Bøger af Andrew Taylor
563,95 kr. Get started with Microsoft Intune and explore its many facets, including task automation with Microsoft GraphKey Features:Create and configure your new mobile device management (MDM) environmentBecome an Intune pro by mastering compliance policies, monitoring techniques, reporting practices, and application deployment proceduresLearn how to manage Windows, Android, iOS, and macOS devices using IntunePurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookBook Description:Microsoft Intune is a cloud-managed mobile device management (MDM) tool that empowers you to manage your end-user device estate across various platforms. While it is an excellent platform, the initial setup and configuration can be a daunting process, and mistakes made early on can be more challenging to resolve later. This book addresses these issues by guiding you through the end-to-end configuration of an Intune environment, incorporating best practices and utilizing the latest functionalities.In addition to setting up your environment, you'll delve into the Microsoft Graph platform to understand the underlying mechanisms behind the web GUI. This knowledge will enable you to automate a significant portion of your daily tasks using PowerShell.By the end of this book, you'll have established an Intune environment that supports Windows, Apple iOS, Apple macOS, and Android devices. You'll possess the expertise to add new configurations, policies, and applications, tailoring an environment to your specific requirements. Additionally, you'll have the ability to troubleshoot any issues that may arise and package and deploy your company applications. Overall, this book is an excellent resource for anyone who wants to learn how to use Microsoft Intune to manage their organization's end-user devices.What You Will Learn:Set up your Intune tenant and associated platform connectionsCreate and deploy device policies to your organization's devicesFind out how to package and deploy your applicationsExplore different ways to monitor and report on your environmentLeverage PowerShell to automate your daily tasksUnderstand the underlying workings of the Microsoft Graph platform and how it interacts with IntuneWho this book is for:This book is for IT professionals, end-user device administrators, and system administrators looking to transition to cloud-managed devices or enhance their current environment.
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- 563,95 kr.
108,95 - 143,95 kr. The first book in the No. 1 Times bestselling series'This is terrific stuff' Daily Telegraph'A breathtakingly ambitious picture of an era' Financial Times'A masterclass in how to weave a well-researched history into a complex plot' The TimesA CITY IN FLAMESLondon, 1666. As the Great Fire consumes everything in its path, the body of a man is found in the ruins of St Paul's Cathedral - stabbed in the neck, thumbs tied behind his back.A WOMAN ON THE RUNThe son of a traitor, James Marwood is forced to hunt the killer through the city's devastated streets. There he encounters a determined young woman, who will stop at nothing to secure her freedom.A KILLER SEEKING REVENGEWhen a second murder victim is discovered in the Fleet Ditch, Marwood is drawn into the political and religious intrigue of Westminster - and across the path of a killer with nothing to lose...
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- 108,95 kr.
58,95 kr. Storbritannien i tiåret efter Anden Verdenskrig skuer to veje: tilbage mod den gamle storhedstid og fremad mod forandringer, velstand og fred. Men i den søvnige markedsby Lydmouth på grænsen mellem England og Wales er mørke kræfter på spil. Den lange, hårde vinter vil ikke slippe sit greb om byen. Bag nedrullede gardiner påkalder man de døde under en seance. To lokalaviser bekæmper indædt hinanden. Rotter bliver opfedet på brød og mælk. En gentleman forlægger sin ene gule handske i toget. Og i mr. Prouts legetøjsbutik foregår der noget fordægtigt. Til denne beklumrede lilleby-atmosfære vender journalisten Jill Francis tilbage fra London for at overtage ledelsen af avisen Gazette. Kriminalkommissær Thornhill er også angrebet af tristesse, siden affæren med Jill fik en ende. Og dertil kommer nu et lig og fornemmelsen af, at nye problemer er på vej.
58,95 kr. Efter den koldeste nat i mands minde finder man liget af en mand i udkanten af en landsby nær Lydmouth. Han hænger i galgetræet med bukserne om anklerne. Er det mord, selvmord eller hændeligt uheld i forbindelse med en bizar sexleg?Kriminalassistent Thornhill sættes på sagen, og samtidig opdager en kvindelig journalist, at der er foregået mystiske ting på den skole, hvor den døde underviste Tredje bind i serien om kriminalassistent Thornhill.
58,95 kr. Mattie var servitrice, og ikke særlig indflydelsesrig. Så hvorfor har nogle af byens bedsteborgere så travlt med udbasunere, at hendes død skyldes et uheld? Rygter begynder at versere, og i deres kølvand endnu et dødsfald.En lun aften mellem endnu et forår og endnu en sommer hører man for sidste gang Mattie Harris' latter. Kort tid efter bliver hendes lig skyllet på land i Lydmouth. Mattie kunne ikke svømme. Faldt hun i vandet, eller er hun selv hoppet i?Mens frygten holder byen i et jerngreb, kan journalisten Jill Francis og kriminalassistent Thornhill ikke holde sig på afstand af hinanden og undgå de bittersøde konsekvenser af deres gensidige følelser. Men flere hemmeligheder ligger begravet her. De levende har deres hemmeligheder, lige så vel som de døde ...Femte bind i serien om kriminalassistent Thornhill.
58,95 kr. Det er ugen op til mindehøjtideligheden for de faldne i Første Verdenskrig. November, de dødes måned. Da arbejdsmænd under nedrivningen af en gammel kro falder over de sørgelige rester af et nyfødt barn i et for længst nedlagt lokum, bliver Jill meget mod sin vilje inddraget i kriminalassistent Thornhills efterforskning. Sagen har både tråde tilbage til en berygtet victoriansk mordsag og til den umiddelbare fortid og spreder sig som kræft i det sammentømrede, provinsielle samfund. Gamle sår springer op igen, og pludselig dukker der endnu et lig op.Storbritannien i tiåret efter Anden Verdenskrig skuer to veje: tilbage mod den gamle trygge storhedstid og fremad mod forandringer, velstand og fred.Lydmouth er en gammel markedsby på grænsen mellem England og Wales, en pittoresk by med slotsruin og et væld af historiske bygninger. En dag kommer Jill Francis til byen - en outsider i mere end en forstand. Hun er journalist, en kvinde i et mandejob og en rodløs iagttagerFørste bog i serien om kriminalkommissær Thornhill.
58,95 kr. Lydmouth er en ældgammel markedsby på grænsen mellem England og Wales, en pittoresk idyl med slotsruin og et væld af historiske bygninger. Vi befinder os i det første tiår efter 2. Verdenskrig, hvor man i England gerne vil skue begge veje: tilbage mod den trygge storhedstid og fremad mod en moderne udvikling, der både medfører højere velstand, men også mere vold.Den nye sognepræst i Lydmouth hedder Alec Sutton, og han er mildt sagt upopulær. Nogle af sognebørnene bryder sig ikke om hans religiøse lære, andre er rasende, fordi han nægter at sælge alterkalken, kirkens mest værdifulde ejendom, så der kan blive råd til de mest presserende reparationer.Der er ikke langt til mordanklager mod præsten, da man finder en ældre, enlig kvinde banket ihjel i kirken. Samtidig er den værdifulde alterkalk på mystisk vis forsvundet. Anonyme breve og rygter florerer, og atmosfæren er efterhånden utåleligt giftig, da Jill Francis – byens unge, nye journalist – beslutter sig til at gå ind i sagen. Snart er hun dybt involveret i Alec Suttons anliggender, og trods den gnistrende modvilje imellem hende og kriminalassistent Richard Thornhill kan hun ikke ignorere sine instinkter.Anden bog i serien om kriminalassistent Thornhill.
58,95 kr. Som ung politimand i de sidste måneder af mandattiden i Palæstina – den mellemøstlige terrorismes vugge – så og oplevede Richard Thornhill ting, som stadig forfølger ham i hans drømme og gør ham bange for, at han kan være ved at miste sin tilregnelighed.Nu hvor en pensioneret kollega findes død i ruinerne af Lydmouth Castle, kommer fortiden tilbage for at gøre krav på ham – og kriminalkommissær Thornhill må konstatere, at han selv er under mistænke.Komplikationerne hober sig op. Der rettes grove beskyldninger mod miss Awres danseskole, Ruispidge Fondens årlige velgørenhedsbal er truet, teenagere mødes på den nyåbnede italienske kaffebar og længes efter famlende kærtegn i ly af Rex-biografens mørke, en universitetslærer fra Oxford er på jagt efter kærligheden, dødens engel optræder i kakishorts og kører i en Ford-varevogn.'Blottet for bødlen' er ottende bind i serien om kriminalassistent Thornhill og byen Lydmouth.
58,95 kr. Koreakrigen og kommunistforskrækkelsen er på sit højeste, og den i 1946 forladte militærlejr Farnock uden for Lydmouth skal tages i brug igen. Men der er et problem: Lejren er beboet af husvilde, som ikke er til sinds at rømme den frivilligt. Luften er tæt af mistro og had.Midt i denne hadske stemning gæster tre fremmede Lydmouth: Sensationsjournalisten Cameron Rowse, som gerne vil puste til hadet mod alle såkaldte ikke-nationalsindede elementer; Labour-parlamentsmedlemmet Oliver Yately, som har brug for hjælp fra sin tidligere kæreste Jill Francis; og endelig 'Manden med fisken' – en nylig løsladt forbryder med sin helt egen dagsorden.Fjerde bind i serien om kriminalassistent Thornhill.
58,95 kr. Storbritannien i tiåret efter Anden Verdenskrig skuer begge veje: tilbage mod den gamle, trygge storhedstid og fremad mod de moderne forandringer, velstand og vold. Lydmouth er en gammel markedsby på grænsen mellem England og Wales, en pittoresk by med en slotsruin og et væld af historiske bygninger.Den aldrende enkemand og krigshelt fra 1. Verdenskrig, Rufus Moorcroft, bliver fundet død efter at have skyllet flere dusin sovepiller ned med en halv flaske whisky. Kendelsen lyder på selvmord. Det er kriminalassistent Thornhill ikke helt tilfreds med, og han indleder en efterforskning.Moorcrofts dødsfald berører mange mennesker. En rengøringskone og en militærmand. En lidt for gesjæftig amtsrådsmand. En ugift moder, som mistede både sin dyd og sin baby, da Victoria sad på tronen. Gareth Loysey, en kendt kunstmaler, som hverken kunstnerisk eller økonomisk er helt på toppen mere. Og Thornhills tidligere chef, Raymond Williamson, som ikke kan affinde sig med sin pensionisttilværelse. Men værst af alt involverer undersøgelsen Thornhills egen kone Edith, da dødsfaldet viser sig at have tråde tilbage til et mystisk og mistænkeligt dødsfald, som indtraf i 1938 i en sommer, ladet med følelser. Og så sker der endnu et mord.
- E-bog
- 58,95 kr.
58,95 - 98,95 kr. “Dette er historien om en kvinde og en by. Jeg så byen først, fik nogle glimt af den på lang afstand, mens den glitrede som det nye Jerusalem i aftensolens sidste stråler. Det var søndag den 2. august 1778.”Edward Savill, som er kontorist ved Det amerikanske Departement i London, bliver forflyttet til New York for at forestå undersøgelsen af erstatningskravene fra loyalister, der er kommet i klemme i den amerikanske uafhængighedskrig.Loyalisternes sidste bastion, British Manhattan, er en smeltedigel af soldater, svindlere, profitmagere, dobbeltagenter og desperate flygtninge – en by under belejring.Savill bliver indkvarteret hos den respektable Wintour-familie; hos den gamle dommer, hans skrantende hustru, og deres gådefulde og dragende svigerdatter Arabella. Savill kastes modvilligt ud i en mordundersøgelse ved fundet af et lig i det berygtede slumkvarter Canvas. Hvad betyder egentlig en død fra eller til, når volden vokser ukontrollabelt dag for dag i den desperate by? Men de hemmeligheder, som dette mord dækker over, kan blive nøglen til magt for den, som kan finde morderen …
- A Playful Journey into the World of Football and Colors! With 40 unique illustrations.
125,95 kr. "Football Coloring Book" is an exciting coloring book that invites children to step into the exciting world of football. Featuring 40 energetic illustrations, each page offers a unique scene for children to lose themselves in play and imagination.From kids playing soccer in the neighborhood park to entire teams in action-packed matches in a stadium full of fans, this book brings the diversity and joy of soccer to life for kids of all ages.The illustrations are full of engaging detail, giving children the opportunity to explore each scene and bring their own colors and visions into the world of football. ✔Football coloring book templates of various styles, with 40 unique designs.✔Large 8.5 x 11" format, proffesional quality design.✔Suitable for markers, gel pens, coloring pencils, fine liners, water colors.✔Designs range from simple to more complex for every skill level.✔ Gift Ides On birthday, Christmas, Valentine's day, Back to school, Easter day or Halloween
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- 125,95 kr.
333,95 kr. How do identity and social circumstances affect experiences of the criminal legal system in the US?It's no secret that factors such as race and socio-economic status will affect a person's experience of life, and contact with the criminal legal system is no different. Drawing on the author's own experience of jail and the criminal legal system, as well as academic literature in the field of carceral studies, this book explores how pre-existing inequities play out and reproduce themselves.Ideal reading for students of Incarceration Studies, Black Studies, African American Studies, Sociology, Cultural History, American Studies, Criminology and Interdisciplinary Studies, this book explores and illustrates the disparities encountered in the criminal legal system of the United States.
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- 333,95 kr.
98,95 kr. This is an irreverent cultural guide and visitors guide to Denmark. The bulk of the book is a blunt, yet insightful, manuscript "discovered" under a pile of discarded junk. It is written as a parallel text with English and Danish on facing pages. Its veracity is not assured! The remaining section includes cultural essays and describes some odd-ball sights to see around Copenhagen. See preview pages at aculturalguidetodenmark.wordpress.com Note from the editor: Last year while rummaging through the bulk trash area in the courtyard of my Copenhagen apartment, I encountered a curious booklet hidden in a stack of discards behind a TV, some old computers and other electronic junk. The anonymous author distills Danish culture into outrageous statements such as, "Danish design is old chairs from the 50s." I was simultaneously fascinated and appalled as I stumbled upon insightful nuggets among so many dubious generalizations. An amusing Danish translation also accompanies the English text. This volume includes a reproduction of that booklet together with additional essays and a visitors guide. I hope you find it as entertaining as I did. -Andrew Taylor
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- 98,95 kr.
184,95 kr. Janet Byfield has everything Wendy Appleyard lacks: she's beautiful; she has a handsome husband, a clergyman on the verge of promotion; and most of all she has an adorable little daughter, Rosie. So when Wendy's life falls apart, it's to her oldest friend, Janet, that she turns.At first it seems to Wendy as though nothing can touch the Byfields' perfect existence in 1950s Cathedral Close, Rosington, but old sins gradually come back to haunt the present, and new sins are bred in their place. The shadow of death seeps through the Close, and only Wendy, the outsider, is able to glimpse the truth. But can she grasp its dark and twisted logic in time to prevent a tragedy whose roots lie buried deep in the past?'The Office of the Dead' is a chilling novel of crime and retribution, and is the third volume of Andrew Taylor's stunning and acclaimed Roth Trilogy.'With all due deference to its heavenly virtues, this is a hellishly good novel'SUNDAY EXPRESS'A highly sinister piece of work'NATASHA COOPER 'TLS'
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- 184,95 kr.
133,95 kr. A celebration of the most remarkable acts of courtesy from the past and the present day
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- 133,95 kr.
139,95 - 196,95 kr. - Bog
- 139,95 kr.
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- 163,95 kr.
651,95 - 1.624,95 kr. - Bog
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391,95 kr. - Bog
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1.142,95 kr. A reconstruction of the life and works of a sixteenth-century minstrel, showing the tradition to be flourishing well into the Tudor period.
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- 1.142,95 kr.
143,95 kr. Losing weight is easy! First you have to master 'the 12 types of hunger'. Then you have to track down 23 new super foods, each one more exotic than the last and all sold at different farmers markets on alternate Sundays all over the city. Next you have to learn six new cooking techniques along with the appropriate French pronunciations. Then you can dust off the old scientific calculator and develop a personal algorithm to generate your optimal macronutrient ratios. Finally, line up your 21 Tupperware boxes and clear your calendar so you can spend most of your weekends meal-prepping to 'save time'. Now get to work on following your very simple meal plan with recipes that have no more than 29 steps. Begin with soaking and marinating your antler moss yesterday. Easy peasy!I'm sick to death of the idea that abundant health is inaccessible to anyone, for any reason! You don't need an advanced degree in nutrition science or a masters in mathematics. You don't need to be a Michelin Star chef with a food science lab in your garden shed. You don't need a second job to buy expensive superfoods and you don't need to find an 8th day in your week to run around town tracking them down and preparing them. The Mega Foods Plan is your antidote to the insanity of modern health. This simple guide will show you just how easy, quick, cheap and painless it really can be to get nutritious, yummy food in your belly so you can get on with living life. Quit overthinking, over planning, over spending, over complicating and overwhelming. Learn how to take your focus off food and keep it that way.Eat simply. Live fully.
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- 143,95 kr.
198,95 kr. You Got This! is the ultimate guide to succeeding as an early career teacher.Whether you're searching for your first teaching job, meeting your new class or preparing for your first parents' evening, this book is full of advice and support to show you the ropes and lend a hand when you feel unsure. Covering all aspects of the Early Career Framework, it's the perfect guide to thriving in the initial stages of your career.Andrew Taylor, aka Mr T, is an experienced teacher and ECT mentor who manages the popular Twitter account @MrTs_NQTs. This book condenses years of mentorship and coaching to address the key areas that early career teachers ask about, including:- interviewing for your first position- meeting the needs of all pupils- preparing for statutory assessments- building positive relationships with teachers, TAs and parents- self-care, managing workload and setting career goals.With daily tips, coaching questions and case studies with real ECTs, this book will ensure success from the very start and help you remember that no matter the hurdles, you got this!
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- 198,95 kr.
283,95 kr. - Bog
- 283,95 kr.
143,95 kr. The true story of Gerard Mercator, the greatest map-maker of all time, who was condemned to death as a heretic. 'Geographie and Chronologie I may call the Sunne and the Moone, the right eye and the left, of all history.' In 'The World of Gerard Mercator', Andrew Taylor chronicles both the story of a great astronomer and mathematician, who was condemned to death as a heretic, and the history of that most fascinating conjunction of science and art: the drawing of maps. Gerard Mercator was born in Flanders in 1512. In addition to creating accurate globes of the earth and the stars, he was the first person to use latitude and longitude for navigation and he created the most-used map of all time: Mercator's Projection is still the standard view of the world, the one we all envisage when we think of a map of the globe. Simply finding the best solution to the impossible challenge of reproducing the spherical world on a flat sheet of paper was a considerable achievement in itself ? something geographers and map-makers had been trying to do for centuries, but Mercator also created the map of the world that would form the basis of the modern age, an image of the continents for the common man. Until Mercator's Projection, maps offered a pictorial encyclopaedia to an illiterate world, and that world stretched far beyond the knowledge and travels of most mapmakers. It is this evolution of mapmaking from art to science that forms the backdrop to the story of Mercator, from the days of Herodotus and Strabo when fabulous creatures were supposed to inhabit the fringes of the world to the great mappae mundi of Hereford and Ebsdorf. The Greek geographer Pytheas claimed to have visited the far north of Britain to establish the limits of the habitable world; but further north, he claimed that the earth, air and sea coalesced into a jellyfish-like gelatinous suspension that made life impossible. 'The World of Gerard Mercator' is a brilliantly readable and absolutely fascinating history for the general reader, describing how our worldview came into being.
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- 143,95 kr.
443,95 kr. - Bog
- 443,95 kr.
118,95 - 228,95 kr. - Bog
- 118,95 kr.
153,95 kr. Continuing the themes of travel explored in his previous Shearsman collections, Andrew Taylor takes the reader from England into pre & post-Brexit Europe, negotiating the arrival of the nightingale, European breakfasts, fast trains into Paris, and the 'beautiful drift' of weaving grasses.
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- 153,95 kr.
597,95 - 1.817,95 kr. - Bog
- 597,95 kr.
118,95 kr. - Bog
- 118,95 kr.