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  • af Surjit Mansingh
    513,95 kr.

    The Republic of India is the second most populous, the seventh largest by geographical area, and has the fourth largest economy in terms of purchasing power parity in the world. While it has always been an important country, it has often been neglected. Of late, however, there has been much talk of the "new" India, one with greater economic dynamism, a more active foreign policy, and the emergence of a huge middle class. The A to Z of India illustrates the rapidly evolving situation without neglecting the country's ancient past. The chronology has been brought up to date, the introduction expanded, and the bibliography includes numerous new titles.

  • af John H. Lorentz
    513,95 kr.

    Iran is a country with a deep and complex history. Over several thousand years, Iran has been the source of numerous creative contributions to the spiritual and literary world, and the site of many remarkable manifestations of material culture. The special place that Iran has come to hold in contemporary historical events, most recently as a center stage actor in the unfolding and interconnected drama of worldwide nuclear arms proliferation and terrorism, is all the more reason to explore the characters and personality of Iran and Iranians.The A to Z of Iran is designed to give the reader a quick and understandable overview of specific events, movements, people, political and social groups, places, and trends. Through its extensive chronology, introduction, bibliography, appendixes, and more than double the number of cross-referenced dictionary entries as in the previous edition, the work allows for considerable exploration of a number of historical and contemporary topics and issues. In particular, the modern period, defined as 1800-present, is covered extensively.

  • af James Z. Gao
    513,95 kr.

    The A to Z of Modern China (1800-1949) offers a concise but comprehensive examination of the political, military, economic, social, and cultural development of modern China. Instead of focusing merely on the political elites of China, this reference covers a variety of significant persons, including women and ethnic minorities; new historical concepts; cultural and educational institutions; and economic activities.

  • af Artemio R. Guillermo
    513,95 kr.

    The A to Z of the Philippines provides more than 400 hundred entries on important persons, places, events, and institutions, as well as salient economic, social and cultural aspects. The more than four centuries of the Philippines history covered by Guillermo, including the periods of Spanish and American dominance over the country, is neatly wrapped up in an introduction, clearly laid out in a chronology, complemented with statistical data in the appendix, and concluded with a bibliography allowing further research and study.

  • af Ante Cuvalo
    513,95 kr.

  • af Dimitris Keridis
    513,95 kr.

    The A to Z of Modern Greece explores the modern history of this country through a chronology, an introductory essay, a bibliography, and hundreds of cross-referenced dictionary entries on important persons, places, events, and institutions, as well as on significant political, economic, social, and cultural aspects.

  • af Paula Sutter Fichtner
    479,95 kr.

    The A to Z of Austria is a paperback reprint of the Historical Dictionary of Austria. Through its chronology, introductory essay, appendix, bibliography, and hundreds of cross-referenced dictionary entries, greater attention has been given to foreign affairs, economic institutions and policies, social issues, religion, and politics.

  • af Anique H.M. van Ginneken
    513,95 kr.

    The history of the League of Nations is summed up in this book. The dictionary section contains several hundred cross-referenced entries on its founders and supporters, its rather small staff and secretariat, the various subordinate or related organizations, and their overwhelming tasks. The historical background is described in the introduction and plotted year by year in the chronology while the bibliography points to further reading.

  • af Yongyi Song, Yuan Zhou & Guo Jian
    513,95 kr.

    The Cultural Revolution in the People's Republic of China started in 1966 and lasted about a decade. This revolutionary upsurge of Chinese students and workers, led by Mao Zedong, wreaked havoc in the world's most populous country, often turning things upside down and undermining the party, government, and army while simultaneously weakening the economy, society, and culture. Tens of millions of people were killed, injured, or imprisoned during this period and relatively few benefited, aside from Mao Zedong and the Gang of Four, the group that would eventually receive the blame for the events of the Cultural Revolution. Given the turbulence and confusion, it is hard to know just what happened. The A to Z of the Chinese Cultural Revolution tackles this task. First, in an extensive chronology, which traces the events from year to year and month to month, then in an introduction puts these events in context and helps to explain them. But most importantly, the bulk of the information is provided in a dictionary section with numerous cross-referenced entries on important persons, places, institutions, and movements. A bibliography points to further sources of information and a glossary will help those researching in Chinese.

  • af Gino Moliterno
    513,95 kr.

    The Italian cinema is regarded as one of the great pillars of world cinema. Films like Ladri di biciclette (1948), La dolce vita (1960), and Nuovo cinema Paradiso (1988) attracted unprecedented international acclaim and a reputation, which only continue to grow. Italian cinema has produced such acting legends as Sophia Loren and Roberto Benigni, as well as world-renowned filmmakers like Federico Fellini, Sergio Leone, Mario Bava, Dario Argento, and Lina WertmYller, the first woman to ever be nominated for the Best Director award. The A to Z of Italian Cinema provides a better understanding of the role Italian cinema has played in film history through a chronology, an introductory essay, a bibliography, appendixes, black-&-white photos, and hundreds of cross-referenced dictionary entries on actors, actresses, movies, producers, organizations, awards, film credits, and terminology.

  • af Ian V. Hogg
    513,95 kr.

    One of the most devastating armed conflicts in history, World War I completely transformed the social and political landscape of the world in four short years. It also marked the appearance of the new modern lifestyle, one that always contained the grim prospect of the possible recurrence of war. Ian V. Hogg's The A to Z of World War I provides a dual approach to the study of this historically significant event. The dictionary has a broad reach, containing brief biographies of commanders and diplomatic leaders, as well as casualty statistics and descriptions of geographical locations. Each entry gives a basic overview of crucial information. It also includes maps and chronologies that provide a visual perspective on the breadth of World War I, and how it truly encompassed and transformed the entire world. Hogg's approach balances contemporary needs for contextualization with precise historical details that gives readers information to supplement their knowledge of the war. Also included is a bibliography, which allows the reader to access other sources of information for further details about World War I.

  • af S. Torriano Berry & Venise T. Berry
    513,95 kr.

    On 4 July, 1910, in 100-degree heat at an outdoor boxing ring near Reno, Nevada, film cameras recorded-and thousands of fans witnessed-former heavyweight champion Jim Jeffries' reluctant return from retirement to fight Jack Johnson, a black man. After 14 grueling rounds, Johnson knocked out Jeffries and for the first time in history, there was a black heavyweight champion of the world. At least 10 people lost their lives because of Johnson's victory and hundreds more were injured due to white retaliation and wild celebrations in the streets. Public screenings received instantaneous protests and hundreds of cities barred the film from being shown. Congress even passed a law making it a federal offense to transport moving pictures of prizefights across state lines, and thus the most powerful portrayal of a black man ever recorded on film was made virtually invisible. This is but one of the hundreds of films covered in The A to Z of African American Cinema, which includes everything from The Birth of a Nation to Crash. In addition to the films, brief biographies of African American actors and actresses such as Sidney Poitier, James Earl Jones, Halle Berry, Eddie Murphy, Whoopi Goldberg, Denzel Washington, and Jamie Foxx can be found in this reference. Through a chronology, a list of acronyms and abbreviations, an introductory essay, a bibliography, appendixes, black-&-white photos, and hundreds of cross-referenced dictionary entries on actors, actresses, movies, producers, organizations, awards, film credits, and terminology, this book provides a better understanding of the role African Americans played in film history.

  • af Stuart D. B. Picken
    513,95 kr.

    Japanese industrial standards have long been the benchmark for quality products within Asia, indeed, within the world. Major Japanese industries like Toyota, Sony, and Honda, to name but a few, are household names that have contributed to this small island nation's status as the world's second largest economy. Japanese business practices and theories have permeated the mindset of its surrounding nations, and the country's long-term investment in the ever-growing Chinese market has further secured its status as an economic powerhouse. The A to Z of Japanese Business is an examination of the origins and characteristics of Japan's business culture. This handy reference book includes most of the important words or company names that foreign business people visiting Japan might encounter and provides an overview of Japanese corporate culture both from an historical standpoint and with reference to its most distinctive features as they affect organization and management. This is accomplished through its historical chronology detailing significant events of the past as well as recent developments within the Japanese economy and business world in general, various appendixes offering lists of business expressions that are in daily use along with a selection of the most commonly used business proverbs, a bibliography, and hundreds of cross-referenced dictionary entries on Japanese companies, their founders and managers, the ever-present bureaucratic bodies, and progress in the major industries.

  • af Richard S. Conley
    513,95 kr.

    The 1980s and early 1990s were remarkable for the triumph of conservatism in the United States and its closest allies. The victories of Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush in the United States were complemented by the electoral successes of Margaret Thatcher in the United Kingdom and Brian Mulroney in Canada. The relationship between Reagan and Bush and their conservative counterparts was particularly important in providing a united front on foreign policy, whether the target was the Soviet Union, Communist insurgencies in Africa or Latin America, or Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. The Reagan-Bush era witnessed some of the most dramatic events of the latter half of the 20th century: the collapse of the Soviet Union, a presidential assassination attempt, political scandal, a stock market crash, military invasions, and the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger. The A to Z of the Reagan-Bush Era relates these events and provides extensive political, economic, and social background on this era through a detailed chronology, an introduction, appendixes, a bibliography, and several hundred cross-referenced dictionary entries on important persons, events, institutions, policies, and issues.

  • af Gordon Gillespie
    513,95 kr.

    For nearly four decades the conflict in Ireland has embittered relations between the communities living there and spoiled relations between the Republic of Ireland and Great Britain. For three decades it escalated, punctuated by periodic bloody clashes followed by somewhat calmer periods of tension during which violence of all sorts_robberies, kidnappings, serious injuries and deaths_were all too common. During the past decade, fortunately, all sides have realized that armed solutions were unlikely to bring a solution to anyone's problems and that peace should be given a chance. Fortunately, with the establishment of a new Northern Ireland Executive, there is a general acceptance that the conflict is now part of the past. The A to Z of the Northern Ireland Conflict covers the history of 'the Troubles' through a chronology covering the Northern Ireland conflict and peace process from 1968 until the formation of the new Northern Ireland Executive in May 2007, an introductory essay, a bibliography, and several hundred cross-referenced dictionary entries on main events, individuals, and organizations. Researchers with an interest in the Northern Ireland conflict will find this book to be an essential addition to their collection of reference books on the subject.

  • af Mitchell K. Hall
    513,95 kr.

    The Nixon-Ford Era witnessed one of the most controversial presidential eras, yet despite all of the turmoil, progress was made. The Vietnam War eventually wound down, the Cold War went through a phase of détente, relations were established with China, civil rights progressed, the situation of African Americans and Native Americans improved, and Women's Liberation altered the status of half of the population. The A to Z of the Nixon-Ford Era relates these events and provides extensive political, economic, and social background on this era through a detailed chronology, an introduction, appendixes, a bibliography, and several hundred cross-referenced dictionary entries on important persons, events, institutions, policies, and issues.

  • af George D. Chryssides
    513,95 kr.

    Originating from a small group of Bible students led by Charles Taze Russell in the 1870s, the Watch Tower Society grew into an international society. After Russell's death in 1916, Franklin Rutherford was named his successor and gave the society a new name: 'Jehovah's Witnesses.' The A to Z of Jehovah's Witnesses shows how World War I & II influenced Watch Tower attitudes to civil government, armed conflict, and medical innovations like blood transfusion, as well as to mainstream churches and the development of Jehovah's Witnesses' door-to-door evangelism. The theme of prophecy, the doctrine of the 144,000, end-time calculations, Armageddon, and the Witnesses' denial of hell are all considered in The A to Z of Jehovah's Witnesses, which contains a chronology, an introductory essay, a bibliography, and 250 cross-referenced dictionary entries relating to key people and concepts.

  • af Peter Dauvergne
    513,95 kr.

    Environmentalism involves hundreds of international environmental groups, thousands of national groups, and tens of thousands of local ones. It also includes hundreds of international agreements, hundreds of national environmental agencies, and countless environmental sections in other organizationsfrom those in multinational corporations to ones in regional and international organizations. Such environmental concepts as sustainable development, the precautionary principle, corporate social responsibility, and eco-labeling percolate from all of these sources. Every year, new ideas, refinements, policies, institutions, markets, and problems continue to enter into environmental debates and discourses, making it nearly impossible to keep abreast of the changes constantly taking place.The A to Z of Environmentalism is a paperback edition of the Historical Dictionary of Environmentalism. It strategically skips across issues, concepts, time, organizations, and cultures, not with any pretense of producing a definitive dictionary but rather with the aim of producing an inclusive, wide-ranging, and global history of environmentalism. This goal is accomplished through a chronology, an introductory essay, and over 300 cross-referenced dictionary entries.

  • af Ephraim Kahana & Muhammad Suwaed
    530,95 kr.

    Given the rivalries and suspicions prevailing in the Middle East, it is not surprising that most of these states are very concerned about espionage and infiltration. With the additional threat of terrorism, nuclear weapons, a large U.S. military presence, and the Arab-Israeli conflict, the result is an impressively busy intelligence industry, proportionately larger and more extensive than in most other regions. The A to Z of Middle East Intelligence addresses intelligence issues in the region from ancient history and the Middle Ages through modern times, covering the decline of the Ottoman Empire, intelligence activity in the Middle East during and between the two world wars, and the interplay between colonial and local intelligence and counterintelligence agencies of the period. It also presents the relatively new fundamentalist terrorist organizations that have had a significant impact on international relations and on the structure and deployment of intelligence, counterintelligence, and other security organs in the Middle East today. With a chronology, an introductory essay, and over 300 cross-referenced dictionary entries on important events and key organizations involved in all aspects of intelligence gathering and analysis, as well as the biographies of key players, this is an important reference on the current situation in the Middle East.

  • af Guy Arnold
    513,95 kr.

    Ever since the end of World War II, and even more so since 1960, when 17 African colonies became independent of colonial rule, the African continent has been ravaged by a series of wars. These wars have ranged from liberation struggles against former colonial powers to power struggles between different factions in the aftermath of independence. They have ranged from border wars between newly independent states to civil wars between ethnic groups. As with many conflicts, outside forces were drawn into these wars, and major powers outside the continent intervened on one side or the other for a variety of reasons: political ideology, Cold War considerations, ethnic alignments, and stemming the flow of violence. Whether referring to Algeria's struggle for independence from French colonial rule, Nigeria's internal struggles to achieve a balanced state after the British departure, the Rwandan genocide of 1994, or the current ethnic cleansing in Darfur, The A to Z of Civil Wars in Africa covers all of the wars that have occurred in Africa since independence. This is done through a chronology broken down by country, an introductory essay, a bibliography, and cross-referenced dictionary entries covering the wars, conflicts, major political and military figures, child soldiers, mercenaries, and blood diamonds.

  • af Paul Varner
    513,95 kr.

    When the earliest filmgoers watched The Great Train Robbery in 1903, many of them shrieked in terror at the very last clip when one of the outlaws turns directly toward the camera and fires a gun, seemingly, directly at the audience. The puff of smoke was sudden and it was hand colored so that it looked real. Today, we can look back at that primitive movie and see all the elements of what would evolve into the Western genre. Perhaps it is the Western's early origins_The Great Train Robbery was the first narrative, commercial movie_or its formulaic yet entertaining structure that has made the Western so popular. Whatever the case may be, with the recent success of films like 3:10 to Yuma and The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, the Western appears to be in no danger of disappearing. The story of the western is told in The A to Z of Westerns in Cinema through a chronology, a bibliography, and an introductory essay. However, it is the hundreds of cross-referenced dictionary entries on cinematographers; composers; producers; films like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Dances With Wolves, The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly, High Noon, The Magnificent Seven, The Searchers, Tombstone, and Unforgiven; such actors as Gene Autry, Kirk Douglas, Clint Eastwood, Henry Fonda, James Stewart, and John Wayne; and directors like John Ford and Sergio Leone that will have you reaching for this book again and again.

  • af Nigel West
    513,95 kr.

    In a surprising number of espionage cases sex has played a significant role_often only in the background_possibly as a reason why a particular individual has lived beyond his means and is in desperate need of cash. FBI agent Earl Pitts sold secrets to the Soviets to ease his financial burdens, which came from his habitually heavy use of male and female prostitutes. Yuri Nosenko collaborated with the CIA after having misappropriated KGB funds to entertain expensive women while on official duties in Geneva, and Aleksandr Ogorodnik of the Soviet foreign ministry was persuaded to become a spy by his pregnant Spanish lover, an agent recruited by the CIA. In the realm of human behavior, sex can be the catalyst for risky or reckless conduct. The A to Z of Sexspionage explores this behavior through a chronology, an introduction, a bibliography, and hundreds of cross-referenced dictionary entries on the secret agencies, operations, and events. From Delilah's seduction of Samson in 1161 BC to State Department official Donald Keyser's conviction of passing secrets to Isabelle Cheng, a Taiwanese intelligence officer, in 2007, Nigel West recounts the history of sexspionage.

  • af Adams T. Upchurch
    513,95 kr.

    The A to Z of the Gilded Age relates the history of the major events, issues, people, and themes of the American "Gilded Age" (1869-1899). This period of unprecedented economic growth and technical advancement is chronicled in this reference and includes a chronology, an introductory essay, a bibliography, and hundreds of cross-referenced dictionary entries.

  • af Kumkum Roy
    513,95 kr.

    The A to Z of Ancient India provides information ranging from the earliest Paleolithic cultures in the Indian subcontinent to 1000 CE. The ancient history of this country is related in this book through a chronology, an introductory essay, a bibliography, and hundreds of cross-referenced dictionary entries on rulers, bureaucrats, ancient societies, religion, gods, and philosophical ideas.

  • af Norman Solomon
    513,95 kr.

    Judaism, the religion of the Jewish people, is one of the first recorded monotheistic religions, and as such is one of the oldest religious traditions still practiced today. While its influences can be seen in the religions of both Christianity and Islam, many of its beliefs, traditions, and practices are unknown. The second edition of The A to Z of Judaism doesn't just present 'religious' beliefs in a traditional sense but investigates the complex intermingling of religion, devotion, lifestyle, and culture as it is found in diverse Jewish populations around the world and as it has evolved over the course of recent human history. Judaism, like many other cultural institutions, has rarely remained static_instead, continually investigating and questioning itself, metamorphosing in relation to the world. By means of a chronology, an introductory essay, a bibliography, and numerous cross-referenced dictionary entries on important persons, writings, institutions, concepts, Hebrew words, philosophy, theology, and religious law, author Norman Solomon provides an important reference source for the study of Judaism.

  • af Paul C. Clark Jr. & Edward H. Moseley
    513,95 kr.

    The first reference work of its kind, this volume on the United States-Mexican War encompasses the decade of the 1840s, focusing on the war years of 1846-1848. More than a dozen maps were drawn for this book, some of which depict major regions and localities over which armies of both nations moved great distances to position for battle, and others that depict major battlefields from the first engagement to the last. The narrative overview paints a broad picture of the war for both historians desiring a review before continuing research and for the interested layperson unfamiliar with the war and in search of an overview of the entire period. The dictionary itself contains hundreds of thoroughly researched entries describing the war's personalities, battles and campaign trails, armaments, support systems, political factions involved in the conflict in both nations, and an array of other topics related to the war. This reference also includes illustrations of the central figures of the conflict, a detailed chronology, and a bibliography of traditional and contemporary sources useful to the professional scholar, student, and amateur historian.

  • - The War Against Japan
    af Anne Sharp Wells
    513,95 kr.

    World War II dominates world history today as it dominated world attention over 60 years ago. In spite of the alliances that bound many of the same participants, the war was essentially two separate but simultaneous conflicts: one involved Japan as the major antagonist and took place mostly in Asia and Pacific; and the other, initiated by Germany and Italy, was contested mainly in Europe, North Africa, the Mediterranean, and the Atlantic. The A to Z of World War II: The War Against Japan traces the brutal conflict from Japan's seizure of Chinese territory in 1931, through the onset of war with the Western Allies in 1941, to the use of atomic weapons by the United States in 1945. It also addresses the aftermath of the war including the formation of the United Nations and the American occupation of Japan. As the first of two volumes covering World War II, this volume concentrates on the war in Asia and the Pacific so the user benefits from the comprehensive explanations of the people, places, and events that shaped much of that region's 20th-century history.

  • af Robert F. Gorman & Edward S. Mihalkanin
    513,95 kr.

    While the idea of human rights and humanitarian assistance has ancient roots_evidence can be seen in such examples as the Ten Commandments, the Bhagavad Gita, and the teachings of Confucius and Socrates_it wasn't until the 1800s that the first modern humanitarian and human rights organizations came to be. The 19th century saw the beginning of the abolitionist movement, the forming of a variety of women's suffrage organizations, the formation and consolidation of national labor unions, and the founding of the Red Cross. This was followed by the inextricably intertwined story of war, persecution, violence, and the growth of human rights and humanitarian organizations in the 20th century. Bearing witness to some of the most horrific and blatant violations of human dignity, the 20th century also beheld the first sustained global efforts to promote human rights at the international level. The A to Z of Human Rights and Humanitarian Organizations follows major developments in the arena of human rights, including the emergence of terrorism and international responses to it; the establishment of an international criminal court; the evolution of regional human rights bodies in Africa, Europe, and Latin America; and the proliferation of new non-governmental organizations and foundations dedicated to the promotion of human rights. This is accomplished through a chronology, an introduction, appendixes, photographs, a bibliography, and hundreds of cross-referenced dictionary entries covering many of the key treaties, agreements, and definitions of human rights concepts; important humanitarian organizations, whether private, governmental, national, or international; and significant persons and events. This realistic assessment of the advances in protection of human rights and the major difficulties still facing them is an excellent tool for students, practitioners, and libraries.

  • af Galen K. Johnson & Charles Pastoor
    513,95 kr.

    Members of the Church of England until the mid-16th century, the Puritans thought the Church had become too political and needed to be 'purified.' While many Puritans believed the Church was capable of reform, a large number decided that separating from the Church was their only remaining course of action. Thus the mass migration of Puritans (known as Pilgrims) to America took place. Although Puritanism died in England around 1689 and in America in 1758, Puritan beliefs, such as self-reliance, frugality, industry, and energy remain standards of the American ideal. The A to Z of Puritans tells the story of Puritanism from its origins until its eventual demise. This is done through a chronology, an introduction, a bibliography, and several hundred cross-referenced dictionary entries on important people, places, and events.

  • af Elim Papadakis & Miranda Schreurs
    513,95 kr.

    Human beings have been concerned about nature and their place in it for millennia. Disquiet about the consequences of human action on the natural environment date back to the ancient Greeks and Romans. The efforts of the green movement can be traced back to the 19th century. In this period, individuals, groups, and organizations began campaigning for the conservation and preservation of natural areas and the protection of wildlife species. Efforts to combat pollution also began. It was not until the 1960s, however, that the green movement in its more modern incarnation emerged. The green movements that arose at this time maintained the concerns with conservation, preservation, and industrial pollution held by earlier generations, but added to their agenda new issues, including justice, equality, participatory democracy, and sustainability. The A to Z of the Green Movement provides a detailed and comprehensive overview of green parties and movements, green issues, and green concepts. This is done through a chronology, an introductory essay, a bibliography, and hundreds of cross-referenced dictionary entries on countries in the world where green parties or proto-parties have formed, green movement organizations, major international environmental conferences, and green concepts. This useful reference will be greatly valued by students, academics, journalists, and policymakers alike.