Bøger i Orbit serien
- Megadeth
116,95 kr. What goes together better than comics and rock music? Rock 'N' Roll Comics Megadeth is one of the most acclaimed comics! It is back in print! Featuring the the beginning of the band and their members Dave Mustaine, Marty Friedman & David Ellefson. Also featuring a back-up story about the band Tesla. Cover by famed artist Jayfri Hashim. As featured on CNN, Time Magazine, People Magazine, LA Times, Forbes, and MSNBC! Orbit is a comic book biography series that focuses on the people that have made a difference in the world!
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- 116,95 kr.
103,95 - 233,95 kr. - Bog
- 103,95 kr.
103,95 kr. Explore the exhilarating journey of Guillermo Del Toro, from making a pact with childhood monsters to borrowing from James Cameron to rescue his kidnapped parents. This comic book biography unveils the surreal and captivating life of the renowned filmmaker, writer, and TV creator.
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- 103,95 kr.
103,95 - 223,95 kr. - Bog
- 103,95 kr.
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- 116,95 kr.
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- 116,95 kr.
98,95 - 223,95 kr. - Bog
- 98,95 kr.
108,95 kr. - Bog
- 108,95 kr.
- George Harrison
113,95 kr. He was not just The Beatles quiet man who was silent in interviews or wrote iconic songs in the history of Rock under the shadow of Lennon and McCartney. George was an spiritual creator living in a material world. In this book, we explore Harrison¿s story from his teens from his death. We will go through his conversion ceremony to Hinduism as through the different parts of his life wich represented a new brand start in his career as an artist as well as his human growth.A comic book biography of the life of George Harrison! The Tribute comic book series has been seen in Rolling Stone, TIME Magazine and more!
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- 113,95 kr.
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- 116,95 kr.
- Mark Zuckerberg, Creator of Facebook
113,95 kr. As the brains and driving force behind Facebook Mark Zuckerberg has become the youngest billionaire in the history of the planet. As this comic reveals, the road for the success for both his creation and him personally was not preordained nor was it always a smooth ride. He would be tempted with unimaginable amounts of money and have to deal harshly with people along the way - many of whom would later feel betrayed. Read how a young man's frustration with women helped spark an idea that would have him dating Victoria's secret models and how socially inept young man wound up creating a company that has revolutionized the way hundreds of millions of people all over the globe socialize with each other.As featured on CNN, Time Magazine, People Magazine, LA Times, Forbes, and MSNBC! Orbit is a comic book biography series that focuses on the people that have made a difference in the world! Read about the world of Mark Zuckerberg in comic book form!
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- 113,95 kr.
- The Cast of Doctor Who
98,95 kr. Dr. Who is the longest running sci-fi TV series of all time. The secret to its longevity is its uncanny ability to recast the lead actor every few years. But who are the people behind "The Doctor?" THE CAST OF DR. WHO takes you back in time to learn about the personal histories of William Hartnell, Tom Baker, Paul McGann, and the newest incarnation of The Doctor: Matt Smith.As featured on CNN, Time Magazine, People Magazine, LA Times, OK Magazine, and MSNBC! Orbit is a comic book biography series that focuses on the biggest and brightest stars in the world!
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- 98,95 kr.
- Steve Jobs
116,95 kr. Steve Jobs is a very elusive individual. He strays from the public eye. He keeps to himself. He''s not a paparazzi-driven, media-hungry entity. He''s a creator, an inventor, a genius. And he''s the brains behind some of Apple''s innovative, world-changing product. Learn the story behind the man, the legend of Steve Jobs. Get the inside scoop on what drives him to create and where his first need for intelligence came from. From his first Apple computer all the way to the newest inventions, learn how this man has shaped the company, and himself, for the better.As featured on CNN, Time Magazine, People Magazine, LA Times, Forbes, and MSNBC! Orbit is a comic book biography series that focuses on the people that have made a difference in the world! Read about the world of Steve Jobs in comic book form!
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- 116,95 kr.
- Paul McCartney: Carry That Weight
116,95 kr. Paul McCartney: Carry that weight, takes a snapshot of the afternoon Paul McCartney made the final decision to quit the most beloved band of all time, and imagines the thoughts and feelings behind it. The comic is inspired by the famously frank press release that came with his debut solo album and confirmed the end of The Beatles, and the end of his partnership with John Lennon.As featured on CNN, Time Magazine, People Magazine, LA Times, Forbes, and MSNBC! Orbit is a comic book biography series that focuses on the people that have made a difference in the world! Read about the world of Paul McCartney in comic book form!
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- 116,95 kr.
- Jack Dorsey: Co-Founder of Twitter
116,95 kr. Jack Dorsey is the co-founder of Twitter, a social media platform like none other that allows users to have their voice broadcast to the masses, 140 characters at a time. With Twitter, Dorsey has managed bridge the social gaps that entrepreneurs have been trying to close for years; friends are connecting with far-away friends, companies are finally reaching their customers in a new and unique way, and celebrities are tweeting directly at their fans in every corner of the world. Learn about the man behind the phenomenon in “Jack Dorsey: Co-Founder of Twitter.”As featured on CNN, Time Magazine, People Magazine, LA Times, Forbes, and MSNBC! Orbit is a comic book biography series that focuses on the people that have made a difference in the world! Read about the world of Jack Dorsey in comic book form!
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- 116,95 kr.
- Ian Fleming: The Man Behind James Bond
108,95 kr. Bond… James Bond. The fictional character is synonymous with action, intrigue, beautiful women, and maniacal despots bent on world destruction. The life of 007's creator, Ian Fleming, proved to be a template for his greatest creation. TidalWave explores the man behind the myth, or should we say the man who is a myth?As featured on CNN, Time Magazine, People Magazine, LA Times, Forbes, and MSNBC! Orbit is a comic book biography series that focuses on the people that have made a difference in the world! Read about the world of Ian Fleming in comic book form!
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- 108,95 kr.
- Graphic Novel
98,95 kr. It is undeniable the influence Google has had. The company filters into every aspect of our lives-whether we are searching for information, using a map to navigate to a destination, or shopping online. "Sergey Brin and Larry Page: The Creators of Google" introduces readers to the two men that have put the world at our fingertips.As featured on CNN, Time Magazine, People Magazine, LA Times, Forbes, and MSNBC! Orbit is a comic book biography series that focuses on the people that have made a difference in the world! Read about how Google was started in comic book form!
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- 98,95 kr.
- Howard Schultz: The Man Behind STARBUCKS
116,95 kr. Chances are, you've had a Starbucks coffee recently. You might be drinking one now, or thinking of having one. I know I am. But do you know who helped get that Starbucks into your hands? Who had the idea to take Starbucks in a new direction? Learn the true tale of the man who pushed Starbucks into the stratosphere, taking it from its small coffee bean sales to its global coffee domination. See here, in comic book form, the true story of Howard Schultz, the man who made Starbucks a legend.As featured on CNN, Time Magazine, People Magazine, LA Times, Forbes, and MSNBC! Orbit is a comic book biography series that focuses on the people that have made a difference in the world! Read about the world of Howard Schultz in comic book form!
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- 116,95 kr.
- Bill Gates: Co-founder of Microsoft
116,95 kr. He has been called the sultan of software and the master of the modern PC; now his story comes to comics. Follow the life of William Gates, from his early days writing basic code, through the rise of Microsoft, to his current humanitarian works. See what has driven this amazing man to become an architect of the future.As featured on CNN, Time Magazine, People Magazine, LA Times, Forbes, and MSNBC! Orbit is a comic book biography series that focuses on the people that have made a difference in the world! Read about the world of Bill Gates in comic book form!
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- 116,95 kr.
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- 116,95 kr.
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- 116,95 kr.
- Mikhail Prokhorov
116,95 kr. As a leading industrialist in Russia's precious metals sector, Mikhail Prokhorov quickly rose to become the 7th richest man in the country. He ran against the mighty Vladimir Putin in the 2012 presidential elections, and purchased the NBA team the Nets, moving the former Garden Staters to Brooklyn this year. As the center of his fair share of controversies over the years, the Russian billionaire has become one of the most talked about figures in Europe and beyond.
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- 116,95 kr.
- Siegel & Shuster: the creators of Superman EN ESPANOL
116,95 kr. TidalWave Productions presenta en español el comic biografia de Jerry Sieguel y Joe Shuster, conoce sus origenes mas secretos de los autenticos creadores de Superman, como se les ocurrio la fantastica idea de crear un personaje que ahora cumple sus 75 años de gloria, que no solo es un gran exito en comic, si no en peliculas. No todo fue exito y alegria, ellos sufrieron mucho con los derechos de autor durante muchos años.
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- 116,95 kr.
- John Lennon
116,95 kr. John Lennon, componente de los Beatles. Presentamos su comic biografia, su vida fue increíble, formó parte del legendario cuarteto de Liverpool. Comic a todo color en español.
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- 116,95 kr.
- George R.R. Martin: The Power Behind the Throne
116,95 kr. Esta es una historia épica de cómo un amante del comic y humilde muchacho de Jersey se convirtió en el rey supremo de una era de fantasía. El es más conocido por su obra, "Juego de Tronos" serie de televisión, George RR Martin tiene - durante décadas - "reescrito el libro" en la ciencia ficción, el horror y el fandom de manera que pocos autores podían imaginar. Ven a descubrir con nosotros cual fué la razón por la que la revista Time lo nombró como "una de las personas más influyentes en el mundo." Ven y descubre GEORGE RR MARTIN: El poder detrás de los Tronos.
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- 116,95 kr.
- JRR Tolkien - El Verdadero Senor de los Anillos
116,95 kr. Imagino reinos de magos, orcos y hobbits, y elevo la fantasía de la literatura basura a una respetada. J.R.R Tolkien, es un autor icónico quién captivó generaciones con su compleja mitología rica de detalle de lo que es la Tierra Media, es el sujeto de su propia historia en esta edición especial de la última biografía de TidalWave Productions. ¡Esta edición está tradúcido al español!
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- 116,95 kr.
- Stephen King
116,95 kr. Uno de los autores más vendidos de todos los tiempos, sus libros han vendido más de 500 millones de ejemplares, traducidos a 33 idiomas. Las generaciones de lectores y espectadores aterrorizados han apodado Stephen King como "Master of Horror", pero es mucho, mucho más que eso. Descubre todo sobre el en este comic biografia en español.
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- 116,95 kr.