Bøger af Anna Gavalda
208,95 kr. A number 1 bestseller in France and translated into over twenty-five languages, Billie is one of the most beloved French novels to be published in recent years. A brilliant evocation of contemporary Paris and a moving tale of friendship, Anna Gavalda's new novel tells the story of two young people, Billie and Franck, who, as the story opens, are trapped in a gorge in the Cevennes Mountains. Billie begins to tell stories from their lives in order to calm herself and Franck as darkness encroaches. In alternating episodes, the novel moves between recollections of the two characters' childhoods and their dire predicament.Franck's life has been impacted by a childhood spent with a perennially unemployed father who toyed with Christian extremism and a mother aestheticized by antidepressants. A bright kid, Franck's future was menaced at every turn by the bigotry surrounding him. As for Billie, her abiding wish as an adult is to avoid ever having to come into contact with her family again. To escape from her abusive and alcohol-addled family, she was willing to do anything and everything. The wounds have not entirely healed.At the heart of Gavalda's moving story lies a generosity of spirit that will take readers' breath away, and an unshakable belief in the power of art to lift the most fragile among us to new vistas from which they can see futures full of hope, love, and dignity. Billie is a beautifully crafted novel for readers of all ages and from all walks of life that conveys a positive message about overcoming life's trials and tribulations.
- Bog
- 208,95 kr.
101,95 kr. In those crucial moments Gavalda demonstrates her almost magical skill in conveying love, lust, longing, and loneliness. Someone I Loved is a hauntingly intimate look at the intolerably painful, yet sometimes valuable consequences that adultery can have on a marriage and the individuals involved.
- Bog
- 101,95 kr.
95,95 - 98,00 kr. Billie - opkaldt efter sangen af Michael Jackson - og Franck er et umage par, som bliver sat sammen i gymnasiet for at opføre et par scener fra et teaterstykke af Alfred de Musset. Det huer dem ikke, for Billie er en vred teenager med en rodet baggrund, og Franck er mere stille og belæst. Men mod alle odds går de til opgaven med krum hals og leverer en pragtpræstation på scenen, da de skal opføre det overfor hele klassen. I processen har de lært hinanden bedre at kende og har smidt hæmningerne og det overfladiske af sig. Et smukt venskab er født mellem den grænsesøgende Billie og den homoseksuelle Franck. Efter at have været fra hinanden nogle år, mødes de igen og beslutter aldrig at vige fra den andens side. De flytter sammen i Paris, hvor Billie arbejder som blomsterhandler. Under en udflugt i Cevennerne styrter de ved et uheld ned i en klippespalte, hvor Franck kommer slemt til skade. Billie tror, at han er døden nær, og hele natten tilbringer hun med at tale til en lille stjerne på den sorte nattehimmel om deres opvækst, mens hun venter på hjælp.
193,95 kr. By the international bestselling author of Billie: These seven short stories exploring modern French life are "a raw and tender ode to the human spirit" (Booklist).Critically acclaimed and beloved across Europe, Anna Gavalda's bestselling novels have been translated into numerous languages. In this collection of short stories, all written in the first person, Gavalda has crafted intimate and inspiring portraits of people who confront their vulnerabilities and admit their weaknesses.These tales illustrate the importance of moving beyond the wounds of the past to embrace love, friendship, forgiveness, and family. From the trucker who puts his dog to sleep following the death of his son to the alcoholic widow who befriends a mysterious stranger, readers will meet expertly drawn characters in these seven stories of suffering and salvation."The voices heard in these seven stories, each entirely distinct from the others, are of the sort that permanently embed themselves in the memory."-Le Soir
- Bog
- 193,95 kr.
248,95 kr. Prize-winning author Anna Gavalda has galvanized the literary world with an exquisite genius for storytelling. Here, in her epic new novel of intimate lives-and filled with the "humanity and wit" (Marie Claire) that has made it a bestselling sensation in France-Gavalda explores the twists of fate that connect four people in Paris. Comprised of a starving artist, her shy, aristocratic neighbor, his obnoxious but talented roommate, and a neglected grandmother, this curious, damaged quartet may be hopeless apart, but together, they may just be able to face the world.
- Bog
- 248,95 kr.
- A Novel
173,95 kr. Four adult siblings reconnect on a brief adventure through the Loire Valley in this international-bestselling novel by the beloved French author of Billie. Simon and his two sisters, Garance and Lola, flee their cousin's dull weddingand Simon's judgmental wifeto visit their younger brother, Vincent, who is working as a guide at a chteau in the heart of the enchanting Tours countryside. For a few hours, they forget about kids, spouses, and work, and lose themselves in a day of laughter, teasing, and memories. Then, as simply and as spontaneously as the adventure began, it ends. All four return to their everyday lives, carrying with them the magic of their brief reunion. They are stronger now, and happier, for having rediscovered the ties that bind them. Anna Gavalda's international-bestselling novel has been published in more than forty languages. A lighthearted and funny parable about escaping the past to find the future,French Leaveis a tribute to sibling relationships, local Loire wines, and the art of being together.
- Bog
- 173,95 kr.
198,95 kr. Alive with wit and vivid observation, sparkling dialogue and brilliant characters, this is a triumphant, spellbinding, finally consoling novel about life, love and second chances.(*The French title is what players of boules call the consolation play-off match between the losers).
- Bog
- 198,95 kr.
151,95 kr. Two lost young Parisians discover new paths for their lives in this charming pair of novellas by the international-bestselling author of Billie. Twenty-four-year-old Mathilde has abandoned her studies in art history for a job leaving anonymous negative comments on websites. One day she loses her bag in a cafea bag that happens to contain ten thousand Euros. When an unknown man returns it to her a week later, Mathilde becomes obsessed with the mysterious encounter. Twenty-six-year-old Yann works as a sales assistant in a home appliances store while he waits for better days to come. He wouldn't say he is unhappy. But sometimes, late at night, when he is crossing a bridge over the River Seine, he imagines jumping. One day he does a favor for one of his neighbors and is asked to stay for dinner as thanks. The following morning Yann throws caution to the wind and decides to change his life entirely. These two novellas by bestselling author Anna Gavalda are among her most moving and inspiring. Life, Only Betteris a touching, cleverly crafted book about choices and their consequences.
- Bog
- 151,95 kr.
143,95 kr. Pour ce nouveau roman, Anne Gavalda persiste et signe dans ce qui lui va si bien : les histoires damour... Loriginalité de celle-ci ? Mettre en scène quatre éclopés de la vie.
- Bog
- 143,95 kr.
133,95 kr. One freezing evening Philibert overcomes his excruciating reitcence to rescue Camille, unconscious, from her garret and bring her into his home. As she recovers Camille learns more about Philibert;
- Bog
- 133,95 kr.
168,95 kr. Les personnages des douze nouvelles sont des gens ordinaires que l'on peut croiser tous les jours. Il y a par exemple cette étudiante qui se sent très seule, ce jeune soldat qui se sent inférieur à son frère, ces deux amis riches qui ont une fin de soirée inattendue et cet homme amoureux d'une de ses collègues. Il leur arrive à tous des évènements drôles et des évènements tristes qui pourraient nous arriver à nous aussi lecteurs et pour cela, on peut facilement s'identifier à eux et comprendre leurs réactions et leur façon de penser.
- Bog
- 168,95 kr.
64,91 kr. Chloé er blevet forladt af sin ægtemand, men hendes svigerfar tager hånd om hende og børnene, og fortæller hende sin livs- og kærlighedshistorie til trøst og opbyggelse
- E-bog
- 64,91 kr.
64,91 kr. - E-bog
- 64,91 kr.
120,95 kr. - E-bog
- 120,95 kr.
64,91 kr. Noveller fra dagens Frankrig om mænd og kvinder med deres forskellige oplevelser af hverdagen, hvor de – både i Paris og i provinsen – tager skæbnen i egen hånd.Indhold: Små delikate boulevardøvelser ; Abort ; Denne mand og denne kvinde ; The Opel touch ; Ambre ; Orlov ; Dagens nyhed ; Catgut ; Junior ; I årevis ; Klik-klak ; Epilog.Anna Gavalda (f. 1970 i Frankrig) er en fransk lærer og prisvindende romanforfatter. Hendes første novellesamling "Je voudrais que quelqu’un m’attende quelque part" (Jeg ville ønske, der var én der ventede på mig et eller andet sted) blev udgivet i 1999. I 2002 udgav hun sin første roman "Je l’aimais" (Jeg har elsket), og skrev bl.a. senere romanen "Ensemble, c’est tout" (Bare sammen) fra 2004, som blev filmatiseret i 2007.Til daglig skriver hun for magasinet "Elle" om børnebøger og er en del af juryen ved "Festival international de la bande dessinée d’Angoulême" (Den internationale tegneserie-festival). Hun er mor til to og er bosat i Paris.
- E-bog
- 64,91 kr.
94,95 - 139,95 kr. To historier om to unge mennesker, der er fanget i livet og i forestillingen om, hvad lykke og karriere er. Både Mathilde på 24 år og Yann på 26 tager hver især en drastisk beslutning om at ændre deres liv efter et tilfældigt møde med en fremmed - for hellere tage en chance med risiko for at fejle end stå tilbage og ikke at have levet livet. Med disse to historier formår Anna Gavalda at portrættere en generation med alle de genkendelige valg, der følger med det at være ung og skulle finde sin plads i livet. Senest har Anna Gavalda på dansk udgivet BILLIE. Nu er hun tilbage i novelleformen, som gav hende det helt store gennembrud med novellesamlingen JEG VILLE ØNSKE, DER VAR ÉN, DER VENTEDE PÅ MIG ET ELLER ANDET STED ...
138,95 kr. Grégoire a 13 ans et est en sixième. Il a déjà redoublé deux fois. Il déteste l’école et préfère bricoler avec son grandpère, grand-Léon, qu’il adore. Mais quand Grégoire est renvoyé du collège, son grand-père n’est pas content du tout. Puis il va en pension et grand-Léon tombe malade. Est-ce que Grégoire va réussir dans sa nouvelle école ? Est-ce qu’il peut aider son grand-père ? Grégoire er 13 år og slet ikke glad for at gå i skole. Han vil meget hellere arbejde med sine hænder, og han tilbringer megen tid sammen med sin bedstefar, Léon, i værkstedet i det gamle skur. Til sidst bliver Grégoire bortvist fra skolen, og næsten samtidig bliver Léon alvorligt syg. Mon det bliver bedre i den nye skole? Og hvordan skal det gå med bedstefar? Easy Readers er bearbejdede og forkortede udgaver af romaner og noveller. De findes på niveau A, B, C og D, hvor A er lettest. Niveauerne relaterer til Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (level A2 til B2).
- Bog
- 138,95 kr.