Bøger af Alvaro Parra Pinto
- El Libro de La Selva
123,95 kr. CHILDREN´S BOOKS IN EASY SPANISH Volume 9El Libro de La SelvaIntermediate LevelThis volume was written in simple, easy Spanish for elementary-level students. Fun and easy to read, the text was edited and simplified to increase language comprehension and ease reading practice with simple wording, short sentences, and moderate, elementary-level vocabulary
- Bog
- 123,95 kr.
- La Cenicienta
123,95 kr. CHILDREN´S BOOKS IN EASY SPANISH Volume 8La CenicientaIntermediate LevelThis volume was written in simple, easy Spanish for elementary-level students. Fun and easy to read, the text was edited and simplified to increase language comprehension and ease reading practice with simple wording, short sentences, and moderate, elementary-level vocabulary
- Bog
- 123,95 kr.
- Blancanieves y los Siete Enanos
123,95 kr. CHILDREN´S BOOKS IN EASY SPANISH Volume 7Blancanieves y los Siete Enanos Intermediate LevelThis volume was written in simple, easy Spanish for elementary-level students. Fun and easy to read, the text was edited and simplified to increase language comprehension and ease reading practice with simple wording, short sentences, and moderate, elementary-level vocabulary
- Bog
- 123,95 kr.
- La Bella Durmiente
123,95 kr. CHILDREN´S BOOKS IN EASY SPANISH Volume 6La Bella DurmienteIntermediate LevelThis volume was written in simple, easy Spanish for elementary-level students. Fun and easy to read, the text was edited and simplified to increase language comprehension and ease reading practice with simple wording, short sentences, and moderate, elementary-level vocabulary
- Bog
- 123,95 kr.
- Peter Pan
123,95 kr. CHILDREN´S BOOKS IN EASY SPANISH Volume 4Peter Pan Intermediate LevelThis volume was written in simple, easy Spanish for elementary-level students. Fun and easy to read, the text was edited and simplified to increase language comprehension and ease reading practice with simple wording, short sentences, and moderate, elementary-level vocabulary
- Bog
- 123,95 kr.
- Alicia en el Pais de las Maravillas
123,95 kr. CHILDREN´S BOOKS IN EASY SPANISH Volume 3Alicia en el PaÃs de las MaravillasIntermediate LevelThis volume was written in simple, easy Spanish for elementary-level students. Fun and easy to read, the text was edited and simplified to increase language comprehension and ease reading practice with simple wording, short sentences, and moderate, elementary-level vocabulary
- Bog
- 123,95 kr.
123,95 kr. This volume was written in simple, easy Spanish for intermediate language students. Fun and easy to read, it includes a selection of pages from the following best-sellers: *THE THREE MUSKETEERS by Alexandre Dumas*FIVE WEEKS IN A BALLOON by Jules Verne.*TARZAN OF THE APES by Edgar Rice Burroughs*THE METAMORPHOSIS by Franz Kafka*WUTHERING HEIGHTS by Emily Brontë*FRANKENSTEIN by Mary ShelleyAll texts were translated, edited and simplified to increase language comprehension and ease reading practice with simple wording, short sentences, and moderate, intermediate-level vocabulary.
- Bog
- 123,95 kr.
- Il Faro in Capo al Mondo di Giulio Verne (Imparare lo spagnolo)
178,95 kr. DIVERTENTE E FACILE DA LEGGERE, questo libro di esercizi didattico in Spagnolo Semplice e' basato sulla celebre storia di pirati di Giulio Verne "Il Faro in Capo al Mondo", tradotto, editato e semplificato per faciltare la pratica della lettura e comprensione usando una formulazione semplice, frasi brevi, un vocabolario con livello di difficoltà moderato più esercizi brevi e interessanti. Specialmente scritti utilizzando uno spagnolo semplice per principianti esperti e studenti di livello preintermedio, ogni capitolo è seguito da un glossario di parole comuni in spagnolo ed espressioni popolari con le rispettive traduzioni in italiano, otre a semplici e divertenti esercizi disegnati per aumentare le tue capacità di lettura, comprensione e vocabolario. In poche parole, questa nuova collana di libri di esercizi pubblicati da Easy Spanish Language Center punta a fornire un allenamento di lettura semplice e promuovere lo sviluppo della comprensione della lettura offrendo testi adeguati ed esercizi disegnati specialmente per aumentare la comprensione dello spagnolo come seconda lingua, non solo aiutando gli studenti a riconoscere e comprendere nuove espressioni in un determinate testo, ma anche aiutandoli ad identificare le idee principali, relazioni e sequenze basate sulla comprensione che leggere è "un'attività complessa, che attiva processi di costruzione del significato" invece di "semplici abiità applicative.SERIE DI LIBRI DI ESERCIZI ESLC VOLUME 1: IL FARO IN CAPO AL MONDO di Giulio VerneVOLUME 2: IL PICCOLO PRINCIPE di Antoine de Saint-ExuperyVOLUME 3: DON CHISCIOTTE di Miguel de CervantesVOLUME 4: GULLIVER di Jonathan SwiftVOLUME 5: SHERLOCK HOLMES di Sir Arthur Conan DoyleVOLUME 6: VENTIMILA LEGHE SOTTO I MARI di Giulio VerneVOLUME 7: DORIAN GRAY di Oscar WildeVOLUME 8: SHERLOCK HOLMES 2 di Sir Arthur Conan DoyleTags: Romanzi brevi in spagnolo facile, libro di esercizi in Spagnolo, Spagnolo per principianti, Corsi di lingue straniere, Romanzi brevi in spagnolo facile, Romanzi in spagnolo, imparare lo spagnolo
- Bog
- 178,95 kr.
123,95 kr. - Bog
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- Bog
- 143,95 kr.