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Bøger af Albert Camus

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  • af Albert Camus
    114,45 kr.

    El narrador nos cuenta lo que ha visto en Orán, asolada por la peste: la subida de las ratas que mueren en todas partes, en las calles en las casas; la aparición de la enfermedad pocos médicos identifican de momento;las medidas cada vez más severas que toman las autoridades .Finalmente hay un aislamiento total de la ciudad, con la consiguiente separación brusca de seres que no estaban preparadas para ello: Él doctor Rieux y su esposa, la cual se halla haciendo una cura en un balneario de montaña; ÉL periodista Rambert y su amiga, que ha quedado en parís . EL Doctor, pese a sus preocupaciones, lucha cuanto puede contra la epidemia por piedad ante la miseria, por amor a su profesión y su honradez a su alrededor se agrupan otras buenas voluntades: El escritor Tarrou, que quiere ser un santo sin creer en Dios;Grand, el humilde funcionario presa de gran pena y una ilusión absurda;padre Paneloux, a quien la peste pareció primero un castigo merecido, pero que luego se impresiono ante la muerte de un niño. Tarrou y el sacerdote sucumben, Grand escapa difícilmente .Luego la epidemia cede. Se abren las puertas de la ciudad y acaban las separaciones, pero el corazón de los hombres a cambiado. El mismo Rieux, saturado de fatiga y sufrimiento, se entera con esteoicismo de la muerte de su esposa. Continuará en su puesto: "Los enfermos no tienen vacaciones" y los médicos tampoco .Además, confiesa que él es quien ha escrito la crónica. Ha querido dar testimonio "de que había en los hombres más cosas dignas de admiración que de desprecio" y que hay que permanecer siempre en alerta por que el bacilo de la peste no muere jamás.

  • af Albert Camus
    374,45 kr.

  • af Albert Camus
    95,95 kr.

  • af Albert Camus
    89,45 kr.

    Des phénomènes inquiétants agitent Oran: des rats meurent en grand nombre, puis des hommes sont victimes d'une maladie qui semble être la peste. La ville se trouve bientôt isolée du reste du monde. Face à cet enfermement, face à la menace diffuse de la mort, l'écrivain décrit les réactions de chacun, réactions d'une très grande diversité allant du dévouement au repliement sur soi.De nombreuses hypothèses ont été avancées pour donner une interprétation à ce roman, une signification à cette peste. Mais nul doute que les lecteurs de 1947 y ont retrouvé des souvenirs peu agréables et tout récents: Les camps de quarantaine, où les familles sont séparées, font penser aux camps de concentration. Les morts finissent brulés. Il y a des filières d'évasion comme pour le passage d'une ligne de démarcation. Le ravitaillement est insuffisant et le marché noir en expension.

  • af Albert Camus
    104,45 kr.

    es la primera novela del escritor francés Albert Camus, publicada en 1942. El protagonista, Meursault, es un ser indiferente a la realidad por resultarle absurda e inabordable. El progreso tecnológico le ha privado de la participación en las decisiones colectivas y le ha convertido en "extranjero" dentro de lo que debería ser su propio entorno.

  • af Albert Camus
    124,45 kr.

    hrough the story of an ordinary man unwittingly drawn into a senseless murder on an Algerian beach, Camus explored what he termed "the nakedness of man faced with the absurd." First published in English in 1946; now in a new translation by Matthew Ward.opsis 2: The Stranger is the enigmatic first novel by Albert Camus, published in French as L'Étranger in 1942. It was published as The Outsider in England and as The Stranger in the United States. Camus utilized The Stranger as a platform to explore absurdity, a concept central to his writings and at the core of his treatment of questions about the meaning of life. Camus's concept of the absurd instead implored people to accept life's lack of meaning and rebel by rejoicing in what life does offer. Elements of this philosophy can be seen in the protagonist, Meursault, as he refuses to behave as if there is meaning where there is none-or, as Camus himself put it in a preface to The Stranger, Meursault "does not play the game." Society thus feels threatened and cuts off Meursault's head. Similar themes can be seen in Camus's essay Le Mythe de Sisyphe (The Myth of Sisyphus), also published in 1942. About the AuthorALBERT CAMUS was born in Mondovi, Algeria, in 1913. After winning a degree in philosophy, he worked at various jobs, ending up in journalism. In the thirties he ran a theatrical company, and during the war was active in the French Resistance, editing an important underground paper, Combat. Among his major works are four widely praised works of fiction, The Stranger (1946), The Plague (1948), The Fall (1957), and Exile and the Kingdom (1958); a volume of plays, Caligula and Three Other Plays (1958); and two books of philosophical essays, The Rebel (1954) and The Myth of Sisyphus (1955), both of which are available in the Vintage series. Albert Camus was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1957. He was killed in an automobile accident on January 4, 1960.

  • af Albert Camus
    139,45 kr.

    En su novela "El Extranjero" Albert Camus describe en forma muy detallada la carencia de valores del mundo contemporáneo como consecuencia de la frustración y la desesperanza en la que Europa quedó sumergida después de la guerra. Meursault, el protagonista refleja la filosofía del absurdo, la sensación de alienación, de desencanto frente a la vida. El aburrimiento, la cotidianidad lo van haciendo insensible, indiferente y hasta casi despiadado. Parecería que da lo mismo ser de una forma que de otra. Sin embargo, también en la novela se afirman las cualidades positivas de la divinidad y la fraternidad humana.

  • af Albert Camus
    104,45 kr.

    Premio Nobel de la Literatura en 1957, Albert Camus, nacido en África del Norte en 1913 y muerto en París, en 1960, se manifestó al gran público con una novela breve, El extranjero, que en poco tiempo adquirió resonancia universal. Considerado, junto con Sartre, como la revelación más importante de la literatura francesa de posguerra y uno de los principales teóricos del existencialismo, su ideología filosófica, así como su punto de vista político, ético y estético sobre nuestra sociedad se perfilan ya claramente en El mito de Sísifo, donde estudia el fenómeno de una sensibilidad absurda que puede encontrarse dispersa a lo largo del siglo pasado.

  • af Albert Camus
    99,45 kr.

    El mito de Sísifo es un ensayo filosófico de Albert Camus, originalmente publicado en francés en 1942 como Le Mythe de Sisyphe. El ensayo se abre con la siguiente cita de Píndaro: No te afanes, alma mía, por una vida inmortal, pero agota el ámbito de lo posible. El título del ensayo proviene de un atribulado personaje de la mitología griega. En él, Camus discute la cuestión del suicidio y el valor de la vida, presentando el mito de Sísifo como metáfora del esfuerzo inútil e incesante del hombre. De esta forma plantea la filosofía del absurdo, que mantiene que nuestras vidas son insignificantes y no tienen más valor que el de lo que creamos. Siendo el mundo tan fútil, Camus pregunta, ¿qué alternativa hay al suicidio? El ensayo se inicia: No hay sino un problema filosófico realmente serio: el suicidio. Sísifo, dentro de la mitología griega, como Prometeo, hizo enfadar a los dioses por su extraordinaria astucia. Como castigo, fue condenado a perder la vista y a empujar perpetuamente un peñasco gigante montaña arriba hasta la cima, sólo para que volviese a caer rodando hasta el valle, desde donde debía recogerlo y empujarlo nuevamente hasta la cumbre y así indefinidamente.

  • af Albert Camus
    274,45 kr.

    Réussissez votre bac de français 2023 grâce à notre fiche de lecture du recueil L'Exil et le Royaume d'Albert Camus !Validée par une équipe de professeurs, cette analyse littéraire est une référence pour tous les lycéens.Grâce à notre travail éditorial, les points suivants n'auront plus aucun secret pour vous : la biographie de l'écrivain, le résumé du livre, l'étude de l'oeuvre, l'analyse des thèmes principaux à connaître et le mouvement littéraire auquel est rattaché l'auteur.

  • af Albert Camus
    194,45 kr.

  • af Albert Camus
    203,95 kr.

    "The French writer Albert Camus is best known for his novels and philosophical works, which are among the most influential of the twentieth century. But his journals, which he kept from 1935 to 1959, offer an intimate glimpse into his thinking at its most personal. Beautifully retranslated by Ryan Bloom and supplemented by an introduction by Alice Kaplan, Travels in the Americas presents the journals that Camus wrote during his eventful visits to the United States in 1946 and to South America in 1949. When Camus sailed to the US in 1946, he was virtually unknown to American audiences. All that was about to change-The Stranger, his first book translated into English, was about to be published, and he would soon be a literary star. By 1949, when he set out for South America, Camus was an international celebrity. Camus's journals from these two trips record his impressions, frustrations, and longings. Here are his vivid first impressions of New York City, his encounters with publishers and critics and assorted shipmates. Camus appears unguarded, his fallibility on full display. He is irritated by mediocrity and frustrated by his health. Yet he is also moved to rapture by landscapes, by women, or simply by the bounty of his own philosophical imagination. Long unavailable in English and now freshly translated and annotated, these journals let readers walk beside the existentialist thinker as he experiences the changes in his own life and in the world around him, openly describing his passions and preoccupations on the way, all in his inimitable style"--

  • af Albert Camus & Stuart Tr Gilbert
    239,45 - 399,45 kr.

  • af Albert Camus
    184,45 kr.

    "The first new American translation in more than seventy years, bringing the Nobel Prize winner's iconic novel to a new generation of readers"--

  • af Albert Camus
    174,45 kr.

  • af Albert Camus
    194,45 kr.

  • af Albert Camus
    199,45 kr.

  • af Albert Camus
    314,45 kr.

  • af Albert Camus
    184,45 kr.

    A daring critique of communism and how it had gone wrong behind the Iron Curtain, Camus' essay examines the revolutions in France and Russia, and argues that since they were both guilty of producing tyranny and corruption, hope for the future lies only in revolt without revolution. Throughout history, some books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves - and each other. They have inspired debate, dissent, war and revolution. They have enlightened, outraged, provoked and comforted. They have enriched lives - and destroyed them. Now Penguin brings you the works of the great thinkers, pioneers, radicals and visionaries whose ideas shook civilization and helped make us who we are.

  • af Albert Camus
    139,45 kr.

  • af Albert Camus
    235,95 kr.

    Albert Camus en su novela La peste (1947) supone un cierto cambio en su pensamiento: la idea de la solidaridad y la capacidad de resistencia humana frente a la tragedia de vivir se impone a la noci n de lo absurdo. La peste es a la vez una obra realista y aleg rica, una reconstrucci n m tica de los sentimientos del hombre europeo de la posguerra, de sus terrores m s agobiantes. El autor precis su nueva perspectiva en otros escritos, como el ensayo El hombre rebelde (1951) y en relatos breves como La ca da y El exilio y el reino.

  • af Albert Camus
    184,45 kr.

  • af Albert Camus
    79,45 kr.

  • af Albert Camus
    169,45 kr.

    Endorsements:"The reissue of Camus' seminal essay, 'Neither Victims nor Executioners,' could hardly be more timely. In Iraq and Afghanistan, the hideous march to oblivion goes on apace. America is ironically reversing the ethic proposed by Camus' title. American adventuring, playing the part of omnipotent executioner, is creating multitudes of victims. No search is undertaken for a 'third way.' Indeed, were the Camus thesis proposed, it would evoke only wide-eyed innocent arrogance. Kennedy and Klotz-Chamberlin have dedicated a lifetime to the 'third way' commended by Camus. Our gratitude to our mentors for a prescient, timely introduction."--Fr. Daniel Berrigan, SJ"Pacifists are not looking for a Utopian outlook nor unrealistic expectations. Many said, 'South Africa will not change.' But it did. Others looked at Northern Ireland and, it took years, but it also changed. The Soviet Union changed. The Middle East will change but not through violence or murder. We still think of ourselves within borders, protecting ourselves from others, Europe took its borders away and they are better. South, Central, and North America should take away their borders, as well as people in the Middle East. . . . We should build a culture of nonviolence through an understanding of human rights without regard to race, religion, and nationality."--Mubarak Awad, founder of Nonviolence International"If we spontaneously approve of nuclear terrorism, if we become apologists for the uninhibited use of naked power, we are thinking like Communists, we are behaving like Nazis, and we are well on the way to becoming either one or the other. In that event we had better face the fact that we are destroying our own Christian heritage."--Thomas Merton Author Biography:Albert Camus (November 7, 1913 - January 4, 1960) was a French author and philosopher and one of the principal luminaries (with Jean-Paul Sartre) of existentialism. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1957.

  • af Albert Camus
    729,45 kr.

  • af Albert Camus
    329,45 kr.

    In the story of an ordinary man who unwittingly gets drawn into a senseless murder on a sun-drenched Algerian beach, Camus was exploring what he termed "the nakedness of man faced with the absurd". Now in a new American translation, the classic has been given new life for generations to come.

  • af Albert Camus
    174,45 kr.

    Camus tells the story of Jacques Cormery, a boy who lived a life much like his own. Camus summons up the sights, sounds and textures of a childhood circumscribed by poverty and a father's death yet redeemed by the austere beauty of Algeria and the boy's attachment to his nearly deaf-mute mother. Published thirty-five years after its discovery amid the wreckage of the car accident that killed Camus, The First Man is the brilliant consummation of the life and work of one of the 20th century's greatest novelists. Translated from the French by David Hapgood. "The First Man is perhaps the most honest book Camus ever wrote, and the most sensual...Camus is...writing at the depth of his powers...It is a work of genius."--The New Yorker "Fascinating...The First Man helps put all of Camus's work into a clearer perspective and brings into relief what separates him from the more militant literary personalities of his day...Camus's voice has never been more personal."--New York Times Book Review