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Bøger af Antonio Manzini

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  • af Antonio Manzini
    198,95 kr.

    Six months after being exiled from his beloved Rome, Deputy Police Chief Rocco Schiavone has settled into a routine in the cold, quiet, chronically backward alpine town of Aosta: an espresso at home, breakfast in the piazza, and a morning joint in his office.A little self-medication helps Rocco deal with the morons that almost exclusively comprise the local force. Especially on a day like today. It's his girlfriend's birthday (if you could call her that; in his mind, Rocco's only faithful to his late wife), he has no gift?and he's about to stumble upon a corpse.It begins when a maid reports a burglary in Aosta. But there's no sign of forced entry, and after Rocco picks the lock, he notices something off about the carefully ransacked rooms. That's when he finds the body: a woman, the maid's employer, left hanging after a grisly suicide. Rocco's intuition tells him the scene has been staged. In other words, it's murder?a pain in the ass of the highest order.

  • af Antonio Manzini
    288,95 kr.

    Tiden er skruet tilbage til juli 2007, Rom er ramt af en tropisk hede, og Marina flytter hjemmefra, da hun opdager ægtemanden Roccos lyssky forretninger med Sebastiano, Brizio og Furio, småkriminelle barndomsvenner. Samtidig med den ægteskabelige uoverensstemmelse konfronteres Rocco med drabet på to unge mænd. Roccos indre sporhund går i gang, skrupelløs og sandhedssøgende som altid. Med hjælp fra sine kolleger og sine barndomsvenner optrævler han en international ring af narkobander, men må betale en meget høj pris for sine afsløringer. 7-7-2007 er det femte bind i Rocco Schiavone-serien..

  • af Antonio Manzini
    258,95 kr.

    Un medico in pensione scopre nel bosco delle ossa umane. È il cadavere di un bambino. Michela Gambino della scientifica di Aosta, nel privato tanto fantasiosamente paranoica da far sentire Rocco Schiavone spesso e volentieri in un reparto psichiatrico, ma straordinariamente competente, riesce a determinare i principali dettagli: circa dieci anni, morte per strangolamento, probabile violenza. L'esame dei reperti, un'indagine complessa e piena di ostacoli, permette infine di arrivare a un nome e a una data: Mirko, scomparso sei anni prima. La madre, una donna sola, non si era mai rassegnata. L'ultima volta era stato visto seduto su un muretto, vicino alla scuola dopo le lezioni, in attesa apparentemente di qualcuno. Un cold case per il vicequestore Schiavone, che lo prende non come la solita rottura di decimo livello, ma con dolente compassione, e con il disgusto di dover avere a che fare con i codici segreti di un mondo disumano. Un'indagine che lo costringe alla logica, a un procedere sistematico, a decifrare messaggi e indizi provenienti da ambienti sotterra-nei. E a collaborare strettamente con i colleghi e i sottoposti, dei quali conosce sempre più da vicino le vite private: gli amori spericolati di Antonio, il naufragio di Italo, le recenti sistemazioni senti-mentali di Casella e di Deruta, persino l'inattesa sensibilità di D'Intino, le fissazioni in fondo comiche dei due del laboratorio. Lo circondano gli echi del passato di cui il fantasma di Marina, la moglie uccisa, è il palpitante commento. Si accorge sempre più di essere inadeguato ad altri amori. È come se la solitudine stesse diventando l'esigente compagna di cui non si può fare a meno. Questa è l'indagine forse più crudele di Rocco Schiavone.

  • af Antonio Manzini
    178,95 kr.

    After getting into serious trouble with the wrong people, Deputy Police Chief Rocco Schiavone is exiled to Aosta, a small, touristy alpine town far from his beloved Rome. The sophisticated yet crotchety Roman despises mountains, snow, and the provincial locals as much as he disdains his superiors and their petty rules. But he loves solving crimes.When a mangled body is discovered on a slope above Champoluc, Rocco immediately faces his first challenge?identifying the victim, a complex procedure complicated by his ignorance of the customs, dialect, and history of his new home. Proud and undaunted, Rocco makes his way among the ski runs, mountain huts, and aerial tramways, meeting instructors, alpine guides, the enigmatic folk of Aosta, and a few beautiful locals eager to give him a warm welcome. It won't be easy, this mountain life, especially with a corpse or two in the mix. But then there's nothing that makes Rocco feel more at home than an investigation.

  • af Antonio Manzini
    288,95 kr.

    Rocco er kendt for sin kontante façon og utraditionelle metode i opklaringsarbejdet. Han tumler med to sager. Først og fremmest drabet på Roccos bedste vens forlovede, et drab, der uden tvivl var tiltænkt ham. Rocco ved, at han har skaffet sig mange fjender, og at drabsmanden skal findes blandt dem. Og så er der dønninger efter kidnapningen af en ung pige, Chiara. Hvem er bagmanden? Hvad var motivet til kidnapningen? Bind 4 i Rocco Schiavone-serien.

  • af Antonio Manzini
    268,95 kr.

  • af Antonio Manzini
    288,95 kr.

    Det er maj måned og bitterligt koldt og vådt i Aosta, hvilket passer vicepoilitiinspektør Rocco Schiavone meget dårligt. At han nægter at iføre sig andet end lodenfrakke og Clarks, totalt uegnede i det norditalienske vintervejr, gør ikke situationen bedre. Han står over for den hidtil mest komplicerede sag i sin tid i Aosta. En ung pige bortføres. De to, der udfører bortførelsen, forulykker, og derefter ved ingen, hvor pigen befinder sig. Rocco sætter alt ind på at finde den bortførte pige i live. Uden for sæsonen er den tredje Rocco Schiavone-krimi.

  • af Antonio Manzini
    106,95 kr.

    Small towns can hide big secrets, but Rocco Schiavone will do whatever it takes to bring them into the light. The second novel in the internationally bestselling series from Italian crime maestro Antonio Manzini. In an elegant apartment in a chilly Alpine town a cleaning lady makes a gruesome discovery: the body of her employer hanging from a chandelier in a dark room in an apparent suicide. Working the case is Deputy Police Chief Rocco Schiavone, banished from his beloved Rome to snowy, small-town Aosta. An incurable cynic, perpetually at war with the world - and the weather - Rocco is unconvinced that Esther killed herself. Armed with his intuition and his inimitable brand of morality, he begins to hunt for a killer. But as he digs deeper into Esther's life Rocco is increasingly troubled by personal matters: his dissatisfied girlfriend Nora; the very vocal memory of his deceased wife, Marina; and a score that still needs settling back in Rome. Small towns can hide big secrets, but Rocco will do whatever it takes to bring them into the light.

  • af Antonio Manzini
    118,95 kr.

    Already an international hit, a sly, sizzling mystery set in the Italian Alps, the first in a sensational crime series. The dark flanks of the Alps tower over everything. Wind whistles through the fir trees. An expanse of ice and snow with no end in sight. A growing stain. A mess of flesh and blood. A corpse buried six inches under the snow. Enter Rocco Schiavone, Deputy Police Chief and a man who has more beautiful women in his bed than sensible shoes under it. He's stuck in this backwards Alpine town after getting on the wrong side of the wrong people and longs for the fritto misto, cobbled streets and lucky breaks of his beloved Rome. He hates this place and the provincial locals almost as much as his superiors for their petty rules and for exiling him here. On top of that, he's got a body to deal with and this mangled corpse is "e;a pain in the ass, number 10 on the scale, summa cum laude"e;... There is blood on the black run and nothing to identify the victim but a tattoo of Luisa Pec, owner of a bar popular with the locals and a pair of blue eyes popular with Rocco. Was it a crime of passion? Or of jealousy? And how are the mafia involved? Rocco Schivone is on the case, the first in a sensational new crime series.

  • af Antonio Manzini
    288,95 kr.

    Rocco er på sjette måned udstationeret i Aosta. Kulde og sne passer ham dårligt. En kvinde findes død i sin lejlighed, hængt i en lampekrog. Det spektakulære fund gør indtryk, men er det mord eller selvmord? Rocco tager usædvanlige midler i brug i opklaringsarbejdet, som byder på lidt af en overraskelse.Adams ribben er den anden Rocco Schiavone-krimi.

  • - A Novel
    af Antonio Manzini
    155,95 kr.

    The fourth installment in the Rocco Schiavone mystery series from the international bestselling author, Antonio Manzini picks up three days after his last novel, Out of Season, left off, as Rocco seeks revenge for a friend—and closure for himself.Rocco is still reeling from the death of his best friend’s girlfriend, who was murdered as she slept in his bed. There’s no doubt that she was in the wrong place at the wrong time and paid the ultimate price. With the identity of the hitman still unknown, a cloud lingers over Rocco, dulling his judgment and leaving this anti-hero exposed to other threats. For Rocco has stepped on one too many people’s toes over the years, namely the mafia that is still being rooted out in Aosta. To complicate matters, the kidnapped teenager that Rocco saved has not fully recovered. But all is not as it appears with that family. Her mother, father, and boyfriend are all running some sort of farce that Rocco can’t easily crack. And now he must grapple between these two parallel investigations and find answers once and for all…before one too many skeletons come after him. With the same clever insights, vitality, and humor readers have come to expect from Manzini, Spring Cleaning is another engaging, page-turning mystery.

  • af Antonio Manzini
    288,95 kr.

    Rocco Schiavone er blevet forflyttet til Aosta i De Italienske Alper, 755 km fra hans elskede Rom. Iført Clarks-støvler og Lodenfrakke, totalt nytteløse i det barske klima, går han i gang med efterforskningen af den første sag: fundet af et til ukendelighed tilredt lig, halvt begravet i sne på løjpen. Et er at kæmpe mod sneen, noget andet at slås med de lokale politifolk, de fleste af dem tumper i hans øjne. Manzini skriver med sarkasme og en god portion selvironi. Sort piste er den første Rocco Schiavone-krimi.

  • - A Novel
    af Antonio Manzini
    154,95 kr.

    A clever, engaging new novel from bestselling Italian author, Antonio Manzini, following the dashing deputy police chief, Rocco Schiavone, who confronts his most riveting case ever. It's the bitterly cold spring season in alpine Aosta, and a girl has been kidnapped.