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Bøger af Anne Berest

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  • - Wherever You Are
    af Sophie Mas, Audrey Diwan, Caroline De Maigret & mfl.
    233,95 kr.

    How To Be Parisian brilliantly deconstructs the French woman's views on culture, fashion and attitude. Bohemian free-thinkers and iconoclasts, Anne Berest, Caroline De Maigret, Audrey Diwan and Sophie Mas cut through the myths in this gorgeous, witty guide to Parisienne savoir faire. These modern Parisiennes say what you don't expect to hear, just the way you want to hear it. They are not against smoking in bed, and all for art, politics and culture, making everything look easy, and going against the grain. They will take you on a first date, to a party and through a hangover. They will tell you how to be mysterious and sensual, make your boyfriend jealous, the right way to approach weddings and the gym, and they will share their address book in Paris for where to go at the end of the night, for a birthday, for a smart date, for vintage finds and much more.Full of wit and self-deprecating humour, How To Be Parisian explains those confusing subjects of clothes, makeup, men, culture and lifestyle as only a true Parisienne can.

  • af Sophie Mas, Audrey Diwan, Caroline De Maigret & mfl.
    119,95 kr.

    Endelig et morsomt og friskt bud på hvad det virkelig betyder at være pariserinde i det 21. århundrede. Med humor, selvironi og sarkasme deler de 4 talentfulde og mangeårige veninder Anne Berest, Caroline de Maigret, Audrey Diwan og Sophie Mas deres personlige syn på stil, kultur, attitude og mænd, alt imens de laver sjov med deres komplicerede, ofte modsatrettede følelser og væremåde. De indrømmer at være snobbede og uforudsigelige, men ikke utroværdige, dominerende og påståelige, dog alligevel følsomme og romantiske. Disse moderne pariserinder tager dig med på en first date og til fest med dertil-hørende tømmermænd. Giver dig indblik i, hvordan du er gådefuld og sensuel, gør din kæreste jaloux, den helt rigtige måde at gå til bryllupper og komme i trænings-centret på, og så deler de deres adresse-bog med tips til, hvor i Paris du går hen allersidst på natten, ved fejring af fødselsdag, på en tjekket date, eller hvor du gør de bedste loppefund og meget mere. How to be Parisian – Kærlighed, Stil & Dårlige vaner vil få dig til at grine højt, alt imens du genkender din egen cool pariserinde.

  • af Anne Berest
    144,95 - 298,95 kr.

    Mellem de sædvanlige nytårshilsner dukker der i januar 2003 et mystisk postkort op i postkassen hjemme hos Anne Berests familie. Der er ingen hilsen eller afsender  den, der har sendt kortet, ønsker tydeligvis at være anonym. Motivet på forsiden er det gamle operahus i Paris, Garnier-operaen, på bagsiden står der blot fire navne: Ephraïm, Emma, Noémie, Jacques. Det er navnene på Annes mormors forældre og hendes bror og søster. Alle fire døde i Auschwitz i 1942. Seksten år senere beslutter Anne sig for at undersøge, hvem der i sin tid sendte det foruroligende postkort. Det sender hende hundrede år tilbage i familiehistorien til hendes jødiske oldeforældre, Ephraïm og Emma, der rejser fra Rusland over Palæstina og Letland og ender med at slå sig ned i Paris, inden krigen kommer og vender deres tilværelse på hovedet.Med hjælp fra blandt andet en privatdetektiv og en håndskriftsekspert forsøger Anne at dykke ned i historien og få svar på spørgsmålene: Hvem har sendt postkortet  og ikke mindst, hvorfor har vedkommende sendt det? Og hvordan kan det være, at hendes mormor, Myriam, som den eneste i familien overlevede krigen?Anne Berest (f. 1979) er forfatter til flere anmelderroste romaner og skuespil. Postkortet (La carte postale) er hendes store gennembrud i hjemlandet Frankrig med over 100.000 solgte eksemplarer. Romanen har været shortlistet til adskillige store franske romanpriser i 2021 og har modtoget Prix Renaudot des Lycéens 2021. I 2022 blev Anne Berest den første modtager af den amerikanske version af Goncourt-prisen.

  • af Anne Berest
    128,95 - 218,95 kr.

  • af Anne Berest
    258,95 kr.

    PREMIO RENAUDOT DES LYCÉENS, PREMIO SELECCIÓN GONCOURT DE ESTADOS UNIDOS Y GRAN PREMIO DE NOVELA DE LAS LECTORAS DE ELLE, CON MÁS DE 150.000 EJEMPLARES VENDIDOS EN FRANCIA Una novela aclamada por la crítica y los lectores en torno a una investigación familiar apasionante: una historia real marcada por la Shoah que se lee como un thriller «Una obra maestra. Un libro inolvidable que te atrapa desde la primera página'. -David Foenkinos Fue en enero de 2003. En el buzón de la casa familiar, entre las tarjetas de felicitación habituales, apareció una extraña postal sin firma. En el anverso, la Ópera Garnier, y en el reverso, cuatro nombres propios: los de los bisabuelos maternos de Anne Berest --Ephraïm y Emma--, y los hijos de estos --Noémie y Jacques--, todos ellos fallecidos en Auschwitz en 1942. ¿Quién envió la tarjeta y con qué siniestra intención? Veinte años después, la autora decide averiguarlo y remontarse cien años atrás para descubrir el destino de los Rabinovitch: su huida de Rusia, su viaje a Letonia, Palestina y París, y luego la guerra. Una investigación exhaustiva y apasionante, para la cual cuenta con la ayuda de su madre, de un detective privado y de un grafólogo, y que la llevará a interrogar a los habitantes del pueblo donde sus parientes fueron detenidos, a buscar indicios en los libros y a ahondar en la vida de la única superviviente: su abuela Myriam. Anne Berest reconstruye el periplo vital de su familia en esta novela sobrecogedora y trata de dar respuesta a una pregunta eterna y universal: ¿qué significa ser judío? ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Named a Most Anticipated Book by the Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, Bustle, Book Riot, VogueNamed a May ABA Indie Next Pick AWARDED WITH THE PRIX RENAUDOT DES LYCÉENS, THE FIRST ANNUAL CHOIX GONCOURT UNITED STATES (US GONCOURT PRIZE SELECTION), AND WITH THE ELLE READERS' GRAND PRIZE, WITH MORE THAN 150,000 COPIES SOLD IN FRANCE. A critically acclaimed novel about a fascinating family investigation: a true story thriller marked by The Shoah and loved by its readers. "A masterpiece. An unforgettable book that captivates you from the first page." -David Foenkinos It was January 2003. In the mailbox of the family home, among the usual greeting cards, a strange postcard appeared without a signature. On the front, the Opera Garnier, and on the back, four names: those of Anne Berest's great-grandparents on her mother's side --Ephraïm and Emma-- and their children --Noémie and Jacques--, all of whom died in Auschwitz in 1942. Who sent the postcard? With what sinister motive? Twenty years later, the author decides to find out the answers and discovers the fate of the Rabinovitch a hundred years ago: their escape from Russia, their journey to Latvia, Palestine, and Paris... and the war. An exhaustive and exciting investigation that led her to question the people of the town where her relatives were arrested. But she is not alone searching back to the past: Anne has the help of her mother, a private detective, and a graphologist. Alongside them, she will look for clues in books while delving into the life of the only survivor in her family: her grandmother Myriam. Anne Berest reconstructs the life journey of her family in this overwhelming novel, while trying to answer an eternal and universal question: What does it mean to be Jewish?

  • af Anne Berest
    258,95 kr.

    From four stunning and accomplished French women--a charming bestseller about how to slip into your inner cool and be a Parisienne. In short, frisky sections, these Parisian women give you their very original views on style, beauty, culture, attitude and men. The authors--Anne Berest, Audrey Diwan, Caroline de Maigret, and Sophie Mas--unmarried but attached, with children--have been friends for years. Talented bohemian iconoclasts with careers in the worlds of music, film, fashion and publishing, they are untypically frank and outspoken as they debunk the myths about what it means to be a French woman today. Letting you in on their secrets and flaws, they also make fun of their complicated, often contradictory feelings and behavior. They admit to being snobs, a bit self-centered, unpredictable but not unreliable. Bossy and opinionated, they are also tender and romantic. You will be taken on a first date, to a party, to some favorite haunts in Paris, to the countryside, and to one of their dinners at home with recipes even you could do -- but to be out with them is to be in for some mischief and surprises. They will tell you how to be mysterious and sensual, look natural, make your boyfriend jealous, and how they feel about children, weddings and going to the gym. And they will share their address book in Paris for where to go: At the End of the Night, for A Birthday, for a Smart Date, A Hangover, for Vintage Finds and much more.

  • af Anne Berest
    118,95 kr.

    "Whisky, gambling and Ferraris are better than housework." Francoise Sagan