Fantasy og science fiction
128,95 - 238,95 kr. - Bog
- 128,95 kr.
- A Kingkiller Chronicle Novella
103,95 kr. This is a stunning new novella in the Kingkiller universe, and a genuine must-read for fans, showing us a little of the world from the perspective of Auri, one of its best-loved characters.
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- 103,95 kr.
118,95 kr. Solaris, a captivating novel by renowned author Stanislaw Lem, takes readers on a journey that transcends the boundaries of traditional science fiction. Published in 2016 by Faber & Faber, this masterpiece delves into the depths of human consciousness and the complexities of communication. The genre-bending narrative is a testament to Lem's unparalleled storytelling abilities. Solaris is not just a book; it's an exploration of the human condition and our place in the universe. It's a must-read for any fan of thought-provoking literature. The book is available in English, making it accessible to a broad audience. Grab your copy from Faber & Faber today and embark on an unforgettable journey with Solaris.
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- 118,95 kr.
108,95 - 253,95 kr. A century before A GAME OF THRONES, two unlikely heroes wandered Westeros... A KNIGHT OF THE SEVEN KINGDOMS compiles the first three official prequel novellas to George R.R. Martin's ongoing masterwork, A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE.
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- 108,95 kr.
- Consider Phlebas, The Player of Games and Use of Weapons
293,95 kr. To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the publication of the first Culture novel, CONSIDER PHLEBAS, in 1987, this boxed set contains the first three books in the bestselling 'Culture' series.
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- 293,95 kr.
103,95 kr. Foundation and Empire is the story of first contact between the two Foundations of Hari Seldon.
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- 103,95 kr.
123,95 kr. The only relief from the sea of logos is within the well-guarded borders of the Burbclaves. Is it any wonder that most sane folks have forsaken the real world and chosen to live in the computer-generated universe of virtual reality? In a major city, the size of a dozen Manhattans, is a domain of pleasures limited only by the imagination. But now a strange new computer virus called Snow Crash is striking down hackers everywhere, leaving an unlikely young man as humankind's last best hope.
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- 123,95 kr.
103,95 - 188,95 kr. WITH INTRODUCTIONS BY MARGARET ATWOOD AND DAVID BRADSHAWFar in the future, the World Controllers have created the ideal society.Huxley's ingenious fantasy of the future sheds a blazing light on the present and is considered to be his most enduring masterpiece.
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- 103,95 kr.
206,95 kr. Jeg ville ikke være den første, der døde af et knust hjerte ... Gwen må og skal opfylde sin skæbne – der er bare ingen, der vil fortælle hende, hvad den går ud på. Siden hun fandt ud af, at hun er den såkaldte rubin – det sidste medlem af en cirkel af 12 tidsrejsende – er alting gået galt. Gwendolyn har en mistanke om, at grundlæggeren af den mystiske orden af tidsrejsende har ondt i sinde, men ingen vil lytte til hende. Og hun har netop fundet ud af, at hendes charmerende (og irriterende lækre) følgesvend Gideon vist har udnyttet hende hele tiden. Vil Gwendolyn afsløre ordenens hemmeligheder i tide? Smaragdgrøn er den spændende afslutning på Rubinrød-trologien af Kerstin Gier. Trilogien er blevet en gigantisk international succes. Den er oversat til mere end 30 sprog og solgt i over 2,5 millioner eksemplarer.
133,95 kr. Romanens navnløse fortæller bor i en næsten tom lejlighed i Tokyo med minimal kontakt til andre menneskelige væsener - han har lært sig at dyrke kedsomheden som en kunstart. Men kedsomhedens modsætning - eventyret - sniger sig ind på vores fortæller.Romanens navnløse fortæller bor i en næsten tom lejlighed i Tokyo med minimal kontakt til andre menneskelige væsener - han har lært sig at dyrke kedsomheden som en kunstart. Men kedsomhedens modsætning - eventyret - sniger sig ind på vores fortæller.Først møder han en ung kvinde med de smukkeste ører, han nogensinde har set, så falder han over et billede af et får med en stjerneformet plet på ryggen, og endelig opsøges han af en ultrahøjreorienteret mand, der kalder sig Bossen. Bossen er døende, men han har en opgave, der skal løses. Vores fortæller må påtage sig hvervet, hvis han vil overleve. Den vilde fårejagt er i gang
- Bog
- 133,95 kr.
165,95 kr. To fortællinger, der foregår i vidt forskellige universer, løber parallelt i Haruki Murakamis første store roman.I den ene er handlingen lagt i storbyen Tokyo i en ikke fjern fremtid, hvor den sidste overlevende fra et uhyggeligt hjerneeksperiment involveres i en hæsblæsende højteknologisk informationskrig, som byder på indtrængende små monstre, en vanvittig forsker dybt nede i kloakkerne under byen og en underskøn bibliotekar med en meget stor appetit. I den anden fortælling er vi hensat til ’Verdens ende’, en stille, afsondret og tidløs verden omgivet af en høj mur, hvor den navnløse fortæller brutalt skilles fra sin skygge og må forsøge at tolke de drømme, der stadig rummes i lysende enhjørningekranier.Uafvendeligt nærmer de to universer sig hinanden.
118,95 - 177,95 kr. Perfect for fans of The Last Magician and Descendant of the Crane, this heart-stopping debut is an imaginative Romeo and Juliet retelling set in 1920s Shanghai, with rival gangs and a monster in the depths of the Huangpu River.
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- 118,95 kr.
268,95 kr. The Labyrinth is a unique vision of a dystopian future from one of the most sought-after visual storytellers in the world and internationally acclaimed author of The Electric State.
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- 268,95 kr.
113,95 kr. Explore a story told across the millennia that delves deep into a pair of fascinating necron characters, their relationship and their plans for the galaxy.Before the being called the Emperor revealed Himself, before the rise of the aeldari, before the necrontyr traded their flesh for immortal metal, the world was born in violence.Even when they inhabited bodies of flesh, Trazyn the Infinite and Orikan the Diviner were polar opposites. Trazyn, a collector of historical oddities, presides over a gallery full of the most dangerous artefacts – and people – of the galactic past. Orikan, a chronomancer without peer, draws zodiacs that predict and manipulate the future. But when an artefact emerges that may hold the key to the necrons’ next evolution, these two obsessives enter a multi-millennia game of cat and mouse that ends civilisations, reshapes timelines, and changes both forever. As riddles unwind and ancient secrets are revealed, the question remains: will their feud save the necron race or destroy it?
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- 113,95 kr.
- Bog
- 261,95 kr.
- Book 9 of the Expanse (now a Prime Original series)
133,95 kr. The final novel in James S. A. Corey's New York Times bestselling science fiction series, the Expanse, now a major TV series
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- 133,95 kr.
308,95 kr. Monsters, mystery, and magic abound in this stunning, illustrated collection of original fairy tales from the World of Warcraft universe, as told by an all-star cast of bestselling, award-winning storytellers.
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- 308,95 kr.
178,95 kr. - Bog
- 178,95 kr.
298,95 kr. - Bog
- 298,95 kr.
206,95 kr. På en ufrugtbar grund tre timer nord for den norske hovedstad bor Tormod Blystad, hans kone Siv og deres to børn. Efter at have lagt sine vilde år bag sig er Tormod nu en stabil og pålidelig familiefar. Men noget mangler i den lille familie, og så ankommer Snusken, den nye familiehund.Da Snusken dør, efterlader hun et tomrum, der skal udfyldes. Og så en nat befinder Tormod sig foran høvlbænken i garagen og blander rød ler og gødning. Uden at vide det kommer han til at udløse magtfulde kræfter med voldsomme følger. ”Udkants-Norge mødes med domestic noir og Mary Shelleys Frankenstein. Og med et chokerende godt resultat. Et virkelig originalt stykke skrivekunst. ”– Jo NesbøRomanen er nomineret til Nordisk Råds litteraturpris 2020 og vandt Kritikerprisen og P2-lytternes romanpris i Norge. Norske Matias Faldbakkens femte roman, Vi er fem, er en skarp, ukonventionel og underholdende roman, der blander eventyr, horror, mytologi og science fiction med en stor dosis rå realisme.Om forfatteren Matias Faldbakken (født 1973 i Hobro, Danmark) er en af Norges mest kritikerroster forfattere og billedkunstnere.Faldbakken romandebuterede i 2001 med The Cocka Hola Company, der var første del af hans trilogi Skandinavisk Misantropi. To år senere udgav han Macht und Rebel, efterfulgt af Unfun fra 2008. Alle tre romaner er skrevet under pseudonymet Abo Rasul. I 2017 udkom The Hills (da. 2019), der blev nomineret til Brageprisen i Norge og er den første roman i hans eget navn. Bogen er solgt til udgivelse i 16 lande.
- A Novel
123,95 kr. #1NEW YORK TIMESBESTSELLER*;From the author ofTimeline, Sphere,andCongo,this is the classic thriller of science run amok that took the world by storm.Nominated as one of America's best-loved novels by PBS'sThe Great American Read';[Michael] Crichton's dinosaurs are genuinely frightening.'Chicago Sun-TimesAn astonishing technique for recovering and cloning dinosaur DNA has been discovered. Now humankind's most thrilling fantasies have come true. Creatures extinct for eons roam Jurassic Park with their awesome presence and profound mystery, and all the world can visit themfor a price.Until something goes wrong. . . .InJurassic Park,Michael Crichton taps all his mesmerizing talent and scientific brilliance to create his most electrifying technothriller.Praise forJurassic Park';Wonderful . . . powerful.'The Washington Post Book World';Frighteningly real . . . compelling . . . It'll keep you riveted.'The Detroit News';Full of suspense.'The New York Times Book Review
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- 123,95 kr.
- From the Stormlight Archive
153,95 kr. From #1 New York Times bestselling author Brandon Sanderson, a special gift edition of Edgedancer, a short novel of the Stormlight Archive (previously published in Arcanum Unbounded).Three years ago, Lift asked a goddess to stop her from growing older--a wish she believed was granted. Now, in Edgedancer, the barely teenage nascent Knight Radiant finds that time stands still for no one. Although the young Azish emperor granted her safe haven from an executioner she knows only as Darkness, court life is suffocating the free-spirited Lift, who can't help heading to Yeddaw when she hears the relentless Darkness is there hunting people like her with budding powers. The downtrodden in Yeddaw have no champion, and Lift knows she must seize this awesome responsibility.Other Tor books by Brandon Sanderson The Cosmere The Stormlight Archive The Way of Kings Words of Radiance Edgedancer (Novella) Oathbringer The Mistborn trilogy Mistborn: The Final Empire The Well of Ascension The Hero of Ages Mistborn: The Wax and Wayne series Alloy of Law Shadows of Self Bands of Mourning Collection Arcanum Unbounded Other Cosmere novels Elantris Warbreaker The Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians series Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians The Scrivener's Bones The Knights of Crystallia The Shattered Lens The Dark Talent The Rithmatist series The Rithmatist Other books by Brandon Sanderson The Reckoners Steelheart Firefight CalamityAt the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.
- Bog
- 153,95 kr.
- Book Three
213,95 kr. A beautiful, collectible new hardback edition of one of the greatest fantasy novels of the past decade.
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- 213,95 kr.
163,95 kr. Teotwawki er et prepper-begreb og en forkortelse for The End of the World as We Know It. Lars Skinnebachs digtsamling består af en række suiter, der handler om tiden før og efter den store økologiske ned-smeltning.
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- 163,95 kr.
- (Outlander 3)
108,95 kr. In 1746, Claire Fraser made a perilous journey through time, leaving her young husband to die at Culloden, in order to protect their unborn child. In 1968, Claire has just been struck through the heart, discovering that Jamie Fraser didn't die in battle. But where is Jamie now?
- Bog
- 108,95 kr.
153,95 kr. The second in The Faithful and the Fallen series, Valour by John Gwynne carries all of the excitement of the first.The Banished Lands are torn by war as the army of High King Nathair sweeps the realm challenging all who oppose his holy crusade. Allied with the manipulative Queen Rhin of Cambren, there are few who can stand against him. But Rhin is playing her own games and has her eyes on a far greater prize . . . Left for dead - her kin have fled and her country is overrun with enemies - Cywen fights to survive. But any chance of escape is futile once Nathair and his disquieting advisor Calidus realize who she is. They have no intention of letting such a prize slip from their grasp. For she may be their one chance at killing the biggest threat to their power. Meanwhile, the young warrior Corban flees from his conquered homeland with his exiled companions, heading for the only place that may offer them sanctuary. But to get there they must travel through Cambren, avoiding warbands, giants and the vicious wolven of the mountains. And all the while Corban struggles to become the man that everyone believes him to be - the Bright Star and saviour of the Banished Lands. Embroiled in struggles for power and survival, the mortal world is unaware of the greatest threat of all. In the Otherworld, dark forces scheme to bring a host of the Fallen into the world of flesh to end the war with the Faithful, once and for all.Continue the epic fantasy series with Ruin and Wrath.
- Bog
- 153,95 kr.
- Discworld: The Witches Collection
153,95 kr. A beautiful gift edition hardback of the classic Discworld novel.
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- 153,95 kr.
- (Discworld Novel 1)
108,95 - 133,95 kr. On a world supported on the back of a giant turtle (sex unknown), a gleeful, explosive, wickedly eccentric expedition sets out. There's an avaricious buy inept wizard, a naive tourist whose luggage moves on hundreds of dear little legs, dragons who only exist ifyou believe in them, and of course THE EDGE of the planet...
- Bog
- 108,95 kr.
- Now a major new film from the director of Blade Runner 2049
153,95 - 278,95 kr. The most famous, widely acclaimed and popular of all sf novelsNAMED ONE OF THE BBC's 100 NOVELS THAT SHAPED OUR WORLD'An astonishing science fiction phenomenon' WASHINGTON POST
- Bog
- 153,95 kr.
138,95 - 243,95 kr. - Bog
- 138,95 kr.