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  • - Modélisation précise pour l'architecture, l'ingénierie et l'impression 3D
    af Allan Brito
    420,95 kr.

    Le défi de la modélisation 3D dans Blender diminue une fois que vous vous familiarisez avec les outils et ressources nécessaires, cruciaux pour une modélisation précise. Ce livre introduit des techniques de modélisation précise en utilisant la trousse à outils standard de Blender et explore des fonctionnalités cachées, incluant des Add-ons et des extensions qui améliorent l'utilité de Blender comme outil de CAO. Voici un aperçu de ce qu'il contient: Comprendre l'Interface Utilisateur & les Éditeurs: Saisir les concepts de base de l'UI de Blender et des éditeurs pour une navigation et une édition efficaces.Naviguer & Gérer l'Espace 3D: Maîtriser les raccourcis de navigation 3D, la gestion de la caméra, et l'Éditeur actif pour une exploration dynamique de la scène.Sélection, Transformation & Gestion des Objets: Apprendre les modes de sélection, le rôle du Curseur 3D, les transformations d'objets, la duplication, et la création de nouveaux primitives 3D.Améliorer la Fonctionnalité avec des Add-ons: Explorer comment étendre les capacités de Blender à travers des Add-ons et l'importance de l'entrée numérique pour la modélisation de précision.Mesure & Unités: Choisir entre les unités Métriques et Impériales, ajouter des unités aux entrées numériques, et employer des coordonnées locales pour une modélisation détaillée.Techniques de Modélisation: Utiliser des outils comme extruder, faire tourner, et aimanter pour créer et éditer des modèles, incluant des murs, des formes rondes, et des coupes précises.Outils de Conception de Précision (PDT): Tirer parti de PDT pour des techniques de modélisation avancées, en comparant des outils de CAO pour des opérations comme Fillet, Chamfer, Trim, et Extend.Gestion du Curseur 3D & des Points de Pivot: Maîtriser la gestion précise du Curseur 3D et des points de pivot pour une modélisation et des transformations précises.Modélisation Architecturale: Commencer les conceptions de plans d'étage à partir de primitives, appliquer des facteurs d'échelle, et utiliser des techniques d'extrusion pour une précision architecturale.Création de Structures Complexes: Techniques pour créer des portes, fenêtres, murs angulés et ronds, et étendre des modèles pour des espaces extérieurs.Réplication & Symétrie: Utiliser les noeuds de géométrie, le Modificateur Miroir, et des outils de duplication pour une réplication et une symétrie efficaces des objets.Visualisation & Modification: Générer des vues isométriques, gérer les problèmes de Modificateur Booléen, et éviter les interruptions de flux de travail.Gestion des Actifs: Importer des références d'images, utiliser l'Add-on "Importer Images comme Plans", et créer des actifs pour le navigateur d'actifs.Manipulation des Courbes: Maîtriser l'ajout, la différenciation, et la manipulation des courbes, incluant la conversion des courbes en maillage et l'ajustement de l'échelle.Préparation à l'Impression 3D: Comprendre les bases de l'impression 3D, les formats d'exportation optimaux, et utiliser la boîte à outils d'impression 3D pour la vérification des modèles et la résolution des problèmes.Le livre se distingue par ses exemples pratiques et ses exercices de modélisation détaillés dans chaque chapitre. En employant des schémas techniques et des images de référence, vous vous engagerez dans des projets qui exigent un contrôle précis, de la construction de modèles architecturaux à la création de pièces de machines, mettant en évidence l'utilité de Blender dans des applications populaires. Vous pouvez télécharger les images de référence et les dessins pour suivre chaque chapitre avec des inst

  • - Precise Modeling for Architecture, Engineering, and 3D Printing
    af Allan Brito
    402,95 kr.

    Blender 4.0: Precise Modeling for Architecture, Engineering, and 3D PrintingThe challenge of 3D modeling in Blender diminishes once you familiarize yourself with the necessary tools and resources, crucial for precision modeling. This book introduces precision modeling techniques using Blender's standard toolkit and explores hidden functionalities, including Add-ons and extensions that enhance Blender's utility as a CAD tool.Aimed at those new to Blender, "Blender 4.0: Precise Modeling for Architecture, Engineering, and 3D Printing" delivers content tailored for beginners.Here's a snapshot of what's inside: Understanding User Interface & Editors: Grasp core concepts of Blender's UI and editors for efficient navigation and editing.Navigating & Managing 3D Space: Master 3D navigation shortcuts, camera management, and the Active Editor for dynamic scene exploration.Selection, Transformation, & Object Management: Learn selection modes, the 3D Cursor's role, object transformations, duplication, and creating new 3D primitives.Enhancing Functionality with Add-ons: Explore how to extend Blender's capabilities through Add-ons and the importance of numeric input for precision modeling.Measurement & Units: Choose between Metric and Imperial units, add units to numeric inputs, and employ local coordinates for detailed modeling.Modeling Techniques: Utilize tools like extrude, spin, and snap for creating and editing models, including walls, round shapes, and precise cuts.Precision Design Tools (PDT): Leverage PDT for advanced modeling techniques, comparing CAD tools for operations like Fillet, Chamfer, Trim, and Extend.3D Cursor & Pivot Management: Master precise management of the 3D Cursor and pivot points for accurate modeling and transformations.Architectural Modeling: Start floor plan designs from primitives, apply scale factors, and use extrusion techniques for architectural precision.Creating Complex Structures: Techniques for creating doors, windows, angled and round walls, and extending models for outdoor spaces.Replication & Symmetry: Use Geometry Nodes, Mirror Modifier, and duplicating tools for efficient object replication and symmetry.Visualization & Modification: Generate isometric views, manage Boolean Modifier issues, and avoid workflow disruptions.Asset Management: Import image references, utilize the "Import Images as Planes" Add-on, and create assets for the Asset Browser.Curve Manipulation: Master adding, differentiating, and manipulating curves, including converting curves to mesh and adjusting scale.3D Printing Preparation: Understand 3D printing basics, optimal export formats, and using the 3D-Print Toolbox for model verification and problem fixing.Enhancements with Modifiers: Apply the Solidify Modifier to add thickness and explore modifications for creating derivative objects.The book stands out for its hands-on examples and detailed modeling exercises in every chapter. By employing technical schematics and reference images, you'll engage in projects that demand precise control, from constructing architectural models to creating machine parts, highlighting Blender's utility in popular applications. You can download the reference images and drawings to follow each chapter with detailed instructions on how to model with precision in Blender.

  • - Quick start guide
    af Allan Brito
    463,95 kr.

    Immerse yourself in the comprehensive "AutoCAD & AutoCAD LT 2024: Quick Start Guide," the essential manual for both beginners and seasoned professionals. This guide offers an in-depth exploration of AutoCAD's capabilities, tailored to the 2024 version, ensuring that you stay ahead in the dynamic field of design.Chapters Overview: AutoCAD Interface and Initial Settings: Dive into the user-friendly interface of AutoCAD, setting up your workspace for maximum efficiency.Precision Input, Snaps, and Drawing: Master the art of precise design with advanced input and drawing techniques.Layers and Drawing Tools: Learn to organize and streamline your work with layers and explore a variety of drawing tools.Editing Drawings with Modifiers: Enhance your designs by skillfully editing and modifying drawings.Editing Polylines and Extended Modifiers: Take your skills further with advanced polyline editing and modifiers.Blocks, External References, and Hatches: Discover the power of blocks, external references, and hatch patterns to enrich your designs.Text, Dimension Lines, and Tables: Add detailed annotations, dimensions, and tables to your drawings for clear communication.Viewports and Project Output: Master the final steps in presenting your work, from viewports management to project output.Whether you're a student, architect, engineer, or designer, this guide serves as your roadmap to mastering AutoCAD 2024, empowering you to create, modify, and present your designs with confidence and precision.

  • - La guía para iniciados
    af Allan Brito
    408,95 kr.

    Blender 3.6: Guía para principiantes ¿Estás ansioso por explorar modelado y animación en 3D utilizando una herramienta potente y de código abierto? Conoce Blender. No es solo un software; es un lienzo donde tu destreza artística digital encuentra su verdadera vocación. Blender 3.6 adopta muchas mejoras, una experiencia de usuario optimizada y tecnologías de vanguardia. La Guía para Principiantes de Blender 3.6 desentraña las complejidades de Blender, diseñada especialmente para el artista novato o alguien que está trazando un camino en el arte digital. Aquí tienes una vista previa de lo que hay dentro: Un recorrido completo por la interfaz de usuarioConceptos básicos de navegación en 3DModelado: Una inmersión profunda en herramientas y técnicasLo que ofrece el *Asset Browser*Sombreado: Cómo hacerlo interactivoMateriales y Texturas descifradosDominando los materiales PBR con Cycles y EeveeEsenciales del trabajo con cámarasRenderización a fondo: Eevee y CyclesCreación y exportación de imágenes cautivadorasEl arte de la animación e interpolaciónAprovechando las restricciones de animaciónLa magia del 'follow path' en animaciónHerramientas para animar y renderizar historias visualesConvertir animaciones en videos cinematográficosBasado en la práctica, el libro está salpicado de ejemplos del mundo real, instrucciones guiadas para tareas matizadas como animaciones jerárquicas e ideas sobre configuraciones de escenas para renderización con Cycles y Eevee.Diseñado pensando en el novato de Blender, Blender 3.6: Guía para Principiantes está libre de jerga pero detallado en su contenido. Y si eres un artista experimentado de las épocas anteriores de Blender, considera esto tu libro de referencia renovado. ¡Acelera tu transición a Blender 3.6 y deja que tu creatividad se eleve!

  • - Modeling and rendering with Eevee and Cycles
    af Allan Brito
    343,95 kr.

    The release of Blender 2.8 is a milestone for any artist using Blender to create digital art. It introduces a new interface and also incredible tools like Eevee.If you want to start using Blender 2.8 for architecture, you will find all the necessary information to either start from scratch or migrate to the latest version.What is essential for an architectural visualization artist using Blender? Among the most important subjects, you will find topics like precision modeling, importing CAD data, and also preparing a scene for rendering.Blender 2.8 for architecture will explain how to use all those topics and much more. You don't need any previous experience with Blender to start using Eevee and create 3D models from your designs.Here is what you will learn with Blender 2.8 for architecture: - Blender 2.8 basics for architecture- Using the new interface and controls for version 2.8- Work with precision modeling for architecture (Metric/Imperial)- Use numeric controls for modeling- Importing reference drawings for modeling- Processing CAD data for Blender- Manage external libraries of furniture models and assets- Add materials to objects- Use PBR materials for enhanced realism- Craft materials with the Shader Editor- Create architectural glass using the Shader Editor- Rendering scenes using Eevee in real-time- Adding Eevee specific elements to a scene like Irradiance Volumes and Cubemaps- Use environment maps in the background- Render a scene using Cycles for maximum realismBy the end of the book, you will have a substantial understatement of how to use Blender 2.8 for architecture

  • - Create technical drawings with a free and open-source CAD
    af Allan Brito
    283,95 kr.

    Do you want to start using free and open-source software to work in your CAD-related projects? Meet FreeCAD and their incredible array of options to create technical drawings and 3D models for architecture, engineering, and more.In this book, you will learn how to use FreeCAD to create traditional technical drawings for architecture. As an example of project development, you will learn how to draw a full-featured floor plan using FreeCAD. We will add all traditional elements from an architectural drawing like furniture, dimension lines, text annotations, and much more to that floor plan.Here is the chapter list: Chapter 1 - FreeCAD basics for technical drawingChapter 2 - Drawing with FreeCADChapter 3 - Editing and changing drawingsChapter 4 - Starting a floor plan drawingChapter 5 - Adding doors, windows, and surroundingsChapter 6 - Drawing the floor planChapter 7 - Furniture, symbols, and annotationsChapter 8 - Dimension lines, exporting, and printingIn the final chapters, we can take this floor plan design and export it using either the DXF format or as a PDF. You will be able to add the floor plan to page layout for print featuring a title block from a template in FreeCAD.You don't need any previous experiences with FreeCAD, since we will start from the beginning. From the user interface basics to drawing a floor plan!Here is a list of what you will learn in the book: - How to download and start with FreeCAD- Learning the user interface basics- Set the units for a project (Imperial or Metric)- Handling and changing workbenches- Preparing a workspace for 2D drawings- Add draw elements to a project- Use precision drawing controls and the snapping system- Edit and transform drawings- Import and manage DXF and DWG files- Add furniture drawings from external libraries- Use dimension lines in projects- Manage text annotations- Draw a technical drawing based on construction lines- Organize the project in groups- Set drawing properties such as line types and widths- Prepare a plan for print and exporting- Use a paper layout for technical drawings- Insert and edit title blocks- Create new templates for ARCH page sizes- Export a technical drawing in PDFFreeCAD is free and open-source software, and it is available on multiple platforms such as Windows, macOS, and Linux. It is an excellent alternative for softwares like AutoCA

  • - Modeling and rendering with Eevee and Cycles
    af Allan Brito
    273,95 kr.

    With Blender 2.9, you have a powerful and flexible environment to help you develop architectural designs. You can use it to make 3D models better visualize ideas or create marketing images with beautiful images for interiors and exteriors.Regardless of what you need for a project, it is most likely that Blender can help you achieve your goals.If you want to start using Blender 2.9 for architecture, you will find all the necessary information to start from scratch or migrate to the latest version in this book.What is essential for an architectural visualization artist using Blender? Among the most important subjects, you will find precision modeling, importing CAD data, and preparing a scene for rendering.Blender 2.9 for architecture explains how to use all those topics and much more. You don't need any previous experience with Blender to start using Eevee and create 3D models from your designs.Here is what you will learn with Blender 2.9 for architecture: - Blender 2.9 basics for architecture- Using the new interface and controls for version 2.9- Work with precision modeling for architecture (Metric/Imperial)- Use numeric controls for modeling- Importing reference drawings for modeling- Processing CAD data for Blender- Import SketchUp and BIM files- Manage external libraries of furniture models and assets- Add materials to objects- Use PBR materials for enhanced realism- Craft materials with the Shader Editor- Create architectural glass using the Shader Editor- Rendering scenes using Eevee in real-time- Adding Eevee specific elements to a scene like Irradiance Volumes and Cubemaps- Use environment maps in the background- Enable GPU acceleration for rendering- Use artificial intelligence denoising for renders- Render a scene using Cycles for maximum realismBy the end of the book, you will have a substantial understatement of how to use Blender 2.9 for architecture

  • af Allan Brito
    198,95 kr.

    O Blender é uma ferramenta gratuita de modelagem e animação 3D que recebeu uma grande atualização em termos de recursos e interface na sua versão 2.8. Com o Blender 2.8 - Guia Rápido você tem uma excelente referência para começar a usar esses novos recursos e aprender como funciona a nova interface.No livro você conhece mais sobre o funcionamento do software e aspectos como: - Gestão de editores e janelas- Métodos de seleção para entidades 3D- Modelagem poligonal e edição- Ferramentas de transformação e edição para polígonos- Criação de modelos 3D com precisão- Uso de opções especiais como modificadores- Renderização com o Blender Eevee- Render em tempo-real com o Blender Eevee- Criação e configuração de materiais com Eevee- Animação 3D com interpolação- Uso de opções especiais para animação- Editores de animação do Blender- Render de imagens e animaçõesOs capítulos do livro são todos projetados para ajudar tanto leitores que não tem experiência alguma com o Blender, e artistas que precisam migrar para a nova plataforma. Quer aprender a usar opções para render em tempo-real com o Eevee? Fazer cenas realistas com animação usando modelos 3D criados especificamente no software?O Blender 2.8 - Guia Rápido é a melhor opção para começar a usar os recursos da versão 2.8.

  • - Render 2D drawings for architecture, engineering, and design
    af Allan Brito
    228,95 kr.

    Have you ever thought about using Blender 2.8 to create technical drawings? With the Blender 2.8 for technical drawing book, you will learn the techniques and tools required to render your objects as if it was a drawing coming from CAD software. In Blender, you will find a set of tools and options that will allow you to add strokes and styles to objects, which will look like all types of technical drawings.In the book, you will find all the steps necessary to create a floor plan design from scratch. Each chapter has step by step instructions on how to set up units and work with precision drawings to build walls, windows, and doors. Later you will even add dimension lines to the objects in Blender.Besides using Blender 2.8 to create technical drawings like a floor plan, you will also create true isometric renders from 3D objects, which also works as a technical drawing.Here is a list of what you will learn in the Book: - How to start with Blender for technical drawing- Navigation and selection shortcuts- Using orthographic views for technical drawing- Drawing objects in 2D- Precision drawing options and units settings- Shading modes for 2D drawing- How to render lines for technical drawing- Working with Collections- Drawing a floor plan- Creating the walls- Making curved walls- Working with doors and windows- Preparing the floor plan for rendering- Creating doors and arcs- Importing CAD blocks- Converting CAD blocks to use in Blender- Cleaning up CAD blocks for FreeStyle- Adding annotations for technical drawing- Materials for annotations- Working with View Layers- Composing View Layers- Creating dimension lines- Expanding dimension lines with the Snap- Creating architectural symbols- Creating an Isometric render- Rendering to SVG- Saving SVG files- Working with multiple camerasThe book uses version 2.81 of Blender, and you can download all project files to keep follow every step described in the book. No previous experience with Blender is necessary to start making technical drawings.

  • - The beginner's guide
    af Allan Brito
    283,95 kr.

    Blender 2.9: The beginner's guideDo you want to start creating 3D models and animations using free and open-source software? With Blender, you have the freedom to use a tool that will help you put your creativity to work for multiple formats.In Blender 2.9, you find all the significant improvements from the past months with more polished user experience and cutting-edge technologies. From an artificial intelligence helper (OptiX) to improve renders and get faster images to new ways to perform old techniques like the extrude (Manifold). Our purpose with The Beginner's Guide for Blender 2.9 is to give a detailed explanation about how the Blender works, from the perspective of an inexperienced artist or someone that wants to become a digital artist.You will find a quick reference and detailed explanations about the essential tools and options: - User interface- 3D navigation- Modeling and editing- Modeling tools and options- Interactive shading options- Materials and textures- Use PBR materials with Cycles and Eevee- Working with the camera- Rendering with Eevee and Cycles- Making and exporting still images- Animation and interpolation- Animation constraints- Use the follow path for animation- Animation tools and rendering- Rendering animations as videosThe book uses a practical approach with examples for all topics and step by step instructions on how to do "difficult" tasks like animations with hierarchies and constraints. And also how to set up a scene for render with Cycles and Eevee.All content from Blender 2.9: The beginner's guide will take into consideration a reader that doesn't have any prior experience with Blender. You will find content focused on beginners.However, it doesn't mean an artist with previous experience in older versions of Blender could not use the book as an updated guide.If you want a fast and quick way to jumpstart using Blender 2.9 for your projects, the beginner's guide will help you achieve your goals.

  • - Drivers, Custom Properties, and Shape Keys for 3D modeling
    af Allan Brito
    283,95 kr.

    Blender 2.8 parametric modelingWith parametric controls in 3D objects, you will find properties that have a relation to the purpose of an object. For instance, a staircase would have properties to control step count, width, and height. By updating any of those properties would mean a direct change to the 3D model.Those are parametric controls that will help you reuse 3D models in several projects with a simple update on properties.In Blender 2.8, you won't find any parametric controls for 3D models as a default option. You will have to add those controls using a particular group of tools. To add those controls to 3D objects in Blender, we will use Hooks, Shape Keys, Drivers, and Custom Properties.If you want to learn how to use those tools in projects related to 3D modeling, you will find lots of examples and explanations in the book about them. You will create objects like a parametric chair and a staircase.- Understand what are parametric controls- Prepare a model to receive parametric controls- Add Hooks to parts of a model for deformation controls- Use Shape Keys to create different "snapshots" of a 3D model- Create Drivers to connect properties of objects- Add Custom Properties to objects- Connect Custom Properties to Drivers- Use math expressions to control object property- Create conditional transformations with ternary operators- Make a library of reusable parametric objects- Transfer models between projectsYou will learn how to add parametrical controls and properties to objects in Blender 2.8. Among the examples described in the book, you will learn how to create a parametric chair and also a staircase.

  • - The beginner's guide
    af Allan Brito
    343,95 kr.

    Blender 2.8: The beginner's guideDo you want to start creating 3D models and animations using free and open-source software? With Blender, you have the freedom to use a tool that will help you put your creativity to work for multiple formats.The release of version 2.8 marks an important milestone for Blender because it introduces a revamped and friendly user interface alongside incredible tools. You will find options to create 3D models for characters, design, architecture, and games.With Blender 2.8: The beginner's guide, you will find a quick reference and detailed explanations about the essential tools and options. You will learn core concepts about: - User interface- 3D navigation- Modeling and editing- Modeling tools and options- Interactive shading options- Materials and textures- Use PBR materials with Cycles and Eevee- Working with the camera- Rendering with Eevee and Cycles- Making and exporting still images- Animation and interpolation- Animation constraints- Use the follow path for animation- Animation tools and rendering- Rendering animations as videosThe book uses a practical approach with examples for all topics and step by step instructions on how to do "difficult" tasks like animations with hierarchies and constraints. And also how to set up a scene for render with Cycles and Eevee.All content from Blender 2.8: The beginner's guide will take into consideration a reader that doesn't have any prior experience with Blender. You will find content focused on beginners.However, it doesn't mean an artist with previous experience in older versions of Blender could not use the book as an updated guide.If you want a fast and quick way to jumpstart using Blender 2.8 for your projects, the beginner's guide will help you achieve your goals.

  • - The beginner's handbook
    af Allan Brito
    183,95 kr.

    In recent years we saw technology making massive changes and disrupting several aspects of our lives. With the internet, we gained a more connected world, and smartphones made that mobile in an unprecedented way. Now, it is time to shake our financial system with the latest revolution and evolution with Bitcoin.Do you know what Bitcoin is and how to use it? It is a digital currency that exists only in computers spread across the world in a Blockchain. The technology behind Bitcoin can disrupt many types of traditional business with better security and efficiency.Suppose you are new to the world of Cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin. In that case, we will give you the information necessary to start using the currency and explain how to manage your digital wallet. You will learn how an exchange works and when you should use them.Here is a list of topics covered in the book: - What is Bitcoin?- The birth of Bitcoin- Bitcoin and cryptography- Bitcoin and privacy- The past and future of Bitcoin pricing- How Bitcoin works- Relation between Bitcoins and the Blockchain- How the Blockchain works- Tools to explore the Blockchain- The irreversible nature of a Blockchain- Security behind a Blockchain- How the cryptocurrency wallet works- Relation between Bitcoins and a wallet- How the Public and Private Keys works- Is Bitcoin a messaging system?- Creating your first wallet- Why not use Bitcoin Core as your wallet?- When to use multiple wallets- How to choose and types of wallets- How to use mnemonic phrases to recover a wallet?- Using Desktop wallets- Using Mobile wallets- Using Web-based wallets- Using hardware wallets- Using paper wallets- How to manage Bitcoins in a wallet- Sending and receiving Bitcoins- Bitcoin fees: How to calculate and estimate fees- The benefits of SegWit transactions- Manipulating fees to change conformation speeds- How mining works?- Should you start mining?- Is it possible to make money mining?- Using an exchange- What is the KYC initiative?- The risks of using an exchange- The Bitcoin security- Private Keys and recovery phrases importance- The weal link in Bitcoin security- How to create a recovery plan- Planning for your heirs- The cryptocurrency ecosystem- How to extend the value of a cryptocurrency- What are stable coins?Are you ready to start using Bitcoins

  • - Create high quality videos for YouTube and other social media platforms with Blender
    af Allan Brito
    343,95 kr.

    One of the critical components of any workflow related to video production is a reliable tool to create and edit media like video and audio. In most cases, you will find video producers using software that can only cut and mount video in a "traditional" way. What if you could use a software that offers not only options to edit and cut video, ...

  • - 3D Modeling, Animation, and Render with Eevee in Blender 2.8
    af Allan Brito
    343,95 kr.

    Blender is open source 3D Creation software. With a long history and enthusiastic community of users, it is the ideal choice for almost any kind of work with 3D modelling or animation. However, for new users, its power and flexibillity and can sometimes be daunting, and that's when you need this book!

  • af Allan Brito
    513,95 kr.

    "From technologies to solutions"--Cover.