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- 八拾年代的中國攝影集
748,95 kr. This colourful book is written in English and Traditional Chinese; both the illustrations and pictures are in JPG format, so that every reader can enjoy the content easily. As an active journalist in Hong Kong since the eighties, the author of this book has had a lot of opportunities to explore China. Over the years, the author travelled to Chongqing, Cuihengcun, Dalian, Foshan, Gongbei, Guangzhou, Hainan Island, Harbin, Honey Lake Resort of Shenzhen, Huizhou West Lake, Jilin, Jingzhou, Kaifeng, Mount Xiqiao, Shanghai, Shekou, Shenzhen Reservoir, Shunde, Suzhou, The Three Gorges of Yangtze, Wuhan, Wushan, Yueyang, Zhangmutou, Zhengzhou, and Zhuhai. From thousands of pictures taken during the numerous visits, 308 photographs were picked to compose this book. 本書以粉紙彩色精印。作者於八十年代在香港樹仁學院社會學系攻讀,畢業後加入華僑日報工作,歷任記者及「航訊」版編輯。因緣際會,中國的改革開放政策,亦在八十年代起步及加速。在學期間,有不少同學趁著假期,聯袂北上旅遊。回港後開心地互相分享旅遊見聞及心得,令大家對中國各地名山大川有了最新的了解。 在華僑日報工作期間,不時有機會北上採訪,有的是純粹採訪工作,大都是即日來回,比較緊張;有的是寓採訪於娛樂的,例如新航線首航,當中旅遊的成份居多,十分輕鬆,也有機會參觀一些一般遊人未必有機會前往的地方,是很難能可貴的。 「一圖更勝千言萬語」,「畫意能敵萬言」。多年下來,拍攝的照片以千計,特精心選出三百多幅照片,目的地有遠有近,包括佛山、西樵、惠州西湖、深圳水庫、廣州、海南島、拱北、珠海、翠亨村、鄭州、開封、樟木頭、順德、蛇口、大連、哈爾濱、吉林、深圳香蜜湖、武漢、岳陽、沙市、三峽、小三峽、巫山、重慶、上海及蘇州等地,輔以中英雙語短文,概括地重現中國在八十年代的風光景物,輯成本書以饗讀者。
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- 748,95 kr.