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Bøger af Armando Lucas Correa

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  • af Armando Lucas Correa
    103,95 kr.

    1939 - Berlin: Gaderne i den tyske hovedstad er hyllet i sort, rødt og hvidt; familien Rosenthals ejendele bliver konfiskeret, og de er ikke længere velkomne i den by, hvor de altid har hørt til. Ruteskibet SS St. Louis giver håb om en sikker vej ud af Tyskland til det solrige Cuba. Livet ombord er en hvirvelvind af maskeballer, udsøgte måltider og høflig opvartning, der føles som en surrealistisk ferie for unge Hannah Rosenthal og de øvrige flygtninge. Men ude på åbent hav når ildevarslende rygter fra Havana frem til passagererne, og deres skrøbelige tryghed begynder at smuldre. 2014 - New York: På Anna Rosens 12-års fødselsdag dukker en uventet pakke op. Den viser sig at være fra en ukendt slægtning på Cuba, og det særprægede indhold sender Anna og hendes mor på en opdagelsesrejse til Havana, tilbage til familiens tragiske fortid. Den tyske pige tager læseren med til Berlin under optakten til 2. verdenskrig, over Cuba på tærsklen til revolution og til New York i efterveerne af 11. september, før den når sin slutning i nutidens omtumlede Havana.

  • Spar 20%
    af Armando Lucas Correa
    168,95 - 198,95 kr.

    BERLIN, 1939. De drømme Amanda og Julius Stenberg har for deres døtre sprænges i stykker, da nazismen får greb om Berlin, og familiens højtelskede boghandel står i flammer, inden Julius sendes i koncentrationslejr. I et forsøg på at redde børnene flygter Amanda mod Sydfrankrig, hvor en gammel vens enke har lovet at give dem tag over hovedet. På vejen byder en anden mulighed sig til i form af et skib med retning mod Cuba og lasten fuld af flygtninge, og der på havnen må Amanda træffe en umulig beslutning, som hjemsøger hende resten af livet.NEW YORK, 2015. Den firsårige franskmand Elise Duval modtager besked fra en fortid, hun har tvunget sig selv til at glemme, i form af breve fra sin mor, skrevet på tysk under anden verdenskrig. Men på trods af alle Elises forsøg på at undslippe, trevles halvfjerds års hemmeligheder nu pludselig langsomt op.Datterens fortælling er baseret på virkelige hændelser. En smukt komponeret familiesaga om kærlighed, overlevelse og tilgivelseOm forfatteren:Armando Lucas Correa er en prisvindende journalist og chefredaktør på det spanske magasin People en Español, der storsælger i USA. Han har modtaget adskillige journalistiske priser fra National Association of Hispanic Publications og Society of Professional Journalism. Hans første roman Den tyske pige blev en international bestseller. Datterens fortælling er hans anden roman.

  • af Armando Lucas Correa
    113,95 kr.

    A beautifully written debut novel set aboard the liner St Louis as it travels from Hamburg to Cuba - supposedly taking Jewish families to a safe new home. Both intensely moving and thought-provoking, this novel is based on a true story, one of the most devastating, yet little known, tragedies of WWII.

  • af Armando Lucas Correa
    418,95 kr.

    "Leah has been living with akinetopsia, or motion blindness, since she was a child. For the last twenty years, she hasn't been able to see movement. As she walks around her upper Manhattan neighborhood with her white stick tapping in front, most people assume she's blind. But the truth is Leah sees a good deal, and with her acute senses of smell and hearing, very little escapes her notice. She has a quiet, orderly life, with little human contact beyond her longtime housekeeper, her doctor, and her elderly neighbor. That all changes when Alice moves into the apartment next door and Leah can immediately smell the anxiety wafting off her. Worse, Leah can't help but hear Alice and a late-night visitor engage in a violent fight. Worried, she befriends her neighbor and discovers that Alice is in the middle of a messy divorce from an abusive husband. Then one night, Leah wakes up to someone in her apartment. She blacks out and in the morning is left wondering if she dreamt the episode. And yet the scent of the intruder follows her everywhere. And when she hears Alice through the wall pleading for her help, Leah makes a decision that will test her courage, her strength, and ultimately her sanity."--

  • af Armando Lucas Correa
    148,95 kr.

    Nattens rejsende er en historisk roman om fire generationer af kvinder, der oplever kærlighed, tab, krig og håb fra nazismens fremkomst til den cubanske revolution og til sidst Berlinmurens fald.Berlin, 1931: Da nazisterne overtager magten i Det Tyske Rige, må den unge Ally Keller føre en farlig og desperat plan ud i livet for at sende sin datter Lilith over Atlanten i sikkerhed for Hitlers dødbringende ideologi.Havana, 1958: Tredive år senere får Lilith datteren Nadine med den cubanske pilot, Martin, der har stærke bånd til Batista-regeringen, men da revolutionens flammer antændes, står mor og datter ved en afgørende skillevej.Berlin, 1988: Som voksen begynder Nadine endelig at undersøge de valg, hendes mor og mormor traf for at sikre deres børns overlevelse. Men det bliver op til datteren Luna at komme overens med et chokerende forræderi i familiens fortid.

  • af Armando Lucas Correa
    208,95 kr.

    Leah ha vivido con akinetopsia, o ceguera al movimiento, desde que era niäna. Durante los âultimos veinte aänos, no ha podido percibir el movimiento. Mientras pasea por su vecindario en Upper Manhattan con su bastâon blanco guiando el camino, la mayorâia de la gente asume que es ciega. Pero la verdad es que Leah ve mucho, y con sus agudos sentidos del olfato y la audiciâon, muy poco escapa a su atenciâon.

  • af Armando Lucas Correa
    298,95 kr.

  • af Armando Lucas Correa
    129,95 kr.

    Nattens rejsende er en historisk roman om fire generationer af kvinder, der oplever kærlighed, tab, krig og håb fra nazismens fremkomst til den cubanske revolution og til sidst Berlinmurens fald.Berlin, 1931: Da nazisterne overtager magten i Det Tyske Rige, må den unge Ally Keller føre en farlig og desperat plan ud i livet for at sende sin datter Lilith over Atlanten i sikkerhed for Hitlers dødbringende ideologi.Havana, 1958: Tredive år senere får Lilith datteren Nadine med den cubanske pilot, Martin, der har stærke bånd til Batista-regeringen, men da revolutionens flammer antændes, står mor og datter ved en afgørende skillevej.Berlin, 1988: Som voksen begynder Nadine endelig at undersøge de valg, hendes mor og mormor traf for at sikre deres børns overlevelse. Men det bliver op til datteren Luna at komme overens med et chokerende forræderi i familiens fortid.

  • af Armando Lucas Correa
    183,95 kr.

    Four generations of women experience love, loss, war, and hope from the rise of Nazism to the Cuban Revolution and finally, the fall of the Berlin Wall in this sweeping novel from the bestselling author of the “timely must-read” (People) The German Girl.Berlin, 1931: Ally Keller, a talented young poet, is alone and scared when she gives birth to a mixed-race daughter she names Lilith. As the Nazis rise to power, Ally knows she must keep her baby in the shadows to protect her against Hitler’s deadly ideology of Aryan purity. But as she grows, it becomes more and more difficult to keep Lilith hidden so Ally sets in motion a dangerous and desperate plan to send her daughter across the ocean to safety. Havana, 1958: Now an adult, Lilith has few memories of her mother or her childhood in Germany. Besides, she’s too excited for her future with her beloved Martin, a Cuban pilot with strong ties to the Batista government. But as the flames of revolution ignite, Lilith and her newborn daughter, Nadine, find themselves at a terrifying crossroads. Berlin, 1988: As a scientist in Berlin, Nadine is dedicated to ensuring the dignity of the remains of all those who were murdered by the Nazis. Yet she has spent her entire lifetime avoiding the truth about her own family’s history. It takes her daughter, Luna, to encourage Nadine to uncover the truth about the choices her mother and grandmother made to ensure the survival of their children. And it will fall to Luna to come to terms with a shocking betrayal that changes everything she thought she knew about her family’s past. “A stunning multigenerational story” (Publishers Weekly, starred review), The Night Traveler reveals the power of self-discovery and motherly love.

  • af Armando Lucas Correa
    453,95 kr.

  • af Armando Lucas Correa
    118,95 - 253,95 kr.

  • af Armando Lucas Correa
    228,95 kr.

    Berlâin, 1931: La joven poeta Ally Keller da a luz a solas a Lilith, una niäna mestiza. Mientras los Nazis ascienden al poder, Ally sabe que debe mantener a su bebâe oculta para protegerla de la ideologâia de la raza aria promovida por Hitler. Pero a medida que Lilith crece, cada vez resulta mâas difâicil protegerla... Hasta que un dâia Ally decide poner en marcha un plan desesperado para enviar a su hija a un lugar seguro al otro lado del ocâeano. La Habana, 1958: Lilith, ya adulta, conserva pocos recuerdos de su madre o de su infancia en Alemania y, aunque ahora estâa muy ilusionada con su futuro al lado de Martâin, un piloto cubano con fuertes lazos con el gobierno de Fulgencio Batista, al estallar la Revoluciâon se encuentra en una encrucijada junto a su hija reciâen nacida, Nadine. Berlâin, 1988: Nadine se ha convertido en una cientâifica que se dedica a velar por la dignidad de de quienes fueron asesinados por los Nazis. Sin embargo, lleva toda la vida sin afrontar la verdad sobre la historia de su familia. Serâa su hija, Luna, quien la animarâa a indagar sobre las decisiones que tomaron su madre y su abuela para asegurar su supervivencia. Ademâas, Luna deberâa aceptar una traiciâon desconcertante que cambiarâa todo lo que creâia saber sobre sus antepasados. Cuatro mujeres de varias generaciones unidas por el sacrificio se embarcan en sus propios viajes de autodescubrimiento y se convierten en testimonios de la fuerza del amor materno.

  • af Armando Lucas Correa
    178,95 kr.

    "The internationally bestselling author of The German Girl delivers an unforgettable family saga of love and redemption during World War II, based on the true story of the Nazi massacre of a French village in 1944"--

  • af Armando Lucas Correa
    293,95 kr.

    "Berlin, 1931: Ally Keller, a talented young poet, is alone and scared when she gives birth to a mixed-race daughter she names Lilith. As the Nazis rise to power, Ally knows she must keep her baby in the shadows to protect her against Hitler's deadly ideology of Aryan purity. But as she grows, it becomes more and more difficult to keep Lilith hidden so Ally sets in motion a dangerous and desperate plan to send her daughter across the ocean to safety. Havana, 1958: Now an adult, Lilith has few memories of her mother or her childhood in Germany. Besides, she's too excited for her future with her beloved Martin, a Cuban pilot with strong ties to the Batista government. But as the flames of revolution ignite, Lilith and her newborn daughter, Nadine, find themselves at a terrifying crossroads. Berlin, 1988: As a scientist in Berlin, Nadine is dedicated to ensuring the dignity of the remains of all those who were murdered by the Nazis. Yet she has spent her entire lifetime avoiding the truth about her own family's history. It takes her daughter, Luna, to encourage Nadine to uncover the truth about the choices her mother and grandmother made to ensure the survival of their children. And it will fall to Luna to come to terms with a shocking betrayal that changes everything she thought she knew about her family's past. Separated by time but united by sacrifice, four women embark on journeys of self-discovery and find themselves to be living testaments to the power of motherly love."--Provided by publisher.

  • - Como creamos nuestra familia
    af Armando Lucas Correa
    238,95 kr.

    En busca de Emma es la conmovedora historia de dos padres que superaron todos los obstáculos para traer a su hija a este mundo. Una historia personal de la construcción de una familia del siglo XXI. Una historia de amor universal. Este es el primer libro del editor en jefe de People en Español.Como editor en jefe de People en Español, la revista en español de mayor circulación en los EE. UU., Armando Correa sabe un par de cosas sobre ostentación, celebridad y glamour. Sin embargo, faltaba en su vida la familia que tanto anhelaba crear; la familia que gracias a la ciencia, la paciencia y la comunidad más solidaria posible, finalmente pudo dar vida a su hermosa hija Emma. Al utilizar el método costoso y difícil de encontrar una madre sustituta para que dé a luz a su hija, los lectores se dan cuenta de lo difícil que es el proceso para cualquiera que quiera convertirse en padre. Bendecido con una pareja a largo plazo, vemos que las esperanzas de Armando se frustran una y otra vez cuando el embarazo falla hasta que finalmente el embarazo toma y sus vidas se llenan de las expectativas que todos los padres sienten (llenas de nerviosismo, miedo, amor absoluto) cuando su bebé por nacer está en camino.El libro es a la vez una historia hermosa y oportuna contada desde la perspectiva de un hombre que siempre quiso ser padre, y cuyo entendimiento de que su familia puede no ser considerada tradicional en algunos círculos, es en parte el combustible que lo impulsa.

  • - How We Created Our Family
    af Armando Lucas Correa
    179,95 kr.

    Revised and updated with a new introduction by the author?and available in English for the first time?the moving story of a man who always wanted to be a father and the long emotional road to making his dream come true.Born in Cuba and raised in the USA, Armando Lucas Correa epitomized the American dream. He had everything he wanted: an incredible job as the editor of People magazine, meeting and interviewing glamorous celebrities; a steady partner; and a comfortable life filled with travel. But with the new millennium, he realized something vital was missing. A child. In the years before gay marriage was widespread and legal across the nation, the road to parenthood was difficult for gay couples. Though his family would not be traditional, Correa was undaunted. Every setback, each emotional challenge was fuel that drove him to fulfill his dream. Exhaustively researching the possibilities, Correa eventually chose surrogacy?a long, arduous, and expensive method involving seemingly endless tests, paperwork, and difficult decisions. But with the help of science, a lot of patience, an egg donor, a gestational mother, and the unconditional support of her partner and family, Correa's dream finally came true with the birth of his beloved daughter, Emma. In Search of Emma is an inspiring and beautiful story of love, family, and fatherhood that reminds us of that, despite the odds, we must never stop fighting to achieve our dreams. Completely revised and updated to reflect his growing family.

  • - A Novel
    af Armando Lucas Correa
    183,95 kr.

    AN INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER Featured in Entertainment Weekly, People, The Millions, and USA TODAY “An unforgettable and resplendent novel which will take its place among the great historical fiction written about World War II.” —Adriana Trigiani, bestselling author of The Shoemaker's Wife A young girl flees Nazi-occupied Germany with her family and best friend, only to discover that the overseas refuge they had been promised is an illusion in this “engrossing and heartbreaking” (Library Journal, starred review) debut novel, perfect for fans of The Nightingale, Lilac Girls, and The Tattooist of Auschwitz.Berlin, 1939. Before everything changed, Hannah Rosenthal lived a charmed life. But now the streets of Berlin are draped in ominous flags; her family’s fine possessions are hauled away; and they are no longer welcome in the places they once considered home. A glimmer of hope appears in the shape of the St. Louis, a transatlantic ocean liner promising Jews safe passage to Cuba. At first, the liner feels like a luxury, but as they travel, the circumstances of war change, and the ship that was to be their salvation seems likely to become their doom. New York, 2014. On her twelfth birthday, Anna Rosen receives a mysterious package from an unknown relative in Cuba, her great-aunt Hannah. Its contents inspire Anna and her mother to travel to Havana to learn the truth about their family’s mysterious and tragic past. Weaving dual time frames, and based on a true story, The German Girl is a beautifully written and deeply poignant story about generations of exiles seeking a place to call home.

  • - A Novel
    af Armando Lucas Correa
    149,95 kr.

    From the internationally bestselling author of The German Girl, an unforgettable, "searing" (People) saga exploring a hidden piece of World War II history and the lengths a mother will go to protect her children?perfect for fans of Lilac Girls, We Were the Lucky Ones, and The Alice Network.Seven decades of secrets unravel with the arrival of a box of letters from the distant past, taking readers on a harrowing journey from Nazi-occupied Berlin, to the South of France, to modern-day New York City. Berlin, 1939. The dreams that Amanda Sternberg and her husband, Julius, had for their daughters are shattered when the Nazis descend on Berlin, burning down their beloved family bookshop and sending Julius to a concentration camp. Desperate to save her children, Amanda flees toward the South of France. Along the way, a refugee ship headed for Cuba offers another chance at escape and there, at the dock, Amanda is forced to make an impossible choice that will haunt her for the rest of her life. Once in Haute-Vienne, her brief respite is inter­rupted by the arrival of Nazi forces, and Amanda finds herself in a labor camp where she must once again make a heroic sacrifice. New York, 2015. Eighty-year-old Elise Duval receives a call from a woman bearing messages from a time and country that she forced herself to forget. A French Catholic who arrived in New York after World War II, Elise is shocked to discover that the letters were from her mother, written in German during the war. Her mother's words unlock a floodgate of memories, a lifetime of loss un-grieved, and a chance?at last?for closure. Based on true events and "breathtakingly threaded together from start to finish with the sound of a beating heart" (The New York Times Book Review), The Daughter's Tale is an unforgettable family saga of love, survival, and redemption.

  • af Armando Lucas Correa
    108,95 kr.

  • - DOS Padres, Una Hija Y El Sueno de Una Familia
    af Armando Lucas Correa
    188,95 kr.

    La conmovedora historia de un hombre que siempre quiso ser padre y el largo camino que finalmente culminó en un sueño hecho realidadArmando Lucas Correa lo tenía todo: un trabajo increíble como el editor de People en Español, una pareja estable y una vida llena de viajes y entrevistas con glamorosos celebridades. Pero con el nuevo milenio, algo cambió. Se le despertó un sueño enterrado en su alma desde sus primeros años de vida en Cuba: el sueño de ser padre. Luego de una extensa investigación de todas sus posibilidades, optó por la subrogación. El método fue largo, arduo y costoso, con pruebas, trámites y decisiones que parecían interminables, pero con la ayuda de la ciencia, una donante de óvulos, una madre gestacional, muchísima paciencia y el apoyo incondicional de su pareja y familia, finalmente llegó su hija Emma. En busca de Emma es una historia real, increíble y hermosa del viaje agotador y emocionante que llevó a un hombre a convertirse en padre. Nada lo frenó y, sabiendo que su familia no sería la clásica y tradicional, igual siguió adelante y cumplió su sueño, tomando todos los retos y los altibajos emocionales como el fuego que lo avivó e impulsó a seguir adelante para finalmente encontrar a Emma.