Bøger i PoliMI SpringerBriefs serien
- Bog
- 570,95 kr.
522,95 kr. The book provides an overview of the Slow Onset Disasters (SLOD) in the urban built environment discussing potential strategies to assess and mitigate multiple climate change related risks. Climate change evidence has been reported in the last decades, suggesting that the anthropogenic activities are accelerating these changes towards a warmer and more polluted environment. In this context, SLODs have been linked to climate change related disasters and have been stated to have a higher impact risk within dense built environment (BE). Therefore, the book presents a description of the most relevant SLODs, their significance, and confluence, the way in which scientists and entities are monitoring their progression at different scales, a structured risk assessment strategy and the deconstruction of the BE characteristics that make it more prone to SLODs risk. In addition, it highlights the necessity of adapting the traditional risk assessment methods, to account for different vulnerabilitytypes, including the morphology and materiality of the BE, and the BE users¿ characteristics. In fact, individual features influence users¿ responses and tolerance to environmental stressors, because of age, health, gender, habits, and behaviour, thus impacting the users¿ vulnerability. Exposure can then amplify these issues, since it defines the number of users that can be effectively affected by the SLOD. Starting from this perspective, the book first traces literature-based correlations between individual features, use behaviour, and individual response to the SLOD-altered open spaces. Then, a novel methodology, to quantify the variations of users¿ vulnerability and exposure, is offered, to support designers in quickly defining input scenarios for risk assessment and mitigation. Lastly, it demonstrates, through a case study, the SLOD risk assessment framework proposed and the evaluation of the efficacy of risk mitigation strategies.
- Bog
- 522,95 kr.
- Innovative Technologies for Resource Efficient Buildings
548,95 kr. - Bog
- 548,95 kr.
- Solving Practical Issues
683,95 kr. This volume presents both methodologies and numerical applications for the design of non-conventional unit operations in chemical processes and plants, which are rarely studied in depth at an academic level but have wide applications in the industrial sector.
- Bog
- 683,95 kr.
690,95 kr. This book describes the latest efforts to develop aluminumnanocomposites with enhanced damping and mechanical properties and goodworkability.
- Bog
- 690,95 kr.
- Enhancing Design through Minimal Mass Structures
687,95 kr. This book explains how lightweight materials and structures can be deployed in buildings to meet high environmental and aesthetic standards and emphasizes how the concept of lightness in building technology and design dovetails with the desire to enhance landscape.
- Bog
- 687,95 kr.
- The Morgex North Tunnel Experiment
715,95 kr. This book aims to cast light on all aspects of tunnel fires, based on experimental activities and theoretical and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analyses.
- Bog
- 715,95 kr.
- From Musical Phrasing to Enhancement of Urban Spaces
550,95 kr. This book explores the value of the musical concept of "agogics" - the modification of regular rhythm to enhance expressive potential - in understanding urban spatial configurations within the current technological context and in developing urban maps that exploit sonic signals to create an open learning framework.
- Bog
- 550,95 kr.
585,95 kr. This book explains the potential value of using mobile phone data to monitor urban practices and identify rhythms of use in today's cities.
- Bog
- 585,95 kr.
- Towards New Frontiers in Patient Care
715,95 kr. This book offers a state-of-the-art overview of controlled drug delivery systems, covering the most important innovative applications.
- Bog
- 715,95 kr.
- Optimizing Devices and Procedures
585,95 kr. This book offers a well-structured, critical review of current design practice for tensioned membrane structures, including a detailed analysis of the experimental data required and critical issues relating to the lack of a set of design codes and testing procedures.
- Bog
- 585,95 kr.
687,95 kr. This book presents the findings of a detailed study to explore the behavior of architectural glazing systems during and after an earthquake and to develop design proposals that will mitigate or even eliminate the damage inflicted on these systems.
- Bog
- 687,95 kr.
- A Study for RDF Streams and Evolving Web Data
585,95 kr. This book examines the problem of relevant query answering over the Web and provides a comprehensive overview of relevant query answering over streaming and distributed data.
- Bog
- 585,95 kr.
- Smart Materials, Intelligent Design
712,95 kr. This book presents a design-driven investigation into smart materials developed by chemists, physicists, materials and chemical engineers, and applied by designers to consumer products, buildings, interfaces, or textiles.
- Bog
- 712,95 kr.
- Design Perspectives
585,95 kr. This book approaches Location Based Mobile Games from a design perspective, investigating the peculiar traits that make them compelling contemporary practices and challenging fields of investigation.
- Bog
- 585,95 kr.
- The Challenge for India
585,95 kr. This multidisciplinary book brings together medical, management, and architectural disciplines in order to formulate new approaches to the programming, planning, and design of healthcare facilities that will improve the quality of healthcare systems in rapidly developing countries, respecting local culture.
- Bog
- 585,95 kr.
- Digital Services for an Internet of Places
722,95 kr. This book offers a fascinating exploration of the relationship between information and communication technologies (ICTs) and spatial planning, expanding the concept of "urban smartness" from the usual scale of buildings or urban projects to the regional dimension.
- Bog
- 722,95 kr.
- Strategies, Policies and Guidelines
659,95 kr. This book presents an original methodology for analyzing urban retail systems, addressing the strong retail meltdown (increase in closed corner-shops and dead malls) that is severely affecting cities and suburban areas in Europe and the USA.
- Bog
- 659,95 kr.
- A Strategic Approach from Design to Evaluation
733,95 kr. Based on these experiences it extensively discusses evaluation, with a particular focus on service evaluation, and explains its importance in supporting service design and fostering innovation throughout the service design process.
- Bog
- 733,95 kr.
- An Input - Output Approach
704,95 kr. This book describes the Exergy-based Input - Output (ExIO) framework, a comprehensive methodology for assessing the primary fossil fuels requirements for the production of goods and services within a given economy from a lifecycle perspective.
- Bog
- 704,95 kr.
- A European Perspective
377,95 kr. This book reports onthe results of an extended survey conducted across Europe within the frameworkof the APPRAISAL FP7 projectto determine the extent to which an integrated assessment approach toair quality is being adopted, on the one hand, by regional and local authorities to develop airquality plans and, on the other, by researchers. Followinga detailed analysis of the role and structure of the components of anintegrated assessment study, the results of the survey are considered from avariety of perspectives. Aboveall, the book discusses the new light the survey sheds on emissionabatement policies and measures planned at regional and local scales, and on their synergies/trade-offs with measures implementedat the national scale. Detailed consideration is given to the currently available modelingmethodologies foridentifying emissionsources, assessing theeffectiveness of emission reduction measures, and evaluating the impacts of emissionabatement measures on human health. Current strengths and weaknesses revealedby the survey are explored, and the application of an integrated assessment tool in two case studies (in Brussels and Porto) is discussed. The book will appeal to all those interested in the use of integratedassessment in connection withthe sources, effects and control of air pollution.
- Bog
- 377,95 kr.
690,95 kr. This book discusses the issues relevant to the evaluation of the thermal energy balance of buildings in southern Europe and equips readers to carry out optimal building energy-performance assessments taking into account the peculiarities of the climatic context.
- Bog
- 690,95 kr.
- The MODAClouds Approach
412,95 kr. This books is open access under a CC BY 4.0 license. This book summarizes work being undertaken within the collaborative MODAClouds research project, which aims to facilitate interoperability between heterogeneous Cloud platforms and remove the constraints of deployment, portability, and reversibility for end users of Cloud services.
- Bog
- 412,95 kr.
- Institutional Solutions for Policy Problems
687,95 kr. Two in-depth case studies on institutional change in metropolitan transport (in London and Barcelona) are presented with a view to testing the aforementioned hypotheses and providing insights into the ways in which the two transport institutions were reformed.
- Bog
- 687,95 kr.
289,95 kr. This open access book presents nine outstanding doctoral dissertations in Information Technology from the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
- Bog
- 289,95 kr.
- A Multidisciplinary Approach to Embrace Complexity and Sustainability
585,95 kr. - Bog
- 585,95 kr.
- A Systematic Analysis-Based Methodology for Organizational Change Management
666,95 kr. This book analyzes the process-oriented and organizational changes related to the digital transformation of multidisciplinary design firms.
- Bog
- 666,95 kr.
- Reframing Participatory Spatial Planning
585,95 kr. Three conceptual models that offer different perspectives on public and civic participation in complex urban planning processes are presented and reviewed: the consensual model, which conceives of planning as a collective decision-making practice geared toward consensus building and conflict resolution;
- Bog
- 585,95 kr.
- Process Modeling and Emerging Applications
424,94 kr. This book first presents different approaches to modeling of the cold spray process with the aim of extending current understanding of its fundamental principles and then describes emerging applications of cold spray.
- Bog
- 424,94 kr.
- A Brazilian Case Study in the Promotion of Sustainable Design
680,95 kr. This book describes a collaborative Design Pilot Project held in Brazil (called MODU.Lares) involving micro and small enterprises and other actors in the furniture sector.
- Bog
- 680,95 kr.