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  • af Ajay Kumar
    1.381,95 kr.

    Microbial Essentialism: An Industrial Prospective refers to properties specifically possessed by microbes, including the secretion of metabolites which make them unique. These microorganisms can be commercially exploited for beneficial purposes such as the production of whole microbial cells, for products for direct use, or as starting raw materials in the manufacture of other commercial products. The book reviews the newest techniques, approaches, and options in the use of microorganisms for the manufacture of industrially important products such as pharmaceuticals, industrial enzymes, chemicals, proteins, foods and beverages, and fuels. Additional sections cover fundamental principles of established and innovative industrial microbiology and biotechnology processes and products while also discussing industrial microorganisms and the technology required for large-scale cultivation and isolation of fermentation products.

  • af Ajay Kumar
    1.902,95 - 1.910,95 kr.

    This first volume of a two-volume work presents the manifold applications of beneficial microbes and microbiomes in plant growth promotion, in enhancing crop resilience and in control of phytopathogens through microbial antagonists. In-depth insights into latest technologies such as biopriming of seeds and soil inoculation of rhizosphere microorganisms are provided.The two-volume work "e;Microbial Biocontrol"e; introduces mechanisms of plant-microbe interactions and explores latest strategies of how microbes can be applied in biocontrol and management of plant pathogens, replacing chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The book covers different groups of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, but also the interplay of entire microbiomes, and reviews their specific benefits in crop growth promotion, in enhancing the plants' tolerance against biotic and abiotic stress as well as in post-harvest management of various plant diseases. Novel tools such as CRISPR/Cas9 and microbe derived nanoparticles are also addressed besides the legal aspects of biocontrol applications.Today, rising global population and changing climatic conditions emerge as a major challenge for agronomist farmers and researchers in fulfilling the requirements of global food production. The conventional agricultural practices utilize undistributed use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides to enhance growth and yield of agricultural products and fresh foods, but their extensive and continuous use have led to a range of negative consequences on the food quality and safety, to environment as well as to human and animal health. Microbial biocontrol applications are presented as a solution, paving the way to a sustainable agriculture in compliance with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The book addresses researchers in academia and agriculture.

  • af Ajay Kumar
    798,95 kr.

    In Kapitel 1 dieses Buches werden verschiedene Methoden zur Synthese von Silbernanopartikeln beschrieben, wie z. B. chemische Methoden, physikalische Methoden, biologische Methoden und mikroofenunterstützte Synthese. Kapitel 2 befasst sich mit den Eigenschaften von Silber-Nanopartikeln, wie z.B. physikalische Eigenschaften, optische Eigenschaften und biologische Eigenschaften von Silber. Neben den Eigenschaften werden auch die Messung der Konzentration von Silbernanopartikeln, die Plasmonenresonanzen von Metallnanopartikeln, die Absorption und Streuung durch Silbernanopartikel, die Extinktion, Streuung und Absorptionsquerschnitte von Silbernanopartikeln sowie die Ausdehnung des lokalen Feldes von der Oberfläche der Silbernanopartikel beschrieben. Kapitel -3 beschreibt Silbernanopartikel Produkte wie: Silberalgizide und -desinfektionsmittel, mit Silber imprägnierte Wasserfilter, mit Silber beschichtete medizinische Geräte, Silberverbände, mit Silber beschichtete Textilien, in Silbernanopartikel eingebettete antimikrobielle Farben, antimikrobielle Oberflächenfunktionalisierung von Kunststoffkathetern, antimikrobielle Gelformulierung für die topische Anwendung, antimikrobielles Verpackungspapier für die Lebensmittelkonservierung, mit Silber imprägnierte Stoffe usw.

  • af Ajay Kumar
    888,95 kr.

    Les chapitres 1 et 2 du livre décrivent la définition proposée, les avantages du zéro déchet et la hiérarchie des déchets. Les chapitres 3 et 4 traitent des 3R du zéro déchet, des campagnes basées sur le marché et du recyclage. Le chapitre 4 décrit les matières recyclables courantes telles que les agrégats et le béton, les batteries, les déchets biodégradables, les vêtements, le désassemblage et la récupération de l'électronique, les métaux ferreux, les métaux non ferreux, le recyclage de l'aluminium, le verre, la peinture, le papier, le plastique, les textiles et le bois. Les chapitres 6 à 12 décrivent le recyclage du textile, du plastique, du verre, du papier, de l'aluminium, des ordinateurs et de l'acier.

  • af Ajay Kumar
    798,95 kr.

    Le chapitre 1 de ce livre décrit les différentes méthodes de synthèse des nanoparticules d'argent telles que les méthodes chimiques, les méthodes physiques, les méthodes biologiques et la synthèse assistée par micro-ondes. Le chapitre 2 traite des propriétés des nanoparticules d'argent telles que les propriétés physiques, les propriétés optiques et les propriétés biologiques de l'argent. Outre les propriétés mesurant la concentration des nanoparticules d'argent, les résonances plasmoniques des nanoparticules métalliques, l'absorption et la diffusion par les nanoparticules d'argent, les sections transversales d'extinction, de diffusion et d'absorption des nanoparticules d'argent et l'extension du champ local à partir de la surface des nanoparticules d'argent sont également décrites. Le chapitre -3 décrit les produits à base de nanoparticules d'argent tels que : Les algicides et désinfectants à base d'argent, les filtres à eau imprégnés d'argent, les dispositifs médicaux enduits d'argent, les pansements en argent, les tissus textiles enduits d'argent, les peintures antimicrobiennes incorporant des nanoparticules d'argent, la fonctionnalisation antimicrobienne de surface des cathéters en plastique, la formulation de gel antimicrobien à usage topique, le papier d'emballage antimicrobien pour la conservation des aliments, les tissus imprégnés d'argent, etc.

  • af Ajay Kumar
    888,95 kr.

    Os capítulos 1 e 2 do livro descrevem a definição proposta, os benefícios do resíduo zero e a hierarquia de resíduos. Os capítulos 3 e 4 tratam de 3R de resíduos zero, campanhas baseadas no mercado e reciclagem. O Capítulo 4 descreve materiais recicláveis comuns tais como agregados e betão, Pilhas, Resíduos biodegradáveis, Vestuário, Desmontagem e recuperação de electrónica, Metais ferrosos, Metais não ferrosos, Reciclagem de alumínio, Vidro, Tintas, Papel, Plástico, Têxteis, Madeira, Compostagem e vermi-compostagem é explicado no Capítulo 5 do livro. Nos capítulos 6 a 12 é descrita a reciclagem de Têxteis, Plásticos, Vidro, Papel, Alumínio, Computador e Aço.

  • af Ajay Kumar
    798,95 kr.

    O Capítulo 1 deste livro descreve vários métodos de síntese de nanopartículas de prata, tais como métodos químicos, métodos físicos, métodos biológicos e sintetização assistida por micro tecidos. O capítulo 2 trata das propriedades das nanopartículas de prata, tais como propriedades físicas , propriedades ópticas e Prata e propriedades biológicas. Juntamente com propriedades que medem a concentração de nanopartículas de prata, ressonâncias plasmáticas de nanopartículas metálicas, absorção e dispersão por nanopartículas de prata, extinção de nanopartículas de prata, dispersão, e secções transversais de absorção & extensão do campo local a partir da superfície de nanopartículas de prata são também descritas. O capítulo -3 descreve produtos com nanopartículas de prata, tais como : Algicidas e desinfectantes de prata, filtros de água impregnados de prata, dispositivos médicos revestidos de prata, pensos de prata, tecidos têxteis revestidos de prata, tintas antimicrobianas com nanopartículas de prata, funcionalização da superfície antimicrobiana de cateteres plásticos, formulação de gel antimicrobiano para uso tópico, papel de embalagem antimicrobiano para conservação de alimentos, tecidos impregnados de prata, etc.

  • af Ajay Kumar
    888,95 kr.

    Il Capitolo 1 e il Capitolo 2 del libro descrivono la definizione proposta, i benefici dei rifiuti zero e la gerarchia dei rifiuti. Il Capitolo 3 e il Capitolo 4 trattano le 3R di rifiuti zero, le campagne di mercato e il riciclaggio. Il capitolo 4 descrive i comuni materiali riciclabili come Aggregati e calcestruzzo, Batterie, Rifiuti biodegradabili, Abbigliamento, Disassemblaggio e recupero dell'elettronica, Metalli ferrosi, Metalli non ferrosi, Riciclaggio dell'alluminio, Vetro, Vernici, Carta, Plastica, Tessili, Legname. Il capitolo 5 del libro spiega il compostaggio e il vermi-compostaggio. Nei capitoli da 6 a 12 viene descritto il riciclaggio di tessuti, plastica, vetro, carta, alluminio, computer e acciaio.

  • af Ajay Kumar
    473,95 kr.

    Glawa 1 i glawa 2 knigi opisywaüt predlozhennoe opredelenie, preimuschestwa bezothodnogo proizwodstwa i ierarhiü othodow. Glawa 3 i glawa 4 poswqscheny 3R bezothodnogo proizwodstwa, rynochnym kampaniqm i pererabotke othodow. V glawe 4 opisywaütsq takie rasprostranennye widy wtorsyr'q, kak zapolniteli i beton, batarejki, biorazlagaemye othody, odezhda, razborka i regeneraciq älektroniki, chernye metally, cwetnye metally, pererabotka alüminiq, steklo, kraska, bumaga, plastik, textil', drewesina, kompostirowanie i wermikompostirowanie, o kotoryh rasskazywaetsq w glawe 5 knigi. V glawah s 6 po 12 opisywaetsq pererabotka textilq, plastika, stekla, bumagi, alüminiq, komp'üterow i stali.

  • af Ajay Kumar
    378,95 kr.

    V glawe 1 ätoj knigi opisany razlichnye metody sinteza nanochastic serebra, takie kak himicheskie metody, fizicheskie metody, biologicheskie metody i sintez s pomosch'ü mikrowoln. V glawe 2 rassmatriwaütsq swojstwa nanochastic serebra, takie kak fizicheskie swojstwa, opticheskie swojstwa, swojstwa serebra i biologicheskie swojstwa. Narqdu so swojstwami izmerenie koncentracii nanochastic serebra, plazmonnyj rezonans metallicheskih nanochastic, pogloschenie i rasseqnie nanochasticami serebra, äxtinkciq nanochastic serebra, rasseqnie i secheniq pogloscheniq i rasshirenie lokal'nogo polq ot powerhnosti nanochastic serebra takzhe opisany. V glawe -3 opisywaütsq produkty s nanochasticami serebra, takie kak: Serebrqnye al'gicidy i dezinficiruüschie sredstwa, propitannye serebrom fil'try dlq wody, medicinskie pribory s serebrqnym pokrytiem, serebrqnye powqzki, textil'nye tkani s serebrqnym pokrytiem, antimikrobnye kraski s wkrapleniem nanochastic serebra, antimikrobnaq funkcionalizaciq powerhnosti plastikowyh kateterow, antimikrobnye geli dlq mestnogo primeneniq, antimikrobnaq upakowochnaq bumaga dlq sohraneniq produktow pitaniq, tkani s serebrqnoj propitkoj i t.d.

  • af Ajay Kumar
    888,95 kr.

    Kapitel 1 und Kapitel 2 des Buches beschreiben die vorgeschlagene Definition, die Vorteile von Null-Abfall und die Abfallhierarchie. Kapitel 3 und Kapitel 4 befassen sich mit den 3R von Zero Waste, marktbasierten Kampagnen und Recycling. Kapitel 4 beschreibt gängige Wertstoffe wie Zuschlagstoffe und Beton, Batterien, biologisch abbaubare Abfälle, Kleidung, Demontage und Wiederverwertung von Elektronik, Eisenmetalle, Nichteisenmetalle, Aluminiumrecycling, Glas, Farben, Papier, Kunststoffe, Textilien und Holz; Kompostierung und Vermi-Kompostierung werden in Kapitel 5 des Buches erläutert. In den Kapiteln 6 bis 12 wird das Recycling von Textilien, Kunststoff, Glas, Papier, Aluminium, Computer und Stahl beschrieben.

  • af Ajay Kumar
    798,95 kr.

    Il capitolo 1 di questo libro descrive i vari metodi di sintesi delle nanoparticelle d'argento, come i metodi chimici, i metodi fisici, i metodi biologici e la sintesi assistita da microonde. Il capitolo 2 tratta le proprietà delle nanoparticelle d'argento, come le proprietà fisiche, le proprietà ottiche e le proprietà biologiche e dell'argento. Oltre alle proprietà che misurano la concentrazione delle nanoparticelle d'argento, vengono descritte le risonanze plasmoniche delle nanoparticelle metalliche, l'assorbimento e la dispersione da parte delle nanoparticelle d'argento, l'estinzione, la dispersione e le sezioni d'urto dell'assorbimento delle nanoparticelle d'argento e l'estensione del campo locale dalla superficie delle nanoparticelle d'argento. Il capitolo -3 descrive i prodotti a base di nanoparticelle d'argento, quali: Alghicidi e disinfettanti all'argento, filtri per l'acqua impregnati d'argento, dispositivi medici rivestiti d'argento, medicazioni all'argento, tessuti rivestiti d'argento, vernici antimicrobiche con inclusione di nanoparticelle d'argento, funzionalizzazione superficiale antimicrobica di cateteri di plastica, formulazione di gel antimicrobici per uso topico, carta da imballaggio antimicrobica per la conservazione degli alimenti, tessuti impregnati d'argento, ecc.

  • af Ajay Kumar
    656,95 kr.

    Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 of the book describe proposed definition, benefits of the zero waste and Waste hierarchy . Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 deals with 3R of zero waste , Market-based campaigns & recycling. Chapter 4 describes common recyclables such as Aggregates and concrete, Batteries, Biodegradable waste, Clothing, Electronics disassembly and reclamation, Ferrous metals, Non-ferrous metals, Aluminium recycling, Glass, Paint, Paper, Plastic, Textiles, Timber .Composting and vermi-composting is explained in chapter 5 of the book. In chapters 6 to 12 the recycling of Textile, Plastic , Glass ,Paper, Aluminium, Computer and Steel is described.

  • af Ajay Kumar
    573,95 kr.

    The Chapter 1 of this book describes various methods of synthesis of silver nanoparticles such as chemical methods, physical methods , biological methods and microooven assisted synthsis. The chapter 2 deals with properties of silver nanoparticles such as physical properties , optical properties and Silver and biological properties. Along with properties measuring silver nanoparticle concentration, plasmon resonances of metal nanoparticles, absorption and scattering by silver nanoparticles ,silver nanoparticle extinction, scattering, and absorption cross-sections & extension of the local field from the silver nanoparticle surface are also described. Chapter -3 describies silver nano particles products such as : Silver algaecides and disinfectants, silver-mpregnated water filters, silver coated medical devices, silver dressings, silver coated textile fabrics, silver- nanoparticle-embedded antimicrobial paints, antimicrobial surface functionalization of plastic catheters, antimicrobial gel formulation for topical use, antimicrobial packing paper for food preservation, silver-impregnated fabrics etc

  • af Ajay Kumar, Prashant Kumar Singh, Brett Neilan & mfl.
    1.904,95 kr.

    This book covers recent advances in cyanobacterial research. It deals with diversity, evolutionary biology, stress physiology, molecular biology of stress responses, and biotechnology of this group of prokaryotes. Cyanobacteria are ubiquitous and, undoubtedly, agriculturally microorganisms in terms of carbon and nitrogen fixation. In addition, cyanobacteria have long been used to fertilize crops and are a source of protein for humans. In parallel with the advances in cyanobacterial research in the 21st century, the development and application of innovative techniques in molecular biotechnology has widened the spectrum of commercial applications and potential exploitation of cyanobacteria. This book will be of interest to both new and experienced researchers involved in cyanobacterial molecular biology, ecology, and industrial biotechnology. This collection of chapters from experts also serves as essential reading for undergraduate and graduate students of to understand the importance of cyanobacteria in agriculture, ecology, microbial physiology, and environmental sciences.

  • af Ajay Kumar
    2.097,95 kr.

    The edited volume brings out a comprehensive collection of information relevant to wild food plants, their importance for global sustainable food security, future-readiness, and resilient agriculture. The book's primary focus is to cover topics on the diversity of wild food plants across the globe, their nutraceutical importance, production-consumption trends, integration into the current food menu, and marketing and livelihood opportunities to the indigenous people. Sustainable development goals 1, 2, and 3 are significant for a poverty-free, hunger-free world and ensure good health and wellbeing of the people, respectively. The three goals are important and interlinked as achieving zero poverty will help reduce hunger among the people. Availability of nutritional and balanced food ensures good health. Wild food plants are an essential part of a nourishing and healthy diet for indigenous communities. They are globally collected from natural habitats or cultivated at more minor scales. Although consumed locally, they are an essential part of the diets of tribal and indigenous communities worldwide and hold immense potential to alleviate global hunger. Considering their importance for global sustainable food security, it is essential to clearly understand the future role of wild food plants for future readiness and resilient agriculture. Therefore, this book provides a piece of important information on these aspects. The book is a valuable resource for the audience ranging from undergraduate science students to the NGOs and institutions involved in poverty alleviation programs, policymakers, dieticians, horticulturists, plant breeders, farmers, health experts, and food enthusiasts.

  • af Ajay Kumar
    1.673,95 kr.

    Biocontrol Agents for Improved Agriculture, a volume in the Plant and Soil Microbiome series, presents both an advanced and current description of the important role of plant and soil microbiome in plant disease management. Including the latest biotechnological interventions for harnessing plant and soil microbiome and their potential in controlling plant pathogen/ disease, as well as the commercialization of biocontrol products and exploration of microbial derived bioactive compounds, this book provides an important reference on the challenges of biocontrol products. Sections explore the bacterial and fungal species successfully applied as plant and soil inoculant for the effective management of plant diseases. As these microbial biocontrol agents not only suppress the plant disease, but also enhance the growth or agricultural production in sustainable ways, the book focuses on the molecular aspect of plant- pathogen interactions and their biocontrol strategies via the use of plant and soil microbiome. This book is an important reference for those seeking sustainable, safe options for protecting against microbial agricultural loss and environmental damage.

  • af Ajay Kumar
    108,95 kr.

  • af Ajay Kumar
    108,95 kr.

  • af Ajay Kumar
    108,95 kr.

  • af Ajay Kumar
    1.391,95 kr.

    In the recent past, beneficial microorganisms have been sustainably used in agriculture as a safe, economic, and effective alternative to chemical fertilizers or pesticides. These beneficial microbes, including bacteria, actinomycetes, and yeast, were efficiently applied in soil, seeds, fruits, or plants as inoculants, to achieve the optimum agricultural yield. An efficient delivery method or enhanced shelf life of microbial inoculants in the soil or seed is still a matter of concern. The response of local genetic or ecological factors, after microbial applications, are also unknown and less studied. Therefore, Microbial Inoculants: Recent Progress and Applications fulfills the need to explore and learn about an efficient delivery mechanism, selection of microbial strain as inoculants, and related technological advances, for the efficient and productive use of microbial inoculants. Moreover, factors like methods of formulation, interaction between host plant and microbe, impact of inoculation on the metabolomics of plants, the effect of microbial inoculants on soil dynamics, proteomics approach of plant-microbe interaction, as well as the registration and regulation process of bio inoculants for commercial production are described in 16 chapters by the leading academicians and researchers from different parts of the world.

  • af Ajay Kumar
    317,95 kr.

    Inflammation is non-specific protective immune response of the host against biological, physical and chemical stimuli. In our study we evaluated the effect of methanolic extract obtained from the bark of Fraxinus micrantha for its anti-inflammatory activity. Effects of the methanolic extract of Fraxinus micrantha were evaluated on cellular responses to LPS induced murine macrophage RAW 264.7 cell line. The RAW 264.7 cell line was subcultured in media containing Dulbeccös Modified Eagle¿s Medium (DMEM) supplemented with 10% Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS). The cells were incubated with different concentrations ranging from 0.312mg/ml to 5mg/ml of methanolic extract of Fraxinus micrantha were subjected to Nitric Oxide assay and cytotoxicity testing using MTT assay. Our finding revealed inhibition of nitric oxide formation takes place in a dose dependent manner. From our results we concluded that the methanolic extract of Fraxinus micrantha can be used in treatment of various inflammatory condition such as asthma, rheumatoid arthritis and septic shock.This book is for postgraduate and undergraduate students of Biochemistry and Immunology.

  • af Ajay Kumar
    425,95 kr.

  • af Ajay Kumar
    133,95 kr.

    Life runs so quickly, sometimes it gives you unexpected twists and sometimes unknowns fears. Technology is evolving day by day we are also upgrading ourselves, but in this process we feel so much pressure which disturbs us physically and psychologically. To get rid of these we have to keep our mind cool and in peace.But how? This is somewhat possible by recalling the memories which we had in earlier days which gave us a happiness at that time. or get the contact withour loved ones and spend some time with them.Then Why it is need to read this book right now? While going through this book , it may takes you to a world back to school. Where each of the chapter has some specific incidents which may reflect your life also to that phase. Now we will tell you why you should read this book. If you are a child, this book tells you what you should do and what you should not and gives you a clear vision of every stage of a child. If you are an adult, then it will remind your golden memories of your childhood. For this book, we have taken opinions of different people. Mainly it will give you the learning of life. Our main motto of writing this book is to help you to learn little bit of things in life and to give you some happiness.

  • af Ajay Kumar, Pardeep Singh, Pramit Verma, mfl.
    559,95 kr.

  • af Ajay Kumar
    425,95 kr.