Bøger af Anil Kumar
253,95 kr. Special Needs: Families' Journey of Challenge and HopeEvery family is a dream, full of joy and laughter. But for some families, the journey is a little different, a little more challenging. These families often have a member with "special needs." These needs can manifest as developmental delays, physical or mental disabilities, or simply increasing dependency with age. These special needs have a far-reaching impact on families, starting with financial challenges.Financial burden: People with special needs require ongoing medical care, special education, assistive devices, and care services. These expenses can be a heavy burden on the family budget. Even with government assistance programs and private insurance, it is often difficult to afford these costs.Emotional ups and downs: Seeing a loved one with special needs can be emotionally challenging. It is common to experience anxiety, stress, frustration, and uncertainty. Other family members, especially children, are also affected and need understanding, empathy, and adjustment.Social isolation: People with special needs and their families often feel isolated in society. Misconceptions, discrimination, and inadequate support can limit their social lives. It is important for families to build a supportive network and share their experiences.Courage and hope: Although families can fall apart in the face of these challenges, many families also see special needs as a source of strength. They move forward with courage and hope, doing everything they can to give their loved ones a better life. They also work to raise awareness in society and create a better future for people with special needs
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- 253,95 kr.
858,95 kr. This textbook delves into the practical applications of surface and groundwater hydrology, as well as the environment. The Part I, "Practical Python for a Water and Environment Professional," guides readers through setting up a scientific computing environment and conducting exploratory data analysis and visualization using reproducible workflows. The Part II, "Statistical Modeling in Hydrology," covers regression models, time series analysis, and common hypothesis testing. The Part III, "Surface and Subsurface Water," illustrates the use of Python in understanding key concepts related to seepage, groundwater, and surface water flows. Lastly, the Part IV, "Environmental Applications," demonstrates the application of Python in the study of various contaminant transport phenomena.
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- 858,95 kr.
178,95 kr. The Couchbase Autonomous Operator for Kubernetes is an application-specific controller that vastly reduces complexity, human error and manual management of database services, resulting in streamlined operations, more efficient consumption of resources and cloud portability. Couchbase Autonomous Operator extends the Kubernetes API to create, configure and manage instances of complex stateful applications on behalf of a Kubernetes user. It builds upon the basic Kubernetes resource and controller concepts, but also includes the domain or application-specific knowledge to automate common tasks better managed by computers. Whether an enterprise is using a single-provider, hybrid cloud or cross-cloud strategy, Couchbase Autonomous Operator is deployment agnostic, thereby enabling multi-cloud deployment and migration seamlessly. As Kubernetes continues to gain momentum and IT organizations increasingly adopt cloud computing and embrace newer technologies like microservices, mobile, IoT and more, Couchbase identified the following key roadblocks that hinder progress: - High operational costs: Manually deploying and managing hundreds of database instances across multiple geographies increases cost, effort, and complexity. - Vendor lock-in: A lack of standardization to ensure data can be moved freely and safely between cloud providers has made it difficult to switch providers quickly or work with multiple providers. - Delayed time to market: Customers with applications using microservice architectures have difficulties managing and scaling database clusters in siloed systems, extending development times and making it harder to support their applications.The Couchbase Autonomous Operator for Kubernetes was built to address and overcome these challenges for the enterprise by providing: - Automated operations: Beta users report reductions of up to 95 percent of the operational complexity, which lowers operational costs. - Cloud-agnostic deployment and management: Offers enterprise customers with multi-cloud strategies the ability to deploy, manage and move their applications to and from any cloud, at any time. - Unmatched agility and flexibility: Allows customers who have adopted microservice architectures to run their database next to their application, reducing the DevOps cycle and decreasing time to market.
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- 178,95 kr.
687,95 kr. Research isn't limited to labs or academia; it's a skill applicable in all areas of life. Whether you're a student starting a research project, an academic refining your skills, a professional seeking evidence-based solutions, or simply curious about the research process, this book is your guide.This book highlights research's vital role in driving innovation and progress, emphasizing the importance of solid methodology for reliable results. We acknowledge the challenges and ethical considerations researchers face in the their quest for truth and knowledge.Drawing on our diverse research experiences, we share insights and a passion for the art of inquiry. Join us on this enlightening journey into research methodology, where curiosity has no limits, and the pursuit of truth is noble. May this book inspire you to explore, question and discover, for research is the compass guiding us to a deeper understanding of the world and ourselves. Welcome to the world of research methodology.
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- 687,95 kr.
173,95 kr. Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is ever-existent, ever-vibrant, and ever-radiant. He has declared, "I am within you always." This is addressed to all living beings in the world. Even when His physical frame is not there now, this is true and He proves His existence beyond doubt to all seekers of Spiritual Truth. Prof. K. Anil Kumar, the chosen translator of Bhagawan's Divine Discourses, who echoes "His Master's Voice", elaborated Bhagawan's teachings and philosophy, the glory and significance of Swami's 'Maha Samadhi', and guidance for further carrying on Sai's Mission with zeal and zest, in his lectures in foreign countries and to foreigners in Prasanthi Nilayam in this volume, titled "Divine Vibrations". Readers will find this volume all absorbing, inspiring, and spiritually elevating.
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- 173,95 kr.
- Processing, Alloying Element, Microstructure, and Properties
738,95 kr. This book offers an analysis of the state-of-the-art in high entropy alloys (HEA). In order to increase the qualities of an alloy, one major element is typically chosen and other elements are added to it in small amounts. In order to create multi-component alloys without a single major element, Professor J.W. Yeh described a novel method of alloy design in 2004. This method involved mixing elements in equiatomic or nearly equiatomic proportions. HEAs have a wide range of structural and physical properties and may find use in various applications. HEAs are intended to have high configurational entropy. The fundamental information now known in the subject, the range of different alloy systems and the features that have been investigated so far, the current major study fields, and the technological applications are presented in this book. Includes high entropy alloy fabrication and phase development. Discusses thermodynamic design criteria to develop HEAs. Covers the HEAs functioning characteristics. Compares the different processing routes used for the synthesis of HEAs
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2.021,95 kr. This book is the first comprehensive compilation of deliberations on domestication, genetic and genomic resources, breeding, genetic diversity, molecular maps & mapping of important biotic stress as well as nutritional quality traits, genome sequencing, comparative genomics, functional genomics and genetic transformation. The economic, nutritional and health benefits especially antioxidants mediated antiaging effects of finger millet are also discussed. It also presents the input use efficiency, wide adaptation, post-harvest processing and value addition of the crop. Altogether, the book contains about 300 pages over 16 chapters authored by globally reputed experts on the relevant field in this crop. This book is useful to the students, teachers and scientists in the academia and relevant private companies interested in genetics, pathology, molecular genetics and breeding, genetic engineering, structural and functional genomics and nutritional quality aspects of the crop. This bookis also useful to seed and pharmaceutical industries.
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108,95 kr. This Book is an extension of 'Making of AZ91E Series' Notion Press Media Pvt Ltd, where clear cut picture is given to select the compositions with elements based on the requirements. In this book a complete examination is focused on AZ91E with Ni 0.21 Ca 0.03. This book helps as a guide for material engineers to develop a new alloy via THERMOCALC software.
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2.388,95 kr. This book presents the select proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials, Manufacturing and Thermal Engineering (RAMMTE 2022). It broadly covers the topics of manufacturing and thermal engineering. Various topics covered in this book include alternative fuels, automation, mechatronics and robotics, CAD, CAM, FMS, CIM, CN, CFD, failure and fracture mechanics, friction, wear, tribology, and surface engineering, heat treatment, microstructure and refrigeration and cryogenics, heating ventilation and air conditioning system, heat transfer, internal combustion engines, machinability and formability of materials, mechanisms and machines, rapid manufacturing technologies and prototyping, turbo machinery, thermal engineering, and traditional and non-traditional machining processes. This book is useful for researchers and professionals working in the areas of manufacturing and thermal engineering.
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603,95 kr. Navigating the fragmented IoT connectivity ecosystem of standards, protocols, and architectures can be a challenge. Not to mention scaling a solution to a viable product. This book guides you through this fractured landscape with real world examples and projects that can be leverage for an IoT product. Backed by an overview of IoT use cases and key connectivity elements of IoT solutions, you'll gain an understanding of the breadth of the IoT landscape and the fragmentation of connectivity standards and solutions and the challenge in navigating the many standards and technologies. You'll also be able to understand the essentials of connectivity including, hardware, software, and business models. ¿IoT is essential for increasing productivity of many industries and quality of life (making the world smart and autonomous). Both wired and wireless connectivity technologies are essential ingredients in an IoT product. Writtenby Intel engineers and architects, Connecting the Internet of Things understands that connectivity is a key topic of IoT and comprehensively covers the topic from a system engineering and practical perspective.What You'll LearnUnderstand the trade offs between different wireless technologies and network topologiesUse wireless technologies in IoT productsExamine connectivity technologies and considerations on selecting it for the IoT use casesAssemble all of the components of a working solution Scale your solution to a productReview emerging connectivity technologies for addressing new use casesAdvance and optimize the performance of existing technologiesWho This Book Is ForResearchers, managers, strategists, technologists, makers, and students in the embedded and Internet of Things (IoT) space trying to understand and implement connectivity in the devices/platforms.
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1.625,95 kr. This book covers comprehensively the different agronomic aspects to understand the science of mathematical Agronomy to meet the current and future challenges related to cropping practices.
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