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Bøger af Antonio Gaspari

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  • - Papiez, Ktory Przybyl Z Konca Swiata
    af Antonio Gaspari
    153,95 kr.

    A German Pope who discovers that his personal butler betrayed him. High ranking prelates accused of practicing pedophilia. Vocations in Old Europe are diminishing. There are more Churches than priests. Secularization rises and believers are less tolerated and more discriminated against. In this context, the unthinkable happens. On the morning ofFebruary 11th, Benedict XVI announces his renunciation. The Church and the world are rattled. If even the Pope resigns, we are at the end of the world. The Cardinals arrive in Rome for one of the most complicated Conclaves in history. On March 13th, on the balcony of St. Peter's Basilica, Jorge Mario Bergoglio appears, Argentinian, son of Italian immigrants, the first Pope from Latin America, the first Jesuit Pope, the first Pope to choose the name of Francis. He is humble, simple, spiritual. He speaks very little but his words and gestures touch the heart. He lives in a hotel room. He celebrates Mass with Vatican employees, gardeners, and officials. He eats breakfast, lunch and dinner on any table that is available. He wears a simple white habit. He caresses and consoles the disabled and those who suffer. To the world's powerful leaders he explained that "true power is service." To the Cardinals he specifies that the worst evil that could happen to the Church is spiritual worldliness, self-referentiality and theological narcissism. To the priests he says that a good shepherd wears the "odor of his sheep." To the patriarchs of other Christian faiths, he has presented himself as the "servant of the servants," Bishop of Rome with the primacy of charity. People run towards him and come from every part of the world to listen to him and meet him. Like a cyclone he is making a mark in the history of the Church and of the world (...) The rest you will find in this book. Happy reading.

  • - Le pape venu du bout du monde
    af Antonio Gaspari
    153,95 kr.

    Un pape allemand découvre que son majordome le trahit. De hauts prélats sont accusés de pédophilie. Dans la vieille Europe, les vocations se raréfient. Les églises y sont plus nombreuses que les prêtres. La sécularisation progresse: les croyants commencent à être mal tolérés et discriminés. C'est dans ce contexte que l'impensable se produit. Le matin du 11 février, Benoît XVI annonce sa démission. L'Église et le monde plongent dans l'effroi. Si même le pape démissionne, c'est la fin du monde ! Les cardinaux arrivent à Rome pour un des conclaves les plus compliqués de l'histoire. Le 13 mars, Jorge Mario Bergoglio se présente à la loggia de la Basilique Saint-Pierre: argentin, fils d'immigrés italiens, premier pape d'Amérique latine, premier pape jésuite, il est aussi le premier pape à choisir le nom de François. Il est humble, simple, spirituel. Il parle peu mais ses paroles et ses gestes touchent les coeurs. Il vit dans une chambre d'hôtel et célèbre la messe avec des employés du Vatican, des jardiniers et des fonctionnaires. Il prend le petit-déjeuner, le déjeuner et le dîner à table avec ceux qui sont là. Vêtu d'une simple soutane blanche, il caresse et console les personnes handicapées ou souffrantes. Aux puissants de ce monde, il explique que le véritable pouvoir réside dans le service; aux cardinaux, il précise que le pire des maux qui puisse arriver à l'Église est la mondanité spirituelle, l'autoréférence et le narcissisme théologique. Aux prêtres, il dit que le bon pasteur a l'odeur de ses brebis . Il se présente aux patriarches des autres confessions chrétiennes comme le serviteur des serviteurs, l'évêque de Rome avec le primat de la charité. On accourt, on vient du monde entier pour l'écouter et le rencontrer. Tel un cyclone, il est en train de marquer l'histoire de l'Église et du monde. (...) Le reste est à découvrir dans ce livre. Bonne lecture !

  • - El Papa venido del fin del mundo
    af Antonio Gaspari
    118,95 kr.

    Un Papa alemán, que descubre que su ayuda de cámara le traiciona. Altos prelados son acusados de practicar la pedofilia. Las vocaciones en la vieja Europa escasean. Hay más iglesias que sacerdotes. La secularización avanza y los creyentes empiezan a ser mal tolerados y discriminados. En este contexto sucede lo impensable. En la mañana del 11 de febrero, Benedicto XVI comunica su renuncia. La Iglesia y el mundo parecen alarmados. Si incluso el papa renuncia, es el fin del mundo. Los cardenales llegan a Roma para uno de los cónclaves más complicados de la historia. El 13 de marzo, en el balcón de la Basílica de San Pedro se presenta Jorge Mario Bergoglio, argentino, hijo de inmigrantes italianos, primer papa de América Latina, primer papa jesuita, primer papa que elige el nombre de Francisco. Es humilde, sencillo, espiritual. Habla poco pero sus palabras y sus gestos tocan el corazón. Vive en una habitación de hotel. Celebra misa con empleados vaticanos, jardineros y funcionarios. Desayuna, come y cena en el comedor con quien encuentra en la mesa. Viste una simple sotana blanca. Acaricia y consuela a minusválidos y personas que sufren. A los poderosos del mundo ha explicado que "el verdadero poder es el servicio". A los cardenales ha precisado que el peor mal que pueda sucederle a la Iglesia es la mundanidad espiritual, la auto-referencialidad y el narcisismo teológico. A los sacerdotes ha dicho que el buen pastor lleva consigo "el olor de las ovejas". A los patriarcas de las otras confesiones cristianas, se ha presentado como "siervo de los siervos" obispo de Roma con el primado de la caridad. La gente corre y acude desde todas partes del mundo para escucharle y encontrarse con él. Como un ciclón está marcando la historia de la Iglesia y del mundo. (...) el resto lo encuentras en este libro. ¡Buena lectura!

  • - The Pope Who Came from the Ends of the Earth
    af Antonio Gaspari
    133,95 kr.

    A German Pope who discovers that his personal butler betrayed him. High ranking prelates are accused of practicing pedophilia. Vocations in Old Europe are diminishing. There are more churches than priests. Secularization is rising and believers are less tolerated and more discriminated against. In this context, the unthinkable happens. On the morning of February 11th, Benedict XVI announces his renunciation. The Church and the world are shaken. If even the Pope resigns, we must be at the end of the world. The Cardinals arrive in Rome for one of the most complicated Conclaves in history. On March 13th, on the balcony of St. Peter's Basilica, Jorge Mario Bergoglio appears on the balcony of St. Peter's. An Argentine, son of Italian immigrants, he is the first Pope from Latin America, the first Jesuit Pope, the first Pope to choose the name Francis. He is humble, simple, spiritual. He speaks very little but his words and gestures touch the heart. He lives in a hotel room. He celebrates Mass with Vatican employees, gardeners, and officials. He eats breakfast, lunch and dinner at any table that is available. He wears a simple white habit. He caresses and consoles the disabled and those who suffer. To the world's powerful leaders he explaines that "true power is service." To the Cardinals he specifies that the worst evil that could happen to the Church is spiritual worldliness, self-referentiality and theological narcissism. To the priests he says that a good shepherd wears the "odor of his sheep." To the Patriarchs of other Christian faiths, he has presented himself as the "servant of the servants," Bishop of Rome with the primacy of charity. People run towards him and come from every part of the world to listen to him and meet him. Like a cyclone he is making a mark in the history of the Church and of the world (...) The rest you will find in this book. Happy reading.