Bøger af Alan Pateman
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- 238,95 kr.
93,95 kr. Centered around the faith of the Son of God, this book appeals to all generations and walks of life. Every human being alive on planet earth today needs "the faith of the Son of God" (Galatians 2:20).Our human faith is limited and earth-bound, miserly in comparison! In today's world man depends far too much on his own self-awareness. It is true that man's stubborn independence, self-reliance, even "self-worship" (narcissism!) and self-sufficiency have totally hindered and maligned his faith in Christ.As a result many of our lives, churches and ministries are dangerously impotent, simply because we are all too reliant on everything-other-than God!It is with both simplicity and seasoned proficiency that Dr. Pateman draws us into this weighty conclusion; ...only as we yield and surrender to Christ's faith IN us - will we truly be empowered to live as Christ lived on this earth, "...as he is, so are we in this world" (1 John 4:17).
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- 93,95 kr.
98,95 kr. This Book is the first of two books on Prayer; part one being "Ingredients for Successful Intercession" and part two, "Touching the Heart of God."Dr. Pateman provides an exhaustive study, showcasing the vital ingredients necessary for all successful prayer.An excellent power-packed teaching tool, either for the individual or for the local church prayer group, that's eager to lay a solid foundation but don't know where to start!This first part includes: - The Mystery of Intercession- Unconditional Love- Liquid Prayers- Groaning Produces Life- Travailing Brings Growth- Bringing to Birth- And much more...
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- 98,95 kr.
98,95 kr. It's true to say, there has been a lot of material printed on the subject of God's Generals. Perhaps there has even been an awakening to the true meaning of Ministry Outreach, Evangelisation, etc. With Bible Schools being established around the world at an enormous pace, as revival is on the lips and in the hearts of many a committed man and woman in the body of Christ.I pray that the divine anointing that is and has been upon these Anointed Generals Past and Present will be afforded to flow upon our heads, that those who are reported to be the generals of today would be strong enough - humble enough - to give time to those who desire to learn and grow and be established. So that what God has given to them will be our inheritance for the future. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
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- 98,95 kr.
- Can the Church Survive Without Them?
108,95 kr. Before Jesus returns a significant increase of the anointing will be poured out on the Body of Christ, but can the Church handle such an anointing? (Acts 5:5) Billy Brim once said, "As much as the anointing is powerful to create, it is as powerfully destructive of evil." The fear of God will be restored with the apostolic and people will begin walking with such anointing, as we have never seen before!This book covers: - The importance of networking and relationships- The foundation of the apostles and prophets- The marks of a true apostle- How the apostolic ministry functions in today's world- The apostle and the local church- Establishing leadership- Spiritual gifts vs. Governing authority- Authority - who really has it?
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- 108,95 kr.
- Infiltrating Society and the Church
98,95 kr. This book is a glance into the world of seduction and control, how they try to influence the Church through many powerful avenues such as the New Age, sexual education in our schools, basic entertainment; things that touch our everyday lives in order that we effectively and gradually become desensitized.Specifically we look at two major spirits of seduction called "Python" and "Jezebel." We discuss at length, each of their modes of influence. While they are similar they remain different and both wreak havoc in the world around us but significantly within the Body of Christ.
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- 98,95 kr.
98,95 kr. In his latest book, "Kingdom Management for Anointed Prosperity," Dr Alan Pateman reveals how we can avoid living in continual crisis due to mismanagement. Life happens to all of us, but how we handle it matters most."Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge [as manager] of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!" (Matthew 25:21)Powerful Topics Include: -Kingdom Management-So What's Your Crisis?-Managing Appetites-Our Key to Success-Don't Jump Ship-And much more..."Every single human being is supposed to be a manager... When the Lord God made the earth and filled it up with resources, the very next thing He had to do was to make a manager to take care of it... Your faith is only as strong as the crisis it survives" Dr Myles Munroe.
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- 98,95 kr.
98,95 kr. - Bog
- 98,95 kr.
98,95 kr. Church, this period is a wake up call. The world uses the term "woke" to describe this. The church must be "woke," but not to the propaganda and deception of this world, but to the truth of what God wants to do in the earth today. Listen, we know who we are, the Church is a veritable force to be reckoned with, a divine "ruling structure" positioned in the earth for the purposes of almighty God, a force that cannot be prevailed against. "Amen. Come, Lord Jesus." (Revelation 22:20 NIV) "Either Communism must die or Christianity must die, because it's actually a battle between Christ and Anti-Christ." -- Billy Graham 1954
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- 98,95 kr.
98,95 kr. China represents a military superpower that fears no other nation on earth. Described as the "East" or "sun rising" in the bible, we know this refers to China. This particular king is predicted to lead a mammoth army that will march in numbers exceeding 200 million soldiers, as described in scripture (Daniel 7). "The king of the East is distinguished by his number, colour, and flag. The three frogs or three demonic spirits that seduce him will get them to come to the Battle of Armageddon. Armageddon is the mother of all wars. It will be fought on the sacred soil of Israel for global supremacy between the King of the West and the King of the East. The pending prize is the throne of the earth, to rule and reign." - Pastor John Hagee
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- 98,95 kr.
108,95 kr. Somewhere, perhaps in Europe there is a man, brilliant in mind, full of charisma working behind the scenes to gain political position. Someone who will sell his soul to get that position and Satan will be quick to give him the "Kingdoms of this World." The bible points to this coming dictator as the "antichrist" destined to lead the world into terrible deception; a period called the great tribulation.The lives of everyone will be profoundly affected, even destroyed, culminating in the Battle of Armageddon. Many say that now is the time, it is this generation, our generation, that has been called to live out our destiny during the period that the ancients called the "birth pangs of the Messiah."With this in mind, I pray you will respond to this Book, "The Temple, Antichrist and The New World Order" not out of fear, but with an eagerness to understand this very important subject.
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- 108,95 kr.
98,95 kr. I want to continue from my first book of this series, four in all, and look at the relationship that should exist between the apostle and the local church - how they should relate and how the authoritative structure within the church works.Also we will look at gifts - for example, is an apostle a position of "office" or "gift"?Subjects include: -Establishing Leadership-Discernment of Gifting-Spiritual Gifts vs. Governing Authority-Authority - Who has it?-Who Ordains Who?-The Office of an Elder-Church Government-Women in Ministry-Mandate for Fellowship with God's Spirit-And so much more...
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- 98,95 kr.
98,95 kr. One thing we can be sure of and is the deciding factor: God has given this land, His Land to Israel, the Jews. The scriptures, the prophecies are unequivocal, God has said it is theirs forever (Genesis 13:14-15). When Arabs today oppose Israel's presence in the Middle East and demand the return of the so-called West Bank (which is really Israel's heartland, Judea and Samaria), Arab resistance is at its most fierce from Nablus (Shechem), Hebron and the Temple Mount in East Jerusalem.All three of these places, Hebron, Shechem and Mount Moriah, were visited by Abraham. Shechem was the place of the covenant in the land (see Deuteronomy 11:29-30; Joshua 8:30-35), Hebron was David's capital before he chose Jerusalem, and Mount Moriah was the site of the temple.All three were also vital to God's plans for the children of Israel. The entire country was promised to Abraham's descendants, but especially the three sites bought and paid for by Abraham, Jacob and David.The Word of God is clear the land is Israel's, the purchase has never been cancelled.
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- 98,95 kr.
243,95 kr. In order to view how the Apostolic baton was successfully passed from one generation to the next. Knowing that through the perseverance and obedience of others - history as we know it was altered forever. Therefore it is my desire to encourage all those who are looking to be part of Connecting for Excellence to have a solid foundation, insight and teaching that will propel them into God's divine purposes. We have a Destiny and the Holy Spirit is looking to empower us through their teaching. Dr. Alan Pateman, a modern day apostle (ascension) looks to reflect on their testimony in this wonderful book "The Age of Apostolic Apostleship." Compiled in four parts: -Laying Foundations-Apostles and the Local Church-Preparations for Ministry-Developments and Provision
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- 243,95 kr.
98,95 kr. In order to view how the Apostolic baton was successfully passed from one generation to the next.Knowing that through the perseverance and obedience of others - history as we know it was altered forever. Therefore it is my desire to encourage all those that are part of Connecting for Excellence to have a solid foundation, insight and teaching that will propel them into God's divine purposes.Subjects include: - A Network of Relationships- The Kingdom Reign of God- The Church Age begins- Replacement Theology- The Objective of an Apostle- Marks of an Apostle- Apostles Today?- And so much more...
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- 98,95 kr.
98,95 kr. This is the time of new beginnings, perhaps some might say, "Now is the count down for the Lord's return...," but the fact remains, there is much work to be done. We need stable, trained and Spirit led harvesters that are willing to go out into the harvest field.Seasons might be changing but God's Word remains the same. The heart of the author is to help train, equip and be a blessing to those men and women who will be willing to fulfil their potential in ministry and be properly equipped for service. Desiring all believers to walk and live in the Authority and Power of God's Word and His Precious Holy Spirit.
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- 98,95 kr.
98,95 kr. It's important to remember that this is part four of a four book series of "The Age of the Apostolic Apostleship." The first covers "Laying Foundations," the second "Apostles and the Local Church," the third the "Preparations for Ministry" and the fourth "Developments and Provision," which you are about to read. To understand the context you need to have read books one, two and three.Our heart and passion behind "Connecting for Excellence International Apostolic Network" is for "A Network of Relationships," apostolic companies that the Holy Spirit has and is developing for this endtime move of God.Subjects include: - Interest and Concerns- Apostolic Association Network - Preventing Ministry Burnout- Financial Economy- Ministry Ordination- What is Ordination?- Covenant Partnership- Theological Education
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- 98,95 kr.
98,95 kr. Preparations for Ministry is not something that many want to face. There is an expectation for a trophy for participation, but advice, oversight and years of preparation are necessary to achieve the goals that God has set before us. The apostle Paul had been called to be an apostle on the road to Damascus in Acts 9:15. But after possibly 14 years of testing and loyal service, was then successfully separated unto God to be an apostle. First he was "called" then in "helps," then he progressed to the office of a "teacher" and finally the office of an "apostle." Why? The reason: Paul was faithful to promote the Lord and not himself (see 1 Corinthians 4:2).Subjects include: -Apostolic Pitfalls-The Strength of the Anointing-Divination and the Python Spirit-God in Three - Perfect Deity
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- 98,95 kr.
118,95 kr. This book is a compilation and consolidation of many other materials, which I have taught from over the years. I pray that you are inspired to walk in the success that God has specifically mapped out for you.Traditions are one thing, but a revelation of the Father's love, along with an understanding that not only does He want us to have a personal relationship with Him, but also for us to have success and overcome in this life, in order to fulfil His divine purposes and plans for which we were created.Therefore I submit these "Seven Pillars for Life and Kingdom Prosperity" to you, (Love, Prayer, Righteousness, Obedience, Connections, Management, Money). It's my desire that you walk in the triumphs that God has ordained for you.
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- 118,95 kr.
98,95 kr. In writing to the church at Corinth, Paul encouraged them to continue the practice of speaking with other tongues in their worship of God and in their prayer lives as a means of spiritual edification. Greek language scholars tell us that we have a word in our modern vernacular, which is closer to the meaning of the original than the word "edified." That word is "charge" - as used in connection with charging a battery. Therefore we could paraphrase this verse, "He that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifies, charges, builds himself up like a battery."
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- 98,95 kr.
108,95 kr. Touching the Heart of God is the very essence of prayer. Whether we are petitioning God with very specific requests or consecrating ourselves before Him and rededicating our lives - whatever the case may be - the true essence of all praying is "Touching the Heart of God." "The church is looking for better methods; God is looking for better men. The Holy Ghost does not flow through methods, but through men. He does not come on machinery, but on men. He does not anoint plans, but men..." - E. M. Bounds. Without this our praying reaches the realm of dead things - relics of past victories and experiences - nothing more. Prayer before anything else is relationship. If it reaches beyond this point - it finds deception.
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- 108,95 kr.
108,95 kr. Within the pages of this book (which has to be a "must-read" for any serious enquirer into the Healing and Deliverance Ministry), Alan unfolds a different pathway, so that the heartbeat of God's message of God's total deliverance can be released into the church of Jesus Christ today. Dr Alan has expounded this message with a lot of skill, determination and passion that is borne out of much personal experience. He has indeed demonstrated clearly to us that our inheritance from our Father God is present deliverance from sin, sickness, disease, all bondages, fear, ignorance and even death!-BISHOP DR EBI EDWARD INATIMI, TOXTETH COMMUNITY CHURCH LIVERPOOLFEATURES: - The Mysteries of Satan's kingdom and his Intelligence Network - Observations and Effects with references, activities, descriptions, etc. - Understanding the Implications of what happened at the second Passover - The Question, Can a Christian be Demonised or Oppressed? - Controlled not by the Sinful Nature but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you- The Involvement of the Occult, which entangles and deceives - Our Response to the Gospel and the Freedom that it brings
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- 108,95 kr.
98,95 kr. End Times Prophecy Expert, the late Dr. Grant Jeffrey says, "Aside from Russia, it would be difficult to name any other nation to the far north of Israel that is capable of leading a huge confederacy of nations from Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and the Middle East against Israel. Furthermore, Russia is the arms supplier to every one of these nations.They all use Russian AK-47 rifles, T-72 tanks, missiles, and personnel carriers. For the last four decades Russia has trained the military officers and intelligence staff of all of the nations listed in Ezekiel's prophecy. The phrase 'Prepare yourself' and 'be a guard for them' may indicate Russia's future role in providing arms and military leadership to the huge confederacy of nations."After the invasion of Israel by Russia, (Russia - lose) according to the prophecy in the book of Daniel, there will be a time lapse of about three-and-half years, a time when the Jews rebuild the Temple (Revelation 11:1-2).
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- 98,95 kr.
93,95 kr. Scripture is absolute when it comes to forgiveness. IF we forgive, THEN we are forgiven. It's that simple but no one said it was easy! Nonetheless, forgiveness can be likened to a spiritual key that unlocks spiritual doors and opportunities! It is also true to say, unless you release others you won't be released. "Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven" (Luke 6:37 NIV). When we forgive, a RELEASE takes place that can catapult us into our future and our destiny. But vice versa is also true. All of us remain in bondage when we refuse to forgive. We self injure and self-destruct when we choose not to forgive.
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- 93,95 kr.
98,95 kr. Someone once said, "Happiness begins between your ears and your mind is the drawing room for tomorrow's circumstances..." Remember, what happens in your mind will happen in time, and therefore one of our first priorities must be mind-management.All of us suffer with bombardments in the mind, none of us are immune. It certainly is a battlefield, but we must learn to be free, but how? In this book you will discover: - The unhealthy Mind- Professions that Specialise- Happiness begins between your Ears- Faith Relentlessly Speaks- Renewal of the Mind- Create a Climate of Confidence- And so much more...
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- 98,95 kr.
103,95 kr. Blood is the trophy of every battle - and for Jesus, His spilt Blood was His trophy, and ours. That Blood helps us today; it's our freedom from sin and bondage. Nothing can enter the Blood-bought Temples of the Holy Ghost that we are today! However, the lamb of the Old Testament didn't just lend his blood; it had to be applied to the doorframes - with hyssop. Just a symbolic gesture, or a very crucial step towards freedom? Today we apply the Blood of Jesus not with hyssop, but with our tongues."They OVERCAME him by the BLOOD of the Lamb and by the WORD of their TESTIMONY." Revelation 12:11
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- 103,95 kr.
243,95 kr. Dr. Alan Pateman's End Times Series not only seeks to bring the reader "up to date" with regard to present day societal eschatological convictions, showing how Israel is in fact, God's chosen instrument that will be used to chart and to instigate fulfilment of these long anticipated end-time events. He also accurately traces the history of how the Jews through history have been used as God's instrument; how evil forces have for centuries, all the way up to this present time, sought to destroy these people, their mission, their purpose, and their unique position within the overall plan of God; and how the worldwide entrenchment of modern day apostasy, materialism and deception will immediately proceed the realization of these end-times events, anticipated for so many thousands of years.Such a work has long been needed that successfully marries the past, especially that of the Jews and of the rise of anti-Semitism, with the events of the future, and clarifies the mysteries of eschatology so that those of us who await the glorious return of our Lord Jesus, can more easily understand and appreciate the inimitability of the exceptional days and times in which we live-the End Times.Dr. Ron Charles
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- 243,95 kr.
93,95 kr. The Jewish people are, and will continue to be God's people, He has not forgotten them or ever changed His mind where they are concerned. Remember His covenant is everlasting.And now His people are Coming Home from all over the world, the time has come for the flag of Israel to be waved by the Jewish migrants who are gathering in their promised nation of Israel, today. Then the Lord your God will restore your fortunes and have compassion on you and gather you again from all the nations where he scattered you. Even if you have been banished to the most distant land under the heavens, from there the Lord your God will gather you and bring you back (Deuteronomy 30:3-4).God's covenants and promises to His people are everlasting. God loves His people with an everlasting love, we see this in Jeremiah 31:3 where He says, "I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness."Now in the midst of present chaos in the Middle East God is re-establishing His people, against all the odds and conflict, - no force on earth will ever succeed in doing final harm to God's chosen people! God has declared His divine protection upon this nation (Ezekiel 36:7-12).
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- 93,95 kr.
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- 448,95 kr.
128,95 kr. This book "We are BIGGER than RELIGION" is made up of 25 Truth for Journey's that are some of Dr Alan's Letters to the Church.He points out that the Church has become transcultural, Catho-Pentecostal, visual and a material culture.It seems that people are sold out seeking influence rather than God's Power! If you want an identity, seek the presence of His Holy Spirit, then go and make disciples of Jesus in all nations, Not Your Self, Group, Assembly or Church.Dr Alan's heart is to help establish leaders who are hungry for truth, and equip believers with revelational teaching as God directs that would cause them to be victorious and well established in their pursuit to follow their divine race.
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- 128,95 kr.