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Bøger af Ankit Sharma

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  • af Ankit Sharma
    442,95 kr.

    Eine Düse ist eine mechanische Vorrichtung, die dazu dient, die Durchflussmenge, die Geschwindigkeit, die Richtung und den Druck des durch sie austretenden Stroms zu steuern. Es gibt verschiedene Arten von Düsen, die verwendet werden. In einer Düse erhöht sich die Geschwindigkeit der Flüssigkeit auf Kosten ihrer Druckenergie. Die Hauptaufgabe der Düse besteht darin, die Eigenschaften der Flüssigkeitsströmung zu steuern, ebenso wie die Geschwindigkeit beim Austritt aus der Kammer eines Antriebssystems zu erhöhen. In dieser Arbeit wird die Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD)-Analyse zur Untersuchung einer Überschalldüse mit variablem Querschnitt und Reibungseffekten durchgeführt. Ziel der Untersuchung ist es, Wege zur Verbesserung der Leistung von Düsensystemen zu finden. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf dem Entwurf und der Analyse einer CRMC-Düse mit Reibungseffekt. Die Ergebnisse werden konturenbasiert und grafisch dargestellt. Ein Diagramm stellt die Ergebnisse der Analyse und des CFD dar. Aus den Ergebnissen geht hervor, dass die Machzahl mit zunehmendem axialen Abstand entlang der CRMC-Düse steigt.

  • af Ankit Sharma
    442,95 kr.

    Nasadka - äto mehanicheskoe ustrojstwo, prednaznachennoe dlq uprawleniq rashodom, skorost'ü, naprawleniem i dawleniem prohodqschego cherez nee potoka. Suschestwuüt razlichnye tipy sopel, kotorye ispol'zuütsq. V sople skorost' zhidkosti uwelichiwaetsq za schet änergii ee dawleniq. Soplo - äto ustrojstwo, razrabotannoe i prednaznachennoe dlq uprawleniq naprawleniem potoka zhidkosti pri lübom dwizhenii, osnownaq rol' sopla zaklüchaetsq w uprawlenii harakteristikami potoka zhidkosti, tak zhe kak i w uwelichenii skorosti pri wyhode iz kamery propul'siwnoj sistemy. V dissertacii na osnowe wychislitel'nogo gidrodinamicheskogo (CFD) analiza izuchaetsq swerhzwukowoe soplo peremennoj ploschadi s frikcionnymi äffektami. Issledowanie naprawleno na poisk putej uluchsheniq harakteristik soplowyh sistem. Osnownoe wnimanie udelqetsq proektirowaniü i analizu sopla CRMC s äffektom treniq. Rezul'taty predstawleny w wide konturow i grafikow. Grafik predstawlqet analiticheskie i CFD dannye. Kak widno iz rezul'tatow, chislo Maha uwelichiwaetsq s uwelicheniem osewogo rasstoqniq wdol' sopla CRMC.

  • af Ankit Sharma
    442,95 kr.

    Um bico é um dispositivo mecânico concebido para controlar a taxa de fluxo, a velocidade, a direção e a pressão do fluxo que passa através dele. Existem vários tipos de bocais que são utilizados. Num bocal, a velocidade do fluido aumenta à custa da sua energia de pressão. O bocal, especificamente, é um dispositivo que é desenvolvido e projetado para controlar a direção do fluido que flui em qualquer movimento, o papel principal do bocal é controlar as características do fluxo de fluido, tal como aumentar a velocidade à medida que este sai da câmara de um sistema propulsivo. Nesta tese, a análise de Dinâmica de Fluidos Computacional (CFD) estuda um bocal supersónico de área variável com efeitos de fricção. O objetivo da investigação é encontrar formas de melhorar o desempenho dos sistemas de tubeiras. Esta investigação centra-se principalmente na conceção e análise de bocais CRMC com efeito de fricção. Os resultados são apresentados com base em contornos e gráficos. Um gráfico representa a análise e o CFD. Como observado a partir dos resultados, o número de Mach aumenta com o aumento da distância axial ao longo do bocal CRMC.

  • af Ankit Sharma
    442,95 kr.

    Une buse est un dispositif mécanique conçu pour contrôler le débit, la vitesse, la direction et la pression du flux qui la traverse. Il existe différents types de buses. Dans une buse, la vitesse du fluide augmente au détriment de son énergie de pression. La tuyère est un dispositif développé et conçu pour contrôler la direction du fluide qui s'écoule dans un mouvement quelconque. Le rôle principal de la tuyère est de contrôler les caractéristiques de l'écoulement du fluide, tout comme d'augmenter la vitesse lorsqu'il sort de la chambre d'un système propulsif. Dans cette thèse, l'analyse CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamic) permet d'étudier une tuyère supersonique à surface variable avec des effets de frottement. L'étude vise à trouver des moyens d'améliorer les performances des systèmes de tuyères. Elle se concentre principalement sur la conception et l'analyse d'une tuyère CRMC avec effet de frottement. Les résultats sont présentés sous forme de contours et de graphiques. Un graphique représente les résultats de l'analyse et de la CFD. Les résultats montrent que le nombre de Mach augmente avec la distance axiale le long de la tuyère CRMC.

  • af Ankit Sharma
    442,95 kr.

    Un ugello è un dispositivo meccanico progettato per controllare la portata, la velocità, la direzione e la pressione del flusso che lo attraversa. Esistono vari tipi di ugelli. In un ugello, la velocità del fluido aumenta a scapito della sua energia di pressione. L'ugello, nello specifico, è un dispositivo sviluppato e progettato per controllare la direzione del fluido che scorre in un qualsiasi movimento; il ruolo primario dell'ugello è quello di controllare le caratteristiche del flusso del fluido, così come di aumentarne la velocità all'uscita dalla camera di un sistema propulsivo. Nella tesi è stata condotta un'analisi Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) per studiare un ugello supersonico ad area variabile con effetti di attrito. L'indagine è volta a trovare i modi per migliorare le prestazioni dei sistemi di ugelli. L'analisi si concentra principalmente sulla progettazione e sull'analisi dell'ugello CRMC con effetto di attrito. I risultati sono mostrati sulla base di curve di livello e grafici. Il grafico rappresenta i risultati analitici e della CFD. Come si osserva dai risultati, il numero di Mach aumenta con l'aumentare della distanza assiale lungo l'ugello CRMC.

  • af Ankit Sharma
    442,95 kr.

    A nozzle is a mechanical device which is designed to control the rate of flow, speed, direction, and pressure of the stream that exhaust through it. There are various types of nozzles which are used. In a nozzle, the velocity of fluid increases at the expense of its pressure energy. Nozzle specifically is a device which is developed and designed to control the direction of the fluid flowing in any motion, the nozzle¿s primary role is to control the characteristics of fluid flow, just like to increase the velocity as it exits the chamber of a propulsive system. In the thesis the Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) analysis to study on supersonic variable area nozzle with frictional effects. The investigation is to find the ways to improve the performance of nozzle systems. This is mainly concentrated on the design and analysis of CRMC nozzle with frictional effect. The results are shown based on contour and graphical. A graph represents acc. to analytical and CFD. As observed from results, that Mach number is increasing with increasing axial distance along CRMC nozzle.

  • af Ankit Sharma
    370,95 kr.

    In my book, I delve into the transformative impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the realm of healthcare. Through a concise exploration, readers will witness how AI is reshaping diagnostics, treatment approaches, and patient care. The narrative unveils the synergy between advanced algorithms and medical data, showcasing how AI is not just a technological advancement but a catalyst for more personalized, efficient, and effective healthcare solutions. From revolutionizing medical imaging to empowering predictive analytics, the book sheds light on the myriad ways AI is revolutionizing the healthcare landscape, offering readers a glimpse into the future of medicine and the profound changes it brings to the well-being of individuals and communities.

  • af Ankit Sharma
    598,95 kr.

    Questo libro evidenzia l'applicazione delle tecnologie di apprendimento automatico nel settore agricolo. Tratta la previsione della resa dei raccolti, il rilevamento di malattie e parassiti, l'agricoltura di precisione e i sistemi di supporto alle decisioni. Il libro pone l'accento sulle metodologie di raccolta e pre-elaborazione dei dati specifiche per l'agricoltura e presenta casi di studio reali. Inoltre, viene analizzata la funzione dell'apprendimento automatico e dell'apprendimento profondo nell'agricoltura di precisione e nella gestione delle colture. Il libro affronta le sfide e le tendenze emergenti, sottolineando al contempo il potenziale per ulteriori progressi nel settore. Nel complesso, presenta una panoramica completa di come queste tecnologie possano rivoluzionare le pratiche agricole e contribuire a un'agricoltura sostenibile.

  • af Ankit Sharma
    370,95 kr.

    This book highlights the application of machine learning technologies in the agricultural sector. It discusses crop yield prediction, disease and pest detection, precision agriculture, and decision support systems. The book emphasizes data collection and pre-processing methodologies specific to agriculture and showcases real-world case studies. Additionally, the function of machine learning and deep learning in precision agriculture and crop management is investigated. The book addresses challenges and emerging trends while underscoring the potential for further advancements in the field. Overall, it presents a comprehensive overview of how these technologies can revolutionize farming practices and contribute to sustainable agriculture.

  • af Ankit Sharma
    315,95 kr.

    This book concerns my recommendation how entreprensure chooses to achieve whose marketing or/and economy or / and salespeople training strategy to achieve to raise organizational more efficiency and effectiveness. I shall indiate why some UK and US some large business organizations whose weakness and strengths to cause whose organizations inefficient and I shall give recommedation how they can change their marketing or/and economy or/and human resource ( orgnizational behavior) strategy to achieve more efficiency or effectivenss. This is any salespeople psychological strategy. It concern sample of large companies case studies and indicated how the entrepreneur attempts to apply marketing theoretical bases which are often borrowed from the disciplines of economics and psychology to give opinions to solve these large companies' problems.

  • af Ankit Sharma
    123,95 kr.

  • af Ankit Sharma
    416,95 kr.

    An investigation has been done to numerically simulate the radiation losses which occur due to laser energy deposition. Although the fluid dynamic effects due to laser energy deposition have been studied by a number of researchers independently but the effect of radiation has either been neglected or has not been highlighted effectively. An Open Source CFD software OpenFOAM has been used to study the above effects.For radiation modeling, detailed line by line (LBL) spectral model has been developed. Accurate simulation of radiation heat transfer is carried out by line-by-line radiation modeling which requires very accurate absorption coefficient data at hundreds of thousands of wavelengths.It has been integrated with OpenFOAM to solve RTE using P1 solver. Radiation losses obtained are almost 500 times higher as compared to the past reported data but still, these losses are very less as compared to the deposited energy. Since the most accurate method, LBL also showed that radiation losses are negligible so this work validates the assumption of neglecting the radiation losses which was assumed in all previous studies without any proper validation.

  • af Ankit Sharma
    1.172,95 kr.

    Additive Manufacturing and Tissue Engineering applications are a field of science and technology that manufactures biocompatible, customized, reliable, and cost-effective parts to restore functionality of a failed human body part. This book offers a platform for recent breakthroughs in additive manufacturing related to biomedical applications.

  • af Ankit Sharma
    123,95 kr.

  • af Ankit Sharma
    318,95 kr.

  • af Ankit Sharma
    487,95 kr.