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Bøger af Andy McNab

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  • - The original SAS story
    af Andy McNab
    138,95 kr.

    In January 1991, eight members of SAS regiment embarked upon a top secret mission that was to infiltrate them deep behind enemy lines. Under the command of Sergeant Andy McNab, they were to sever the underground communication link between Baghdad and north-west Iraq, and to seek and destroy mobile Scud launchers. Their call sign: Bravo Two Zero.

  • af Andy McNab
    133,95 kr.

    What is a good psychopath? McNab is a diagnosed psychopath but he is a GOOD PSYCHOPATH. Unlike a BAD PSYCHOPATH, he is able to dial up or down qualities such as ruthlessness, fearlessness, conscience and empathy to get the very best out of himself - and others - in a wide range of situations.

  • af Andy McNab
    118,95 - 233,95 kr.

  • af Andy McNab
    73,95 - 138,95 kr.

    Nick Stone, fra det engelske elitekorps SAS, fanges mellem SAS og IRA i USA, men også mellem professionel følelseskulde og medfølelse, da han tager ansvar for en lille pige.Andy McNab har tryllebundet flere millioner læsere med 'Bravo To Nul' og 'Elitesoldat' - dokumentarskildringer af livet i det engelske elitekorps, SAS. Nu har han skrevet en roman, der er så virkelighedstro i alle detaljer, at den giver spændingsgenren en helt ny dimension.Andy McNab har skrevet adskillige bestsellere på baggrund af sine oplevelser i elitestyrken. Han holder desuden foredrag for sikkerheds- og efterretningstjenester både i Amerika og England. Fjernstyret er den første af Andy McNabs spændingsromaner i serien om den tidligere CIA-agent Nick Stone.

  • af Andy McNab
    118,95 kr.

  • - (Nick Stone Thriller 16)
    af Andy McNab
    118,95 kr.

    When a young trooper is shot dead at the SAS' renowned Killing House, Nick Stone is uniquely qualified to investigate. Less than forty-eight hours later, he finds himself in the telescopic sights of an assassin bent on protecting a secret that could strike at the heart of the establishment.

  • - The thrilling new novel from bestseller Andy McNab
    af Andy McNab
    94,95 kr.

  • af Andy McNab
    91,95 kr.

    One earns him money, the other earns him respect from the gang that he calls family.A police chase through the city streets is just another rite of passage for Sean .

  • - (Nick Stone Thriller 15)
    af Andy McNab
    84,95 - 133,95 kr.

    1993: Under deep cover, Nick Stone and a specialist surveillance team have spent weeks in the jungles and city streets of Colombia. Nick Stone has two decades of operational skills that may no longer be deniable - and a fierce desire to protect a woman and a child who now mean more to him than life itself.

  • - (Nick Stone Thriller 17)
    af Andy McNab
    98,95 kr.

    Ex-deniable operator Nick Stone has spent a lifetime in harm's way - but when someone he cares for very deeply is murdered in cold blood, he can no longer just take the pain. A high-level internecine conflict at the dark heart of the resurgent Russian Empire and an assassin's bullet on an isolated Alpine pass?

  • af Andy McNab
    98,95 kr.

    Looking forward to a well-earned break back home, Sean and his platoon fly back to the UK, only to find themselves fighting their way out of an airport hostage situation, and the country on high terrorist alert.

  • af Andy McNab
    57,95 kr.

  • - (Nick Stone Thriller 6)
    af Andy McNab
    153,95 kr.

    Agent Nick Stone expects his latest mission to be a straightforward part of the fight against Osama Bin Laden's network of terror.

  • af Andy McNab
    92,95 kr.

    For to et halvt år siden var Nick Stone på mission i Syrien for at kidnappe en formodet terrorist. Med sig havde han en række barske fyre og en kvinde, Sarah, som Nick tidligere havde haft et forhold til. Operationen slog fejl, da Sarah under en skudveksling dræbte den mand, de skulle have bortført. Nu er Sarah forsvundet, og Nick, som arbejder for den britiske efterretningstjeneste, får til opgave at opspore hende.Ifølge myndighederne udgør Sarah i dag en alvorlig risikofaktor, og Nick får ordre til at dræbe Sarah, hvis det lykkes ham at finde hende. Det gør det, men Sarah beretter, at hun har infiltreret en gruppe terrorister, som planlægger et attentat mod Netanyahu og Arafat under et topmøde med Præsident Clinton i Det Hvide Hus, og at de må sætte alt på et bræt for at afværge mordet.Det viser sig, at sagen har forbindelse med den mislykkede operation i Syrien, og snart er Nick viklet ind i et højspændt drama, hvor ikke alt er, hvad det ser ud til at være. Forude venter en række rystende og blodige afsløringer, som kaster Nick og Sarah ud i et dramatisk opgør.Kriserum 4 er den anden i rækken af spændingsromaner om den tidligere CIA-agent Nick Stone.

  • af Andy McNab
    92,95 kr.

    Libyen 1987:Nick Stone overvåger et skib, som Firmaet har mistænkt for at smugle våben til IRA. Da det lykkes Nick at komme ombord, bliver han opdaget af IRA's skrappeste bombemager. Nick når lige at dræbe ham, inden skibet bordes af kystvagter.Irland 2007:Efter en række mystiske hændelser går det op for Nick, at nogen er begyndt at udrydde de personer, der var med i aktionen i Libyen 20 år tidligere. Det seneste offer er blevet brutalt tortureret og skudt gennem hovedet, og nu står Nick for tur ...OM FORFATTERENAndy McNab har skrevet adskillige bestsellere på baggrund af sine oplevelser i elitestyrken. Han holder desuden foredrag for sikkerheds- og efterretningstjenester både i Amerika og England. Brutal magt er den 11. i rækken af Andy McNabs spændingsromaner om Nick Stone.

  • af Andy McNab
    92,95 - 138,95 kr.

    Det er sidste udkald for Nick Stone, freelanceagent i Secret Intelligence Service. Hans arbejdsgiver kan uden videre benægte ethvert kendskab til hans aktiviteter, men da han forkludrer et officielt godkendt attentatforsøg, får han et ultimatum af sine chefer. Han skal tage til Panama og gøre arbejdet færdigt, eller hans 11-årige plejedatter Kelly vil dø.På andre tidspunkter i hans liv ville det ikke være noget problem for en mand med Stones færdigheder og erfaringer. Men Stone er ude af balance og kæmper for at samle stumperne i sit liv sammen og finde en løsning på det hjerteskærende problem, som vedrører Kellys fremtid. Da han ankommer til Panama, er han tæt på et følelsesmæssigt sammenbrug.I Mellemamerikas ufremkommelige jungle forbereder Stone sig på at udføre opgaven, hjulpet af Aaron og Carrie, to amerikanske videnskabsfolk, specialister i økologi og med forbindelser til CIA. Han finder dog hurtigt ud af, at intet i Panama er, hvad det giver sig ud for at være, og at han selv er i centrum af en dødbringende sammensværgelse, som omfatter colombianske guerillaer, USA's regering og kinesisk big business.Hundredvis af uskyldige liv er på spil...

  • af Andy McNab
    92,95 - 138,95 kr.

    Nick Stone er ikke populær i Secret Intelligence Service. Men han skal bruge penge og accepterer et freelancejob til 300.000 dollars. Jobbet er at kidnappe en russisk mafiaboss og aflevere ham i Sankt Petersborg. Nick tror, at hans problemer er løst, men de er først ved at begynde. Nick skal dykke ned i Estlands underverden hvor uforsonlige fjender bekæmper hinanden. Rusland har lanceret en samlet offensiv i cyberspace og forsøger at hacke sig ind på de mest følsomme militærhemmeligheder. Amerikanerne og englænderne forsøger at komme russerne i forkøbet. Mens mafiaen har sin egen brutale løsning på problemerne. McNab skriver godt og det er tydeligt, han kender sit stof indefra fra tiden som elitesoldat i SAS. Både handling og plot er meget realistisk og viser, hvor skrøbeligt et samfund, der er afhængig af elektronikkens velsignelser, i virkeligheden er. - Bibliotekernes lektørudtalelse

  • af Andy McNab
    92,95 - 119,95 kr.

    Den tidligere freelanceagent i Secret Intelligence Service, Nick Stone, nyder livet i Australien, da han ser et nyhedsindslag fra Georgien, hvor en gruppe terrorister holder tre hundrede mennesker som gidsler. De fleste af gidslerne er kvinder og børn, som bliver fanget i en rasende krydsild mellem terrorister og soldater, da de prøver at flygte.Billederne frembringer minder, som Nick ellers har prøvet at fortrænge, og han ved, at han bliver nødt til at risikere alt for at tilbagebetale en gammel gæld til en af hans venner.Som begivenhederne tager fat, bliver Nick kastet tilbage i den mørke og skumle verden, han troede, han var færdig med. En hemmelig verden, der tilhører navnløse fjender, som skjuler sig i magtens korridorer…Historien er meget velskrevet med et konstant højt drive.

  • af Andy McNab
    77,95 kr.

  • af Andy McNab
    118,95 - 198,95 kr.

  • af Andy McNab
    153,95 kr.

  • af Andy McNab
    133,95 - 218,95 kr.

  • af Andy McNab
    88,95 kr.

    When Lucia and her dad come to stay with Idris and his mum, Lucia is convinced Idris' mum is a spy. And that just can't be true... can it?

  • - The electrifying thriller from the No. 1 bestseller, now a major Sky film
    af Andy McNab
    108,95 kr.

    Now a Sky Original film starring Outlander''s Sam Heughan, Ruby Rose, and Andy Serkis ''One of the great all-action characters of recent times. Like his creator, the ex-SAS soldier turned uber agent is unstoppable.'' Daily Mirror''Authentic to the core'' Daily ExpressThe Channel Tunnel. Your worst fears are about to come true...____________________Deep beneath the English Channel, a small army of vicious terrorists has seized control of the Eurostar to Paris, taken 400 hostages at gunpoint - and declared war on a government that has more than its own fair share of secrets to keep.One man stands in their way. An off-duty SAS soldier is hiding somewhere inside the train. Alone and injured, he''s the only chance the passengers and crew have of getting out alive. Meet Andy McNab''s explosive new creation, Sergeant Tom Buckingham, as he unleashes a whirlwind of intrigue and retribution in his attempt to stop the terrorists and save everyone on board - including Delphine, the beautiful woman he loves.____________________Hurtling us at breakneck speed between the Regiment''s crack assault teams, Whitehall''s corridors of power and the heart of the Eurotunnel action, RED NOTICE is McNab at his devastatingly authentic, pulse pounding best.What readers are saying:***** ''Always thrilling, once started it is hard to put down until the final page.''***** ''Constant action from beginning to end, and totally believable. The best thriller writer out there.''***** ''As a former SAS soldier himself, his stories are full of tactical details and facts that only come with that deep connection.''

  • af Andy McNab & Robert Rigby
    98,95 kr.

    A lethal new drug with devastating side effects, known as Meltdown, is threatening to destabilize society. Dudley knows that the security services have to act fast, and when his 4 x 4 arrives at their remote hideout in the Canadian lakes, eighteen-year-old Danny and his grandfather, ex-SAS hero Fergus Watts, are once again sucked into a deadly undercover operation and a race against time.Their search for the mastermind behind a pair of murderous gangland twins takes them from the clubs of Manchester to Spain and Germany, and Danny needs all his newly learned expertise when he comes up against an old adversary - someone he hoped never to encounter again. And this time, when the battle is joined, it is a battle to the end.

  • af Andy McNab & Robert Rigby
    98,95 kr.

    In the high-octane sequel to Boy Soldier, seventeen-year-old Danny and his grandfather, ex-SAS explosives expert Fergus, are on the run again, with their cover in southern Spain blown. Encouraged by the mysterious Deveraux, they return to London to confront their ruthless enemy in MI6, Fincham. But a teenage suicide bomber has brought death and destruction to the heart of Westminster. And there seem to be plenty of other willing martyrs.As the trap is sprung, Danny and Fergus have to break into Northwood, and it is up to computer whiz Elena to trawl the Deep Web to help them find the information they need to put a stop to the nightmare.The second book in the Boy Soldier sequence is another explosive, fast-moving and thrilling adventure, packed with authentic detail from Andy McNab's SAS expertise.

  • af Andy McNab & Robert Rigby
    98,95 kr.

    Gripping, action-packed SAS thriller from the best-selling author of BRAVO TWO ZERO. Ideal for adventure-seeking readers. Danny Watts's grandfather, Fergus, was a traitor. One of the worst sort. An SAS explosives expert who betrayed his country and his Regiment for money. Drug money. He was arrested and left to rot and die in a Colombian jail.At least, that's what seventeen-year-old Danny is told when his hopes of becoming a soldier are destroyed for ever.But he knows something the army doesn't seem to know. Fergus Watts is alive and in the UK, living in secret under an assumed name - but where? Fergus is Danny's only living relative. Burning with fury and desire for revenge, Danny sets out to track down his grandfather and expose him. In doing so he sets in train an explosive sequence of events which throw Danny and Fergus together on the run from the people who want Fergus, and now Danny, dead.Packed with breathtaking action, SAS procedures and surveillance and survival techniques, this is a fast-moving, action-packed thriller for teenagers.

  • af Andy McNab
    108,95 kr.

    Ethan Blake is seventeen and desperate to escape from his dead-end life. When he sees someone B.A.S.E. jump from the top of his block of flats, it changes the way he sees the world for ever.Soon, Ethan is caught up in the adrenaline-fuelled world of skydiving. He's a natural, so it's no surprise when he's invited to join an elite skydive team, but is he signing up for more than just jumping out of planes?The team's involved in covert military operations - missions that require a special kind of guts, missions so secret even MI5 denies all knowledge.

  • af Andy McNab
    88,95 kr.

    Bestselling Andy McNab and award-winning Phil Earle join forces for the very first time, and the results are hilarious! Danny Mack's mates are brilliant: there's his best mate Giraffles (yeh, you read that right), so-called because of his unusually long neck; the MandM twins (you got it - like the chocolate) who are always finishing each other's sentences; and Lucky Success, who, well I reckon you can guess how he got his name. They're the best mates a kid could ask for, and when an epic school trip is announced, they're all properly made up about it. Because school trips are just an excuse to have a big laugh with your mates, right? Erm, WRONG. Let's just say that this is a school trip like no other, and Danny, Giraffles, Lucky and the MandMs have got a real challenge on their hands. Will they make it through? If Danny has anything to do with it, you bet they will! Brilliantly illustrated by Robin Boyden, illustrator of David Solomon's My Arch-Enemy is a Brain in a Jar, and full of laughs and a lot of heart, Get Me Out of Here! is without a doubt the book of the year.

  • af Andy McNab & Robert Rigby
    98,95 kr.

    Danny and Elena are now working for the Firm, desperately attempting to track down the vengeance-seeking Black Star before more 'Angels of Death' suicide bombers are despatched. Elena is the key to discovering the bomb-master's whereabouts as she has already made Deep Web contact. The plan is simple - locate Black Star and kill him - at whatever cost. While Fergus is forced to remain in England, confined to a wheelchair as he recovers from his injuries, the hunt takes Danny and Elena to New York on a covert mission led by Marcie Deveraux.Despite Black Star's trickery and deception, the net gradually closes. Fergus travels to the US to help, but Elena is drawn into terrible danger, and only Danny can save her. Using the skills his grandfather has taught him and his own initiative, he must stop the avenging bomb-master from wreaking further destruction . . .