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Bøger af Ali Smith

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  • - SHORTLISTED for the Man Booker Prize 2017
    af Ali Smith
    123,95 kr.

    A Guardian Best Book of the 21st CenturySHORTLISTED FOR THE MAN BOOKER PRIZE 2017A SUNDAY TIMES TOP TEN BESTSELLERA breathtakingly inventive new novel from the Man Booker-shortlisted and Baileys Prize-winning author of How to be both 'The novel of the year is obviously Ali Smith's Autumn, which managed the miracle of making at least a kind of sense out of post-Brexit Britain' Observer 'Humour, grace, solace... A light-footed meditation on mortality, mutability and how to keep your head in troubled times' Guardian'Transcendental writing about art, death and all the dimensions of love' Deborah Levy, author of Hot Milk and The Cost of LivingAutumn. Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness. That's what it felt like for Keats in 1819.How about Autumn 2016? Daniel is a century old. Elisabeth, born in 1984, has her eye on the future. The United Kingdom is in pieces, divided by a historic once-in-a-generation summer.Love is won, love is lost. Hope is hand in hand with hopelessness. The seasons roll round, as ever.Ali Smith's new novel is a meditation on a world growing ever more bordered and exclusive, on what richness and worth are, on what harvest means. This first in a seasonal quartet casts an eye over our own time. Who are we? What are we made of? Shakespearian jeu d'esprit, Keatsian melancholy, the sheer bright energy of 1960s Pop art: the centuries cast their eyes over our own history-making.Here's where we're living. Here's time at its most contemporaneous and its most cyclic.From the imagination of the peerless Ali Smith comes a shape-shifting series, wide-ranging in timescale and light-footed through histories, and a story about ageing and time and love and stories themselves.Here comes Autumn.

  • af Ali Smith
    118,95 kr.

    These are not fictions. Nor are they testimonies from some distant, brutal past, but the frighteningly common experiences of Europe s new underclass its refugees. While those with citizenship enjoy basic human rights (like the right not to be detained without charge for more than 14 days), people seeking asylum can be suspended for years in Kafka-esque uncertainty. Here, poets and novelists retell the stories of individuals who have direct experience of Britain s policy of indefinite immigration detention. Presenting their experiences anonymously, as modern day counterparts to the pilgrims stories in Chaucers Canterbury Tales, this book offers rare, intimate glimpses into otherwise untold suffering.

  • af Ali Smith
    248,95 kr.

    Som hun har for vane har Ali Smith begået en legende men også alvorlig og bevægende roman hvor intet helt er som det ser ud. Det er to historier der slynger sig ind og ud af hinanden en lag på lag-fortælling lidt som når der under den færdige fresko dukker en oprindelig skitse op. Romanen falder i to dele der kan læses i vilkårlig rækkefølge som selvfølgelig giver en meget forskellig oplevelse så det er i den grad op til læserne selv at vælge hvor de vil begynde. Francesco del Cossa der godt nok er født kvinde men lever som mand kæmper for at skabe sig et navn som fresko-maler i renæssancens Italien. Han bliver hyret til en opgave i Este-familiens nybyggede Palazzo Schifanoia i Ferrara. Her skal han sammen med andre malere lave tolv paneler i fresko allegorier over årets måneder. Fem hundrede år senere står Francesco foran sit portræt af Sankt Vincent Ferrer på National Gallery i London og ser en dreng (eller er det en pige?) stå og studere det. I vores tids Cambridge sørger en ung teenagepige Georgia kaldet George over sin nyligt afdøde mor. Hun tænker på sin mors særheder hendes overbevisning om at hun blev overvåget af sikkerhedstjenesten hendes krøllede hjerne og ordspil hendes distancerende ironi. Hun tænker på hendes kærlighed til George og hendes lillebror og deres liv sammen. Hun mindes dengang de var på ferie i Ferrara og så de smukke freskoer i Palazzo Schifanoia Paladset som jager kedsomheden på flugt . Ali Smith (f. 1962) debuterede i 1995 med den prisbelønnede novellesamling Free Love and Other Stories. Hun har været finalist til Booker-prisen og Orange-prisen to gange og blev tildelt Whitbread-prisen for romanen The Accidental (dansk oversættelse En fremmed flytter ind 2006). På dansk udkom senest romanen I MILES OMKREDS (2013).

  • Spar 20%
    af Ali Smith
    123,95 - 198,95 kr.

    I 1500-tallets England strejfer en forældreløs pige rundt. Det er mørke tider: epidemier raser, brutalitet og barbari råder. Pigen kommer i lære hos en kvindelig smed, og det er netop smedekunsten og et uventet venskab, der holder hende oppe.Femhundrede år senere har en ny epidemi ramt England og verden. Sandy Gray, en billedkunstner midt i livet, frygter at smitte sin skrøbelige far, der er indlagt efter et slagtilfælde. Derfor vil hun heller ikke se nogen mennesker, hun har i det hele taget besluttet sig for at melde sig ud af samfundet. Indtil hun modtager et mystisk opkald fra en fjern bekendt. Kvinden i røret har brug for Sandys hjælp til at løse en gåde, der hænger sammen med en gammel lås, smedet i senmiddelalderen.ANDRE TIDER er en livsbekræftende lovprisning af fællesskab. En både modig og menneskeklog, rørende og provokerende roman, som indkapsler samtiden og indfanger fortiden. Legesygt og lysende viser Ali Smith, hvordan verden hænger sammen, og hvordan en krisetid påvirker os mennesker – på godt og ondt.ANDRE TIDER er en fritstående roman og samtidig et lyrisk og visionært følgebrev til Årstidskvartetten, der tog verden med storm. ***”Et lysende, underholdende og klogt portræt af den verden, vi lever i.” – The Telegraph“ANDRE TIDER er, som livet selv; rodet, underholdende, sørgelig, smuk og fuld af mystik.” – The Guardian

  • af Ali Smith
    123,95 kr.

    WINNER OF THE BAILEYS WOMEN'S PRIZE FOR FICTION 2015WINNER OF THE GOLDSMITHS PRIZE 2014SHORTLISTED FOR THE MAN BOOKER PRIZE 2014WINNER OF THE 2014 COSTA NOVEL AWARDWINNER OF THE SALTIRE SOCIETY LITERARY BOOK OF THE YEAR AWARD 2014NOMINATED FOR THE FOLIO PRIZE 2015'Brims with palpable joy' Daily Telegraph'She's a genius, genuinely modern in the heroic, glorious sense' Alain de Botton'I take my hat off to Ali Smith. Her writing lifts the soul' Evening StandardHow to be both is a novel all about art's versatility. Borrowing from painting's fresco technique to make an original literary double-take, it's a fast-moving genre-bending conversation between forms, times, truths and fictions. There's a renaissance artist of the 1460s. There's the child of a child of the 1960s. Two tales of love and injustice twist into a singular yarn where time gets timeless, structural gets playful, knowing gets mysterious, fictional gets real - and all life's givens get given a second chance. Passionate, compassionate, vitally inventive and scrupulously playful, Ali Smith's novels are like nothing else.

  • af Ali Smith
    101,95 - 218,95 kr.

  • af Ali Smith
    173,95 kr.

    As an only child reeling from the demolition of her parents'' toxic marriage, the New York City underground music scene offers a young Ali a different family of misfits and talented outsiders to belong to. She becomes the bass player for edgy band Speedball Baby, a decision that will take her around the world - from onstage at the legendary CBGBs to the red-light district of Amsterdam. She''s often the only girl in a broken-down tour van, being strip-searched at the Croatian border, chased by lunatics, and navigating the seedy underbelly of a male-dominated music scene full of addiction, violence, and misogyny - all while keeping her sharp wit and dark humour intact. Rimmed with heavy black eyeliner and smelling faintly of cheap booze, The Ballad Of Speedball Baby is a pulse-quickening, unpredictable ride through the ''90s music scene - alternately terrifying, hilarious, and painfully evocative - as well as a love letter to the power of female solidarity.

  • af Ali Smith
    123,95 - 198,95 kr.

  • af Ali Smith
    123,95 - 198,95 kr.

  • - from the Man Booker Prize-shortlisted author
    af Ali Smith
    123,95 - 228,95 kr.

  • - Regarding Rodin
    af Ali Smith
    273,95 kr.

    Rachel Kneebone (born 1973, Oxfordshire) is a London-based artist internationally renowned for her porcelain sculptures that intricately fuse human, natural and abstract forms to explore universal themes such as sexual desire, mortality, anguish and despair.

  • af Ali Smith
    118,95 kr.

    SHORTLISTED FOR THE MAN BOOKER PRIZE and the ORANGE PRIZE FOR FICTIONA masterful, exuberant novel from the acclaimed author of How to be both and the ongoing Seasonal quartet 'Ali Smith has got style, ideas and punch. Read her' Jeanette Winterson 'As infectious as a pop song, the story bursts open from the very first page and demands to be read in one sitting' The Times'Hotel World is essential reading from a major talent' IndependentFive people: four are living, three are strangers, two are sisters, one is dead. In her highly acclaimed and most ambitious book to date, the brilliant young Scottish writer Ali Smith brings alive five unforgettable characters and traces their intersecting lives. This is a short novel with big themes (time, chance, money, death) but an eye for tiny detail: the taste of dust, the weight of a few coins in the hand, the pleasurable pain of a stone in one's shoe . . .

  • af Ali Smith
    128,95 kr.

    From the Man Booker Prize-shortlisted author of How to be both and the critically acclaimed Seasonal quartet Artful is a revelation; a new kind of book altogether . . . it could have only been written by Ali Smith. An intimate study of grief that makes you glad to be alive Jackie Kay Playful and audacious Independent Powerful and moving London Review of Books Magical... Blending of criticism and fiction, Artful belongs in a genre of its own . . . Joyful for anyone interested in the art of writing, and living, well Anita Sethi, New Statesman Based on four electrifying lectures given by the author at Oxford University, and exploring the explosive connections between art, story, memory and grief - Artful is a tidal wave of ideas to blast away the cobwebs and change how you see the world Narrated by a character who is haunted - literally - by a former lover, Artful slips slyly between fiction and essay, guiding the reader thrillingly through a sequence of ideas on art and literature. With Smiths trademark humour, inventiveness, poignancy and critical insight, this is unique experiment in form, style, life, love, death, immortality and what art can mean.

  • af Ali Smith
    237,95 kr.

    En dag om ikke så lang tid kommer to børn hjem og finder en stor rød cirkel malet rundt om deres hus. Hvad betyder det?Det er en sandhed i vores tid, at det bliver den næste generation, der skal leve i den giftige verden, vi er ved at skabe. Og skal prøve at få den på ret køl igen. Men hvad betyder det i virkeligheden? Når samfundet er fjendtligt, og verden er delt, når folk er enten indenfor eller udenfor, hvordan kan modstanden og oprøret så se ud? Hvad kan mennesker holde fast i og søge trøst hos, og hvad har en hest med det hele at gøre?Ali Smiths roman Gliff handler om, hvordan vi skaber mening og hvordan vi bliver gjort meningsløse. Med træk af det dystopiske og inspiration fra Franz Kafkas labyrintiske litterære tradition har Smith skabt en bevægende og levende fortælling om menneskers værdi, og om hvordan vi forvalter den værdi, om sprog, natur og om de mørke skyer, der hænger i historiens horisont.ALI SMITH er en skotsk forfatter, journalist og dramatiker. Hendes forfatterskab har indbragt hende bl.a. Costa Novel of the Year award og The Goldsmiths prize. Fire gange har hun været shortlisted til Man Booker prisen. Ali Smith blev født i Inverness i Skotland, hun bor i dag i Cambridge, England.

  • af Ali Smith
    170,95 kr.

    Glyph follows Ali Smith's 2024 novel Gliff and tells a story hidden in the first novel. Gliff is set in a near future rife with surveillance, where people can be labelled 'unverifiable' by the state. It follows siblings Briar and Rose as they attempt to survive in a world that strives to crush curiosity and meaning.

  • af Ali Smith
    168,95 kr.

    A collection of brand-new short stories written by major international writers and inspired by Kafka - to commemorate one hundred years since his deathFranz Kafka is widely regarded as one of the greatest and most enigmatic geniuses of twentieth-century literature. Few writers have inspired as much interpretation, adaptation and imitation as he has - from films to novels to memes - and very few artists in any field have created work that captures so resonantly the fraught peculiarity of our existence.What happens when Kafka's idiosyncratic imagination meets some of the greatest literary minds writing in English across the globe today? From a future society who ask their AI servants to construct a giant tower to reach God; to a flat hunt that descends into a comically absurd bureaucratic nightmare; to a population experiencing a wave of anxiety attacks, these specially commissioned stories speak powerfully to the strangeness of being alive today.

  • af Ali Smith
    109,95 - 218,95 kr.

  • af Ali Smith
    123,95 kr.

    THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERThe unmissable new work from Ali Smith, following the dazzling Man Booker-shortlisted Seasonal quartetOne day in post-Brexit, mid-pandemic Britain, artist Sandy Gray receives an unexpected phone call from university acquaintance Martina Pelf. Martina is calling Sandy to ask for help with a mysterious question she's been left with after she's spent half a day locked in a room by border control officials for no reason she can fathom:'Curlew or curfew? You choose.'And what's any of this got to do with the story of a young and talented blacksmith hounded from her trade and her home more than five hundred years ago?Ali Smith's novel takes wing, soaring between our atomised present and our medieval past in the hope we can open our locked down homes and selves to all the other times, other species, other histories, other possibilities.'[An] entertaining and expert portrayal of the world we live in, seen by the most beguiling and likeable of novelistic intelligences' Telegraph'[Companion piece] makes you look at the world afresh. For me, it turned a cold and depressing day into a bright one' New StatesmanLONGLISTED FOR THE GORDON BURN PRIZE 2022SHORTLISTED FOR THE HIGHLAND BOOK PRIZE 2022

  • af Ali Smith
    293,95 kr.

    "This story of three men's work helping traumatized kids in one of America's most underserved cities reveals how mindfulness tools can help children and communities not only survive but thrive"--

  • af Kamila Shamsie, Monica Ali, Rachel Seiffert, mfl.
    198,95 kr.

    BITCH. SCOLD. HARRIDAN.For centuries past, and all across the worldDRAGON. TIGRESS. SHE-DEVIL.There are words for a certain kind of womanFURY. HARPY. SPITFIRE.Words that raise our hackles, fire up our bloodHUSSY. SIREN. VIXEN.Words that tell a storyIn this blazing cauldron of a book, the boldest writers of our day take up these words and take up their pen, celebrating fifty years of Virago.

  • af Ali Smith
    198,95 kr.

  • - The Muriel Spark Society Lecture
    af Ali Smith
    70,95 kr.

    Full transcript of Ali Smith's Muriel Spark lecture, given in November 2017.

  • af Ali Smith
    118,95 kr.

    A richly inventive new collection of stories from the MAN BOOKER PRIZE-SHORTLISTED and WOMEN'S PRIZE-WINNING author of How to be both and the critically acclaimed Seasonal quartet'Smith is dazzling in her daring. Sheer inventive power' Observer'In Ali Smith we have a writer whose dazzling sophistication will surely be celebrated, studied and argues over hundreds of years after we're gone' ScotsmanWhy are books so powerful? What do the books we read make of us? And what does the vanishing of public libraries say about us?These stories are about what we do with books and what they do with us: how they travel with us; how they shock us, change us, challenge us, banish time while making us older, wiser and ageless all at once; how they remind us to pay attention to the world we make.Public libraries are places of joy, freedom, community and discovery - and right now they are under threat from funding cuts and widespread closures across the UK and further afield. With this brilliantly inventive collection, Ali Smith raises her voice in defence of our public libraries, celebrating their essential place in our culture and history.

  • af Ali Smith
    118,95 kr.

    Being short, you might think the story's structure would yield an answer to this question more readily than, say, the novel. But for as long as the short story has been around, arguments have raged as to what it should and shouldn't be made up of, what it should and shouldn't do. Here, 15 leading contemporary practitioners offer structural appreciations of past masters of the form as well as their own perspectives on what the short story does so well. The best short stories don't have closure, argues one contributor, 'because life doesn't have closure'; 'plot must be written with the denouement constantly in view,' quotes another. Covering a century of writing that arguably saw all the major short forms emerge, from Hawthorne's 'Twice Told Tales' to Kafka's modernist nightmares, these essays offer new and unique inroads into classic texts, both for the literature student and aspiring writer.

  • af Ali Smith
    208,95 kr.

  • af Ali Smith
    118,95 kr.

    Hailed among the BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR 2011 by Jeanette Winterson, A.S. Byatt, Patrick Ness, Sebastian Barry, Boyd Tonkin, Erica Wagner...A sparkling satire from the MAN BOOKER PRIZE-SHORTLISTED and WOMEN'S PRIZE-WINNING author of How to be both and the critically acclaimed Seasonal quartet'Playful, humorous, serious, profoundly clever and profoundly affecting' Guardian'Adventurous, intoxicating, dazzling. This is a novel with serious ambitions that remains huge fun to read' Literary Review'Smith can make anything happen, which is why she is one of our most exciting writers today' Daily Telegraph'There once was a man who, one night between the main course and the sweet at a dinner party, went upstairs and locked himself in one of the bedrooms of the house of the people who were giving the dinner party . . .'As time passes by and the consequences of this stranger's actions ripple outwards, touching the owners, the guests, the neighbours and the whole country, so Ali Smith draws us into a beautiful, strange place where everyone is so much more than they first appear...

  • af Ali Smith
    118,95 kr.

    A form-bending and endlessly inventive collection of short stories - from the MAN BOOKER PRIZE-SHORTLISTED and WOMEN'S PRIZE-WINNING author of How to be both and the critically acclaimed Seasonal quartet'A glorious collection that celebrates and subverts the short story form' Independent 'Hurrah for Ali Smith. The best short-story writers make it look as easy as making a cup of tea. Ali Smith is one of these... A bold and brilliant collection of stories by a writer unafraid to give it to us as it is' The TimesA middle-aged woman conducts a poignant conversation with her gauche fourteen-year-old self. An innocent supermarket shopper finds in her trolley a foul-mouthed, insulting and beautiful child. Challenging the boundaries between fiction and reality, we see a narrator, 'Ali', as she drinks tea, phones a friend and muses on the relationship between the short story and a nymph.Innovative, sophisticated and intelligent, The First Person and Other Stories effortlessly appeals to our hearts, heads and funny bones in equal measure. One-of-a-kind Ali Smith and the short story are made for each other.