Bøger af Anders Olsson
- Bog
- 198,95 kr.
153,95 kr. Gunnar Ekelöf (1907-1968) er en af de største i moderne svensk digtning. Han debuterede i 1932 med digtsamlingen sent på jorden. I sin levetid udgav han hen ved 15 digtsamlinger, nogle prosabind af fornem kvalitet, ligesom han virkede som litteraturkritiker. Ekelöf har ry for at være en lærd og kompliceret digter. Men Anders Olsson foretager her en skarpsindig nærlæsning af Ekelöfs digt-ning og klarlægger dens inspirationskilder. I stedet for en kronologisk gennemgang digtsamling for digtsamling vælger han en tematisk præsentation af de centrale motiver i Ekelöfs forfatterskab. I kraft af sin store fortrolighed med hele Ekelöfs værk kan Olsson med velvalgte citater vise hvordan de forskellige motiver tager form, udvikles og varieres gennem Ekelöfs fire årtier som digter. Men han viser også hvor tætte forbindelser der er mellem de forskellige motivkredse, hvordan de overlapper og samvarierer, og hvor tit man kan spore en forbindelse mellem visse til stadighed genkommende temaer i digtene og traumatiske begivenheder i digterens liv, frem for alt i barndommen. Gunnar Ekelöf er Anders Olssons biografi om den store svenske digter. Her foreligger den for første gang på dansk.
- Bog
- 153,95 kr.
- Bog
- 248,95 kr.
- Perfect Your Life Through Mindfulness, Stoicism & Gratitude
113,95 kr. You are about to embark on a journey to mindfulness, stoicism, and gratitude. In a world that often feels chaotic and overwhelming, it is easy to lose sight of our inner strength and the power we possess to shape our lives. This book is a guiding light, illuminating the path towards mindfulness, stoicism, and gratitude. It is a roadmap to help you approach each day with positivity and find solace in tranquil natural scenarios, allowing for restful and regenerative sleep. Prepare to embark on a transformative journey that will empower you to embrace the power within and live a life of purpose, resilience, and gratitude. Shrugging off the stresses of the day can sometimes be hard, and we occasionally carry negative experiences to bed with us, resulting fitful sleep lacking in regenerative deep/R.E.M. cycles which are essential for good mental and physical health. This book is set of calming, ambient textual nuggets. Settle down in your bed and mindfully read one short passage slowly before drifting off into a restorative slumber. Each passage has been perfected by A.I. to calm your mind, leading to a refreshing sleep, renewing your and recharging your batteries for the day ahead. In the morning, the first thing you should do is read one of the book's short but inspiring passages grounded in the principles of stoicism, gratitude, and mindfulness, to set you on the right track for a good day. These bite-sized nuggets are designed to be read in a state of half-sleep or near full wakefulness, with the meanings seeping into your subconscious and equipping you with the tools and resilience to overcome any difficulties of the day ahead and to enjoy your life to the full. Do yourself, and your mental and physical health a favour - stop scrolling in bed and first thing in the morning. Read this book instead. Shrugging off the stresses of the day can sometimes be hard, and we occasionally carry negative experiences to bed with us, resulting fitful sleep. Underlying worries and subconscious anxiety can lead to poor sleep which is lacking in the regenerative deep/R.E.M. sleep-cycles which are essential for good mental and physical health. This has a knock-on effect the following day, with tiredness and low mood making it difficult to get ahead of the day's demands and causing an overriding sense of fatigue which makes it increasingly difficult to rise up and conquer the fatigue. It becomes a vicious cycle. This book is set of ambient textual nuggets, each one designed to effectively switch off your brain's worry circuits and activate the 'default network' by focusing on calming and non-triggering sensations through tranquil and neutral scenarios. Settle down in your bed and mindfully read one short passage slowly before drifting off into a restorative slumber. Each passage has been augmented by artificial intelligence to be as effective as possible at calming your mind and stilling the waters of worry that would otherwise disrupt your sleep, leading to a refreshing sleep, renewing your and recharging your batteries for the day ahead. In the morning, the first thing you should do is read one of the book's short but inspiring passages grounded in the principles of stoicism, gratitude, and mindfulness, to set you on the right track for a good day. These bite-sized nuggets are designed to be read in a state of half-sleep or near full wakefulness, with the meanings seeping into your subconscious and equipping you with the tools and resilience to overcome any difficulties of the day ahead and to enjoy your life to the full. Do yourself, and your mental and physical health a favor - stop scrolling in bed late at night and first thing in the morning. Read this book instead.
- Bog
- 113,95 kr.