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Bøger af Alice Miller

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  • af Alice Miller
    93,95 - 126,95 kr.

    Den kendte psykoterapeut Alice Miller beskæftiger sig med årsagerne til traumer i barndommen og med forebygelsen af dem. Hun beskriver følgerne af fortrængning og de muligheder, der findes for at blive befriet for tidligt opståede traumer.

  • - Kendsgerningernes sandhed
    af Alice Miller
    93,95 - 188,95 kr.

    Sandheden om den ødelagte barndom er ilde hørt. For at overleve psykisk fortrænger vi og ønsker vi en solid mur af tavshed omkring os. Men overlevelse på de vilkår betyder iscenesættelser af den fortrængte smerte - vold og umenneskelighed mod andre eller yderligere forkrampning af os selv.Derfor står tavshedsmuren - som andre mure i disse år - for fald, men ikke uden en energisk indsats. Alice Miller fører an i dette nedbrydningsarbejde, i sin nye bog ved bl.a. at stille skarpt på psykiatriens og pressens fortielser, Nicolae Ceausescus groteske iscenesættelser og abortmodstandernes hykleri.

  • - The Lingering Effects of Hurtful Parenting
    af Alice Miller
    183,95 kr.

    An examination of childhood trauma and its surreptitious, debilitating effects by one of the world's leading psychoanalysts.

  • - To Join the Waiting Child
    af Alice Miller
    133,95 kr.

    Psychohistorical analyses of such tyrants as Hitler, Stalin and Ceausescu have shown the links between the horrors of their childhoods and that which they inflict on the world. In this text, Miller pleads for awareness of society's role in child abuse and for recognition of the victim.

  • - The Search for the True Self
    af Alice Miller
    118,95 kr.

    'Rare and compelling in its compassion and its unassuming eloquence...her examples are so vivid and so ordinary they touch the hurt child in us all' New York Magazine

  • - Psykoanalysen og forræderiet mod barnet
    af Alice Miller
    133,95 - 156,95 kr.

    Du må ikke mærke er et aldrig udtalt, men tidligt internaliseret bud. Det viser sig i vores trang til så tidligt som muligt i vores opdragelse at indgive børnene en følelse af skyld og mindreværd.I bogen anskueliggøres bl.a. Sigmund Freuds driftsteoriers sociale baggrund gennem en udførlig analyse af Ulvemanden, Freuds berømte patient.Bogen henvender sig specielt til læsere med interesse for pædagogik, psykologi, sociologi og psykiatri.Alice Miller (1926-2010), schweizisk psykoanalytiker, har også på Hans Reitzels Forlag udgivet Det selvudslettende barn, Livets veje, Tavshedsmurens fald, Den bandlyste viden og I begyndelsen var opdragelsen.Du må ikke mærke udkom første gang på dansk i 1985 og genudgives nu i Hans Reitzels Forlags serie Klassikere.

  • - Overcoming Emotional Blindness and Finding Your True Adult Self
    af Alice Miller
    153,95 kr.

    In this volume, the author draws on research on brain development to show how spanking and humiliation produce dangerous levels of denial in children, leading to emotional blindness and mental barriers that cut off awareness and new ways of of acting. She offers ways to heal these psychic wounds.

  • af Alice Miller
    133,95 - 156,95 kr.

    I syv bevægende historier og to tankevækkende essays tager Alice Miller tråden op fra sine tidligere bøger og viser, med udgangspunkt i forskellige skæbner, hvordan en dårlig barndom ikke behøver præge resten af livet. Øget bevidsthed og møder med gode mennesker kan sætte en fri fra det automatliv, man fører, når man gentager sine forældres ugerninger.Alice Miller bruger bl.a. Adolf Hitler til at anskueliggøre, hvilke udslag forskellige former for børnemishandling kan give i samfundet.Forfatteren viser, hvordan diktatorer ofte har den uforløste barndom og det despotiske væsen til fælles med de terapiguruer, mange opsøger. Men først og fremmest viser hun, hvordan almindelige mennesker kan konfrontere deres angst og dermed leve et friere liv.Bogen udkom første gang på dansk i 1998 og genudgives nu i Hans Reitzels Forlags serie Klassikere.

  • - The Search for the True Self (Anniversary Edition)
    af Alice Miller
    263,95 kr.

    Miller's wide and profound book about childhood trauma has provided thousands of readers with guidance and hope, and is essential reading for those interested in psychology, psychotherapy, and more.

  • af Alice Miller
    329,95 kr.

    Quando crianças, muitos de nós aprendemos a esconder nossos sentimentos e necessidades para corresponder às expectativas de nossos pais e, desse modo, garantir o ¿amor¿ deles. Segundo Alice Miller, esse dom de se adaptar é uma estratégia de sobrevivência diante dos abusos sofridos na infância, e tem um custo: a supressão do próprio eu. É com base nessa compreensão que a autora examina os efeitos duradouros dos traumas de infância, que se traduzem em sentimentos de vazio e alienação. Ilustrado com relatos de pacientes, trechos de diários pessoais e excertos literários, este livro ajuda o leitor a reconhecer as próprias emoções e necessidades e descobrir sua verdade interior. Esta nova edição inclui um posfácio escrito pela autora e, ainda, o texto ¿As raízes da violênciä, inédito em português, em que Miller faz um resumo das consequências trágicas da violência contra a criança.

  • af Alice Miller
    504,95 kr.

  • af Alice Miller
    133,95 kr.

    Maybe there isn't an escape from the past. Joseph Silver Hawk does what everyone wants him to do but it doesn't seem to be enough and enemies from his past are still trying to find him. When Gianni Tassiano pays a visit, secrets are revealed and wounds become raw. Gianni would do anything to help Joseph heal but he's running out of options. If you enjoyed A Warrior's Courage look for Silver Hawk, A Warrior's Respect, the 7th book of the Silver Hawk Warrior series.

  • af Alice Miller
    208,95 kr.

  • af Alice Miller
    133,95 kr.

    In the 8th novel of the SILVER HAWK Warrior series, I Am My Own Master, Joseph's son is threatened. In order to spare his son, Joseph is taken to Tajikistan, a country in the Middle East, where he discovers a horrible secret. He enters a world of child abuse and sexual slavery to save the son of an exiled King. When he returns to the U.S.A, Joseph ignores the danger facing him and he travels to New York City, making a last and final attempt to free himself from the bonds of being an owned fighter. If you enjoyed I Am My Own Master and you can't get enough of Joseph & Gianni, look for the spin-off to the SILVER HAWK series, Everything He Wanted Uninhibited. Discover an up close and personal look at their story. (Contains Adult Content)

  • - Steel City Shadows
    af Alice Miller
    103,95 kr.

    Everyone has their own idea about what justice is. Nick Romano went over the rail of the Smithfield Street Bridge and into the river. His grandfather wants to know why but he doesn't want the police involved. He hires Dave Casteel and his maverick team of investigators to find out what happened. In the search for 17 year old Nick, the lines blur and it's difficult to define who the criminals are. Who is right and who is wrong? Dave, DeMarco, Kelly and Brett solve the case but in the process they find out more about each other than they ever wanted to know.

  • af Alice Miller
    173,95 kr.

    Joseph Silver Hawk Argent is on the run. He's running from the cops and and ancient prophecy that he doesn't want anything to do with. He's seventeen, a leader of the Los Caballeros street gang and even though he's Native American, he doesn't want any part of where he came from. A Holy man has pegged Joseph or Cheetah, as his friends call him, as a warrior who lived during the days of Crazy Horse but Joseph lives in New York. He wants nothing to do with his past or a past life that he doesn't care about. Frank Belger is the cop who only cares about one thing. He's determined to catch the gang leader that everyone says can't be caught and he'll go through anything to get Cheetah. What he doesn't know is that he is chasing Silver Hawk, a warrior who was at the Battle of Little Bighorn. If you enjoyed A Warrior's Honor, continue reading with SILVER HAWK A Warrior's Pride.

  • - Steel City Shadows Vol. 2
    af Alice Miller
    103,95 kr.

    A maniacal killer arrives in the city every year and disappears without a trace. DeMarco Gigliotti is determined that this year, the killer will not get away. In a fast paced thriller packed with vigilante justice two rival Special Investigation Units come together and collide while trying to solve the case.

  • af Alice Miller
    128,95 kr.

    Author Alice Miller tells the story of Joseph Silver Hawk Argent and Gianni Tassiano's friendship and loyalty toward one another in SILVER HAWK, A Warrior's Respect. When they were boys, Gianni Tassiano crawled through a vent to bring bread to eight year old Joseph Argent who was being kept in a basement under the cruel abuse of Don Antone. As they grew, their friendship remained and although Joseph Silver Hawk Argent struggled to forget the pain of being abused, he never forgot Gianni's acts of kindness that kept him alive. After ten long years of mistreatment, in A Warrior's Respect, Joseph begins to understand what it means to have respect for himself and learns that he is worthy of love. He learns that in spite of all that has happened to him, he is a true warrior and with the respect he finds for himself comes peace. If you enjoyed A Warrior's Respect, follow Joseph in SILVER HAWK I Am My Own Master (Volume 8) of the SILVER HAWK series.

  • af Alice Miller
    148,95 kr.

    Nadie ha profundizado hasta los últimos recovecos de la psique humana como Alice Miller.El cuarto mandamiento -«Honrarás a tu padre y a tu madre», heredado de la moral tradicional- nos exige que honremos y queramos a nuestros padres, pero oculta una amenaza. El que quiera seguirlo pese a haber sido despreciado o maltratado por sus padres sólo podrá hacerlo reprimiendo sus verdaderas emociones. Sin embargo, el cuerpo a menudo se rebela, con graves enfermedades, contra esta negación y esta falta de reconocimiento de los traumas infantiles no superados. Alice Miller nos permite comprender estos mensajes que nos envía el alma y así liberarnos de los síntomas e, incluso, de los traumas.

  • af Alice Miller
    178,95 kr.

  • af Alice Miller
    193,95 kr.

  • af Alice Miller
    188,95 kr.

  • af Alice Miller
    133,95 - 156,95 kr.

    ”De velopdragne menneskers tragedie består i, at de som voksne ikke kan mærke, hvad der er blevet gjort mod dem, og hvad de selv gør, hvis de ikke har måttet mærke det som børn. Det lever utallige institutioner højt på og ikke mindst de totalitære regimer. I vores, det muliges tidsalder, kan også psykologien levere skæbnesvangre bidrag til betingning af den enkelte, af familier og hele nationer. Betingning og manipulation af andre er altid et våben og et instrument for magtudøvelse, også selv om dette camoufleres med ord som ’opdragelse’ eller ’terapeutisk behandling’. Eftersom magtudøvelsen over andre mennesker og dens misbrug for det meste har den funktion at hindre følelser af egen afmagt, altså ofte styres ubevidst, kan etiske argumenter ikke standse denne proces.” (Alice Miller, fra bogens efterskrift)Alice Miller (1926-2010), schweizisk psykoanalytiker, har også på Hans Reitzels Forlag udgivet Det selvudslettende barn, Livets veje, Du må ikke mærke, Den bandlyste viden og Tavshedsmurens fald.I begyndelsen var opdragelsen udkom første gang på dansk i 1984 og genudgives nu i Hans Reitzels Forlags serie Klassikere.

  • af Alice Miller
    93,95 - 126,95 kr.

    Den bandlyste viden tager tråden op fra Du må ikke mærke og belyser fra nye synsvinkler den tidlige barndoms smerte, som giver os livslange vanskeligheder. Alice Miller skærper sin kritik af de faktiske overgreb, som barnet psykisk og fysisk udsættes for, og af de fortielser og idylliseringer, barndommen ofte iklædes. Vores tilbøjelighed til at tage vores forældres skyld på os og tilgive dem al mishandling umuliggør en virkelig frigørelse og en vellykket terapi.I bogens anden del fortæller Alice Miller om sin personlige vej til barnet i den voksne og om behovet for ledsagelse, i barndommens land såvel som i terapien. Det fører afslutningsvis til en skarp kritik af den freudske terapimetode, som efter hendes mening forhindrer egentlig drømmetydning.Alice Miller (1926-2010), schweizisk psykoanalytiker, har også på Hans Reitzels Forlag udgivet Det selvudslettende barn, Livets veje, Tavshedsmurens fald, Du må ikke mærke og I begyndelsen var opdragelsen.Den bandlyste viden udkom første gang på dansk i 1989 og genudgives nu i Hans Reitzels Forlags serie Klassikere.

  • af Alice Miller
    180,95 kr.

    What Fire is about how to continue as catastrophe crawls in, when the climate crisis has its grip on us all, the internet has been shut down, and the buildings are burning up. In her third collection, Alice Miller takes a fierce, unflinching look at the world we live in, at what we have made, and whether it is possible to change.

  • - Hidden Cruelty in Child-Rearing and the Roots of Violence
    af Alice Miller
    188,95 kr.

  • - Discovering Your True Needs
    af Alice Miller
    238,95 kr.

    An astoundingly moving and perceptive work on how adults can finally overcome the traumas of their childhood.

  • - Redrawing the Outlines of Our Lives
    af Alice Miller
    223,95 kr.

    Alice Miller, a prolific writer, has an easy way of exploring and explaining astrological topics. She brings each to life and makes each relatable. In this book, Alice takes the reader on a journey with and through Saturn. Known as the planet of limits and boundaries, Saturn provides structure, along with limits, and boundaries within which can be found a protector and an authority figure. You will find information about Saturn in each house and in each sign that can be used for natal chart interpretation as well as transits and other predictive techniques. Saturn in each sign is examined in terms of authority figures, protectors, personal space and boundaries, personal definitions, responsibility, maturity, authority and rights, and Saturn's Law. Alice invites you to tour the houses and zodiac with Saturn, always with growth on the horizon.

  • af Alice Miller
    198,95 kr.

  • af Alice Miller
    258,95 kr.

    Poetry Book Society Recommendation, Summer 2018. In her compelling second collection, Alice Miller tackles thecircularity of thought, the company of the dead, and the lure of alternative futures. They dare you to visit,through a series of cities, the futures we never let happen.