Bøger af Arno Tausch
765,95 kr. Angesichts der unfassbaren Pogrome, die die Terrororganisation Hamas, beginnend mit dem 7. Oktober 2023, in Israel verübte, und angesichts der Welle des globalen Antisemitismus und der antijüdischen Gewalt, die seither über die Welt hereingebrochen ist, ist eine empirisch orientierte Analyse von Antisemitismus, Terrorismus und politischem Islam von absoluter Wichtigkeit. Die Beiträge in diesem Buch versuchen, basierend auf Meinungsumfragen, einen aktuellen und empirisch abgesicherten Beitrag über das Verhältnis von Antisemitismus, Terrorismus und politischem Islam zu präsentieren, der dem internationalen Forschungsstand entspricht. Alles deutet darauf hin, dass der Antisemitismus der sogenannten "gemäßigten Islamisten" die Verbreitung der Ideologie des brutalen Terrorismus erst ermöglicht und sogar in Mode gebracht hat.
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- 765,95 kr.
253,95 kr. This open access book presents an international comparison of religiously motivated extremism in the Arab world and around the globe. Based on data from the Arab Barometer and the World Values Survey, it applies advanced statistical techniques to analyze how religiously motivated political extremism affects political and social outcomes as well as political violence. The study clearly shows that identification with a political Islam that also influences elections, promotes religious and gender discrimination, and advocates an Islamist interpretation of Islam, are the main interrelated syndromes of political Islam that together explain more than 50% of the total variance of the 24 model variables used.¿A carefully and methodically flawlessly researched work, which is highly recommended for all those who deal seriously with this topic. Professor Arno Tausch is clear-headed and possesses a remarkable ability to make the broad picture of Political Islam accessible.¿Hon. Prof. Gunther Hauser, Head of the Department Strategy and Security Policy, National Defense Academy, Vienna, Austria¿Methodological rigorous, scientifically sound, empirically rich and combining the best of qualitative and quantitative approaches, Prof Arno Tausch has produced a tour de force on Political Islam. This study reflects the best scholarship on the subject and will be of use to both policy makers and academics.¿Prof Hussein Solomon, Academic Head of the Department of Political Studies and Governance, University of the Free State, South Africa
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- 253,95 kr.
1.318,95 kr. - Bog
- 1.318,95 kr.
1.210,95 kr. This book studies values and attitudes in the Gulf region. In light of global power shifts, the threatening collapse of internal security in the West, and uncertainty about the current leadership vacuum in world society, this book explores a future leading role of the Gulf countries in such institutions as the G-20 and the OECD. Based on rigorous analysis of macro-level data and opinion surveys with relevance for the Gulf region, it analyzes the global macro-factors shaping the Gulf's future at a time of the global COVID-19 crisis and depression and rising global tensions. Starting with an empirical time series analysis of the long cycles of global politics and economics, it highlights the implications for the Gulf region. Offering a multivariate analysis of civil society values in the Gulf, the author analyzes value changes and attitudes on antisemitism, political Islam, internal security, democracy, and other issues of Arab politics. The partially optimistic conclusions of the study testify to the underestimated and incipient maturity of the Gulf¿s civil society and strongly suggest that the Gulf's future is rather with the free societies of the West and not with a Neo-Ottoman Empire in whatever form."Exceptional in scope and right up-to-the-minute in coverage"Brian M Pollins, Associate, Professor Emeritus, The Ohio State University."An outstanding and topical book by an astute scholar of the MENA region"Professor Hussein Solomon, Academic Head of Department, Political Studies and Governance, University of the Free State, South Africa."The most comprehensive and insightful study on the subject to date"Manfred B. Steger, Professor of Sociology, University of Hawai'i at Manoa and Global Professorial Fellow, Western Sydney University.
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- 1.210,95 kr.
1.210,95 - 1.379,95 kr. This book offers readers critical insights into a region in crisis and explores different facets of the crisis from governance to gender to the politics of identity, the challenge of the environment and the enduring impact of demographic variables and technological change.
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- 1.210,95 kr.
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- 1.517,95 kr.
- Global Surveys and Implications for the Future of the Arab Countries
1.238,95 kr. This work is a collection of essays on Islamism and global opinion surveys, focusing on their implications for the future of Arab countries. Much of Western academia and the media still seem to be unable to come to terms with the real challenges posed by Islamism two decades after 9/11 and half a decade after the horrendous Paris 2015 terror attacks. What is at stake is the question of whether moderate Islamist political movements can and should be a partnered with the West. President Obama personally issued the Presidential Study Directive 11 (PSD-11) in 2010, ultimately concluding that the United States should shift from its longstanding policy of supporting "stability" in the Middle East and North Africa to a policy of backing moderate Islamic political movements. The present book squarely contradicts this perspective. Bassam Tibi maintains that only liberal Islam approves of democracy, while Islamism absolutely does not. The empirical basis of the book is based on estimates of the development of civil society in the Arab World by using comparative opinion survey data based on the evaluation of the World Values Survey and other global and regional surveys. Variables of trust, non-violence, gender justice and tolerance towards homosexuals indicate some of existing deficits in the development of civil societies in the region. Thus, Inglehart and Norris correctly foresaw that the real distinguishing parameter for Huntington''s theory is not his opinion on democracy, but his societal opinion on gender issues. This perspective is followed up with an empirical analysis of the gender ideology of Islamism and its gender values, all based on World Values Survey data. Muslim feminism, which implies the rejection of Islamism and the veil, and the democracy movement in the Muslim world are closely interrelated. In a chapter on Islamism and anti-Semitism, the book identifies the extent of relationships between anti-Semitism, the current economic and social situation, religious data, and opinions on terrorism among the global Muslim society. Islamism is deeply connected to anti-Semitism. The book also explores which factors contribute to the approval of terroristic acts, measured by such variables as opinions on suicide bombing and the favorability of terrorist organizations such as Hamas and Hezbollah. The book shows how wrong it is to neglect the underlying ideological radicalism which characterizes the support of organizations such as the Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliates in the region. Along with most radicalized factions of Islamist terrorism, they share intense hatred of Jews and Free Masons and Western civilization. In a concluding chapter, the book analyzes globalization, the environment in the Arab World and the future "greening" of Arab politics.
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- 1.238,95 kr.
- An Empirical Study of the Value Systems of Roman Catholics
493,95 kr. - Bog
- 493,95 kr.
1.502,95 kr. * Where the U.S. is likely to stand on the future world stage. Economic Cycles, Crises, and the Global Periphery will inspire discussion and debate among sociologists, global economists, demographers, global historians, and futurologists.
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- 1.502,95 kr.
1.543,95 kr. Der Autor zeigt zunächst mit den frei verfügbaren Daten aus dem "World Values Survey" und dem "European Social Survey", dass es keinen Grund für Alarmismus gibt. Das Gegenteil ist jedoch die Perspektive - ein Plädoyer für eine weitere Integration in der Tradition der Aufklärung der Mehrheitsbevölkerung und der Muslime, um die Integration von Muslimen in Europa zu beschleunigen. Der Kern der radikalen und gewalttätigen Islamisten in Europa (EU-27, EWR, EFTA) ist ca. 2-4% der gesamten ansässigen muslimischen Bevölkerung, während die subjektive Armut der Muslime in Europa in den letzten 4 Jahren (2002 - 2006) um mehr als 10% zurückging und sich vor der gegenwärtigen Wirtschaftskrise eine gewisse muslimische Mittelschicht herausbildete.
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- 1.543,95 kr.
848,95 kr. This study is the outcome of empirical research on the development and decay tendencies of the capitalist world economy since the early 1980s and the role that Europe will play in these constellations. Over these years the conclusion was reached that the logic of capitalist world development changes with the ups and downs of longer Kondratieff cycles, and that different periods of hegemony and of world political constellations, connected with these Kondratieff cycles, in turn give rise to different constellations of world economic ascent and decline. Those that hoped that world trade and open financial markets would shift incomes in favour of the poor, must now recognise that -- however we look at the figures -- there is a tendency towards rising poverty on a global scale, especially after the Asian crash of 1997.
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- 848,95 kr.
- General Models & Implications for the Muslim World
1.138,95 kr. - Bog
- 1.138,95 kr.
- Cross-national Perspectives and European Implications
341,95 - 1.014,95 kr. Globalization, the Human Condition and Sustainable Development in the Twenty-first Century: Cross-national Perspectives and European Implications is a cross-national, 175 nation based exploration of the deep crisis in which Europe currently finds itself. Investigating the effects of dependency theory and world systems theory upon the global success of eight dimensions of development including democracy, environmental sustainability, employment, social cohesion, high quality tertiary education and gender justice this study argues that the current European crisis has been precipitated by the pro-globalist policies of the European Commission.The comprehensive analysis of this study reveals the magnitude of Europes errors. Lowering comparative price levels and increasing dependency on large, transnational corporations, as correctly predicted by Latin American social science of the 1960s and 1970s, emerges as one of the most serious developmental blockades confronting Europe in global society, whilst increases in military expenditure, as proposed by Article 42.3 of the European Unions Lisbon Treaty, are another large stumbling block against development. The harmful potential of these blockades is severe.The books 175-nation investigation shows that Europes failure to develop its own MNC headquarter status in the global economy is a key factor that has hindered its developmental performance. This examination, which duly takes into account the control variables proposed by neoclassical economics and contemporary sociology/political science, also demonstrates the potential outcomes of several alternative scenarios, mainly those proposed by the political Left in Europe, and summarizes the effects of globalization on the environment and ecological vulnerability. What this analysis makes most clear is Europes need for change: without amending its pro-globalist policies, the continent will learn nothing from its current crisis and is destined to compete in a destructive race to the bottom.
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- 341,95 kr.
- Effects of the Global Lisbon Process. Muslim Population Shares & Global Development Patterns 1990-2003 in 134 Countries
1.483,95 kr. Presents a Barro-type of cross-national development accounting framework for the weight that the variable 'Muslims per total population' has in comparison to standard world economic openness, political geography and political history indicators for 17 key economic, political, social and environmental variables in 134 countries.
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- 1.483,95 kr.
- Quantitative Analysis of Global Terrorism, World Political Cycles & Center Periphery Structures
1.823,95 kr. Countering some alarmist voices in the West, neither migration nor Muslim culture are to be blamed for the contemporary crisis, but the very nature of unequal capitalist accumulation and dependency that is at the core of the world capitalist system. This title presents optimistic, socio-liberal conclusions about Islam in the world system.
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- 1.823,95 kr.
- Muslim Communities, Social Exclusion & the Lisbon Process in Europe
1.093,95 kr. While there is a never-ending debate on Islamism, Islamist terrorism and the identity of Europe vis-a-vis growing Muslim communities in Europe, there are hardly any solid cross-national data being presented on the real extent of the Islamist threat facing Europe, and on the social conditions that lead to Islamist radicalism.
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- 1.093,95 kr.
- A Quantitative Analysis on Globalization & Global Governance
1.918,95 kr. Provides a survey for research and information in the field of globalisation. This book is suitable for those scholars who are interested in political and social sciences.
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- 1.918,95 kr.