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Bøger af Amanda Williams

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  • - Guia de embarazo
    af Amanda Williams
    171,95 kr.

    Embarcarse en el viaje de esperar un bebé es una experiencia transformadora y emocionante que genera una multitud de emociones, cambios y expectativas. Como futuro padre, está al borde de una extraordinaria aventura llena de alegría, desafíos y la profunda comprensión de que la vida está a punto de sufrir una transformación significativa. Esta guía completa ofrece información sobre qué esperar cuando se espera un bebé, y abarca los diversos aspectos del embarazo, la preparación para la paternidad y el extraordinario viaje de traer una nueva vida al mundo. El viaje de la paternidad es una aventura que dura toda la vida, y las experiencias de esperar un bebé se convierten en un capítulo fundamental de esta narrativa continua. A través de los altibajos, las risas y las lágrimas, los desafíos y los triunfos, los padres continúan evolucionando junto a sus hijos, creando un legado de amor, resiliencia y recuerdos compartidos. En esencia, lo que se puede esperar cuando se espera un bebé no es sólo una línea de tiempo finita sino un viaje profundo y continuo que da forma al tejido de la vida familiar. Es un viaje marcado por el crecimiento, el descubrimiento y un compromiso inquebrantable de educar a la próxima generación.

  • - pregnancy guide
    af Amanda Williams
    170,95 kr.

    Embarking on the journey of expecting a baby is a transformative and thrilling experience that brings forth a multitude of emotions, changes, and anticipation. As an expectant parent, you are on the brink of a remarkable adventure filled with joy, challenges, and the profound realization that life is about to undergo a significant transformation. This comprehensive guide offers insights into what to expect when expecting a baby, encompassing the various aspects of pregnancy, parenthood preparation, and the extraordinary journey of bringing a new life into the world. The journey of parenthood is a lifelong adventure, and the experiences of expecting a baby become a foundational chapter in this ongoing narrative. Through the highs and lows, the laughter and tears, the challenges and triumphs, parents continue to evolve alongside their children, creating a legacy of love, resilience, and shared memories. In essence, what to expect when expecting a baby is not just a finite timeline but a profound and continuous journey that shapes the tapestry of family life. It is a journey marked by growth, discovery, and an unwavering commitment to nurturing the next generation.

  • af Amanda Williams
    448,95 kr.

    An illustrated anthology of texts on artist Amanda Williams, edited in collaboration with Camille Bacon.What Black Is This You Say?, by Amanda Williams, convenes a broad set of contributors to respond to her own eponymous public artwork at Storefront for Art and Architecture in New York City (2021–2023). In this collection, the 17 colors and captions that appeared on the facade of Storefront—the project began as a series of Instagram posts of different hues of black, paired with witty and incisive comments on the multiplicity of Black culture—are expounded upon in poems, essays, and prose. With this anthology, Williams deliberately departs from traditional art criticism by gathering an intimate ensemble of her peers, friends, and collaborators, including Roxane Gay, Corinne Bailey Rae, and J Wortham, to comment on her work.What Black Is This You Say? is the first title in a new series titled Groundworks, produced in conjunction with Storefront for Art and Architecture. Storefront, founded in 1982, is known for its commitment to challenging and reframing the relationship between public and private space. In 1993, the gallery commissioned a project by the artist Vito Acconci and architect Steven Holl that replaced the exterior façade with a series of 12 movable panels that open the entire length of the gallery to the street, enabling endless possibilities of entry, navigation, and absorption into the gallery space.

  • - Open Your Third Eye, Expand Mind Power, Intuition, Self-Healing, Psychic Awareness and Abilities
    af Amanda Williams
    188,95 kr.

    If you want to try to see the invisible... if you're like me, you always knew you had a "special" talent, but you didn't know how to use it. Or maybe you felt you were a bit odd, and you've just wanted to hide your intuitive side.Don't you think you've got any exceptional analytical skills? Think about it again. You've got a great present! And you can learn how to use these abilities by opening your third eye. I did it, and you should do it.Did you wish you had the talent that your mates didn't have?Would you want to see what the others can't see?Could you want spiritual knowledge in the human realm?Do you want inner peace?Everyone's got a third eye. Not everybody knows how to make sense of it. In this guide, you will learn a lot.The third eye is an unseen eye that, when raised, will bring healing, spiritual development and enhanced intuition. Once you've opened, you'll immediately notice that people are attracted to you and respect you. Suddenly, you will have the power to see and predict things that are not seen in the physical realm. You should become more attuned and linked to the world, contributing to profound harmony and knowledge.We do obviously have a third eye, which means that we all have the ability to gain that capacity, but the general population has not yet worked out how to use this very inherent spiritual skill. It's not as rough as it sounds. We've discovered a method that will work for you, even if you've failed in your previous attempts.

  • - Tips And Tricks For Handmade Chocolate
    af Amanda Williams
    143,95 kr.

    LOW FAT HOMEMADE CHOCOLATE RECIPE: Tips And Tricks For Handmade Chocolate - has everything you need to guide you through the exciting process of making your own homemade chocolates.Following the guidelines in this homemade chocolate recipe book, even busy and inexperienced persons can make awesome and unique homemade chocolates. LOW FAT HOMEMADE CHOCOLATE RECIPE - includes;Making great traditional chocolates.Fun ways to make your chocolate unique.The best tools form making homemade chocolate.Making low-fat chocolateMaking sugar-free chocolateMaking high-quality gourmet chocolate.Homemade chocolate ideas for holidays and special occasions.Tips for using molds.A faster way of making homemade chocolate.If you can eat chocolates, then you can make it.Do not let this opportunity of learning how to make high-quality homemade chocolates inside your very own kitchen slip through your fingers.Claim your copy today!

  • af Amanda Williams
    118,95 kr.

    Pattern Recognition No. 1 features short fiction by Jeff B Willey, Eugene A. Melino, Patrick King, M.K. Punky, R.W. Watkins, M.P. Powers, Leigh Baker, Bill Ectric and Chelsey Burden; poetry by Anthony Robinson, Jessica Tremblay and Angelos T. Anastasopolos; a review of Brian Campbell's Shimmer Report; an interview with legendary Fantagraphics cartoonist J.R. Williams; R.H. Crawford on Bond and the 1960s spy craze; comics by Gordon Lindholm and Bill Harvey; and more.

  • af Amanda Williams
    118,95 kr.

    UFOs, and monsters such as the Mothman, black eyed kids, Loch ness monster, and Bigfoot are explored as paranormal mysteries. Writer Jerry Williams goes into the weird world of the monsters of the UFO. Exploring the connection of high strangeness and personal experiences along with several stories about the monsters and the connection to the UFO.

  • af Amanda Williams
    163,95 kr.

    In Too DeepBy: Amanda WilliamsRoxy only wants the best for herself and her girls. She never wanted a life full of thugs. When Roxy makes a deal with the wrong person, her life changes forever.Green is a person that you don't want to be around at all. He's always wanted to rule the world, but someone is standing in his way.Nicko is one of the most powerful drug dealers in the world, but one person is determined to bring him down at all costs.Everyone wants answers, but will they like the answers that they will get?About the AuthorAmanda Williams is from Jacksonville, Florida Writing is a passion for her, as she gets to express my feelings at all points in her life. Writing comes to Williams naturally.When she's not writing, Amanda enjoys playing with her puppy, her biggest fan.

  • af Amanda Williams
    148,95 kr.

  • af Amanda Williams
    208,95 kr.

    "The poems in Little Human Relics weave themselves through various notions of home: a family farm, the mythic backdrop of Bavaria, a cityscape rife with urban noise and expectations, and the quiet interiors of domestic life. Whether overhearing a lament about marriage at a nail salon, or standing vigil over the grave of a newly-buried horse, these poems invite readers to step over the page's threshold into a kitchen, a gothic cathedral, a lover's bed. These poems celebrate the ways in which devotion elevates all things in one's life to a position of reverence; a poem which marvels at the brutality of religious relics is placed alongside a poem depicting the mending of a child's nightgown, and suddenly that small act of love inspires equal awe. As the title suggests, these poems are carefully captured moments in a person's life that may have easily flown past her, but they all represent a constellation of objects, events, and characters who are undeniably worthy of praise. Like relics, they exist to both conjure memory, as well as teach readers a little bit more about what it means to be human."

  • af Amanda Williams
    161,95 kr.

    Kay and Nikki are best friends until one of them is holding a Secret that would tear them apart. Sam and Nikki got one thing in common wait until you find out what it is Stacy is out to ride her stepmother at any cost.

  • af Amanda Williams
    253,95 kr.

    The poems in LITTLE HUMAN RELICS weave through various notions of home: a family farm, the mythic backdrop of Bavaria, a cityscape of urban noise and expectations, and quiet interiors of domestic life. Whether overhearing a lament about marriage at a nail salon, or standing vigil over the grave of a newly-buried horse, these poems invite readers to step over the page's threshold into a kitchen... a gothic cathedral... a lover's bed. These poems celebrate the ways in which devotion elevates all things in one's life to a position of reverence; a poem which marvels at the brutality of religious relics is placed alongside one which depicts the mending of a child's nightgown, and both the religious veneration and a small act of love inspire equal awe. As the title suggests, these poems are carefully captured moments that may have flown past, but instead are a constellation of objects, events, and characters which hold emotional truth and stark beauty. Like relics, they exist to both conjure memory as well as teach readers a little bit more about what it means to be human.

  • af Amanda Williams
    541,95 kr.

    Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 2011 im Fachbereich BWL - Offline-Marketing und Online-Marketing, Note: 1,3, Verwaltungs- und Wirtschaftsakademie Frankfurt, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: 1 Einleitung¿Die ökonomische, soziale und kulturelle Vernetzung war noch nie so ausgeprägt wie zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts.¿ 1.1. ProblemstellungDurch die Globalisierung treten immer mehr Teilnehmer in den Markt ein und sorgen für einen verstärkten Wettbewerb auf der Angebotsseite. Besonders branchenfremde Unternehmen, wie Banken und Warenhäuser, konkurrieren zunehmend auf dem Versicherungsmarkt. Diese Cross-Seller kämpfen mit Versicherern um demografisch bedingt immer weniger Kunden. Zur Schaffung und Sicherung dauerhafter Wettbewerbsvorteile ist dabei eine verbesserte Wettbewerbsstrategie eine wichtige Voraussetzung.Auf der Nachfrager-Seite ändert sich zudem, vor allem durch diverse Anwerbeabkommen seit 1955, die Gesellschaftsstruktur. Für das Jahr 2008 gibt das Statistische Bundesamt an, dass 19 Prozent der Bevölkerung Deutschlands einen Migrationshintergrund hatten. Immer mehr Migranten sind mit ihren Familien, sogar in der zweiten oder dritten Generation, in Deutschland verwurzelt.Bei diesem Kundensegment wurden scheinbar bislang die Kaufkraft sowie das besondere Kaufverhalten unterschätzt. Doch genau dieses Segment bietet viel Potential für Unternehmen, die auf der Suche nach Wettbewerbsvorteilen, die Fokussierung ihrer Marketingaktivität anstreben (Ethno-Marketing). Es zeigt sich, dass 53 Prozent der Versicherungsunternehmen, die auf Kundengruppen fokussierten, Umsatzzuwächse verzeichnen konnten. 1.2. Ziel der ArbeitMit dieser Arbeit soll aufgezeigt werden, welch ein unbedientes Ertragspotential das Kundensegment der ethnischen Gruppen für die Versicherungswirtschaft aufweist. Eine Marktanalyse durch Auswertung von Internetsuchmaschinen-Ergebnissen soll die dazu nötigen Fakten liefern. Auf dieser Basis wird ein umfassendes Konzept zur Erschließung eines attraktiven Subsegments durch den Einsatz des Marketing-Mix über das Internet erwartet.

  • af Amanda Williams
    330,95 kr.

  • - Ethno-Marketing als Wachstumsmoeglichkeit
    af Amanda Williams
    475,95 kr.

  • - Putting the Core Competencies to Work
    af Amanda Williams, Association for Library Service to Children, Rosanne Cerny & mfl.
    443,95 kr.

    What does it truly take to provide excellent library service to children? The Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) has outlined seven core competencies - skills that are building blocks for professional development for children's librarians. This guide aims to bring these skills to life.