Bøger af Alice B. Toklas
193,95 kr. ?I'm drenched in cream, marinated in wine, basted in cognac, and thoroughly buttered by the end of The Alice B. Toklas Cook Book.? ?Eula Biss, New York Times bestselling author of Having and Being HadA beautiful new edition of the classic culinary memoir by Alice B. Toklas, Gertrude Stein's romantic partner, with a new introduction by beloved culinary voice Ruth Reichl.Restaurant kitchens have long been dominated by men, but, as of late, there has been an explosion of interest in the many women chefs who are revolutionizing the culinary game. And, alongside that interest, an accompanying appetite for smart, well-crafted culinary memoirs by female trailblazers in food.Nearly 70 years earlier, there was Alice.When Alice B. Toklas was asked to write a memoir, she initially refused. Instead, she wrote The Alice B. Toklas Cook Book, a sharply written, deliciously rich cookbook memorializing meals and recipes shared by Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Wilder, Matisse, and Picasso?and of course by Alice and Gertrude themselves.While The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas?penned by Gertrude Stein?adds vivid detail to Alice's life, this cookbook paints a richer, more joyous depiction: a celebration of a lifetime in pursuit of culinary delights.In this cookbook, Alice supplies recipes inspired by her travels, accompanied by amusing tales of her and Gertrude's lives together. In ?Murder in the Kitchen,? Alice describes the first carp she killed, after which she immediately lit up a cigarette and waited for the police to come and haul her away; in ?Dishes for Artists,? she describes her hunt for the perfect recipe to fit Picasso's peculiar diet; and, of course, in ?Recipes from Friends,? she provides the recipe for ?Haschich Fudge,? which she notes may often be accompanied by ?ecstatic reveries and extensions of one's personality on several simultaneous planes.?With an updated look and feel, and a heartwarming introduction from Gourmet's famed Editor-in-Chief Ruth Reichl, this much-loved, culinary classic is sure to resonate with food lovers and literary folk alike.
- Bog
- 193,95 kr.
- En kærlig udveksling
93,95 kr. Kun koncentreret om min kones ko – en kærlig udveksling er et udvalg af digteren Gertrude Stein og hendes partner Alice B. Toklas’ elskovsnoter, oversat og med forord af Kristina Nya Glaffey og Maja Lee Langvad.Stein og Toklas, der er et af det 20. århundredes mest ikoniske lesbiske par, skrev hundredevis af både nuttede og erotiske noter til hinanden i løbet af deres livslange samliv, der varede fra 1907 til Steins død i 1946. Elskovsnoterne, hvor Stein og Toklas leger med traditionelle kønskoder, roller og magtpositioner, blev skrevet på små papirlapper, som de efterlod til hinanden rundt omkring i deres hus, og giver ikke kun et intimt indblik i de tos samliv, men belyser også det lesbiske aspekt af Steins forfatterskab.Oprindeligt var noterne ikke tiltænkt udgivelse og lå i mange år arkiveret på Beinecke Library på Yale University, inden de i 1981 blev gjort tilgængelige for forskning og i 1995 officielt anerkendt som en del af Steins samlede værker. I 1999 udkom et udvalg af noterne redigeret af den amerikanske folklorist og antropolog Kay F. Turner i bogen Baby Precious Always Shines.Med Kun koncentreret om min kones ko bliver noterne, der udgør et uomgængeligt bidrag til den lesbiske kærlighedslitteraturs historie, for første gang tilgængelige på dansk.Virkelig fin er min valentin. Virkelig fin og virkelig min. Virkelig fin er min valentin virkelig min og virkelig fin. Virkelig fin er min valentin og min, virkelig fin virkelig min og min er min valentin.– Gertrude Stein
- Bog
- 93,95 kr.
- Letters of Alice B. Toklas
308,95 kr. If letter writing is a lost art, Staying on Alone is a measure of what has been lost.
- Bog
- 308,95 kr.