dad at his strip club doing the books. The one time she's allowed there during club hours she runs into Asher Mayson. He's perfect until he opens his mouth and makes assumptions. November wants nothing to do with Asher but too bad for November fate has other plans. Asher Mayson has never had a problem getting a woman that is until November. Now all he can think about is making November his and keeping her safe.

  • af Aurora Rose Reynolds
    158,95 kr.

    Sage Mayson had Kimberly Cullen once, and the memory of that brief encounter has tortured him since the moment he pushed her away. He should have followed his gut, but he didn't, and now he's left watching the woman he wants more than anything from afar. Kimberly vowed to protect her heart from Sage, but when her sister is murdered and her world starts to fall apart, he's the one person she finds herself leaning on. Getting a second chance is something Sage knows is rare. He's not going to squander the one he's been given, and he won't take no for an answer when it comes to making Kim his. But what Sage doesn't know is Kim has a secret that could leave them both devastated and heartbroken.