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Bøger i Sovietica serien

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  • af Z a Jordan
    991,95 kr.

    The purpose of this study is to describe the development of philosophy in Poland since the end of the Second World War and the development of Marxist-Leninist philosophy which, owing to international political events, has assumed an impor­ tant role in the intellectual life of contemporary Poland. This task could not have been accomplished without relating post-war developments to those of the inter­ war period. Consequently, the period studied covers the years 1918-1958. Yet another extension was necessary. Marxism-Leninism regards sociology as a part of philosophy. Moreover, Marxism-Leninism often resorts to sociology to support or justify some of its philosophical views. Finally, its criticism of 'bourgeois philosophy' is often concerned with social philosophy and socio­ logical theories which supposedly are implicit or explicit in 'bourgeois philoso­ phy'. For this reason it was desirable to consider in this study some theoretical and methodological problems of the social sciences. They are taken into ac­ count when they illuminate philosophical controversies or the evolution of Marxist-Leninist philosophy. Marxism-Leninism is not only a new line of development but also a new point of departure in Polish philosophy. It provides a striking contrast with the established philosophical tradition which originated roughly at the time when G. E. Moore and Bertrand Russell initiated the analytical trend in English philosophy. The contrast can be epitomised by the contradistinction of philoso­ phy and ideology, chosen as the title of this study.

  • - An Analysis of the Treatment of Human Freedom by Marx, Engels, Lenin and Contemporary Soviet Philosophy
    af J.J. O'Rourke
    549,95 - 975,95 kr.

    This study seeks to present the theory of freedom as found in one line of the Marxist tradition, that which begins with Marx and Engels and continues through Lenin to contemporary Soviet philosophy.

  • - The History and Structure of the Critique of Logical Positivism and Related Doctrines by Soviet Philosophers in the Years 1947-1967
    af W.F. Boeselager
    542,95 - 958,95 kr.

    The nrst of the people to be thanked for their help during the composition of this work is Professor I.M. Of particular help in getting sources from the libraries of the world were Miss Lifschitz of the Institute of East-European Studies and Mr. Uldry of the Cantonal Library in Fribourg, Switzerland.

  • - The Politics and Philosophy of August Cieszkowski
    af A. Liebich
    562,95 - 977,95 kr.

    Nineteenth-century European intellectual history has given rise to such varied and abundant research that one is surprised to find certain important problems long identified and yet still relatively unexplored.

  • - An Analysis of Civil Religion in Relation to Ideology
    af M. Henry
    1.058,95 - 1.102,95 kr.

  • - The Pursuit of a Science
    af J.E. Blakeley, Helmut Dahm & George L. Kline
    552,95 - 966,95 kr.

    On February 24-25, 1956, in a closed session of the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Nikita S. Moreover, not many philosophers in the West knew or could read Russian or were motivated to learn it to be able to read Soviet philosophical works.

  • - A Critical Analysis of Karl Marx' Theory of Commercial Law
    af D.C. Kline
    550,95 kr.

    It centers its attention on the seemingly minor question of Marx' knowledge of and attitude toward the legal theory and practice in vogue at the time he was writing studies that directly addressed issues of law and economics, and that indirectly helped to fashion the legal and economic behavior of Soviet-style regimes.

  • af J. E. Blakeley
    545,95 - 963,95 kr.

    The present work is a study of the method of contemporary Soviet philosophy. By "Soviet philosophy" we mean philosophy as published in the Soviet Union. For practical purposes we have limited our attention to Soviet sources in Russian in spite of the fact that Soviet philosophical works are also published in other languages (see B 2029(21)(38".

  • - Synopsis of the 'Osnovy marksizma-leninizma' with complete index
    af H. Fleischer
    538,95 - 954,95 kr.

    This synopsis of Principles of Marxism Leninism 1 (published at the end of 1959 and widely distributed in the Soviet Union) appears as a sequel to that of the Principles of Marxist Philosphy which I published in 1959 as The Dogmatic Principles of Soviet Philosphy.

  • - Contemporary Soviet Ontology
    af Guy Planty-Bonjour
    544,95 - 963,95 kr.

  • - Translated from the German by Peter Kirschemann
    af A. Sarlemijn
    545,95 - 961,95 kr.

    It treats of the systematic views of Hegel which led him to give to the princi ple of non-contradiction, the principle of double negation, and the principle of excluded middle, meanings which are difficult to understand.

  • af Philip Grier
    552,95 - 967,95 kr.

  • - Communist Party Membership in the USSR
    af Yuri Glazov
    550,95 - 963,95 kr.

    Millions of jubilant Soviet citizens crowded the squares and streets of Kiev and Minsk during the May Day festivities. A popular Soviet author wrote a year later in the Soviet media: "Chernobyl appeared to be not only a national event, a disaster shared by each of us, but also a dividing line between two eras of time.

  • af K. G. Ballestrem
    539,95 - 952,95 kr.

    This glossary contains approximately 1000 Russian philosophical terms, arranged in Russian alphabetical order, numbered and followed by English, German and French equivalents. (c) terms regularly appearing in Russian philosophical texts, being in different degrees necessary to the expression of philosophical thought (e.g.

  • - Handbook for Basic Research
    af E. Laszlo
    454,95 - 970,95 kr.

  • - A Contribution to the History of Phenomenology
    af Helmut Dahm
    454,95 - 972,95 kr.

    The author also discusses the potential role of the ideas of Solovyev and Scheler in the formation of a consciousness which he sees now emerging in the Soviet Union - a consciousness critical of any misrepresentation both of non-Marxist Russian philosophy as well as of Western philosophy in general.

  • - A General Introduction to Contemporary Soviet Thought
    af J. E. Blakeley
    880,95 - 1.062,95 kr.

  • - A Study in the Development of His Thought
    af Philip J. Kain
    1.055,95 - 1.095,95 kr.

    In recent writings on Marx one finds an increasing interest in his humanism. Lukacs, in History and Class Consciousness (1923), was one of the first to discover this new Marx, and he did so even before the most important 2 of the humanistic writings of the young Marx had been discovered.

  • af Yuri Glazov
    575,95 - 1.068,95 kr.

    A fair amount of important literature is being translated into English, but I believe it will be read main ly by specialists in Russian studies, or by those who have a great interest in the subject already. The majority of Russian authors write, of course, for the Russian reader or for an imagined Western public.

  • af J. E. Blakeley
    1.055,95 - 1.096,95 kr.

    This book offers a complete survey of contemporary Soviet theory of knowledge. Since De Vries depended mainly on the 'classics of Marxism' and the few contemporary Soviet works which were available in German translation, his account is at best an in troduction to the contemporary period.

  • - Towards the Conceptual Interaction Among Soviet Philosophy, Neo-Thomism, Pragmatism, and Phenomenology
    af J. E. Blakeley, I. Rockmore, W. J. Gavin, mfl.
    2.083,95 - 2.134,95 kr.

    Contemporary philosophy is by its nature pluralistic, to a perhaps greater extent than at any moment of the preceding tradition, in that there are multiple forms of thought competing for a position on the center of the philosophic stage.

  • af F. Y. K. Soo
    1.307,95 - 1.651,95 kr.

    The year 1979 ushered in a new phase in China's long and continuous revolu- tion.

  • - The Methodological Foundations of Political Economy
    af G. McCarthy
    1.613,95 - 1.656,95 kr.

    With this in mind the reader will be taken through three meta-theoretical levels of Marx' method of analysis of the struc tures of capitalism: (1) the clarification of 'critique' and method from Kant's epistemology, Hegel's phenomenology, to Marx' political economy (Chapter One);

  • - Translated from the Russian and edited by Ignacio Angelelli
    af B. V. Birjukov
    1.048,95 - 1.081,95 kr.

    Before this one, however, Birjukov published another study on Frege: 'On Frege's Works on Philosophical Problems of Mathe matics' in the collective volume Philosophical Questions of Natural Sciences 7, published in a printing of 8000 copies by the Moscow University Press.

  • - Development and Change of Outlook from the 19th to the 20th Century
    af William J. Gavin & J. E. Blakeley
    1.048,95 - 1.082,95 kr.

    In this year of bicentennial celebration, there will no doubt take place several cultural analyses of the American tradition. That country also came relatively late onto the cultural horizon, and was not privy to the Renaissance tradition.

  • - Theories and Controversies in the Post-War Years
    af E.M. Swiderski
    1.614,95 - 1.657,95 kr.

    GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROBLEMATIC This study is devoted to an examination of a concept of crucial significance for Soviet aesthetics - the concept of the aesthetic (esteticeskoe).

  • af ski & J.M. Boche&nacute
    960,95 kr.

    Early in 1958 a number of research projects on Soviet philosophy were started at the Institute of East-European Studies at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) under the direction of the undersigned.

  • - Essays in Honor of J. M. Boche?ski
    965,95 kr.

  • - Zur Gesetzeskonzeption DES Dialektischen Materialismus under Besonderer BerÜCksichtigung Der DI
    af F. Rapp
    648,95 kr.

    Die vorliegende Arbeit ist in erster Linie historisch orientiert. Sie gibt eine Zusammenfassung der Diskussion innerhalb der zeitgenossischen Sowjet­ philosophie iiber dynamische und statistische GesetzmaBigkeit und einen Uberblick iiber den zugehOrigen allgemeinen philosophischen Hinter­ grund. Die kritische Wiirdigung wurde auf die wesentlichen Punkte der innerhalb des dialektischen Materialismus relevanten Fragen beschrankt. Die Wiedergabe der von den Sowjetphilosophen vertretenen Auf­ fassungen ist nicht Selbstzweck; sie ist vielmehr als Beitrag zur Klarung der Sachfragen gedacht. Hinter der historischen Darstellung steht also ein sachliches Interesse, das auch in der Gliederung der vorliegenden Arbeit seinen Ausdruck lindet. Der Verlust einer zusammenhiingenden Wiedergabe der Gedankenfiihrung der einzelnen Autoren wird so durch eine thematische Synopsis aufgewogen. Die hier dargestellten Uberlegungen der sowjetischen Autoren lassen sich etwa mit der Kategorialanalyse N. Hartmanns vergleichen. Ihre Ausfiihrungen zeigen oft originelle Gedanken, die aber nicht immer hin­ reichend kritisch reflektiert sind. 1m Gesamtbild treten dabei interessante Ergebnisse zutage, die auch fiir den westlichen Fachgelehrten von Interesse sein diirften. Die beriicksichtigten Arbeiten stammen von Philosophen aus der Sowjetunion. (Bine Ausnahme bildet nur der Artikel von P. O. Gropp (Leipzig) in Voprosy Filosofii, der in der Sowjetunion als Diskussions­ beitrag gewertet wurde.) Da die Sowjetphilosophen sich iibereinstimmend zum dialektischen Materialismus bekennen, werden 'Sowjetphilosophie' und 'dialektischer Materialismus' stets als Synonyme benutzt. Die Trans­ kription russischer Ausdriicke erfolgt in der bibliothekarischen Umschrift.

  • - Krisis Einer Lehre Band II: Die Allgemeine RelativitÄTstheorie
    af S. M&uuml & ller-Markus
    542,95 kr.

    Mathernatikers wie A. D.