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Bøger af Andrew McGregor

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  • af Andrew McGregor
    143,95 kr.

    November 1942, Russia: The Red Army closes the net around Stalingrad near Kalach, surrounding one of the most formidible armies on the planet, the German Sixth Army. One of the Wehrmacht's finest and strongest fighting units. As the German High Command desperately tries to re-establish the initiative and plan a relief effort to the beleagured city, the army inside Stalingrad is ordered to stand firm on the banks of the freezing Volga River. The German Air Force, the Luftwaffe, mistakenly commit to supplying the city from the air, failing to realistically consider the distance, roaming Russian fighters, ground to air fire and the extreme temperatures. As temperatures plummet and ammunition becomes rationed, the food and combustable material begin to run out forcing the desperate defenders to continue fighting in the most miserable and chilling conditions imaginable to man. The story follows a small group of soldiers as they attempt to continue day to day in the most brutal and desperate of situations. The hope of rescue or potential victory is sustained only by cameraderie and the determination to survive. Leutnant Hausser returns as the young squad leader with a past shrouded in mystery. A black Iron Cross hanging uncomfortably around his neck, concealed from all but the closest to him. With temperatures dropping to between minus 25 and 40 degrees Celsius, survival against a Red Army hellbent on revenge and the Sixth Army's destruction will continue as the men face a sustained challenge of survival on a day to day basis. Across the frozen Russian Front from the suburbs of Leningrad in the north to the southern banks of the Black Sea in the Caucasus mountains, two facts are now emerging.......this merciless war will now not be over by Christmas, and the myth of German military invincibility had been cracked, if not finally shattered on the banks of the Volga. Bloody Rattenkrieg is the sequel to 'Bloody Iced Bullet', the opening work in the series. The initial book is now available in US bookstores, in electronic format and paperback from Kindle. Having studied and researched the weaponry, tactics, unit composition and strategy, the books are aimed at presenting the most realistic fictional account of events and human experience as possible. All units and equipment are in accordance with historical research and are deployed as they were historically. I would like to thank the Bundesarchiv, the German government's official photographic database for granting permission to use their images. The writer aims to provide a thoroughly enjoyable and imaginative reading experience at an affordable price for the reader. All three works from the author's World War 2 Series concentrating on the Battle for Stalingrad have achieved Best Seller status on Amazon in the UK and many more stories are outlined. Imagination is personal, free and to be cherished.

  • - Man in the Red Sequin Dress
    af Andrew McGregor
    143,95 kr.

    Concealed all around they watch through the eyes of others...perhaps a friend, lover or colleague?Looking into the eyes of pure unadulterated evil...what can you see? Will you know? A vision of demonic abominations staring back? An eternal war for the ultimate prize...Humans are innocently blind to the swirling storm inside...only animals will sense and flee. For inside is an abhorrently polluted soul, a warrior of chaos and pure of no mercy.A hunger for torture, mutilation...for blood to flow from the shredded carcass of humanity.Look deeply into those blank lifeless, you cannot see is already too late...You only see the next victim...a simple reflection in black hellfire...a disciple of evil has come for you.Just a casualty, one of the centuries of fallen...a brief embracing glow as crimson lifeblood ebbs away.A poisoned parasite moves over your crippled corpse...the tightening grip of death's embrace nears.The next victim is chosen as light fades from once vibrant eyes...the claws of death closing. The eternal war goes on, willing ultimate darkness to fall. A blood thirsty serial killer commences a rampage across the British capital, the police struggling to gain an insight into the vicious slaughter...the targeted subculture reluctant to come forward or assist in providing any evidence...any undercover plain clothes officers placed among them almost immediately identified and shunned. In desperation, the Metropolitan Police begin to consider more unorthodox tactics as the violent blood lust and body count increases across London. A young man ventures to the metropolis from a small northern town, his life time dream fulfilled in joining the Metropolitan Police. Naive and idealistic, he commences the gruelling basic training in a vibrant yet unforgiving high paced and colourful capital city. Perhaps cruel fate will intervene, his inexperience and willingness to please used against him as the police search frantically for results, a high-risk strategy adopted to trap a seemingly unstoppable killer. Innocently venturing into the emerging dark, almost underground existence in the city of his dreams, he seeks knowledge and leads for the authorities, unaware of the escalating danger as the killer begins to edge silently closer. Stunned at the characteristics of a new world, it soon appears that there is a lot to learn...that the culture he is now embedded in may be even more vulnerable, simply through the outrageous and reckless behaviours adopted. As events and a new unique lifestyle begin to overwhelm any nervous doubts, a persistent intrigue emerges, that by sheer chance he may have actually located a line of enquiry that could produce results, unaware that the killer's interest may be gradually moving in his direction...that ultimate danger and his fate may now be inseparably linked. That the darkest evil may be only a breath away. Adventure into a murky and somewhat deviant dark emerging sub culture in London where nothing is as it seems and the humour is edged with innuendoes and energy. Meet some of the most flamboyant characters and experience lives 'on the edge' of society as one of the most unlikely detective duos team up in the fight against crime. Bloodied Hunger is the first of The Dorothy Squad Series with fictional characters depicting an age where HIV and Aids stalked the populace, many considering their hidden private lives as an addictive 'dance with death.' The writer aims to provide a thoroughly enjoyable and imaginative reading experience at an affordable price for the reader. All three works from the author's World War 2 Series concentrating on the Battle for Stalingrad have achieved Best Seller status on Amazon in the UK and many more stories are outlined. Imagination is personal, free and to be cherished.

  • af Andrew McGregor
    128,95 kr.

    The near future: Intercepted Message Transcript Initial Planetary Report from sensors (Translation) A planet with a suitable gravitational and protective atmosphere. Air and temperate climate that is ideal for sustaining life. An ideal land and sea mass distribution across the planet. Rich mineral resources and fuel sources suitable for development. Suitable land mass for cultivation and providing food for a vast and growing population. Currently numerous residential animal species capable for cultivation and food provision. Easily established and adapted infrastructure to provide efficient deployment and development. Rare and essential metals ripe for extraction. Current Occupying Species: Expendable or suitable for cultivation. Message Broken...attempting re-connect...Jamming in progress.... Re-connect...disruption...Jamming in progress.... Attempting to re-connect covert intercept... Jamming in progress...unsuccessful attempt...signal lost... Retrieved message fragment... Planetary Name: Earth Lifeform Initial Report: ..weak Expected Resistance: ..negligible ...Message Ends... As human beings, we become accustomed to believing today will just be like yesterday, and tomorrow. We get up, get dressed, go to work, eat.....come home, watch TV, perhaps go to the gym, think about our relationships, then we go back to bed. We content ourselves that life holds little surprise for us, but deep down perhaps wish something exciting would happen, a very personal dream normally concealed from all others. But our existences are not predetermined, we base our confidence on our continued reality on probability and our own comfort zones...things that are anything but predictable, probability can be very cruel. Life is fragile. At any time our lives or world could change...and change dramatically. Most of us do not even consider, or are far too afraid to consider...that this hour may be the last of that perceived normality........... ......That something has been watching...... The author aims to provide a thoroughly enjoyable and imaginative reading experience at an affordable price for the reader. All three works from the writer's World War 2 Series concentrating on the Battle for Stalingrad have achieved Best Seller status on Amazon in the UK and many more stories are outlined. Imagination is personal, free and to be cherished. The adventures are just beginning...

  • - April-July 1943: The Road to Kursk
    af Andrew McGregor
    153,95 kr.

    With the onset of the Russian Spring Rasputitsa or 'muddy season', the German assault to the north of Army Group South grinds to a halt having completed the objectives of recapturing Kharkov and Belgorod. The thaw of snow adds to logistical problems, wheeled and tracked vehicles virtually unable to move on all but tarmacked roads. The front line across Russia now virtually mirrors that of the previous year before the drive on Stalingrad, Von Manstein having stunned the Red Army with a dazzling counterstroke or 'back hand' offensive, destroying several Russian Armies and perhaps resetting the balance as enemy offensives are reluctantly cancelled. The Germans resupply, eager to maintain the initiative and drive further into the Soviet heartland. The Russians dig in, awaiting the next move of Axis forces, their own divisions heavily depleted and in need of resupply. 'General Mud' may have once again come to the rescue of the Red Army. Before the Germans lies a large salient with Kursk in the centre of the Russian defences...destroying this 'bulge' will not only shorten the front line sparing up desperately needed divisions, but may once again prove to be the decisive blow that finally finishes the 'Russian Bear', or at least cripples it. With British Intelligence breaking the German codes...the Russians may even be forewarned. Leutnant Hausser and a replenished squad, now attached to Grossdeutschland Division with Army Group South, will continue in a bitter struggle for survival as the Axis leadership deploy new tanks, assault guns, and ground attack aircraft for the forthcoming operation...factories in Germany now producing at a frantic rate to assemble the strongest force available. Virtually all armoured vehicles and aircraft on the Russian Front will be deployed for the coming offensive...on the Axis side, nearly 800,000 men and 5,200 tanks will attack, faced by just short of two million Soviet soldiers and a similar number of armoured vehicles...the Germans could muster approximately 2,200 aircraft against the Soviet 3,000. These were odds that would have favoured the Wehrmacht in the past, but this is 1943, approaching the third summer of campaigns in the east...opportunities have been squandered, some of the most experienced troops killed, the enemy more competent and with improved weaponry. The war is now turning ominously against the Axis states as heavy allied bombing begins to reap dividends and a deteriorating if not precarious situation in North Africa heads towards conclusion. More and more fighter aircraft are being transferred back to the Reich to protect industry. The clock of war is ticking and time may be running out...could this be the final throw of the dice in Russia? Time is short for a final victory...perhaps too short. The author aims to provide a thoroughly enjoyable and imaginative reading experience at an affordable price for the reader. The WW2 series is historically accurate, placing fictional characters in the maelstrom of war amongst accurate equipment and units. All three works from the author's World War 2 Stalingrad Series have achieved Best Seller status on Amazon in the UK and many more stories are outlined. Imagination is personal, free and to be cherished.

  • - March 1943
    af Andrew McGregor
    143,95 kr.

    Less than two months after the devastating fall of Stalingrad, the German Wehrmacht is once again attacking, the prize of retaking Kharkov and Belgorod beyond enticing the forward units in their advance. With virtually catastrophic losses in the fall of the city that holds Stalin's name, the new Tiger tanks and Panzer IVs begin to near their goals, hope beginning to once again to rise in their crews' chests. Catching the Russian armies completely by surprise, the counter offensive is led by fresh SS units in the north supported by the Gross Deutschland division on the flanks, weakened Wehrmacht units driving up from the south. The few available fresh Russian divisions are rushed to meet them, numerous scattered divisions running short of fuel and destroyed in the might of the German advance. But a grim brutal reality is beginning to filter into the minds of the German and their allied ground units...that the Russian bear is far from beaten...with better tactics and weaponry than ever before. A deep fear and dread is gradually spreading that the bitter war in the east may now never end, that both countries of such opposing ideologies will fight each other to the brink of complete destruction and extinction. The air war is beginning to even, the Luftwaffe flying almost continuously in efforts suppress the Red Air Force, a bomber war over central Europe and the Reich beginning to menacingly shift in the allies' favour...soon the fighters and young pilots may have to be recalled to protect Germany and her industry against almost overwhelming streams of American and British raids. Attrition of experienced personnel has almost become critical, the experienced soldiers and pilots that advanced to the east almost two years earlier now depleted with basic grave markings stretching from the Polish border to the banks of the Volga River. Replacements are young and inexperienced, easy pickings for the highly trained and armed Red Army soldiers, motivated by revenge and spurred on by ruthless political commissars. With the hope of finally throwing the invaders from their lands, partisan raids are becoming far more widespread, the Germans having to use more and more troops to guard their supplies and rear areas. Thousands of cut off Russian soldiers and civilians are rising to fight the invaders, equipped from supply drops and becoming highly organized by officers. Leutnant Hausser and his depleted squad return, driving north towards the two objectives, attached to the Gross Deutschland division and providing updates on the advance, their future far from certain. With fictional characters placed amongst historically accurate events, the bitter war of attrition and annihilation will continue... The author aims to provide a thoroughly enjoyable and imaginative reading experience at an affordable price for the reader. All three works from the author's World War 2 Series concentrating on Stalingrad have achieved Best Seller status on Amazon in the UK and many more stories are outlined. Imagination is personal, free and to be cherished.

  • - Dark Awakenings
    af Andrew McGregor
    143,95 kr.

    Concealed all around they watch through the eyes of others...perhaps a friend, lover or colleague?Looking into the eyes of pure unadulterated evil...what can you see? Will you know?A vision of demonic abominations staring back? An eternal war exists for the ultimate prize...They will come when least expected, from the last person you imagined...strike in a second... Look deeply into those blank lifeless eyes once, you cannot see is already too late...You only see the next victim...a simple reflection in black hellfire...a disciple of evil has come for you. Teetering on the edge of recession, Britain is ill equipped to prevent an influx of veteran gang members from Europe and further afield, many arriving on student visas and promptly disappearing with forged identities and criminal pasts concealed. Amongst some of the younger converts are hardened killers, used to sustaining the profile of their prospective sections and protecting their profits with extreme violence, rapidly overwhelming the current street crime and British gangs, a new terror spreading through the streets. More challenges are emerging in the form of organised crime, with rich rewards from drug dealing, prostitution and extortion, operations expanding in London and other UK cities along with flourishing new chemicals that clubbers and the public are only too keen to sample. Alarm begins to spread through the Metropolitan Police at the ferocious punishments inflicted in the name of territorial protection and to remove existing competition...but deep within this darkness something else may just be stirring, an ancient evil that wishes for an eternal battle to commence once more... With the threat from organised terrorism in Europe seeming to have subsided and the head of operations for the Specialist Crimes Unit on compassionate leave, four months have passed slowly for the four rather unique police officers. They soon discover that their roles can become quite mundane as the unsavoury departmental profile is targeted by less liberal senior officers and simply used to support other operations or staff shortfalls across the Metropolitan Police. Facing one of their most challenging times yet, Robert and Jin-Lee are unaware that other forces are at play...that their lives may be once again be threatened. With the North Koreans, Triads, a serial killer and assassins, a cold embracing danger is beginning to fall across the British capital... Adventure into a murky and somewhat deviant dark emerging sub culture in London where nothing is as it seems and the humour is edged with innuendoes and energy. Meet some of the most flamboyant characters and experience lives 'on the edge' of society as one of the most unlikely detective duos team up in the fight against crime. Bloodlust of a Triad is the fifth of The Dorothy Squad Series with fictional characters depicting an age where HIV and Aids stalked the populace, many considering their hidden private lives as an addictive 'dance with death.' With DNA profiling and CCTV in their infancy, the investigators are unaware that a darker evil is at play and that an eternal supernatural battle may inevitably consume them all. This and the accompanying series are designed to provide a colourful charismatic journey through British history with one major exception, a changing landscape that will emerge in 1997, depicting a dramatically alternative Britain. The writer aims to provide a thoroughly enjoyable and imaginative reading experience at an affordable price for the reader. All three works from the author's World War 2 Series concentrating on the Battle for Stalingrad have achieved Best Seller status on Amazon in the UK and many more stories are outlined. Imagination is personal, free and to be cherished.

  • - The Kharkov Offensive: Feb-March 1943
    af Andrew McGregor
    228,95 kr.

    Two books in one: Bloody Kharkov I Bloody Kharkov II As the tide of war in Russia begins to turn, Leutnant Hausser returns with his depleted and demoralised the bitter snow, cold and ice that is becoming their home. The battle for survival Kharkov. With the final collapse of Stalingrad on the Volga River...the strained railheads along the southern Russian coast and to the immediate north fill with any available grim faced soldiers and equipment that can be spared. Hundreds of thousands of prisoners trudge into captivity, their starving and lice ridden bodies forced to march across exposed and bitter winter terrain towards prisoner of war camps...most will not return, dying en-route or in the inhospitable conditions of the Soviet gulags. The greatest defeat ever inflicted upon the German Wehrmacht has been completed, removing nearly 600,000 soldiers from the Axis order of battle. The loss of equipment and tanks has been immense, exceeding the entire production of the German Reich for a year. Russian casualties have proved even greater across the campaign...however Stalin is buoyant, pushing his commanders further, keen to see the collapse of the German southern wing and an early end to the war. The world draws breath...the seemingly invincible and unstoppable German Army has been finally and brutally defeated for the first decisive time. The German allies in Russia have virtually ceased to exist, their surviving manpower and strength scattered across the southern section of the front in the form of shattered units and obsolete equipment, their leaders realizing the sheer power of the Russian forces now far exceeds previous estimates. In Berlin, the slick Nazi propaganda machine is unable to conceal or diminish the scale of the defeat, the German High Command just awakening to the idea that the Russian campaign could now last for years...that defeat is actually a possibility. The German High Command were united in one thought...the need for a victory...a defeat of Russian forces that would once again show the world that the Wehrmacht was far from beaten. Field Marshall Von Manstein, commander of Army Group South, a charismatic leader with the confidence of his men and even Hitler himself, is given 'Freedom of Action' to his ambitious plans...plans that could see a change in fortune for the southern front. With eager Russian forces over-running the reach of their supply lines, the German commander sees an opportunity...the chance to once again strike fear into the Russian soldier's heart. Glancing across a map of the southern front, an opportunity presents itself...the ultimate chance to turn momentum and propaganda back into the Germans hands...the city of Kharkov has been recently taken and behind it, Belgorod. Now is the time...the opportunity...Von Manstein has the chance to show the German people and the world that the Wehrmacht is still the ultimate fighting force...that victory can be grasped from the jaws of devastating defeat. The stage is set, battle plans drawn up...within three weeks of the fall of Stalingrad, the Germans would once again advance. With 70,000 men at his disposal, Field Marshall Erich Von Manstein is to attack...facing 346,000 Russian soldiers, their morale high and a belief in victory over Nazi Germany beginning to formulate in their minds. The author aims to provide a thoroughly enjoyable and imaginative reading experience at an affordable price for the reader. The WW2 series is historically accurate, placing fictional characters in the maelstrom of war amongst accurate equipment and units. All three works from the author's World War 2 Stalingrad Series have achieved Best Seller status on Amazon in the UK and many more stories are outlined. Imagination is personal, free and to be cherished.

  • af Andrew McGregor
    128,95 kr.

    A darkness is falling across the galaxy...a fear of an unknown terror rising. With allied forces in a full desperate retreat across the remains of Zaxon B, the Red Leopards move forward in an attempt to redress the balance. With the protective orbiting space station already under attack, the last opportunity for escape has now passed...the stranded forces on the planet are alone. All across the surrounding galaxies, the Trevakian Empire is crumbling under the seemingly endless swarms of Morgon armoured soldiers and their allies. Earth stands weakened, a powerful enemy banished for the time being...perhaps presenting an opportunity to rearm and consolidate. In space above, a small number of Trevakian ships attempt to form a defensive line, unaware that the greatest danger may already be on the planet below. Earth's residents innocently unaware of the threat posed against them...a cunning and vicious race that seems to consider taking prisoners a sign of weakness. Time is running one knows the true evil and intent that is about to be unleashed... One fact is for certain, the motto of the Trevakian marines is now more than simply a motivational is becoming clear that it may have considerable relevance to the fate of mankind... 'Your time is now!' Three of the authors' books set in World War 2 have achieved best seller status in the United Kingdom, the adventures are perhaps just beginning... The author aims to provide a thoroughly enjoyable reading experience at an affordable price for the reader. Imagination is personal, free and to be cherished.

  • - Storm Rising: The 1980s
    af Andrew McGregor
    263,95 kr.

    Two Books in One: Bloodied Hunger with Bloodied Insurgency. Following the high adrenalin investigations of a young policeman and his rather flamboyant associates...the truth is rarely as it seems. Bloodied Hunger: As a blood thirsty serial killer rampages across the British capital, the Metropolitan Police struggle to gain an insight into the vicious crimes, the targeted emerging subculture reluctant to come forward or assist in providing any evidence...any undercover plain clothes officers placed among them almost immediately identified and shunned. Turning to drastic measures to gain information, the police begin to consider even more desperate tactics, straying from the more orthodox and tested methods as the violent blood lust across London accelerates. A Journey of self-discovery: A young man ventures to the metropolis from a small northern town, his life time dream fulfilled in joining the Metropolitan Police. Inexperienced and idealistic, he commences his basic training in a vibrant yet unforgiving capital city. Keen to impress his superiors, he will naively venture into a murky and emerging dark sub-culture of London, seeking knowledge and leads for the police, the danger beginning to mount as the killer begins to edge closer. Learning that nothing is as first perceived, and that the outrageous behaviour and events around him are simply beyond comprehension, he is innocently unaware that the killer's interest may be gradually moving in his direction...that ultimate danger and his fate may now be inseparably linked. Blood and Insurgency: Robert Peterson and Jin-Lee return as the unlikely partnership against crime in London, their investigations trailing through an unforgiving dark subculture of the capital that is not only dangerous, but also intriguing where virtually nothing is as it seems. Now as a young trainee policeman, Robert will be thrust into the maelstrom of terrorist attacks as an assistant investigator...innocently unaware that the killers may also have some individual, more personal targets in mind...targets they have been watching. The emergency services will once again be stretched to the limit as a surprise attack unfolds and escalates, the two men attempting to make sense of the confused situation as they are thrown together once more. But now there is a change...In the darkness the hunters are also the hunted...vengeance a strong motivator. With outrageous and flamboyant characters and situations, the group of potentially blundering police associates will once again be tasked to assist the police...will their luck continue or is it about to run out? Bloodied Hunger with Bloodied Insurgency are the initial works of the fictional Dorothy Squad Series set in the 1980s with dark humour and innuendo throughout. The author aims to provide a thoroughly enjoyable and imaginative reading experience at an affordable price for the reader. All three works from the author's World War 2 Series concentrating on the Battle for Stalingrad have achieved Best Seller status on Amazon in the UK and many more stories are outlined.

  • - A Tale of Medieval Skullduggery and Goblin Greed
    af Andrew McGregor
    168,95 kr.

    Venture into Brexitland, a colourful medieval country in the throes of a dramatic political transformation. Civil unrest, mistrust and division fill the hearts of residents...a country where knife crime and chemical dependency are high and any authoritarians are in short supply with limited influence. A charismatic gnome apprentice wizard and mysterious human become unlikely companions to embark on a quest to study the country and the dramatic effects of Kerfuffle day, the day the country left the alliances of their closest neighbours and became one of intrigue for the international community. Was it really getting back control and freedom? There is much to learn on the trek from the coast with many differing peoples to meet, but it soon becomes apparent that nothing is as it seems...that life in a beleaguered country isolated from it's neighbours may still hold many surprises and the chance for change...that the truth may be even more incredulous than anyone could have imagined. Where will their quest take them...will they survive the harsh reality of such a desperate country? Danger can emerge at any time...the savage wolves, brigands or rogues that hunt the land for vulnerable victims more evident at night, the darkness rarely patrolled by overwhelmed militia. Crimes against the person mostly go unsolved, the people having to protect themselves rather than rely on any state assistance...robberies and murder are rife, but only amongst the masses. Meet the divided mighty mountain orcs and ogre clans, the dwarven excavation workers, witches, cultists and even the occasional troll or serpent...the land is steeped in history and pain, the ideal focus for a small scholar as part of his studies. Amongst the many peoples struggling to survive, the barons and lords still strive to devise more and more ingenious ways of increasing their riches and influence...skulduggery and mischief the norm across the dilapidated towns and countryside. As the adventure continues, discover the Inns of Sanctuary, Goblin enterprises and flying machines, disgruntled villagers and the colourful dancing travelling troupes...opposing barons and elites, clowns and druids. Discover how a once revered country has become fragmented and divided, and that the folklore and rumours seeping across the differing residents may actually hold some truth about how it all matter how unbelievable. Brexitland: A Tale of Medieval Skulduggery and Goblin Greed is a tongue-in-cheek fantasy adventure/political satire that may illuminate the darkness and futility of division and hatred, but also a contortion of will to achieve the goals of greed. Will the adventurers find the sunny uplands, see the grazing and sparkling unicorns and a country that was promised to become the envy of the developed world...or is reality far bleaker? An adventure is afoot...a revealing and disturbing insight into the demise of once a powerful democracy...perhaps leading to an incredible revelation. Just who are these bickering adventurers and why have they come to these shores? All things happen for a reason and perhaps this quest is becoming one of the most crucial of all... The author holds no responsibility for the personal beliefs or actions of any of the gnomes, humans, orcs, trolls, dwarves, goblins, witches, werewolves or even the animals within these pages. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All three works from the author's World War 2 Series concentrating on the Battle for Stalingrad have achieved Best Seller status on Amazon in the UK and many more stories are outlined. Imagination is personal, free and to be cherished.

  • - March 1991: The Emergence of Evil
    af Andrew McGregor
    273,95 kr.

    Adventure into a murky and somewhat deviant dark emerging sub culture in London where nothing is as it seems and the humour is edged with innuendoes and energy. Meet some of the most flamboyant characters and experience lives 'on the edge' of society as one of the most unlikely detective duos team up in the fight against crime.Two books in one: Bloodlust of a TriadDance of the Blood DragonWith the development and construction on the Western Isles gathering pace, investment is pouring into a beleaguered Britain, the greatest construction project in decades drawing labour from all over the country and Europe, with Chinese specialists and companies now investing directly in their future.But deep beneath the peat bogs and ancient earth of clansmen and mythical history, the extensive excavations may have caused something far beyond the comprehension of modern mankind to stir. Ancient sealed burial chambers and subterranean hamlets have been discovered, exasperated construction engineers realising time is beginning to become a critical element as government archaeologists require extra time to clear and explore the finds.As construction workers mysteriously start to disappear without trace, the harsh Scottish elements and accidents are blamed, Northern police beginning an extensive search without results, the very few people that have mystical knowledge of the past beginning to uncomfortably realise something is feeding on the remote islands...that an ancient evil has perhaps arisen to scour the heather for the weakest victims, sustenance for a polluted force.In the nation's capital, more challenges are emerging in the form of organised crime, with rich rewards from drug dealing, prostitution and extortion, operations expanding in London and other UK cities along with flourishing new chemicals that clubbers and the public are only too keen to sample.Alarm begins to spread through the Metropolitan Police at the ferocious punishments inflicted in the name of territorial protection and to remove existing competition... but deep within this darkness something else may just be stirring, an ancient evil that wishes for an eternal battle to commence once more...With the threat from organised terrorism in Europe seeming to have subsided and the head of operations for the Specialist Crimes Unit on compassionate leave, four months have passed slowly for the four rather unique police officers. They soon discover that their roles can become quite mundane as the unsavoury departmental profile is targeted by less liberal senior officers and simply used to support other operations or staff shortfalls across the Metropolitan Police.Facing one of their most challenging times yet, Robert and Jin-Lee are unaware that other forces are at play...that their lives may be once again be threatened. With the North Koreans, Triads, a serial killer and assassins, a cold embracing danger is beginning to fall across the British capital...The Boys in Denim Blue III is the third compilation in the series with fictional characters depicting an age where HIV and Aids stalked the populace, many considering their hidden private lives as an addictive 'dance with death.' With DNA profiling and CCTV in their infancy, the investigators are unaware that a darker evil is at play and that an eternal supernatural battle may inevitably consume them all. The writer aims to provide a thoroughly enjoyable and imaginative reading experience at an affordable price for the reader. All three works from the author's World War 2 Series concentrating on the Battle for Stalingrad have achieved Best Seller status on Amazon in the UK and many more stories are outlined.Please be aware that this book does contain some explicit scenes of violence and sex. Imagination is personal, free and to be cherished

  • - The Trilogy
    af Andrew McGregor
    343,95 kr.

    November 1942: The Eastern Front The trilogy of three books set in the final months of the most vicious battle in history. Leutnant Hausser, a young experienced German infantry officer with the 76th Infantry Division is assigned with a handful of men to the south of Stalingrad. As the fighting heightens in the city, the officer and his men bolster the defences of their allies, the Romanians, on a relatively quiet part of the front. As the Germans strip their flanks and move units into the city in a desperate attempt to clinch victory, the Russian Red Army prepares a massive offensive designed to trap their enemy in Stalingrad. As the Russian offensive is launched, smashing through the flanks to the north and south of the freezing city, small units of survivors desperately try and escape the Russian onslaught. Not many will make it. The battle for the city will continue in the bitterest conditions, the trapped Axis forces struggling against cold, hunger and a vengeful enemy, hell-bent on their destruction. The German air force, the Luftwaffe, attempt to supply the city from the air. Failing to consider the distance, miserable conditions and roaming Russian fighters and anti-aircraft fire. Erich Von Manstein, the German Field Marshall is ordered to break through to the frozen city on the banks of the Volga River, the relief effort (Operation Winter Storm) struggling against Russian forces deployed between them and their goal. Leutnant Hausser and his small squad continue their battle for survival, the rations and ammunition cut, the weather unbearably miserable, their enemy becoming increasingly more powerful and a hunger gnawing at their stomachs. Russian food kitchens are moved near the front lines, ensuring their starving enemy can smell the hot meals provided for their soldiers. The Germans and their allies are down to 1000 calories a day, the city rationing providing limited bread, soup and horse flesh. Loudspeakers deployed across the front sound a clock ticking, a voice announcing that 'Every seven seconds a German soldier dies in Russia.' The loudspeakers play twenty four hours a day. Fiction with an accurate historical backdrop. The writer aims to provide a thoroughly enjoyable and imaginative reading experience at an affordable price for the reader. All three works from the author's World War 2 Series concentrating on the Battle for Stalingrad have achieved Best Seller status on Amazon in the UK and many more stories are outlined. Imagination is personal, free and to be cherished.

  • - The NHK Dorothy Squad 3: A Highland Possession
    af Andrew McGregor
    173,95 kr.

    Welcome to the City of Dragons...A historical and controversial decision from the early nineteen eighties voted a different way by Government...this is now a new and different Britain. A sprawling metropolis and beacon to global business stands defiantly in the far north, skyscrapers and dazzling lights rising from the dark waves and transforming the UK in the eyes of the world. But something was overlooked...unknown and beyond human comprehension as the bulldozers and excavators arrived. An unholy and ancient evil defeated in centuries past stirs, hundreds of years of silence and slumber broken...corruption is set free. Dark malignant forces are now surging across the Scottish Highlands, Demons and their masters complimented by werewolf-like creatures launching bolder attacks on the humans of New Hong Kong and surrounding areas. With Inverness International Airport overwhelmed, the police and army are now on full alert and have reinforced the villages around Loch Ness, introducing curfews and roadblocks in the Highland capital and New Hong Kong. The forces of evil are escalating, accumulating and growing their strength from human flesh, calling forth stronger demons and presences to their cause, a demon lord forming a summoning ritual upon retrieval of key relics. With rumours of demons from the dark waters around the islands snatching residents and people being 'converted' to evil, the city that was to be a beacon to the world of British enterprise is rapidly descending into anarchy as the beleaguered authorities struggle the gain leads. MI6 agents, Jin-Lee, Robert and Anthony Wang return in the third adventure of the series, an escalation of the darkest night as they struggle for clues and information. Having survived the situation at Loch Ness, a helicopter crash and coming face to face with demon masters, they realise there are a few contortions of evil that will help, a Halfling (Leo) and his own beast hunting the monstrosities and other crimes across the glittering city, the forces of good hunted in return. Midnight is passing with the night continuing into the deepest darkness and a vicious storm. Time is overpowering possessing evil rising. The prize is the soul of man, eternal chaos and a potential portal to hell opening...the torture and twisting of life from what we know. The battle has just begun; a war is to follow. The world may never be the same again...the possessive scourge is hungry and spreading. Life is fragile. At any time our existences or world could change...and change dramatically. Most of us do not even consider, or are far too afraid to consider...that this hour may be the last of that perceived normality...that the darkest evil is watching. Children of the Dark Reaper is the third book in the NHK Dorothy Squad Series continuing the rise of pure evil in the north of Scotland. The Investigator series now spans eight books from 1986 through to 1997 and many more are outlined.Please be advised that this book contains some quite graphic scenes. The author aims to provide a thoroughly enjoyable and imaginative reading experience at an affordable price for the reader. All three works from the author's World War 2 Series concentrating on the Battle for Stalingrad have achieved Best Seller status on Amazon in the UK and many more stories are outlined. Imagination is free...and to be cherished.

  • af Andrew McGregor
    143,95 kr.

    Mid December 1942: Stalingrad Pocket: In the freezing city, cut off hundreds of miles to the east, the young Leutnant Hausser and his squad returns, having re-joined their unit on the north-west corner of the pocket facing a determined and ruthless enemy. With the Germans and their allies inside the encircled city desperately short of food and ammunition, the Russians ensure the aromas of their own cooking are known to the isolated defenders, taunting their trapped enemy. As the battle for the city heightens and progresses towards 1943, Leutnant Hausser and his men face the challenges of survival itself, knowing their predicament is little less than precarious. Hope may soon descend into desperation...perhaps this is where their war will end, in a frozen hell. Temperature: Minus 20-30 Degrees Celsius: As the Panzer Tanks of the relief effort (Operation Winter Storm) struggle towards the city in severe weather and bitter temperatures, the Russian's move troops between the advancing units and the defenders in the pocket in efforts to halt any breakthrough. Erich Von Manstein, the German Field Marshal in charge of the relief effort requests the defenders in Stalingrad muster an attempted breakout towards the approaching soldiers to split the Russian defenders. Hitler refuses this action unless the surrounded and starving Sixth Army can hold the positions on the Volga and link up with the relief effort, some thirty-five miles away, an impossible set of conditions. With only twenty to twenty five miles worth of fuel left, the Stalingrad defenders are unable to comply with the request, leaving the full force of the Russian Army to be utilised against the troops struggling to reach the surrounded army. In the frozen encircled city, the stranded and starving defenders on the banks of the Volga River hear that their countrymen on the edge of the pocket can see the flashes from fighting in the distance. They know the approaching German forces have all the food and supplies they require... Further to the west, to the north of the Don Bend, the Russians are preparing another offensive operation. Before the Russian armies sits the weakened Italian Eighth Army, blocking their advance south west to Rostov on Don. Capturing the city on the banks of the Sea of Azov will cut off and seal the destruction of the entire southern sector of German forces and their allies. Across the eastern front a clock commences ticking on loud speakers...a voice blaring across the snow after each set of chimes, 'Every seven seconds, a German soldier dies in Russia.' The propaganda clock then ticks again, repeating the message shortly afterwards. It is played for days across the snow. Bloody Kessel is the sequel to both Bloody Iced Bullet and Bloody Rattenkrieg. This is the third book in the Bloody Stalingrad series, focusing on creating a realistic and historically accurate portrayal of the war in the east during World War 2. The characters are fictional, but all units, weaponry and actions are portrayed as they were in the winter of 1942. All books are now available in US bookstores, in electronic format and paperback from Kindle across the world. The author aims to provide a thoroughly enjoyable and imaginative reading experience at an affordable price for the reader. All three works from the author's World War 2 Series concentrating on Stalingrad have achieved Best Seller status on Amazon in the UK and many more stories are outlined. Imagination is personal, free and to be cherished. I would like to thank the Bundesarchiv, the official German photo library for the invaluable assistance and use of images.

  • af Andrew McGregor
    143,95 kr.

    November 1942, Russia: As the German Sixth Army discovers just how vicious the fighting in Stalingrad can become, the Germans take troops from their flanks in final attempts to take the city before the onset of 'another bitter Russian winter.' To the south of Stalingrad, on a thinly held front line stretching hundreds of miles, small groups of German troops are dispersed across positions held by their allies of the Fourth Romanian Army. The Russian high command, STAVKA, are planning an opportunity to turn the tide of the war in the southern sector of the front as they see the weaker German allies occupy defensive positions either side of the city. Not everything is as it seems in the deepest cold of winter as a small group of men combat nature and a vicious and cunning enemy motivated by revenge to survive and escape. A realistic account of experiencing the extremes of human camaraderie and desperation facing the human spirit in one of histories most violent and desperate struggles, the Russian Front on the Volga during World War 2. With temperatures dropping to minus 25 to 40 degrees Celsius and a vicious struggle for survival against both nature and the cruelties of war, the portrayal of individual human reaction to fate and historical events is a gripping insight into the soldier on the frontline, thousands of miles from the decisions that will forge their individual destinies. The story weaves a path through the days of war on the Volga seen from the eyes of the individuals that fought it. Having spent nearly thirty years researching World War 2, with particular emphasis on the eastern front, weaponry, tactics and strategy, this is the first submission from the author covering one of the most brutal and vicious campaigns history has ever experienced. All three of the Author's books based in Stalingrad have become best sellers on Amazon Kindle and many more stories with the characters are outlined. All units and actions are in accordance with historical research and with the ultimate aim of complete accuracy to events and possible individual actions. The writer aims to provide a thoroughly enjoyable and imaginative reading experience at an affordable price for the reader. Imagination is personal, free and to be cherished. I would like to thank the Bundesarchiv, the official German photo library for the invaluable assistance and use of images.

  • - Operation Sealion: Britain Stands Alone
    af Andrew McGregor
    143,95 kr.

    Early July 1940: With the fall of France, a victorious German Army stands along the coastline facing the English Channel, the beleaguered British counting the cost of losing most of their military equipment at Dunkirk, across northern France and Belgium as the allied nations fell or capitulated. As the last of these British and French soldiers were evacuated by brave determined small boat owners and the Royal Navy, government ministers realise in horror that there are only six anti-tank guns in the whole of England, a drastic shortage of rifles and uniforms, lorries, tanks, armoured cars and aircraft. 338,226 French and British soldiers were evacuated from Dunkirk, scattered other pockets from coastal ports and beaches all along the French northern shores were also lifted to safety. Without these men as deterrent, Britain would have surely fallen immediately and frantic arguments continued in the House of Commons to make peace with Germany. Most of the evacuated troops were demoralised or wounded, the government stunned that so many had escaped as the attacking German Wehrmacht simply halted their advance for a couple of days, seemingly mesmerised by their successful and devastating offensive. Little did they know that Adolf Hitler had become increasingly nervous at his thinly reinforced forward forces, unaware that capturing the majority of the British Army was within his grasp until many were escaping across the channel, the assurances of Goering at the time that his Luftwaffe would destroy the stubborn pocket of resistance proving ineffective. Rumours and whispers spread through the English population and German Army that the war in the west was perhaps over. Conspiracy theories were rife...had the Wehrmacht stopped to even deliberately permit the British and French soldiers to escape...was this even the prelude to a grand alliance between the British Empire and the German Reich? But the rumours were false, Winston Churchill had no intention of relenting on his pledges to defeat the Nazis...the British 'bulldog' was not for compromise against such an evil as Adolf Hitler. Even the Germans could not believe it...surely the stubborn British could see reason, they were a defeated nation in all but occupancy. Within just a few days, the Royal Air Force has retreated from dogfights over the channel and lower North Sea against overwhelming odds with the loss of over fifty valuable fighters and more importantly...experienced pilots...mostly picked up by German vessels. Further days slip by...nervousness and dread rising, a date...July the sixteenth approaching as coastal British soldiers and Home Guard volunteers stared warily through binoculars across the channel, their collective dread rising for what was to come. They would not have to wait long...the skies were darkening ominously on the night of the fifteenth...a storm was about to rise over the channel. With spies, resistance fighters and steamy romance on both sides of the channel, the RAF will endeavour to protect British skies in a desperate bid to deter or stop the German Luftwaffe. This fictional story interweaves with the desperate struggle for Western Europe in the warm summer of 1940, albeit with a small number of changes. Designed to complement the author's popular Bloodied Wehrmacht series, new characters will join some of the existing younger soldiers in Britain's darkest hour.

  • - First Contact
    af Andrew McGregor
    228,95 kr.

    Two Books as One: The Last Marine in the Galaxy The Red Leopards of Zaxon B The near future: Intercepted Message Transcript Initial Planetary Report from sensors (Translation) A planet with a suitable gravitational and protective atmosphere. Air and temperate climate that is ideal for sustaining life. An ideal land and sea mass distribution across the planet. Rich mineral resources and fuel sources suitable for development. Suitable land mass for cultivation and providing food for a vast and growing population. Currently numerous residential animal species capable for cultivation and food provision. Easily established and adapted infrastructure to provide efficient deployment and development. Rare and essential metals ripe for extraction. Current Occupying Species: Expendable or suitable for cultivation. Message Broken...attempting re-connect...Jamming in progress.... Re-connect....disruption...Jamming in progress.... Attempting to re-connect covert intercept...... Jamming in progress...unsuccessful attempt....signal lost... Retrieved message fragment....... Planetary Name: Earth Lifeform Initial Report: ..........weak Expected Resistance: ..........negligible ..........Message Ends As human beings, we become accustomed to believing today will just be like yesterday, and tomorrow. We get up, get dressed, go to work, eat.....come home, watch TV, perhaps go to the gym, think about our relationships, then we go back to bed. We content ourselves that life holds little surprise for us, but deep down perhaps wish something exciting would happen, a very personal dream normally concealed from all others. But our existences are not predetermined, we base our confidence on our continued reality on probability and our own comfort zones....things that are anything but predictable, probability can be very cruel. Life is fragile.At any time our lives or world could change...and change dramatically. Most of us do not even consider, or are far too afraid to consider...that this hour may be the last of that perceived normality...that the ultimate horror maybe only a breathless gasp away......That something has been watching all the time...waiting The author aims to provide a thoroughly enjoyable and imaginative reading experience at an affordable price for the reader. All three works from the author's World War 2 Series concentrating on Stalingrad have achieved Best Seller status on Amazon in the UK and many more stories are outlined. Imagination is personal, free and to be cherished.

  • - Chemical Rush: 1990
    af Andrew McGregor
    273,95 kr.

    Two Books in One: Blood and Intoxication Blood of the Innocents Following the high adrenalin investigations of a young policeman and his rather flamboyant associates...the truth is rarely as it seems. 1990: With the tentacles of evil spreading once more across Europe, Britain is recovering from previous attacks, the population beginning to experience a rising drugs scene with far more powerful intoxicating chemicals and highly organised gangs across the capital. Now with the Specialist Crimes Unit based in Shepherds Bush to the west of London, the two investigators were originally destined for deep undercover work in their fledgling department, the Metropolitan Police now seeming reluctant to commit the men to dangerous work due to any potential publicity. With their rather brusque commander, Chief Inspector Larsen attempting to find any work for the pair that will bring results and personal prestige, they now complement existing police operations, utilising their firearms training to gain work. But there will not be long to wait...ultimate danger is once again beginning to emerge in London, another deviously cunning plan to bring the United Kingdom to its knees in the eyes of the world. With the fall of the Berlin wall, the dark terrorist organisation has experienced a surge in recruits from eastern Europe, the belief that communism was finally collapsing. Highly trained assassins and mercenaries from behind the iron curtain are now no longer required in emerging democracies, individuals desperate to serve a polluted cause and drawn to the far right wing outfit, a possible rekindling of a past historical horror, but now in London. Something is stirring within their ranks, the evil organisation beginning to flex its muscles and eliminate any opposing gangs across the continent, organised crime becoming a lucrative trade and business. With the disposal of any authority figures that show any disapproving interest in the blossoming organisation, several are beginning to join their ranks, keen to not only stay alive, but also to preserve their reputations and careers as blackmail and extortion become the main motivators. Many politicians across Europe are fully aware of a potential rising threat, but most are deterred from acting...knowing that if Britain remains the prime target, then their countries will be spared the wrath and incited violence. With the fall of the eastern blocs, there is little resource to combat organised gangs, most countries struggling financially. Jin-Lee and Robert Peterson return as the rather unlikely crime fighting partners, the pair still working with their charismatic friends and associates. London is once more in peril and they will rise to the challenges, if perhaps not quite realising the danger that may present itself. With outrageous, flamboyant characters and situations, the group of potentially blundering police associates will once again be tasked to assist the authorities...will their luck continue or is it about to run out? Blood and Intoxication and Blood of the Innocents are works of the Dorothy Squad Series set in 1990 with dark humour and innuendo throughout. Please be advised that this book contains some quite graphic scenes. The author aims to provide a thoroughly enjoyable and imaginative reading experience at an affordable price for the reader. All three works from the author's World War 2 Series concentrating on the Battle for Stalingrad have achieved Best Seller status on Amazon.

  • af Andrew McGregor
    118,95 kr.

    As the tide of war in Russia begins to turn, Leutnant Hausser returns with his depleted and demoralised the bitter snow, cold and ice that is becoming their home. The battle for survival Kharkov. With the final collapse of Stalingrad on the Volga River...the strained railheads along the southern Russian coast and to the immediate north fill with any available grim faced soldiers and equipment that can be spared. Hundreds of thousands of prisoners trudge into captivity, their starving and lice ridden bodies forced to march across exposed and bitter winter terrain towards prisoner of war camps...most will not return, dying en-route or in the inhospitable conditions of the Soviet gulags. The greatest defeat ever inflicted upon the German Wehrmacht has been completed, removing nearly 600,000 soldiers from the Axis order of battle. The loss of equipment and tanks has been immense, exceeding the entire production of the German Reich for a year. Russian casualties have proved even greater across the campaign...however Stalin is buoyant, pushing his commanders further, keen to see the collapse of the German southern wing and an early end to the war. The world draws breath...the seemingly invincible and unstoppable German Army has been finally and brutally defeated for the first decisive time. The German allies in Russia have virtually ceased to exist, their surviving manpower and strength scattered across the southern section of the front in the form of shattered units and obsolete equipment, their leaders realizing the sheer power of the Russian forces now far exceeds previous estimates. In Berlin, the slick Nazi propaganda machine is unable to conceal or diminish the scale of the defeat, the German High Command just awakening to the idea that the Russian campaign could now last for years...that defeat is actually a possibility. The German High Command were united in one thought...the need for a victory...a defeat of Russian forces that would once again show the world that the Wehrmacht was far from beaten. Field Marshall Von Manstein, commander of Army Group South, a charismatic leader with the confidence of his men and even Hitler himself, is given 'Freedom of Action' to his ambitious plans...plans that could see a change in fortune for the southern front. With eager Russian forces over-running the reach of their supply lines, the German commander sees an opportunity...the chance to once again strike fear into the Russian soldier's heart. Glancing across a map of the southern front, an opportunity presents itself...the ultimate chance to turn momentum and propaganda back into the Germans hands...the city of Kharkov has been recently taken and behind it, Belgorod. Now is the time...the opportunity...Von Manstein has the chance to show the German people and the world that the Wehrmacht is still the ultimate fighting force...that victory can be grasped from the jaws of devastating defeat. The stage is set, battle plans drawn up...within three weeks of the fall of Stalingrad, the Germans would once again advance. With 70,000 men at his disposal, Field Marshall Erich Von Manstein is to attack...facing 346,000 Russian soldiers, their morale high and a belief in victory over Nazi Germany beginning to formulate in their minds. The author aims to provide a thoroughly enjoyable and imaginative reading experience at an affordable price for the reader. All three works from the author's World War 2 Series concentrating on Stalingrad have achieved Best Seller status on Amazon in the UK and many more stories are outlined.

  • - Onslaught
    af Andrew McGregor
    153,95 kr.

    Planet Earth stands in ultimate peril...a war rapidly engulfing numerous continents from a concealed vicious enemy. The Morgons have lain hidden for years, studying and contemplating the weaknesses of their victims before striking, concealed in the darkest depths and havens where humans could not travel without harm or virtual suicide. The inhuman guests are now understood to have evolving bodies, able to absorb immense punishment and transform and grow in harsh polluted realities that humans cannot survive. The situation is bleak if not hopeless for human life...the oceans now controlled by invading hordes growing in merciless strength...numerous coastal landings advancing inland across the globe from Japan through Thailand, South Korea, central Ukraine and St Petersburg. Bitter fighting is commencing in Normandy in France and the North Sea oil rigs of the United Kingdom have fallen. With two massive Morgon warships now orbiting the planet, the United States faced the ultimate ferocity of initial attacks, the western seaboard now obliterated along with the majority of coastal defensive forces. Additional enemy landings have occurred in New York and now Boston, heavy merciless fighting continuing in Florida, Philadelphia and Baltimore. Across the galaxies, there is a seeming improvement in the military situation on Zaxon B due to the timely intervention of the last ship from the Fahimian Republic. Any meagre Trevakian reserves are now being deployed to the deteriorating situation on Planet Earth to assist their new allies, the ships currently travelling to the remote human enclave. Eager to support and enhance the new additions to the Trevakian Empire, a Battle Cruiser has been gifted to the human race, the appropriately named 'Galactic Freedom' a gesture of peace and solidarity with the new alliance members. Destined perhaps unknowingly for a battle of annihilation that is engulfing the planet; on board, the surviving earth soldiers are deep in training, some having even now bravely or naively joined the Trevakian Marine Corps. But there is a flicker of hope...a potent prototype weapon from the new charismatic allies that are few in number...a rifle that the dreaded Morgons do not possess, something that may stem and then reverse the tide if it arrives in time, or is able to be produced in sufficient numbers. Also on board, one human female may hold a surprising and demoralising insight into where the invaders have actually come from...the secret almost too incredulous to consider. With the human world situation darkening and deteriorating, the devastating firepower of the orbiting Morgon Warships is unleashed once more...the massive energy blasts entering earth's atmosphere and hurtling towards another target... There may be little of the beleaguered planet left to salvage when reinforcements finally arrive...even if successful against overwhelming odds. This is a time for heroes and ultimate survival...time is short and running out... 'Our Time is Now!' Planet Genocide II is the fifth book in the Galaxies Collide Series with an evolving story and the battle for humanity ongoing. The author aims to provide a thoroughly enjoyable and imaginative reading experience at an affordable price for the reader. All three works from the author's World War 2 Series concentrating on Stalingrad have achieved Best Seller status on Amazon in the UK and many more stories are outlined. Imagination is free and to be cherished.

  • af Andrew McGregor
    128,95 kr.

    The near future: Intercepted Message Transcript Initial Planetary Report from sensors (Translation) A planet with a suitable gravitational and protective atmosphere. Air and temperate climate that is ideal for sustaining life. An ideal land and sea mass distribution across the planet. Rich mineral resources and fuel sources suitable for development. Suitable land mass for cultivation and providing food for a vast and growing population. Currently numerous residential animal species capable for cultivation and food provision. Easily established and adapted infrastructure to provide efficient deployment and development. Rare and essential metals ripe for extraction. Current Occupying Species: Expendable or suitable for cultivation. Message Broken...attempting re-connect...Jamming in progress.... Re-connect....disruption...Jamming in progress.... Attempting to re-connect covert intercept...... Jamming in progress...unsuccessful attempt....signal lost... Retrieved message fragment....... Planetary Name: Earth Lifeform Initial Report: ....weak Expected Resistance: ..........negligible ..........Message Ends With war raging across the far reaches of the galaxy, earth sits in apprehensive peace and deafening silence...any news of the battles far away in space jammed. A small detachment of Trevakian Ships guard the lone planet of Earth from orbit above whilst world leaders rush to rebuild their fighter strength and manufacture the advanced weaponry the new allies have provided. Earth's residents are innocently unaware of the threat posed against them...a cunning and vicious race that seems to consider taking prisoners a sign of weakness. Time may be running out....and one knows the true evil and intent that is about to be unleashed... At any time our lives or world could change...and change dramatically. Most of us do not even consider, or are far too afraid to consider.......that this hour may be the last of that perceived normality... The innocence of complacency... ...That something has been watching and waiting...and is reaching out to touch... Each book can be experienced as part of the series or as a stand-alone story. The author aims to provide a thoroughly enjoyable and imaginative reading experience at an affordable price for the reader. Imagination is personal, free and to be cherished.

  • - Demonology: City of Dragons
    af Andrew McGregor
    228,95 kr.

    Two Books in One: The Hong Kong Scotsman The Werewolves of New Hong Kong Welcome to the City of Dragons... A historical and controversial decision from the early nineteen eighties voted a different way by Government...this is now a new and different Britain. A sprawling metropolis and beacon to global business stands defiantly in the far north, skyscrapers and dazzling lights rising from the dark waves and transforming the UK in the eyes of the world.The country is transformed with low income tax and renewable energy, bullet trains and motorways where old stock and potholed 'A' roads once stood. Business is booming, the vast building project alone virtually eliminating unemployment and providing a prosperous society for all. But something was overlooked...unknown and beyond human comprehension as the bulldozers and excavators arrived. An unholy and ancient evil defeated in centuries past stirs, hundreds of years of silence and slumber broken...corruption is set free. The bloodcurdling howls of unholy werewolf beasts will echo across the Scottish highlands, the stirring of twisted phantoms...the abominable creations of darkness...of ancestral spirits long since laid to rest...demons and evil are rising once more...the ghosts of generations past are awakening. The innocent arrival of one broken and tormented soul, tortured and twisted from the hardships and tragedy of life...a lonely, isolated man with an ancestral too incredible and fantastic to understand...a destiny to be unleashed, a subliminal power beyond comprehension. With the return of older antagonising and bickering detectives, Jin-Lee and Robert with their associated charismatic and flamboyant friends to assist, the scene is set for dark humour, suspense, innuendo and violence unparalleled in previous adventures. Blood will flow; peace will shatter...the unimaginable forces of good and evil crash in eternal combat once more...the prize of human souls and possession the ultimate goal. The blood lust and frenzy is about to begin... Welcome to the City of Dragons...a city of awakening phantoms... Welcome to New Hong Kong...a city destined for eternal darkness... The Hong Kong Scotsman and The Werewolves of New Hong Kong are a fantasy/paranormal continuation of The Dorothy Squad Series. All books can be read as part of the series or as a stand-alone story... Life is fragile. At any time our existences or world could change...and change dramatically. Most of us do not even consider, or are far too afraid to consider...that this hour may be the last of that perceived normality...that the darkest evil is watching. The writer would like thank Nadia and Curt Dennis of Iamcurt Photography for their creative input and contribution to the front cover image. The author aims to provide a thoroughly enjoyable and imaginative reading experience at an affordable price for the reader. All three works from the author's World War 2 Series concentrating on the Battle for Stalingrad have achieved Best Seller status on Amazon in the UK and many more stories are outlined.

  • - Pour Une Anthropologie Du Visuel
    af Andrew McGregor
    1.030,95 kr.

    Si les pratiques festivalières mobilisent depuis longtemps la recherche scientifi que, il semble qu'un tournant ait été opéré à la fi n du XXe siècle avec l'émergence des Film Festival Studies. Depuis une vingtaine d'années, face à l'essor constant des manifestations festivalières en Europe et à l'international, de plus en plus de chercheur. e.s se sont en effet focalisé.e.s sur l'objet « festival de cinéma » en l'envisageant à la fois comme la construction d'un regard spécifi que sur le cinéma (et à travers lui sur le réel), un lieu de transactions professionnelles intenses et un espace de mediation avec les publics et la critique de cinéma. L'ambition de cette publication collective est de contribuer à l'identifi cation d'une nouvelle période festivalière caractéristique des années 2000 d'un point de vue cette fois français. La démarche des auteur.e.s ici réuni.e.s a consisté à penser l'émergence des sociétés festivalières du XXIe siècle dans une perspective anthropologique, en s'attachant à leurs modes d'existence d'une part et en interrogeant la manière dont, par leurs actes de programmation, les festivals pensent et fondent la representation des mondes contemporains d'autre part. La question de fond qui anime les quinze présentes contributions porte sur la façon dont se crée et circule l'altérité dans ces cultures festivalières dont la nature complexe se situe à l'intersection de la sociologie, de l'économie, de la géopolitique et de l'esthétique.

  • af Andrew McGregor
    118,95 kr.

    During the turbulent year of 1745, the Jacobites struggled for the throne against a powerful and determined English enemy embattled in both France and on home soil. In the bitter and merciless civil war, one youth and his loyal companion will forge a destiny. April 1746: With the surviving Jacobites fleeing the victorious English Army at Culloden, one young man and his faithful dog will emerge from the ruin of the Highlands and the vicious suppression of his people. In the confusion and panic that ensues, they enlist the assistance of the last few surviving embittered Stuart loyalists as the English Redcoats surge forward unopposed...hunting, slaughtering or imprisoning anyone that they suspect of collaboration with the Jacobite Standard. Forging a strong friendship with one of the escaping Highlanders, the adventures of a youthful Scotsman and his dog across breath-taking landscape whilst evading capture and imprisonment can only lead to more and more remote and desperate hiding places as a high price is placed upon his head. With steamy romantic entanglement and intrigue, collaborators, spies, French soldiers and an overwhelming pursuing enemy hell-bent on destroying Highland resistance once and for all, the adventure and transition from a boy to a man is only just beginning. A series of novels concentrating on one of the most exciting and formative times for the modern world. The stories will span across the Highlands of Scotland to adventures on the high seas, European continent and in the Americas. Not suitable for younger readers as some scenes include sexual references. The author aims to provide a thoroughly enjoyable and imaginative reading experience at an affordable price for the reader. Three works from the author's World War 2 Series concentrating on the Battle for Stalingrad have achieved Best Seller status on Amazon in the UK and many more stories are outlined.

  • - The Final Struggle
    af Andrew McGregor
    128,95 kr.

    With the once mighty Trevakian Empire crumbling under prolonged and vicious assaults from armoured Morgon infantry and ships across several galaxies, the war that has lasted for over a century now seems to be nearing an inevitable and desperate conclusion. Far across the Trevakian Empire...the furthest planet, Zaxon B stands alone and embattled on both the surface and surrounding space. With no word of forces available to support the struggle, hordes of armoured Morgons and Silakians pour from drop ships onto the inhospitable planet, the heavily outnumbered defenders fighting for their lives against an enemy that takes no prisoners and prizes the skulls of defeated foes as trophies. Zaxon B is the last bastion of hope...holding out against overwhelming enemy forces that if freed will invariably be sent to reinforce an attack on the next planet in the enemy's sights...human earth. With a merciless winter approaching, the defending Trevakian and human volunteer forces are surrounded and cut off... In space above, the Trevakian Space Station has just received the last few volunteer units that earth can spare, heavy fighting continuing on the upper decks as infiltrating Morgon Shock Troops endeavour to capture the enormous station, enemy space fighters continually attacking in the surrounding atmosphere. On an opposite orbit, the cloaked Morgon Dark Star Station completes final preparations to deploy a specialist unit to finally finish off the remaining defenders on the planet surface. The 'Black Death' Battalion is mobilizing to land. Perhaps a time for heroes...a time of desperate failing hope. The Trevakian Marine motto now stands for all defenders... 'Your Time is Now!' The Final Struggle for Zaxon B is about to begin. Each book can be experienced as part of the series or as a stand-alone story. The author aims to provide a thoroughly enjoyable and imaginative reading experience at an affordable price for the reader. All three works from the author's World War 2 Series concentrating on the Battle for Stalingrad have achieved Best Seller status on Amazon in the UK and many more stories are outlined. Imagination is personal, free and to be cherished.

  • - Demon Lord
    af Andrew McGregor
    143,95 kr.

    Welcome to the City of Dragons... A historical and controversial decision from the early nineteen eighties voted a different way by Government...this is now a new and different Great Britain. A sprawling metropolis and beacon to global business stands defiantly in the far north, skyscrapers and dazzling lights rising from the dark waves and transforming the UK in the eyes of the world. But something was overlooked...unknown and beyond human comprehension as the bulldozers and excavators arrived. An unholy and ancient evil defeated in centuries past stirs, hundreds of years of silence and slumber broken...corruption is set free. The bloodcurdling howls of unholy werewolf beasts will soon spread across the Scottish highlands, the stirring of twisted phantoms...the abominable creations of darkness...of ancestral spirits long since laid to rest...demons and evil are rising once more...the ghosts of generations past are awakening. The power of darkness is on the ascendance, the nearby city ripe the hunting of souls, possession of the human spirit as the ultimate goal. Demonic forces are rising, the folklore of blood thirsty vampires, airborne demons and werewolves now grim realities few residents are aware of or can even wish to comprehend. Howls of blood lust will fill the glens and villages, an evil vengeance on the shores overlooking a glittering city...the prize beneath the foundations, ancient burial grounds and tombs of lost clans and Chinese warriors. One man is becoming aware and perhaps holds the key, oblivious to the sheer power within his mind, a subconscious twisted and tortured by death and tormenting visions. Ancestors of mixed race, focused through potent love of a son have awakened his senses...senses he is unable to control or empower. He is now the hunted... As the NCA and Highland Police attempt to unravel the escalating spate of vicious murders, one agent will face the truth, his colleagues drawn towards the opening gates of hell in attempts to protect his soul.Anthony Wang returns as the deeply troubled mixed race NCA agent with his older bickering colleagues, Jin-Lee and Robert continuing their struggle against ultimate evil with dark humour, innuendo, gripping suspense and violence throughout. With flamboyant and charismatic assistance from others, this adventure is just beginning...Welcome to New Hong Kong.Welcome to the City of Dragons... The Hong Kong Scotsman and The Werewolves of New Hong Kong are a fantasy/paranormal continuation of The Dorothy Squad Series. All books can be read as part of the series or as a stand-alone story.Life is fragile. At any time our existences or world could change...and change dramatically. Most of us do not even consider, or are far too afraid to consider...that this hour may be the last of that perceived normality...that the darkest evil is watching. The author aims to provide a thoroughly enjoyable and imaginative reading experience at an affordable price for the reader. All three works from the author's World War 2 Series concentrating on the Battle for Stalingrad have achieved Best Seller status on Amazon in the UK and many more stories are outlined. Imagination is personal, free and to be cherished.

  • - The Battle for Zaxon B
    af Andrew McGregor
    308,95 kr.

    Three Books in One: The Last Marine in the Galaxy The Red Leopards of Zaxon B Zaxon B: The Final Struggle The near future: Intercepted Message Transcript Initial Planetary Report from sensors (Translation) A planet with a suitable gravitational and protective atmosphere. Air and temperate climate that is ideal for sustaining life. An ideal land and sea mass distribution across the planet. Rich mineral resources and fuel sources suitable for development. Suitable land mass for cultivation and providing food for a vast and growing population. Currently numerous residential animal species capable for cultivation and food provision. Easily established and adapted infrastructure to provide efficient deployment and development. Rare and essential metals ripe for extraction. Current Occupying Species: Expendable or suitable for cultivation. Message Broken...attempting re-connect...Jamming in progress....Re-connect....disruption...Jamming in progress... Attempting to re-connect covert intercept....Jamming in progress...unsuccessful attempt....signal lost... Retrieved message fragment...Planetary Name: Earth Lifeform Initial Report: ...weak Expected Resistance: ...negligible...Message Ends At any time our lives or world could change...and change dramatically. Most of us do not even consider, or are far too afraid to consider...that this hour may be the last of that perceived normality... ...That something has been watching...that evil may only be seconds away... The author aims to provide a thoroughly enjoyable and imaginative reading experience at an affordable price for the reader. Imagination is personal, free and to be cherished.

  • af Andrew McGregor
    198,95 - 323,95 kr.

  • af Andrew McGregor
    688,95 - 2.253,95 kr.

    Outlines the strengths and weaknesses of the transformations taking place in the Southeast Asian region. This book focusses on four key themes: equality and inequality; political freedom and opportunity; empowerment and participation; and environmental sustainability and, explores Southeast Asian development.

  • - The Perpetual French Discovery of Australian Cinema
    af Andrew McGregor
    853,95 kr.

    This book presents an unprecedented analysis of the dynamics of cultural representation and interpretation in film criticism. It examines how French critical reception of Australian cinema since the revival period of the 1970s has evolved as a narrative of perpetual discovery, and how a clear parallel can be drawn between French critics' reading of Australian film and their interpretation of an exotic Australian national identity. In French critical writing on Australian cinema, Australian identity is frequently defined in terms of extremes of cultural specificity and cultural anonymity. On the one hand, French critics construct a Euro-centric orientalist fantasy of Australia as not only a European Antipodes, but the antithesis of Europe. At the same time, French critics have tended to subordinate Australian cultural identity within the framework of a resented Anglo-American filmic and cultural hegemony. The book further explores this marginalisation by examining the influence of the French auteur paradigm, particularly in reference to the work of Jane Campion, as well as by discussing the increasingly problematic notion of national identity, and indeed national cinemas, within the universal framework of international film culture.