Bøger af Alyson Noel
73,95 kr. Den 16-årige pige Ever er eneste overlevende, da hele hendes nærmeste familie omkommer i en frygtelig trafikulykke. Ever må nu bo hos sin tante i Californien, og snart opdager hun, at nærdødsoplevelsen har givet hende en skræmmende evne til at se andre menneskers aura og læse deres tanker – og blot ved en flygtig berøring lære hele deres livshistorie at kende. Fra at have været den mest populære pige på skolen begynder hun at lukke sig inde i sig selv og forsøge at undertrykke sine mærkelige evner. Men da den nye elev Damen dukker op på skolen, bliver alting anderledes. Hun falder pladask for ham. Ikke blot er han gudesmuk, drømmeagtig og eksotisk, hun har det også, som om hun allerede kender ham – selv om hun ikke kan læse netop hans tanker. Til gengæld kan Damen se ind i Evers sjæl, og når han er tæt på hende, føler hun den ro og stilhed, som hun længes sådan efter. Men hvorfor fornemmer hun, at hun kender ham? Og hvad er det for en dødensfarlig og jaloux pige fra hans fortid, der pludselig truer Evers forhold til Damen?Evermore er første bind i Alyson Noëls internationale bestsellerserie i seks bind om evigt liv, om at miste sine kære, og om hvordan man ville forholde sig til sin omverden, hvis man blev påtvunget usædvanlige evner.- Udkommer i 35 lande- Nr. 1 på New York Times bestsellerliste- Nr. 1 på Borders bestsellerliste- USA Today bestseller- Publishers Weekly bestsellerLæs også Riley Bloom-serien om hovedpersonen Evers lillesøster.
73,95 kr. Netop som Ever er begyndt at acceptere sine usædvanlige evner som udødelig, rammes hendes elskede Damen af en mystisk sygdom, der truer hans hukommelse, hans identitet – hans liv. I et desperat forsøg på at frelse ham rejser Ever til en mystisk dimension, hvor hun stifter bekendtskab med hans grufulde forhistorie, som han ellers har gjort alt at holde skjult for hende. Men hun finder også en oldgammel tekst, der afslører, hvordan tiden fungerer. Den blå månes opstigning varsler et uhyggeligt valg for Ever – skal hun skrue tiden tilbage og frelse sin familie fra den ulykke, der tog livet af dem, eller skal hun blive i nuet og redde Damen, der bliver svagere dag for dag?Blå måne er andet bind i Alyson Noëls internationale bestsellerserie i seks bind om evigt liv, om at miste sine kære, og om hvordan man ville forholde sig til sin omverden, hvis man blev påtvunget usædvanlige evner.- Udkommer i 35 lande- Nr. 1 på New York Times bestsellerliste- Nr. 1 på Borders bestsellerliste- USA Today bestseller- Publishers Weekly bestsellerLæs også Riley Bloom-serien om hovedpersonen Evers lillesøster.
73,95 kr. Evers elskede, den udødelige Damen, er blevet forbandet af en hævngerrig rival fra sin fortid. Nu kan selv en flygtig berøring mellem Ever og Damen vise sig fatal – og et kys kan kaste dem begge ned i evig glemsel i det uhyggelige Skyggeland. For at hæve forbandelsen ser Ever sig tvunget til at lære trolddom og magi. Her får hun hjælp fra en uventet kant: Den smukke og underligt bekendte Jude tager hende under sine vinger og viser hende alt om denne hemmelige verden. Men selv om Ever ønsker at redde Damen, udvikler hun også følelser for Jude – og efterhånden begynder hun at tvivle på, om det nu også er Damen, der er hendes sande soulmate. Skyggeland er tredje bind i Alyson Noëls internationale bestsellerserie om evigt liv, om at miste sine kære, og om hvordan man ville forholde sig til sin omverden, hvis man blev påtvunget usædvanlige evner.- Udkommer i 35 lande- Nr. 1 på New York Times bestsellerliste- Nr. 1 på Borders bestsellerliste- USA Today bestseller- Publishers Weekly bestsellerLæs også Riley Bloom-serien om hovedpersonen Evers lillesøster.
208,95 kr. Things have changed for Ever since she met her beloved Damen - not least because she's got a whole new set of powers, courtesy of her new Immortal status. Just as she's getting stronger, though, Damen seems to be weakening. Panicked at the thought of losing him, Ever finds a path to the in-between world known as Summerland, where she learns the secrets of Damen's tortured past. But in searching for a cure for him, Ever accidentally discovers a way to twist time so she can save her family from the accident that killed them. It's all she's ever wanted - but so is Damen. And Ever must choose between them . . .
- Bog
- 208,95 kr.
73,95 kr. Evers veninde, Haven, er blevet skænket evigt liv. Men i stedet for at bruge sine nye, overnaturlige evner i en god sags tjeneste bliver Haven mere og mere magtsyg – og efterhånden begynder Ever at frygte, at Havens opførsel vil ende med en katastrofal afsløring af den ældgamle hemmelighed om udødelighed. Samtidig må Ever dykke dybere og dybere ned i en verden af mørk magi. Her håber hun at finde en kur mod Damens forbandelse. Den forbandelse, som forhindrer enhver berøring mellem hende og Damen, hendes elskede gennem flere liv. Men jo mere magi, hun lærer, des mere drages hun af Roman – den fyr, som er skyld i al hendes ulykke ... "Sort ild" er fjerde bind i Alyson Noëls internationale bestsellerserie om evigt liv, om at miste sine kære, og om hvordan man ville forholde sig til sin omverden, hvis man blev påtvunget usædvanlige evner. Læs også Riley Bloom-serien om hovedpersonen Evers lillesøster.
- E-bog
- 73,95 kr.
73,95 kr. Haven vil have hævn. Over Ever, men også over Damen og Jude. Hun leder efter det helt rigtige våben til at ramme dem med og finder frem til en mørk hemmelighed om Damen. En hemmelighed så grusom, at den truer med at flå Ever og Damen fra hinanden for altid. Snart er Ever tvunget til at se sandheden om sin elskede i øjnene – og til at tage det endelige opgør med Haven. Men for at overleve kampen, må Ever træffe et valg, der vil påvirke hendes liv i al evighed: Kan hun leve med sig selv, hvis hun kaster Haven, sin gamle hjerteveninde, ned i glemslen i Skyggeland? "Natstjerne" er femte bind i Alyson Noëls internationale bestsellerserie om evigt liv, om at miste sine kære, og om hvordan man ville forholde sig til sin omverden, hvis man blev påtvunget usædvanlige evner. Læs også Riley Bloom-serien om hovedpersonen Evers lillesøster.
- E-bog
- 73,95 kr.
73,95 kr. Ever og hendes elskede gennem flere liv, Damen, har kæmpet mod skinsyge venner, bitre rivaler og hævngerrige dødsfjender – kun holdt oppe af et spinkelt håb om, at de en skønne dag kan få lov at være sammen. Nu nærmer dagen sig, hvor deres skæbne afgøres: Vil de endelig blive forenet i kærlighed … eller vil de blive revet fra hinanden for tid og evighed?For evigt er sjette og sidste bind i Alyson Noëls internationale bestsellerserie om evigt liv, om at miste sine kære, og om hvordan man ville forholde sig til sin omverden, hvis man blev påtvunget usædvanlige evner.- Udkommer i 35 lande- Nr. 1 på New York Times bestsellerliste- Nr. 1 på Borders bestsellerliste- USA Today bestseller- Publishers Weekly bestsellerLæs også Riley Bloom-serien om hovedpersonen Evers lillesøster.
- E-bog
- 73,95 kr.
278,95 kr. "Alyson's Noel's bestselling Immortals series has been hailed as "addictive" "beautiful" "haunting" and "mesmerizing." In the second installment, Ever can bring her family back from the dead--but only if she's willing to sacrifice the guy she loves more than life itself." Just as Ever is learning everything she can about her new abilities as an immortal, initiated into the dark, seductive world by her beloved Damen, something terrible is happening to him. As Ever's powers are increasing, Damen's are fading--stricken by a mysterious illness that threatens his memory, his identity, his life. Desperate to save him, Ever travels to the mystical dimension of Summerland, uncovering not only the secrets of Damen's past--the brutal, tortured history he hoped to keep hidden--but also an ancient text revealing the workings of time. With the approaching blue moon heralding her only window for travel, Ever is forced to decide between turning back the clock and saving her family from the accident that claimed them--or staying in the present and saving Damen, who grows weaker each day...
- Bog
- 278,95 kr.
213,95 kr. The thrilling conclusion to the immersive, time-travel romance series from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Immortals series.
- Bog
- 213,95 kr.
70,95 kr. Riley Bloom hat sich im zweiten Band der Bestseller-Reihe „Riley – Die Geisterjägerin" mittlerweile ganz gut mit ihrem Leben nach dem Tod arrangiert. Denn sie hat ja auch einen coolen Auftrag. Sie fängt verlorene Seelen auf der Erde ein. Doch ihr neuester Fall erweist sich als extrem schwierig. Es geht um Rebecca, ein Geistermädchen, dass für ihren Tod Vergeltung sucht und andere Seelen quält. Kann Riley helfen, ohne selbst in die dunklen Abgründe von Rebecca gezogen zu werden...Alyson Noël wurde am 3. Dezember 1967 in Laguna Beach geboren. Nach der High School zog sie zunächst auf die griechische Insel Mykonos, später nach Manhattan. In dieser Zeit arbeitete sie in ganz unterschiedlichen Berufen. Mittlerweile lebt Alyson Noël wieder in Kalifornien und ist sehr erfolgreich als Schriftstellerin tätig. Ihre bereits erschienen Bücher wurden in über 30 Sprachen übersetzt und in mehr als 200 Ländern verkauft.
- Lydbog
- 70,95 kr.
70,95 kr. Der erste Band der Bestseller-Reihe „Riley – Die Geisterjägerin"! Riley Bloom ist 12 Jahre alt, hat lange blonde Haare und ist manchmal etwas eigensinnig. Nichts Ungewöhnliches für ein Mädchen in ihrem Alter. Doch Riley starb auch bei einem Verkehrsunfall. Nach ihrem Tod blieb sie zunächst noch als Geist bei ihrer Schwester Ever auf der Erde, musste sich jedoch schließlich ins Jenseits verabschieden. Dort erhält sie den Auftrag fortan als Seelenfängerin zu arbeiten...Alyson Noël wurde am 3. Dezember 1967 in Laguna Beach geboren. Nach der High School zog sie zunächst auf die griechische Insel Mykonos, später nach Manhattan. In dieser Zeit arbeitete sie in ganz unterschiedlichen Berufen. Mittlerweile lebt Alyson Noël wieder in Kalifornien und ist sehr erfolgreich als Schriftstellerin tätig. Ihre bereits erschienen Bücher wurden in über 30 Sprachen übersetzt und in mehr als 200 Ländern verkauft.
- Lydbog
- 70,95 kr.
148,95 kr. Paste Magazine Pick for Best New YA Books of June 2022An Amazon Best Book of the Month "An unputdownable, clever, modern fantasy!" -#1 New York Times bestselling author Tracy Wolff"Alyson Noel is the queen of the supernatural romance thriller, and her latest is a can't-miss read-it's a Da Vinci Code meets Riverdale page-turner!" -#1 New York Times bestselling author Melissa de la Cruz"Addictive, dangerous, sexy, and magical, I couldn't turn the page fast enough! Alyson Noël is a mad genius." -Mary Pearson, New York Times bestselling author of The Remnant Chronicles"A sizzling story of opulent adventure, forbidden love, and impossible choices, Stealing Infinity is unputdownable." -New York Times bestselling author Kristin Harmel"Stealing Infinity is a brilliantly conceived time-travel adventure full of twists and turns, with a romance that had me hooked. A must-read!" -Alexandra Monir, international bestselling author of The Final SixThese days, I've been killing it when it comes to letting people down. Now I've been kicked out of high school, arrested, and accepted into a remote, off-the-grid school owned and operated by an inscrutable billionaire tech guru.Gray Wolf Academy is looking for a certain kind of student. Ones that no one will miss. Like me.Then there's Braxton. The beautiful, oddly anachronistic guy who showed up right when the trouble started. And he's a total enigma-which means that I definitely can't trust him, even if there's something about him that makes me want to.They all tell me I have a gift. A very rare gift. And Gray Wolf Academy wants me to learn it. To use it. Because if what they say is true, I have all the time in the world.And that makes me the most dangerous high school student you'll never know...The Stealing Infinity series is best enjoyed in order.Reading Order:Book #1 Stealing InfinityBook #2 Ruling Destiny
- Bog
- 148,95 kr.
228,95 kr. The second I stepped through the doors of Gray Wolf Academy, my world disintegrated. Here, time is malleable. It can be manipulated, shifted. Changed. And for those of us who Trip-or travel through time-the possibilities are infinite and perilous.Now my life is caught in the secrets of everyone around me. Arthur, the eccentric billionaire who rules this school. Killian, who could be the only honest person here...or the biggest liar. And Braxton, magnetic, gorgeous, and unfathomable. The only thing I trust about him is our electric connection.Whether we're Tripping through Renaissance Italy or thieving from a ball in Regency England, my life's become a web of lies and strange truths. And beneath the surface is an elaborate puzzle, filled with cryptic symbols and priceless treasures scattered across history-all somehow connected to my strange ability to see through time.But Arthur has a dangerously ambitious agenda. And if what my dad taught me is true, I'm not just a threat to everyone at Gray Wolf....I'm a threat to time itself. The Stealing Infinity series is best enjoyed in order.Reading Order:Book #1 Stealing InfinityBook #2 Ruling Destiny
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- 228,95 kr.
198,95 kr. - Bog
- 198,95 kr.
223,95 kr. "Dreams and reality bleed into each other in this dangerous and edgy romance!" -Justine magazineFate has bound them together-and torn them apart. Now, in Horizon, Daire and Dace face one final fight that will seal their destiny forever.Daire Santos is the last of the Soul Seekers, and the only thing standing between the Richters and the destruction of everyone she loves. With her grandmother gone and Cade back in Enchantment, Daire must finally step into her destiny and lead the fight against the Richters. But what if that means sacrificing the person she loves most?Bound to the Richters by blood, Dace struggles against the darkness growing inside him that threatens to claim Daire too. Though Daire refuses to give up on him, the choice may not be hers. An epic battle is on the horizon and the end of the world looms near. With such insurmountable odds stacked against them, is their love really enough to conquer all? Also available: The Soul Seekers Books 1, 2 and 3 (Fated, Echo and Mystic) from bestselling author Alyson Noël.
- Bog
- 223,95 kr.
108,95 - 198,95 kr. - Bog
- 108,95 kr.
118,95 kr. Fans of Pretty Little Liars will crave the mystery and suspense in the second book of #1 New York Times bestselling author Alyson Noël's Beautiful Idols series, where celebrity worship is a dangerous game.Wannabe reporter LAYLA, aspiring actress ASTER, and fledgling musician TOMMY joined the Unrivaled nightclub competition for the same reason?they knew winning it would change their lives. They just never imagined that somewhere along the way they'd become entangled in the disappearance of mega starlet MADISON BROOKS. Now each of them is smack in the center of a media frenzy that threatens to take all of them down.Banding together to clear their names, the fierce adversaries become temporary allies and vow to dig up the truth. But when Layla, Aster, and Tommy team up with an unsuspecting insider, they will find that some secrets are best kept in the grave.
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- 118,95 kr.
118,95 kr. - Bog
- 118,95 kr.
213,95 kr. - Bog
- 213,95 kr.
153,95 kr. As sophomores at Ocean High, Winter and her best friend, Sloane, make a pact to do whatever it takes to make it to the top of the social pyramid. But once Sloane gets a taste of what it's like to fit in with the cool girls, she all but slams that door in Winter's face. Left without her best-friend-since-forever, Winter decides to take revenge the good old fashioned way: By airing Sloane's dirty secrets on an anonymous blog. But is her retaliation worth the consequences? And is the price for popularity one that Winter is willing to pay? Alyson Noel once again navigates the tricky waters of the high school social scene with the heart and humour her readers have come to love.
- Bog
- 153,95 kr.
193,95 kr. After experiencing terrifying visions, Daire Santos goes to live with her grandmother in the dusty New Mexico town of Enchantment. There she discovers that she's a Soul Seeker - a person who can navigate between the living and the dead. Guided by her grandmother, Daire has learned how to harness her powers - just in time. Enchantment is controlled by the evil Richter family, who are determined to rule over the Lowerworld, Middleworld and Upperworld - upsetting the natural balance and causing chaos. Daire is the only person who can stop the Richters, but there's one problem: she's in love with Dace, whose twin brother Cade is a shape-shifter, out to steal Daire's powers. And both boys belong to the Richter clan. Can Daire fulfil her destiny without destroying her one true love?
- Bog
- 193,95 kr.
193,95 kr. With 3.2 million copies of her Immortals series in print, Alyson Noel is one of the hottest paranormal teen authors writing today. EVERLASTING is the sixth and final instalment of the epic love story that has enchanted readers across the world. Ever and Damen have spent centuries facing down bitter rivals, jealous friends and their own worst fears-all in the hope of being together forever. Now in EVERLASTING, their destiny is finally within reach. Will they be united . . . or torn apart forever? Readers will finally discover the truth in this anxiously awaited conclusion!
- Bog
- 193,95 kr.
178,95 kr. With 2 million copies of her Immortals series in print, Alyson Noel is one of the hottest paranormal teen authors writing today. NIGHT STAR continues the epic love story that has enchanted readers across the world. Ever and Damen must face bitter rivals, jealous friends and their own worst fears - all in the hope of being together forever. NIGHT STAR is guaranteed to mesmerize fans and leave them breathlessly awaiting the sixth and final book!
- Bog
- 178,95 kr.
- A Novel
143,95 kr. Their epic love story has captured the hearts of millions and enchanted readers across the world. Everlasting is the beautiful finale to Alyson Noel's bestselling Immortals series, in which their journey draws to a spectacular conclusion-where all will be revealed.Their darkest enemies now defeated, Damen and Ever are free to embark upon their final quest-to free Damen from the poison lingering in his body. If they can just find the antidote, they'll finally be able to feel each other's touch-and experience the passionate night they've been longing for. But their fight to be together will lead them into the most formidable terrain yet...into the dark heart of Summerland.Here in a land of scorched earth and endless rain, Ever and Damen will discover their relationship's hidden origins, expose a secret history they never imagined...and come face to face with the true reason fate keeps tearing them apart. Only then, when the final mystery is unraveled and the last secret revealed, Ever and Damen's future will hinge on one ultimate decision that will put everything at stake....even eternity.
- Bog
- 143,95 kr.
- A Novel
183,95 kr. After fighting for centuries to be together, Immortals Ever and Damen's future hinges on one final showdown that will leave readers gasping for breath. Don't miss Night Star-- the explosive new installment of Alyson Noel's #1 bestselling Immortals series that's enchanted millions across the world!Haven still blames Ever for the death of her boyfriend Roman, no matter how hard Ever's tried to convince her it was an accident. Now she's determined to take Ever down...and destroy Damen and Jude along the way. Her first step is to tear Ever and Damen apart-and she has just the ammunition to do it.Hidden in one of Ever's past lives is a terrible secret about Damen-a secret that illuminates new facts about her relationship with Jude, but that's so dark and brutal it might be enough to drive her and Damen apart once and for all. As Ever faces her greatest fears about the guy she wants to spend eternity with, she's thrust into a deadly clash with Haven that could destroy them all.Now it'll take everything she's got-and bring out powers she never knew she had-to face down her most formidable enemy. But in order to win, she must first ask herself: is her own survival worth dooming Haven to an eternity of darkness in the Shadowland? And will learning the truth about Damen's past hold the key to their future?
- Bog
- 183,95 kr.
- The Immortals
183,95 kr. Enter the realm of the Immortals-the #1 New York Times bestselling series from Alyson Noel that's been acclaimed as breathtaking, mesmerizing, flawless and extraordinary.Ever and Damen have traveled through countless past lives-and fought off the world's darkest enemies-so they could be together forever. But just when their long-awaited destiny is finally within reach, a powerful curse falls upon Damen...one that could destroy everything. Now a single touch of their hands or a soft brush of their lips could mean sudden death-plunging Damen into the Shadowland. Desperate to break the curse and save Damen, Ever immerses herself in magick-and gets help from an unexpected source...a surfer named Jude.Although she and Jude have only just met, he feels startlingly familiar. Despite her fierce loyalty to Damen, Ever is drawn to Jude, a green-eyed golden boy with magical talents and a mysterious past. She's always believed Damen to be her soulmate and one true love-and she still believes it to be true. But as Damen pulls away to save them, Ever's connection with Jude grows stronger-and tests her love for Damen like never before...
- Bog
- 183,95 kr.
223,95 kr. Riley has crossed the bridge into the afterlife-a place called Here, where time is always Now. She has picked up life where she left off when she was alive, living with her parents and dog in a nice house in a nice neighborhood. When she's summoned before The Council, she learns that the afterlife isn't just an eternity of leisure. She's been assigned a job, Soul Catcher, and a teacher, Bodhi, a possibly cute, seemingly nerdy boy who's definitely hiding something. They return to earth together for Riley's first assignment, a Radiant Boy who's been haunting a castle in England for centuries. Many Soul Catchers have tried to get him to cross the bridge and failed. But all of that was before he met Riley . . .Radiance is the first book in the Riley Bloom series from bestselling author Alyson Noël.
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- 223,95 kr.
- A Novel
183,95 kr. In Dark Flame, Alyson Noel's most darkly seductive Immortals novel yet, Ever fights for control of her body, her soul-and the timeless true love she's been chasing for centuries.Ever is trying to help Haven transition into life as an immortal. But with Haven drunk on her new powers and acting recklessly, she poses the ultimate threat-exposing their secret world to the outside. As Ever struggles to keep the Immortals hidden, it only propels Haven closer to the enemy-Roman and his evil companionsAt the same time, Ever delves deeper into dark magick to free Damen from Roman's power. But when her spell backfires, it binds her to the one guy who's hell-bent on her destruction. Now there's a strange, foreign pulse coursing through her, and no matter what she does, she can't stop thinking about Roman-and longing for his touch. As she struggles to resist the fiery attraction threatening to consume her, Roman is more than willing to take advantage of her weakened state...and Ever edges closer and closer to surrender.Frantic to break the spell before its too late, Ever turns to Jude for help, risking everything she knows and loves to save herself-and her future with Damen ...
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- 183,95 kr.
223,95 kr. "e;A rush of romance will sweep you away in this hauntingly mystical read. I'm already as addicted to Daire and Dace as I was to Ever and Damen!"e; -Justine magazineShe inherited a magical destiny-and a mission to stop a powerful family of dark sorcerers. She never expected to fall in love with one of them.There's still so much Daire Santos has to learn about being the last Soul Seeker....and about herself. As her magical training becomes more intense, so does her relationship with Dace. But when she learns that his connection to the evil Richter family goes far deeper than she ever imagined, she begins to question if love really can conquer all.Dace is painfully aware that he wouldn't exist if it wasn't for the Richters' dark magic-and now his brother Cade is determined to use his love for Daire against him. Dace is willing to sacrifice anything to protect the girl he loves -including his own life. But will Daire allow it? And what if defeating Cade costs not only his life, but his soul too?Enchanting, haunting, romantic, Echo is the second book in the Soul Seekers series by #1 New York Times bestselling author Alyson Noel!
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- 223,95 kr.
223,95 kr. From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Immortals, Alyson Noel, comes Fated-a breathtaking new saga brimming with magic, mystery, and an intoxicating love story that will steal your heart away. Meet The Soul Seekers.Strange things are happening to Daire Santos. Crows mock her, glowing people stalk her, time stops without warning, and a beautiful boy with unearthly blue eyes haunts all her dreams. Fearing for her daughter's sanity, Daire's mother sends her to live with the grandmother she's never met. A woman who recognizes the visions for what they truly are-the call to her destiny as a Soul Seeker-one who can navigate the worlds between the living and dead.There on the dusty plains of Enchantment, New Mexico, Daire sets out to harness her mystical powers. But it's when she meets Dace, the boy from her dreams, that her whole world is shaken to its core. Now Daire is forced to discover if Dace is the one guy she's meant to be with...or if he's allied with the enemy she's destined to destroy.
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- 223,95 kr.