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Bøger af Aldous Huxley

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  • af Aldous Huxley
    105,95 - 184,45 kr.

    WITH INTRODUCTIONS BY MARGARET ATWOOD AND DAVID BRADSHAWFar in the future, the World Controllers have created the ideal society.Huxley's ingenious fantasy of the future sheds a blazing light on the present and is considered to be his most enduring masterpiece.

  • af Aldous Huxley
    229,45 kr.

    Fagre nye verden er en klassiker, der stadig giver stof til eftertanke i en nutid, hvor iPod'en og Prozac sørger for en livslang digital-kemisk lykkerus, og hvor Facebook-profilen giver dig evigt liv, i hvert fald i cyberspace. Allerede i 1932 advarede Huxley imod nedbrydningen af de familieværdier og -strukturer, som det moderne samfund har frisat os fra. I Fagre ny verden har et totalitært samfund via gensplejsning og ensretning medført en streng femdelt klassestruktur, der håndhæves af anonyme autoriteter fra fødsel til død. En modvilje mod bøger og blomster indpodes ved hjælp af elektriske stød, mens børnene stadig er babyer. I stedet fremkaldes en kunstig lykketilstand gennem masse-producerede varer, som humlebi-hvalpe og designer-drugget Soma. Huxley beskrev selv sin Fagre ny verden som et ´mareridt´, et foruroligende, kærlighedsløst og endda uhyggeligt sted. Det var ikke hensigten at fremmane, hvor vidunderligt livet kan være, hvis det teknokratiske menneskes ´kreativitet´ fik frit løb, men at advare imod de totalitære samfund, man i 1932 så konturerne af, hvad enten det måtte være sovjetisk kommunisme, Fords amerikansk kapitalisme eller hvad med de totalitære træk, som vores velfærdssstat frembyder flere og flere af. Aldous Leonard Huxley (1894- 1963) var britisk forfatter og en af de mest prominente medlemmer af den berømte Huxley-familie. Han var humanist og rationalist, men i slutningen af sit forfatterskab tilnærmede han sig en filosofisk mystik og en kristen grundholdning.

  • - And Heaven and Hell
    af Aldous Huxley
    134,45 kr.

    In 1953, in the presence of an investigator, Aldous Huxley took four-tenths of a gramme of mescalin, sat down and waited to see what would happen. When he opened his eyes everything, from the flowers in a vase to the creases in his trousers, was transformed.

  • af Aldous Huxley
    184,45 kr.

    Far in the future, the World Controllers have created the ideal society. Through clever use of genetic engineering, brainwashing and recreational sex and drugs all its members are happy consumers. A visit to one of the few remaining Savage Reservations where the old, imperfect life still continues, may be the cure for his distress...

  • af Aldous Huxley
    119,45 kr.

    For over a hundred years the Pacific island of Pala has been the scene of a unique experiment in civilisation.

  • af Aldous Huxley
    219,45 kr.

    Touching on themes of control, humanity, technology, and influence, Aldous Huxley's enduring classic is a reflection and a warning of the age in which it was written, yet remains frighteningly relevant today. With its surreal imagery and otherworldly backdrop, Brave New World adapts beautifully to the graphic novel form.

  • af Aldous Huxley
    119,45 kr.

    In his 1932 classic dystopian novel, Brave New World, Aldous Huxley depicted a future society in thrall to science and regulated by sophisticated methods of social control.

  • af Aldous Huxley
    120,95 kr.

    Fagre nye verden handler om bagsiden af vore drømmes mål: romanen skildrer med bidende ironi fremskridtstankens endestation. Den foregår i London, 632 år efter Ford, og det er et rationelt og tilsyneladende humant samfund, der beskrives. Genmanipulation og mental kontrol sikrer borgerne og samfundet mod overraskelser. Og mod ethvert optræk til vildskab, enhver form for spontanitet og naturlighed. I Fagre nye verden skildrer Huxley, hvorledes mennesket i et totalitært samfund kun har protesten tilbage – protesten mod mennesket selv. Nutidens muligheder for elektronisk overvågning og genmanipulering bekræfter de udviklingstendenser, Huxley forudså i sin dystre fremtidsforestilling, som er mindst lige så aktuel at diskutere i dag, som da den udkom."Nogle få af de bøger, der handler om fremtiden, ender som klassikere. Det er dem, der på en eller anden måde får ret i deres forudsigelser." – Jacob Jonia, fra forordet til Fagre nye verden"Lige så vibrerende frisk og forunderligt chokerende som da jeg læste den første gang." – Margaret Atwood, Guardian

  • af Aldous Huxley
    64,95 kr.

    ""Fagre nye verden", Aldous Huxleys roman fra 1932, er en af de få bøger som næsten alle kender, - i hvert fald titlen. "Fagre nye verden" er blevet en normal betegnelse for et teknisk avanceret fremtidssamfund, hvori menneskets frihed umærkeligt er afskaffet. Da handlingen i romanen er henlagt til år "632 efter Ford", dvs. til ca. 2500, gav Huxley verden rigelig tid til at besinde sig og søge en anden kurs. Men da Huxley i 1958 tog sit fremtidsperspektiv op til fornyet overvejelse, måtte han konstatere at fremtiden allerede var begyndt, og at tiden til at forebygge denne fremtid altså var knap." – Introduktion af Villy Sørensen"Gensyn med fagre nye verden" er Aldous Huxleys fremtidssamfund set i lyset af 2. verdenskrigs rædsler og de enorme tekniske fremskridt – værst af alle, atombomben – som krigen havde vist mulige. Pludselig var frygten for den "fagre nye verden" kommet tættere på, da det ikke længere bare var ens fjerne efterkommere, der risikerede at blive udsat for den snigende frihedsberøvelse, men ens egen livsførelse var på spil.Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) var en engelsk forfatter og filosof, der er bedst kendt for sin dystopiske roman "Fagre nye verden" og essayet "Erkendelsens døre", som fortæller om hans personlige oplevelser med psykedeliske stoffer. Aldous Huxley interesserede sig for forskellige emner som etik, politik og mysticisme og skrev både romaner, noveller, digte, rejseskildringer, essays, prosa og filmmanuskripter.

  • af Aldous Huxley
    119,45 kr.

    WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY MALCOLM BRADBURYDenis Stone, a naive young poet, is invited to stay at Crome, a country house renowned for its gatherings of 'bright young things'.

  • af Aldous Huxley
    119,45 kr.

    WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY DAVID BRADSHAWAnthony Beavis is a man inclined to recoil from life. Realising that his determined detachment from the world has been motivated not by intellectual honesty but by moral cowardice, Anthony attempts to find a new way to live.

  • af Aldous Huxley
    199,45 kr.

  • af Aldous Huxley
    184,45 kr.

  • - Vintage Minis
    af Aldous Huxley
    74,45 kr.

    In 1953, in the presence of an investigator, Aldous Huxley took four-tenths of a gramme of mescalin, sat down and waited to see what would happen. When he opened his eyes everything, from the flowers in a vase to the creases in his trousers, was transformed. In this book, he gives an account of his experience, and his vision for psychedelics.

  • af Aldous Huxley
    134,45 kr.

    WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY DAVID BRADSHAWThe dilettantes who frequent Lady Tantamount's society parties are determined to push forward the moral frontiers of the age. As they all engage in dazzling and witty conversation, the din of the age - its ideas and idiocies - grows deafening.

  • af Aldous Huxley
    64,95 kr.

    "Jeg tog min pille kl. 11. Halvanden time senere sad jeg i mit arbejdsværelse og så intenst på en lille glasvase. I vasen var der kun tre blomster – en fuldmoden skønhed af en lyserød portugalrose, en stor magenta- og flødefarvet nellike og en svagt purpurfarvet iris. Tilfældig og midlertidig, som den lille buket var, brød den alle regler for traditionel god smag.Ved morgenmåltidet havde dens farvers levende dissonans gjort indtryk på mig. Men det var ikke længere det væsentlige. Nu så jeg ikke længere på et usædvanligt blomsterarrangement, men på det, som Adam havde set straks efter sin skabelse – øjeblik for øjeblik så jeg den nøgne tilværelses mirakel."I Aldous Huxleys kultklassiker "Erkendelsens døre" fortæller han om sine oplevelser med det kraftige hallucinogen mescalin og de erkendelser, han opnåede under indtagelse af stoffet. Aldous Huxley bevæger sig ud i uudforskede områder af sin egen bevidsthed og beriger læseren med sine opdagelser fra landet på den anden side af bevidstheden.Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) var en engelsk forfatter og filosof, der er bedst kendt for sin dystopiske roman "Fagre nye verden" og essayet "Erkendelsens døre", som fortæller om hans personlige oplevelser med psykedeliske stoffer. Aldous Huxley interesserede sig for forskellige emner som etik, politik og mysticisme og skrev både romaner, noveller, digte, rejseskildringer, essays, prosa og filmmanuskripter.

  • af Aldous Huxley
    154,45 kr.

    Immerse yourself in the turbulent world of ""The Sound and theFury,"" a masterpiece by Nobel laureate William Faulkner. Thisgroundbreaking novel, first published in 1929, offers a profoundexploration of the human condition through the tragic decline ofthe once-noble Compson family in the American South.Faulkner's innovative narrative technique, which includesastream-of-consciousness style, plunges readers into the complexinner lives of his characters, revealing their struggles, desires, andflaws with intimate detail.Set in Mississippi, the story unfolds through four distinctperspectives, each chapter offering a unique voice, from thesensitive and mentally challenged Benjy to the intense andintrospective Quentin, the pragmatic but cynical Jason, andfinally through the eyes of the family's black servant, Dilsey. Thisquartet of narratives weaves a rich tapestry of themes such astime, memory, and the unrelenting grip of the past.""The Sound and the Fury"" is not just a story; it's an experience, alinguistic journey that challenges and rewards its readers with itscomplexity and depth. Faulkner's skillful use of non-linearstorytelling and his profound insights into the human psychemake this novel a cornerstone of American literature. Step intothe world of the Compsons and experience a tale that resonateswith the timeless questions of identity, loss, and the inexorabledecay of time.

  • af Aldous Huxley
    234,45 kr.

    "Dive into the shadowy underworld of Dashiell Hammett's 'The Maltese Falcon', a masterpiece that redefined the detective genre. In the fog-laden streets of San Francisco, meet Sam Spade, a sharp-witted private detective with a knack for trouble. When the alluring Miss Wonderly walks into his office, Spade is plunged into a labyrinth of deception and greed. At the heart of this whirlwind is the elusive Maltese Falcon, a priceless artifac t steeped in mystery and coveted by a cast of cunning characters, each with their own dangerous agenda. As Spade navigates through lies and treachery, he must contend with murder, betrayal, and his own dubious morals. With twists at every turn, Hammett crafts a tale where trust is a luxury and the stakes are deadly. Will Spade unravel the mystery of the Maltese Falcon, or will he be outwitted in this deadly game of cat and mouse? 'The Maltese Falcon' is not just a story-it's a riveting journey into the heart of noir, where the line between right and wrong is as blurred as the foggy San Francisco skyline."

  • af Aldous Huxley
    89,45 - 264,45 kr.

    In Crome Yellow, Huxley satirises the fads and fashions of the time. It is the witty story of a house party at "Crome" (a lightly veiled reference to Garsington Manor, a house where authors such as Huxley and T. S. Eliot used to gather and write). We hear the history of the house from Henry Wimbush, its owner and self-appointed historian; apocalypse is prophesied, virginity is lost, and inspirational aphorisms are gained in a trance. Our hero, Denis Stone, tries to capture it all in poetry and is disappointed in love.

  • af Aldous Huxley
    305,95 - 460,95 kr.

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • af Aldous Huxley
    273,95 - 411,95 kr.

  • af Aldous Huxley
    89,45 kr.

    Young Spode was not a snob; he was too intelligent for that, too fundamentally decent. Not a snob; but all the same he could not help feeling very well pleased at the thought that he was dining, alone and intimately, with Lord Badgery. It was a definite event in his life, a step forward, he felt, towards that final success, social, material, and literary, which he had come to London with the fixed intention of making. The conquest and capture of Badgery was an almost essential strategical move in the campaign.

  • af Aldous Huxley
    219,45 - 359,45 kr.

    Those Barren Leaves is a satirical novel by Aldous Huxley, published in 1925. The title is derived from the poem "The Tables Turned" by William Wordsworth which ends with the words: Enough of Science and of Art;Close up those barren leaves;Come forth, and bring with you a heartThat watches and receives.Stripping the pretensions of those who claim a spot among the cultural elite, it is the story of Mrs. Aldwinkle and her entourage, who are gathered in an Italian palace to relive the glories of the Renaissance. For all their supposed sophistication, they are nothing but sad and superficial individuals in the final analysis. (

  • af Aldous Huxley
    194,45 - 344,45 kr.

    Antic Hay is a comic novel by Aldous Huxley, published in 1923. The story takes place in London, and depicts the aimless or self-absorbed cultural elite in the sad and turbulent times following the end of World War I.The book follows the lives of a diverse cast of characters in bohemian, artistic and intellectual circles. It clearly demonstrates Huxley's ability to dramatise intellectual debates in fiction and has been called a "novel of ideas" rather than people.It expresses a mood of mournful disenchantment and reinforced Huxley's reputation as an iconoclast. The book was condemned for its cynicism and for its immorality because of its open debate on sex. The novel was banned for a while in Australia and burned in Cairo.Superficially the story follows one Theodore Gumbril in his invention of Gumbril's Patent Small-Clothes, trousers which contain a pneumatic cushion in the seat.Gumbril's quest for love occasionally makes him resort to utilizing "The Complete Man" which is a disguise he concocts around a false full beard. With it he is able to overcome his shyness and approach women in public places with a bold directness. However he is then left with the problem of how he reveals his real self to the women he befriends.It was written just after Huxley and his wife moved to Italy, where they lived from 1923 to 1927.The title is from the play Edward II by Christopher Marlowe, c1593, Act One, Scene One, lines 59-60: "My men, like satyrs grazing on the lawns, shall with their goat feet dance the antic hay", which is quoted on the frontispiece. "Antic hay", here, refers to a playful dance.The manuscripts for the novel are part of the collection of the University of Houston Library.The novel was mentioned briefly in Evelyn Waugh's classic novel Brideshead Revisited (1945): 'Picture me, my dear, alone and studious. I had just bought a rather forbidding book called Antic Hay, which I knew I must read before going to Garsington on Sunday, because everyone was bound to talk about it, and it's so banal saying you have not read the book of the moment, if you haven't.'(

  • af Aldous Huxley
    79,45 - 89,45 kr.

    The Defeat of Youth and Other Poems is a classic English poetry collection by Aldous Huxley. She leans, and there is laughter in the face She turns towards him; and it seems a door Suddenly opened on some desolate place With a burst of light and music.

  • af Aldous Huxley
    89,45 - 99,45 kr.

    Aldous Huxley was an English writer and one of the most prominent members of the famous Huxley family. He spent the later part of his life in the United States, living in Los Angeles from 1937 until his death in 1963. Best known for his novels and wide-ranging output of essays, he also published short stories, poetry, travel writing, and film stories and scripts. Huxley was a humanist and pacifist, but was also latterly interested in spiritual subjects such as parapsychology and philosophical mysticism. He was also well known for advocating and taking psychedelics. By the end of his life Huxley was considered, in some academic circles, a leader of modern thought and an intellectual of the highest rank. (source: Wikipedia)

  • af Aldous Huxley
    199,45 kr.

    Point Counter Point is a novel by Aldous Huxley, first published in 1928. It is Huxley's longest novel and was notably more complex and serious than his earlier fiction.Born into the prominent Huxley family, he graduated from Balliol College, Oxford, with an undergraduate degree in English literature. He began his career publishing poetry and short stories, and he edited the literary magazine Oxford Poetry. Later, he published screenplays, travelogues, and satire. He spent most of his life in the United States, living in Los Angeles from 1937 until his death. By the end of his life, Huxley was widely acknowledged as one of the foremost intellectuals of his time. He received nine nominations for the Nobel Prize in Literature and was named a Companion of Literature by the Royal Society of Literature in 1962.Huxley was a pacifist. He grew interested in philosophical mysticism as well as universalism, addressing these subjects in his works such as The Perennial Philosophy (1945), which illustrates commonalities between Western and Eastern mysticism, and The Doors of Perception (1954), which interprets his own psychedelic experience with mescaline. In his most famous novels, Brave New World (1932) and Island (1962), he presented his visions of dystopia and utopia.

  • af Aldous Huxley
    229,45 kr.

    Succeed all your 2024 exams with our literary analysis of the novel of Aldous Huxley¿s Brave New World! Endorsed by a team of professors, this study guide is a go-to resource for all students. Thanks to our editorial work, the following aspects will no longer be a mystery to you: the author¿s biography, the book¿s summary, the in-depth study of the work, the analysis of the key themes to know and the literary movement to which the author is affiliated.

  • af Aldous Huxley
    209,45 kr.


  • af Aldous Huxley
    224,45 kr.

    Mortal Coils, a classical and rare book that has been considered essential throughout human history, so that this work is never forgotten, we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and designed. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work and hence the text is clear and readable.