Bøger i Y Meddwl a'r Dychymyg Cymreig serien
- Agweddau Ar Ryddiaith Gymraeg Y 1990au
81,95 kr. In this text, the author uses the novels of Robin Llywelyn as a focus for her discussion of the complex relationship between author, reader and society, at the end of the 20th century.
- Bog
- 81,95 kr.
- Y Ddelwedd O Gymru Yn Y Nofel Gymraeg O Ddechrau'r Chwedegau Hyd at 1990
81,95 kr. FfugLen is the Welsh word for fiction but is also a play on the words 'ffug' (meaning fake or false) and 'len' (the prepositive of 'llenyddiaeth' or literature) implying that these images are often ambiguous. This title presents a study of the image of Wales and the Welsh in twentieth-century Welsh-language literature.
- Bog
- 81,95 kr.
- Hanesyddiaeth a Hunaniaeth yn Oes y Tuduriaid
103,95 kr. A collection of five scholarly essays presenting a thorough study of the nature of a Welsh identity as reflected in the literature of the Tudor period, with special reference to the chronicle of Elis Gruffydd and the strict metre cywyddau of Dafydd Llwyd of Mathafarn.
- Bog
- 103,95 kr.
248,95 kr. - Bog
- 248,95 kr.
- Y Gymraes yn Llen Menywod y Bedwaredd Ganrif ar Bymtheg
103,95 kr. A study of the images of the Welsh female as seen in nineteenth century Welsh literature.
- Bog
- 103,95 kr.
103,95 kr. - Bog
- 103,95 kr.
- Bog
- 129,50 kr.
- Creu ystyron newydd i blant a phlentyndod yn Llenyddiaeth y Bedwaredd Ganrif ar Bymtheg
233,95 kr. Mae'r gyfrol hon yn cynnig yr astudiaeth gyflawn gyntaf o lenyddiaeth plant yn y Gymraeg a'i harwyddocad cymdeithasol a diwylliannol.
- Bog
- 233,95 kr.
- Bog
- 114,95 kr.
- Bog
- 81,95 kr.
- Bog
- 81,95 kr.
- Hanes Sefydlu S4C
114,95 kr. Dyma'r astudiaeth gyntaf ar hanes blynyddoedd cynnar un o sefydliadau diwylliannol pwysicaf Cymru - Sianel Pedwar Cymru - sy'n cloriannu penderfyniadau a gweithgareddau'r sianel yn ystod blynyddoedd ei chyfnod prawf rhwng 1981 a 1985. Trwy gyfrwng astudiaeth o gofnodion, gohebiaeth a chyfweliadau gydag unigolion fu'n allweddol i fenter gyffrous S4C, eir ati i ddarlunio'r sialensiau, y llwyddiannau a'r methiannau fu'n wynebu Awdurdod a swyddogion S4C wrth iddynt fynd ati i lunio gwasanaeth teledu Cymraeg fyddai'n ateb gofynion ac anghenion y gynulleidfa yng Nghymru. Ceir yn y gyfrol hefyd ddadansoddiad o'r gwersi y gall hanes y sianel ei gynnig i'w swyddogion cyfredol wrth iddynt fynd ati i'w gosod ar seiliau cadarn ar gyfer dyfodol sy'n ymddangos yn gynyddol ansicr.
- Bog
- 114,95 kr.
- Aralledd ac Amlddiwylliannedd mewn Ffuglen Gymreig, er 1990
188,95 kr. Cyfrol o feirniadaeth lenyddol gymharol, sy'n dod a gwaith awduron Cymraeg a Saesneg ynghyd i drafod y portread ffuglennol o amlddiwylliannedd Cymru, ac i awgrymu sut y gall dwyieithrwydd Cymru gynnig cyfle i greu cymdeithas Gymreig fwy cynhwysol.
- Bog
- 188,95 kr.
- Esthetig Radical Twm Morys, Vaclav Havel a Bohumil Hrabal
81,95 kr. Discusses the aesthetic in the context of the politics of marginal communities. This involves the comparison of articles written by Welsh author and poet, Twm Morys, and two Czech authors, Bouhmil Hrabal and Vaclav Havel.
- Bog
- 81,95 kr.
81,95 kr. Offers a collection of articles from young academics who delivered papers to a seminar, entitled Llenyddiaeth Mewn Theori held at the University of Wales Lampeter in April 2005. This volume presents an assessment of Welsh literature from many historical periods and highlights the political questions of modern Wales.
- Bog
- 81,95 kr.
73,95 kr. - Bog
- 73,95 kr.
- Cyd-destunoli'r Genhadaeth Gymreig I'r Tsalagi
129,50 kr. A ground-breaking volume which examins material in three languages - Welsh, English and Cherokee (Dsalagi) - while discussing different aspects of the missionary work of two Welsh Baptists who lived and worked amongst the native American tribe.
- Bog
- 129,50 kr.
- Bog
- 81,95 kr.
- Golwg ar y Dymer Delynegol, 1891-1940
81,95 kr. A scholarly discussion of the images found in late 19th century/early 20th century lyrical poetry in Wales, at a time of far-reaching social change.
- Bog
- 81,95 kr.
- Llenyddiaeth Gymraeg a'r Ail Ryfel Byd
81,95 kr. This volume discusses how World War II was imagined and portrayed by Welsh authors; the field under consideration comprises 60 years' worth of experiences recorded by individuals during the war and afterwards. It is a natural sequel to Rhwyg and Tir Neb which discussed Welsh poetry and Welsh prose of the First World War.
- Bog
- 81,95 kr.
- Yr Oleuedigaeth Gymraeg a Theori Lenyddol yng Nghymru
81,95 kr. A scholarly, theoretical discussion about the resemblance between the history of enlightenment in Europe and the intellectual history of welsh-speaking Wales in the 20th century, comprising of a new insight into the work of such figures as R.T. Jenkins, John Gwilym Jones and Hywel Teifi Edwards.
- Bog
- 81,95 kr.
- Golwg ar Waith Menna Elfyn
114,95 kr. This experimental volume of literary criticism offers various interpretations of the work of the poet Menna Elfyn, and gives an outline of our relationship with literature and our reading habits. It is an attempt to provide a fresh interpretation of the work by experimenting for the first time in Welsh with the epistolary method of criticism, through a series of fictional letters. This is also the first extended study of Menna Elfyn's poetry: addressed to the poet's work in particular, but also looking at contemporary issues such as interpretation, performance and the marketing of literature in contemporary Wales. Academic practices are vigorously challenged by walking the line between 'fact' and 'fiction' to create a multi-vocal and readable criticism reflecting the complex and multifaceted nature of the reading process.
- Bog
- 114,95 kr.