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Bøger i Rheinisch-Westfalische Akademie Der Wissenschaften serien

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  • - 191. Sitzung Am 23. Januar 1974 in Dusseldorf
    af Ulrich Scheuner
    600,95 kr.

  • - 179. Sitzung Am 18. Oktober 1972 in Dusseldorf
    af Elmar Edel
    849,95 kr.

    1. Amarna-Archiv und Bogazköy-Archiv Unter den großen Funden von Keilschriftarchiven, die zu Ende des letzten Jahrhunderts und in diesem Jahrhundert gemacht wurden, war wohl kein Fund von so besonderem Interesse auch für den Ägyptologen wie die Amarnabriefe und die Briefe des Archivs von Bogazköy. Die Amarnatafeln wurden 1885 und 1886 von Fellachen in EI-Amarna in Mittelägypten an der Stätte der ehemaligen Residenz Amenophis' IV. gefunden; sie stellten einen Teil des Palast archivs dar und erwiesen sich in der Hauptsache als die aus den Stadtstaaten Syriens und Palästinas an den ägyptischen Königshof eingegangenen Schreiben der dortigen Dynasten, die damals unter der Oberhoheit der Pharaonen der 18. Dynastie standen. Die Ausgrabung des Archivs von Bogazköy wurde durch den Assyrio­ logen Hugo Winckler im Jahre 1906 begonnen, 1907 und dann wieder 1911 und 1912 weitergeführt, worauf sie nach Wincklers Tode und durch den Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkrieges zu einem vorläufigen Ende kam. Erst 1931 wurde die Grabung wieder aufgenommen und, von der Unter­ brechung durch den Zweiten Weltkrieg abgesehen, bis heute weiter­ geführt. Das moderne türkische Dorf Bogazköy, 150 km östlich von Ankara gelegen, erwies sich dabei als die Hauptstadt des Hethiterreichs, das hier im Herzen Kleinasiens im 2. Jahrtausend v. Ohr. zu einer dem ägyptischen, babylonischen und assyrischen Reich ebenbürtigen Groß­ macht herangewachsen war.

  • - 165. Sitzung Am 17. Februar 1971 in Dusseldorf
    af Gerhard Kegel
    603,95 kr.

    A common type of litigation involves claims by executors and adminis­ trators or, in civil law countries, heirs and residuary legatees against donees who have received gifts mortis causa from a deceased. The transfer of property by way of gift follows different rules from those applied to testamentary dispositions. In particular, a will must be in writing, whereas a gift may be oral if followed by actual delivery. Since most gifts are made orally or, at least, do not satisfy the formal require­ ments of a testamentary disposition and, moreover, gifts mortis causa are often made shortly before the death of the donor, the crucial question in many proceedings turns on whether there has been an actual delivery. The author discusses this problem under German law, illustrating it by reference to English and American authorities. In order to see the problem in its proper perspective, the author examines the fundamental distinctions between testamentary dispositions and dis­ positions inter vivos. He concludes that there are four essential character­ istics of a valid will. Thus, a testamentary disposition is limited to- (I) time after death; (II) the appointment of a successor to property; (III) such property of the deceased as is vested in him at death; (IV) person(s) surviving the deceased. In contradistinction, all other purported transfers of property are dis­ positions inter vivos.

  • - Gemeinsame Sitzung Der Klasse Fur Geisteswissenschaften Und Der Klasse Fur Natur-, Ingenieur- Und Wirtschaftswissenschaften Am 23. September 1970 in Dusseldorf
    af Tilemann Grimm
    794,95 kr.

    During the last decade or so there has been a shift in evaluating Com­ munist China from a more Soviet influenced view to a "taking-China-much­ more-serious" one. China seems to follow her own line again in contrast to Soviet Russian models of the recent past. The question raised in this paper aims therefore at defining something like a common Chinese pattern of change which involves decline of past traditions together with the develop­ ment of new ones. In order to show this, three outstanding examples of Confucianist reactions to the new situation are described from about 1860 down to 1920, followed by an attempt at systematizing certain common features of a Chinese culture model which would serve the purpose of hold­ ing China together in the face of sweeping changes. The situation during the 18th century seems to indicate a cultural stand­ still beneath the surface of maximum political achievement. There were few, if any, new creative forces which would have pushed China to a more favourable position against the oncoming challenge of Western aggressive­ ness. Painstaking textcritical scholarship brought new light on understand­ ing China's ageold Classics paving the way for modernizing interpretations later, and a growing insistence on practical studies brought younger genera­ tions to become aware of China as a huge pulsating social and economic organism thereby preparing them for resistance against Western impacts. But the Chinese society as a whole seemed to remain unmoved.

  • - Jahresfeier Am 19. Mai 1971
    af Hermann Conrad
    601,95 kr.

    "Jahresfeier am 19. Mai 1971 in D'usseldorf."

  • - 328. Sitzung Am 15. Marz 1989 in Dusseldorf
    af Dietrich Gerhardt
    516,95 kr.

  • - 342. Sitzung Am 1. Juli 1987 in Dusseldorf
    af Wolfgang Kundt
    738,95 kr.

  • - Gemeinsame Sitzung Der Klasse Fur Geisteswissenschaften Und Der Klasse Fur Natur-, Ingenieur- Und Wirtschaftswissenschaften Am 2. November 1983 in Dusseldorf
    af Wolfgang Priester
    603,95 kr.

  • - 232. Sitzung Am 5. Marz 1975 in Dusseldorf
    af Joachim Kowalewski
    605,95 kr.

    From the view of the construction engineer, some new knowledge of wind-induced vibrations in structures is imparted, where mention is made of the forced vibrations and the self-excited vibrations. The forced vibrations (periodic excitation by whirlwind or windward­ sided interference bodies as well as the aperiodic excitation by squally wind) are illustrated in the light of the results of own studies with mock­ ups and on actual structures. Finally, the modern methods of deter­ mining the inherent values for the structure (natural vibration and self­ damping) of original stuctures and measures to reduce the wind-induced vibration in structures are discussed. Resume L'expose donne quelques notions nouvelles sur les vibrations des batiments engendrees par Ie vent, sous Ie point de vue de l'ingenieur du genie civil, en distinguant entre les vibrations forcees et les vibrations au to-exci tees. Les vibrations forcees (avec excitation periodique par des tourbillons ou des corps perturbateurs tournes du cote du vent ainsi que l'excitation non periodique due aux rafales de vent) font l'objet d'explications detaillees, a l'aide des resultats de recherches faites par l'auteur sur des maquettes et des ouvrages originaux. Pour terminer, l'article mentionne des methodes modernes de determination des valeurs intrinseques de la structure (frequence propre et amortissement) d'ouvrages originaux et les mesures a prendre pour reduire les vibrations des batiments engen­ drees par Ie vent. Diskussion Herr Quick: Sie sprachen von einer reprasentativen Windgeschwindig­ keit bei der Anregung von Bauwerken.

  • - 298. Sitzung Am 7. Juli 1982 in Dusseldorf
    af Wilfried Koenig
    844,95 kr.

  • - 288. Sitzung Am 3. Juni 1981 in Dusseldorf
    af Hans Jurgen Schmitt
    602,95 kr.

  • - 282. Sitzung Am 5. November 1980 in Dusseldorf
    af Hans (Ohio State Univ.) Zassenhaus
    603,95 kr.

  • - 252. Sitzung Am 8. Juni 1977 in Dusseldorf
    af Gerhard Fels
    601,95 kr.

    The paper deals with the problem, how the profits of a firm are in­ fluenced by inflation; some conclusions are drawn for the firm's invest­ ment and financing policy. Profit is defined as the part of cash flow which may be distributed to owners without impairing the firm's real capital. For a firm with a positive profit stream under constant prices it is shown that inflation may cause negative profits, even if all prices rise with the same rate. This means that it is not sufficient for the preser­ vation of real capital if rises in factor prices result in proportional rises of sales prices. This ist due to two effects: The first effect is caused by the necessity to hold cash and other monetary assets for current transactions; the growth of these assets, which is roughly proportional to the price level, has to be financed out of the cash flow thus reducing profit. The second effect is due to taxation; accounting profits are calculated on the basis of historical prices for inventories and depreciation. Financial plan­ ning must take into consideration the effects of inflation and try to find counter-strategies. Further the analysis permits some conclusions on the value of the firm and the rate of return on shares. It is shown, that the rate of return on shares will be higher than the rate of inflation (i. e.

  • - 247. Sitzung Am 1. Dezember 1976 in Dusseldorf
    af Bartel L Waerden
    503,95 kr.

    Formal logic presupposes a formal language. A rudimentary formal language was given by G. Boole. A formal language which was sufficient for the purpose of mathematics was constructed by Gottlob Frege in his book " Begriffsschrift, eine der arithmetischen nachgebildete Formel­ sprache des reinen Denkens" (1879). Since that time we have an abun­ dant spectrum of logics based on formal languages. There are applications mainly in mathematics ("metamathematics"), but also e. g. in philos­ ophy, linguistics and computer science. The most important formal language is the first order predicate calculus. There has been a gradual emancipation of this language via the theory of types given by Bertrand Russell. This paper discusses that development in some details. Diskussion Herr Hlawka: Sie haben gesagt, der Wiener Kreis sei tiber Carnap von Frege beeinfluBt gewesen. Ich wtirde eher meinen, tiber Russell. Dann haben Sie gesagt, daB bei Frege der Funktionsbegriff im Vorder­ grund steht. Ich finde, daB dieser Gesichtspunkt gerade in der von Neu­ mannschen Theorie verwirklicht ist. Herr Hermes: Von Neumann hat in der Tat den Funktionsbegriff als Grundbegriff der Mengenlehre gewahlt. Es hat aber niemand direkt dar­ an angekntipft. Herr Hlawka: Vielleicht die moderne Kategorientheorie. Herr Hermes: Das stimmt. Herr Hlawka: Aber dann ist es doch so, daB der Pradikatenkalktil der ersten Stufe nur dann ausreicht, die klassische Mathematik zu begrtin­ den, das heiBt kurz das, was bei Bourbaki steht, wenn man die Mengen­ lehre als Fundament nimmt.

  • - 238. Sitzung Am 3. Dezember 1975 in Dusseldorf
    af Horst E Muser
    602,95 kr.

    In the first place electronic noise is a disturbing effect in communica­ tion systems. Investigating the noise, one has also the possibility of obtaining interesting explanations about physical phenomena. Thereby one should not forget, that a special form of noise - the BRoWNian movement - has given the final evidence for the existence of atoms, which was questionable for a long time. Using NYQUISTS theorem the noise of a system in thermodynamical equilibrium gives a useful method for the temperature measurement. Each dissipating process is correlated with a noise. Additional fluctua­ tions are generated in solid state devices, while an electrical current is flowing. Here the noise in the low frequency range is typical for the mechanism under consideration. The semiconductor noise is not yet understood in all details. There some questions remain: Are the different forms of noise generated on the surface or in the volume of the sample? What is the origin of I If-noise ? The problem miniaturisation and noise; the origin of burst-noise.

  • - 233. Sitzung Am 18. October 1978 in Dusseldorf
    af Alf OEnnerfors
    603,95 kr.

    1 M. FREHER, Herausgeber verschiedener altdeutscher Denkmaler, stellte in seinen "Origines Palatinae" (1612) II, Kap. XIII, 62 eine Ausgabe des "Waltharius" in Aussicht, die jedoch wegen des bald dar auf (1614) erfolgten Todes FREHERS nicht zustandekam. Der Erstherausgeber, FR. CHR. J. FISCHER, brachte den Text nach der unvollstandigen Hand­ schrift Cod. Theo!. et Philos. 8° Nr. 41 der Landesbibliothek Stuttgart (13. Jh.), = S in der Edition STRECKERS, heraus, die schon Joh. Aventinus (gest. 1534) gesehen hatte; ALTHOF I, 35 u. 42; STRECKER, MGH-Ed. 7. Erste kritische Edition: J. GRIMM und A. SCHMELLER, Lateinische Gedichte des 10. und 11. Jahrhunderts, Gottingen 1838; Text und Varianten S. 3-53, Abhandlung S. 54-126. 2 DRONKE opponiert nicht ohne Grund in diesem Punkt gegen die Communis opinio (69f.); vgl. schon VON DEN STEINEN 45. Wie ich S. 46 ausfiihre, laBt sich jedoch die An­ rede Jratres sehr wohl mit meiner Theorie der Urheberschaft des Epos vereinen. 3 Sie wurden von E. R. CURTIUS, Europaische Literatur und Lateinisches Mittelalter, 5. Auf!. Bern/Miinchen 1965, in seinen Ausfiihrungen iiber Bescheidenheits-Topoi (93ff.) iibersehen. 4 M. WEHRLI, Waltharius. In: Formen mittelalterlicher Erzahlung, Ziirich/Freiburg i. Br. 1969,102f. 5 Die Gallus-Vita wurde nach d. J. 837 verfaBt. G. BAESECKE, Vor- und Friihgeschidtte des deutschen Sdtrifttums I, Halle 1940, 418 verwies auf die Einleitungen zur "Visio Wettini" und zur Gallus-Vita. G WATTENBACH-LEVISON-LoWE I, 110f. mit ausfiihrlidten Literaturhinweisen. 7 Vgl. G. REICHENKRON, Historische !atein-altromanisdte Grammatik, I, Wiesbaden 1965, 134.

  • - 218. Sitzung Am 3. Oktober 1973 in Dusseldorf
    af Hans (Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry Gottingen Germany) Kuhn
    601,95 kr.

    In an attempt to understand the origin of living systems we encounter the following problems: a) How can we conceive the origin of the first self-reproducing forms, and by means of what stimuli could commence a constant increase in the complexity of such forms? b) How can a translation apparatus for genetic information develop? One cannot imagine that such an apparatus for the synthesis of en­ zymes can function alone without the interference of enzymes them­ selves, which, however, could only become available after the construc­ tion of the apparatus itself. c) What stimulus mechanism is conceivable, that leads to the division of the genetic apparatus into a duplication system and an enzyme synthesis system? The main problem therefore is not the search for basic theoretical concepts. It is not a question which can be answered by means of a specific experiment. One should rather explore the principal possibilities of how molecules combine to produce more and more complicated func­ tional units. In trying to solve the puzzle of how the genetic apparatus is gradually built up as a complex aggregate of molecules one can draw up specific Denkmodels.

  • - 299. Sitzung Am 4. Dezember 1974 in Dusseldorf
    af Walter Ameling
    601,95 kr.

    After a historic review the development of data processing the state of the art within hardware- and software-technology and computerstructures is described. These technological aspects can't be considered without m­ volving the users. Finally a forecast of possible future trends is given. Resume Le niveau actuel de la technologie, des techniques de la Software et Ie developpement des structures des computers sont esquisses apres une retro­ spective historique de l'evolution de l'informatique. On ne peut en considerer les aspects techniques sans tenir compte de l'utilisateur. La conclusion pre­ sente une perspective des orientations possibles de realisation. Diskussion Herr Krelle: Wie beurteilen Sie die Chancen der deutschen Datenver­ arbeitungsindustrie? Besteht ein groBer technologischer Ruckstand zum Bei­ spiel gegenuber IBM? Wird der aufgeholt werden? In welcher Zeit? Das ware ein Problem. Das zweite Problem ware: Welches wird die Grenze der Leistungsfahig­ keit der Datenverarbeitungsanlagen sein? Dabei konnte man wie folgt fra­ gen: Matrizen welcher GroBe werden invertierbar sein, Eigenwertprobleme welcher GroBenordnung werden gelost werden konnen, oder welche GroBen­ ordnungen nichtlinearer Systeme werden losbar, wenn man zum Beispiel das GauB-Seidel-Verfahren anwendet? Hierbei muBten die Abrundungsfehler berucksichtigt werden. Herr Ameling: Das sind zwei vollig getrennte Probleme.

  • - 227.Sitzung Am 2.Oktober 1974 in Dusseldorf
    af Hans Ebner
    847,95 kr.

    The production of mineral oil in the sea bed and its storage in situ has become an extremely important factor for the world's economy. The development of equipment necessary for such projects, in particular drilling platforms and large storage tanks, has become an important task for research scientists in all industrial countries. Such tasks include environmental investigations in the various regions and research into the most important of the ocean's phenomena, such as the wind, the motion of the sea, currents, the drift of ice etc. and the provision of the necessary means of producing a quantitative record of such phenomena. First and foremost it is necessary to ascertain the forces to which typical marine structures are subjected by the wind and the motion of the sea, whereby the structures mainly affected are fixed and floating platforms and cylindrical storage tanks. Various construction methods are dis­ cussed, with illustrations of structures already in use. Stress and oscillation caused by static and dynamic forces, when the structures are exposed to the wind and the motion of the sea, are demonstrated. Various types of foundation available for platforms and tanks designed to stand on the sea bed are also discussed, whereby the bearing capacity of the latter is an extremely important factor. Details of suitable materials are given and reference is made to the problems which these materials entail when used for marine purposes.

  • - 222. Sitzung Am 6. Februar 1974 in Dusseldorf
    af Giuseppe Montalenti
    602,95 kr.

    Some recent development of the research on three genes selected for by malaria are reported and discussed. Discrimination between beta and non beta thalassemia (T h) has been made, and some anomalies of the mendel ian segregation encountered in previous surveys have been corrected. The advantage of the presence of several genes controlling essentially the same character (i. e. thalassemia) is discussed. A possible mechanism underlying the protection offered by the sickle cell gene (S) against malarial infection has been suggested by recent investigations. The fact that G6P D deficient erythrocytes are less susceptible than normal cells to the infection by Plasmodium has been actually demonstrated. The interaction of some genes at phenotypic level with genes having a direct selective value may account for their being selected for or against. The biological significance of poly­ morphic genes is discussed. Resume L' A. rapporte les resultats de redterches recentes sur trois genes selectionnes par Ie paludisme (malaria). On a reussi a discriminer entre la thalassemie (Th) beta et non beta, ce qui a permis de corriger des anomalies dans la segregation mendelienne que l'ont avait trouve dans des equ~tes precedentes. Cela donne l'occasion de dis cuter l'avantage de la presence de plusieurs genes qui contr6lent essentiellement Ie m~me caractere (dans ce cas, la thalassemie). Des travaux recents ont suggere un possible mecanisme par lequelles globules rouges qui ont l'hemoglobine S (sickle cell) seraient pro­ teges contre l'infection malarique.

  • - 212. Sitzung Am 10. Januar 1973 in Dusseldorf
    af Werner Reichardt
    609,95 kr.

    The objective of this lecture is to describe and to analyze the orientation behavior of flying flies towards different elementary patterns in their optical environment. The investigations presented here so far are confined to one dimension: the angular rotation of the fly around its vertical axes, caused by a flight torque signal which in turn is generated by the two wings. The pattern induced orientation behavior rests mainly on the observation, that elementary parts of the retinae and their associated nerve structures operate independently and lead to asymmetric induced torque responses when an object is symmetrically moved. The observations are in accordance with the hypothesis that spontaneous pattern differentiation by flies is due to a parallel organisation of identical motion perception mechanisms whose computational power rests on a central parametric control. Resume Cette conference a pour objet de decrire et d'analyser Ie comportement d'orientation de mouches en vol vers divers patterns elementaires places dans leur entourage visuel. Les recherches presentees ici sont limitees pour Ie moment a une seule dimension: la rotation angulaire de la mouche autour d'un axe vertical, telle que la provoque Ie couple de rotation en­ gendre par Ie mouvement des deux ailes. Ce comportement d' orientation induit par un pattern repose simplement sur l'observation que des parties elementaires des deux retines et des structures nerveuses qui leur sont associees operent independament et conduisent a des couples induits asymetriques lorsqu'un objet est deplace symetriquement.

  • - 205. Sitzung Am 1. Marz 1972 in Dusseldorf
    af Günter Ecker
    504,95 kr.

    The basic duties of circuit-breakers are discussed together with the various methods available to fulfil them. In the high power range it is shown that the arc plasma is superior to the semiconductor, but there are some compet­ ing arc media such as air, oil, SF , and vacuum which meet the require­ 6 ments in often contradictory ways. The art of circuit-breaker construction is to make the best use of the advantages, and to invent optimum compen­ sation for the disadvantages of the chosen medium. Although all the re­ quirements can be met with each medium, some are especially suited for specific applications. There are, however, broad areas where both techni­ cally and economically there is little difference between them. Therefore, for the time being, none can be ruled out or generally preferred. The complexity of the plasma equations and their boundary conditions, especially when convection cooling becomes dominant, exclude exact calculations and even the application of similarity laws in circuit-breaker development. Thus it is necessary to make a great number of rather costly and time consuming full scale power tests on prototypes. On the other hand the increasing requirements due to both larger generators and stronger networks are accelerating the technical progress and requiring the develop­ ment of a wide range of models. Both these reduce the number of breakers which can share the development costs which are no longer small compared to those of manufacturing.

  • - 197. Sitzung Am 7. April 1971 in Dusseldorf
    af Gunter Schmoelders
    599,95 kr.

    In the scope of a financial policy based on economic requirements, the task of stabilizing the economic process by regulation of the total demand has to an ever larger extent been incumbent on public expenditure. While extensive studies exist which thoroughly analyze the use of public expendit­ ures as stabilizing elements and their effect on the economic situation, the political and institutional as well as the technical and economical bases of the variations of expenditure have been neglected up to now. In order to be able to correctly evaluate individual government expenditures in their quality as instruments with which to influence the economic trend, it is therefore necessary to determine in which measure which part of public expenditure will be flexible, or, to put it more clearly, it is necessary to define the margin which in each case will be at the disposal of the legislative and executive organs for a systematic variation of expenditure on a short-term basis according to economic necessities. This means that the concept of flexibility comprises the aspect of quantity as well as the - economically decisiv- aspect of time of a possible variation of expenditure. Each of these aspects, and consequently the overall flexibility, is determined in two phases which succeed each other; first in the phase of preparing the budget plan and then in the phase of carrying it out.

  • - 194. Sitzung Am 6. Januar 1971 in Dusseldorf
    af Franz Koenigsberger
    601,95 kr.

    In the field of machine tools the considerable progress which has taken place in the last two decades, has been due to a large extent to the co-opera­ tion between teaching, research and industry. The paper describes how this co-operation, extending far beyond national boundaries, has influenced design fundamentals as well as design practice for metal cutting machine tools, and how this has contributed to the develop­ ment of machines which show better quantitative and qualitative perfor­ mance with higher technical and economic efficiency. Resume Le progres dans Ie domaine des machines outils, qu'on a observe depuis vingt ans est dft a la collaboration de l'enseignement, de la recherche et de l'industrie. Dans cette communication on montre que cette collaboration, qui s'etend a travers les frontieres nationales, a influence les principes de dessin et l'exe­ cution des machines outils. Elle a produit des machines de meilleure qualite et productivite avec un haut rendement economique et technique. Literatur [1] Nicolson, J. T.: Report on Experiments with Rapid Cutting Steel Tools, The Man­ chester Association of Engineers and the Manchester Municipal School of Technology, Manchester 1903. [2] Schlesinger, G.: Die Werkzeugmaschinen, Julius Springer, Berlin 1936. [3] Whitworth, J.: Address to the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Glasgow 1956. Mommsen, Th.: Offener Brief an Professor Lujo Brentano, Miinchener Neueste Nach­ [4] richten, Nr. 530, 15. November 1901. [5] Ashby, Sir E.: Technology and the Academics, MacMillan, London 1959. Schlesinger, G.: Priifbuch fUr Werkzeugmaschinen, G. W. den Boer, Middelburg 1962.

  • af Karl Dietrich Bracher
    503,95 kr.