Bøger af Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius
253,95 kr. Filosofiens trøst er skrevet ca. 524 af en mand, som sad fængslet og ventede på at blive henrettet for forræderi mod kong Theodorik. Forfatteren Boethius var en fornem romersk senator og dybt fortrolig med hele antikkens filosofi og litteratur. I sin desperate situation fandt han trøst ved at forestille sig en samtale med Filosofien selv i skikkelse af en kvinde. Prosa veksler med digte i mange versemål og rap dialog med dybsindige udredninger af tidløse eksistensspørgsmål.Filsofiens trøst er blevet kaldt´tusind års bestseller´. Den var længe den mest læste bog i Europa efter bibelen og er kommet mange udgaver. I Danmark er den kun udkommet én gang før, i 1756. Det anonyme skrift Theoderiks historie skildrer goterkongens regeringstid - og giver Boethius´ baggrund i samtiden og beskriver hans henrettelse. Begge skrifter er oversat af Torben Damsholt.
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- 253,95 kr.
193,95 - 338,95 kr. - Bog
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143,95 kr. - Bog
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249,95 - 471,95 kr. - Bog
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471,95 - 694,95 kr. - Bog
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- 193,95 kr.
173,95 kr. This complete work unites two of Roman philosopher Boethius's finest works; his Theological Tracts regarding Christianity, and his Consolation of Philosophy which concerns the nature of fortune and dying.The works of Boethius emerged at the symbolic conclusion of the classical era, and the beginning of post-Roman Europe. As such they draw deeply upon extant classical traditions and the religious significance of Christianity; the chaos and upheaval of the author's time colors his writing in a fashion vibrant and compelling. Venerated in Catholicism for his theological studies, it was the philosophical ideas of Boethius that saw his popularity endure for ages.Given his compelling life story - Boethius was among the final Roman politicians to serve as a senator before the collapse of the Western Empire - the author's writings gain an additional, historic context. The famous Consolation was written while Boethius was in jail awaiting what transpired as the death sentence.
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- 173,95 kr.
398,95 kr. This complete work unites two of Roman philosopher Boethius's finest works; his Theological Tracts regarding Christianity, and his Consolation of Philosophy which concerns the nature of fortune and dying.The works of Boethius emerged at the symbolic conclusion of the classical era, and the beginning of post-Roman Europe. As such they draw deeply upon extant classical traditions and the religious significance of Christianity; the chaos and upheaval of the author's time colors his writing in a fashion vibrant and compelling. Venerated in Catholicism for his theological studies, it was the philosophical ideas of Boethius that saw his popularity endure for ages.Given his compelling life story - Boethius was among the final Roman politicians to serve as a senator before the collapse of the Western Empire - the author's writings gain an additional, historic context. The famous Consolation was written while Boethius was in jail awaiting what transpired as the death sentence.
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- 398,95 kr.
1.723,95 kr. - Bog
- 1.723,95 kr.
156,95 kr. "The lions of Carthage, though they bear the gorgeous bonds and trappings of captivity, and eat the food that is given them by hand, and though they fear their harsh master with his lash they know so well; yet if once blood has touched their bristling jaws, their old, their latent wills return; with deep roaring they remember their old selves; they loose their bands and free their necks, and their tamer is the first torn by their cruel teeth, and his blood is poured out by their rage and wrath. ¿from Book IIIThe Consolation of Philosophy was the single most popular book (after the Bible) during the Middle Ages. It is written as a conversation between Boethius and the spirit of Philosophy in the form of a beautiful woman. Boethius, imprisoned, tells Philosophy of his frustration and despair. She responds with compassionate teaching, preaching detachment and reminding Boethius that he must accept that Fortune¿s Wheel turns for all. Readers interested in the history of Christian thought and students of the Middle Ages will want to read this influential, classic work of Christian philosophy.Roman philosopher ANICIUS MANLIUS SEVERINUS BOETHIUS (c. 480¿524) was a scholar, translator, and Christian thinker whose influence was still widely felt a thousand years after his death. He preserved classic works by Aristotle, Plato, and others by translating them into Latin. His translations of Greek texts on mathematics, geometry, music, and astronomy were used in universities for hundreds of years. He was not able to complete all of his ambitious projects before his execution in 524 by Theodoric the Great, whom he had served for many years."
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- 156,95 kr.
198,95 kr. - Bog
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188,95 - 433,95 kr. - Bog
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- 528,95 kr.