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  • af Carlos Fernandez
    1.270,95 kr.

    César Vallejo paradoxically discounted the modernist significance of his avant-garde masterpiece, Trilce, published in 1922. Yet, in these poems, the renowned Peruvian writer played with the Spanish language.

  • af Esther Fernandez
    1.384,95 kr.

    The first comprehensive study of Tirso de Molina and his work in English

  • af Louise M. Haywood & Louise O. Vasvári
    1.478,95 kr.

    Este nuevo volumen ofrece ensayos de especialistas anglsfonos sobre el Libro de Buen Amor, obra monumental del siglo XIV. El volumen responde a la necesidad de un enfoque actualizado que examina el estado de las cuestiones principales (como son la de la autorma y su contexto, la mitrica, las tradiciones manuscrita e impresa, el uso de exempla y proverbios, y las aproximaciones tesricas al Libro) y sus implicaciones para una lectura del Libro. Ademas aporta dos estudios de uno de los episodios principales (el encuentro del arcipreste con Don Amor hasta la muerte de Doqa Endrina). Se explora tambiin la estructura de la obra juanruizana como un texto pre-novelmstico en el sentido bajtiniano y desde la teorma del caos. Contribuyen: Laurence de Looze, Alan Deyermond, Martmn Duffell, Elizabeth Drayson, Jeremy Lawrance, Dorothy S. Severin, Barry Taylor, y los editores. This volume of essays on the fourteenth-century Libro de Buen Amor by Anglophone Hispanists comprises survey articles (author and milieu, print and manuscript traditions, metrics, exempla and proverbs, modern theoretical treatments of the Libro), fresh readings of a key passage (the encounter between Don Amor and the Archpriest, and don Melsn and doqa Endrina), and appraisals of the Libro's meanings and structure as pre-novelistic discourse, and through chaos theory. Contributors are Alan Deyermond, Elizabeth Drayson, Martin Duffell, Jeremy Lawrance, Laurence de Looze, Dorothy S. Severin, Barry Taylor, and the editors.

  • af Andre Rui Graca
    1.174,95 kr.

    Why has Portugal's vibrant and creative cinema industry not been more commercially successful?This book traces the evolution of Portuguese cinema between the beginning of the New Cinema movement in 1960 and the height of the economic crisis in 2010 from a socio-cultural and economic perspective. It aims to explain why this vibrant and creative industry has not been more commercially successful and pays especial attention to questions of financial viability, domestic consumption, international distribution, and the effects of legislation. It shows how film-makers have responded to historical difficulties and material obstacles and how market conditions have influenced aesthetics. Drawing on quantitative and qualitative data, film theory, and history, the book assesses the place of Portuguese cinema within Portuguese culture as well as the wider film world. While focussed on the case of Portugal, it also sheds light on problems faced by other peripheral film cultures in the international marketplace and on the festival circuit.

  • af Mirna Vohnsen
    1.121,95 kr.

    An in-depth study of the presence and representation of Jews in contemporary Argentine film, focusing on films shot since the year 2000.Runner-up for the AHGBI-Spanish Embassy Doctoral Publication Prize for 2017 Notwithstanding the current visual prominence of Jewish life and Jewish culture on the Argentine big screen, surprisingly little has been written about Jewish film characterization in academic scholarship. In order to fill this lacuna, Portrayals of Jews in Contemporary Argentine Cinemaexplores the depiction of the Jews of Argentina in modern Argentine cinema with particular attention to the ways in which Jews and Jewishness interact with issues of national identity. The central aim of the book is to investigate how Argentine cinema negotiates the argentinidad of Jewish Argentines, thereby adding to the mosaic that is the imagined community of Argentina. To this end, key films by both Jewish and non-Jewish directors are scrutinized, shedding light on three main areas: the masculinity of the Jewish gaucho, the effects of the 1994 AMIA bombing and family relations, including fatherhood and the intermarriage between Jews and Gentiles. Organized around these topics, the book comprises four chapters and with the exception of the first, which is a historical exposition of Jewish presence in Argentina and Argentine film, all subsequent ones take a theme-centered approach. Mirna Vohnsen is a faculty member in Spanish and Latin American Studies at Maynooth University.

  • af Javier Letran
    1.173,95 kr.

    A collection of essays on Spanish poetry honouring a distinguished British Hispanist.Trevor J. Dadson is a British Hispanist of international distinction whose remarkable scholarly range has resulted in a published output that embraces cultural, literary and social history, textual editing, literacy, book ownership and literary criticism. The twelve essays of the present volume pay tribute to his distinctive interventions in the field of Spanish poetry (early modern and contemporary); collectively they recognize the catalytic role of Professor Dadson's original research while opening up to dialogues beyond it, aiming to inspire new conversations around the topics he has inspired generations of scholars to pursue. Represented in the volume are former doctoralstudents, former colleagues and international collaborators, all of whom are also distinguished authorities in their fields. Javier Letran is Senior Lecturer in Spanish at the University of St Andrews. Isabel Torres is Professor of Spanish Golden Age Literature at Queen's University Belfast.

  • af Stephen M. Fay
    1.172,95 kr.

    Presents research conducted in three difficult-to-access Cuban archives with rare textual resources, upon which very little analysis has ever previously been published.This book offers an innovative and provocative analysis of the much-studied Cuban Revolution by reminding us that Fidel Castro's was actually the second of the island's twentieth-century revolutions. By bringing 1959 into criticalcommunication with the revolution of 1933, the book explores Cuba's trajectory from colony to republic to revolution, not as a linear inevitability, but as a rite of collective passage punctuated by turning points in which publicdebate turned to almost obsessive reflection on national 'identity' and national 'destiny'. In re-reading important works of many of Cuba's most significant intellectual and political figures, whilst also revealing little known but truly transcendental contributions to the collective narrative during both revolutionary periods, this book makes a major contribution to a more complex, nuanced and sophisticated understanding of Cuban cultural history and Cuban national identity in the twentieth century. In both periods, the book reveals revolutionary zeal challenged by dogged ambivalence, nihilism undercut by remembrance, the teleological pursuit of 'The End' of the national narrative displaced by 'An End', always and forever 'to be continued'. STEPHEN M. FAY is a Lecturer in Spanish at Aston University.

  • af Leticia Villamediana Gonzalez
    1.142,95 kr.

    Este libro ofrece la primera revision en forma de volumen monografico de las transferencias culturales de Gran Bretana a Espana en el siglo XVIII. A close reading of the cultural exchanges between England and Spain in the18th century as seen in the periodical press.Este libro ofrece la primera revision en forma de volumen monografico de las transferencias culturales de Gran Bretana a Espana en el siglo XVIII, centrandose en particular en el genero mas novedoso del setecientos, la podica. Para ello, explora el fenomeno hasta ahora difuso de la anglomania - moda de las ideas, influencias y estilos ingleses que domino la Europa del setecientos - y su fenomeno opuesto, la anglofobia, en tres tipos de prensa bien diferenciados, todo ello en conjuncion con la propia coyuntura nacional y el programa de reformas borbonico. Ademas, esta obra enfatiza la labor de estos periodistas y periodicos, asi como sus conexiones con el poder, a la vez que los situa como agentes fundamentales de esa red europea de intercambios materiales e intelectuales que sustento la Republica de las Letras. Con todo ello, este volumen contribuye a la serie de debates dedicados a la reevaluacion de la Ilustracion espanola que buscan situarla en el mapa de las Luces Europeas de entonces y de ahora. LETICIA VILLAMEDIANA GONZALEZ es Profesora Titular en el Departamento de Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Warwick. This book constitutes the first monographic study of the cultural transfers from Great Britain to Spain through 18th-Century periodical press, one of the most innovative genres of the period. It exploresthe notion of anglomania - the craze for all things English which spread throughout all Europe - and its reactive phenomenon, anglophobia, offering a contextualised analysis of the transmission, reception and adaptation of BritishEnlightened ideas and reforms in three different types of Spanish periodicals. In so doing, this volume brings to the fore the work of some understudied writers and journalists and situates these important periodicals and their connections to power as a key part of a wider European context of material and intellectual exchanges that sustained the Republic of Letters. This in turn, contributes to recent scholarship arguing for a central place of Spain in the intellectual map of the Enlightenment. LETICIA VILLAMEDIANA GONZALEZ is a Senior Teaching Fellow in Hispanic Studies at the University of Warwick.

  • af Inma Ridao Carlini
    1.172,95 kr.

    A full exploration of Galdos's treatment of questions relating to the creation and distribution of wealth in the modern money-centred society of Restoration Spain.Winner of the 2017 Peter Bly Award of the Asociacion Internacional de Galdosistas Rich and Poor follows Galdos's narrative of the ascent of the bourgeoisie in the speculative climate which resulted from the economic policies of the liberal State. The book also considers the way he portrays the consequences of these policies on the people left behind by the development of capitalism in Spain. Ridao Carlini brings recent scholarshipon nineteenth-century Spanish history together with a wealth of contemporary material--journalism, essays, pamphlets and costumbrista sketches of manner. In this way Galdos's novels are shown to participate in the varied currentsof critical thought - both conservative and socially radical--which questioned the theoretical basis of the Spanish liberal system from the mid-nineteenth century onwards. To this day no other critical work on Galdos has analysed the financial and economic aspects of Galdos's mature novels in the depth they deserve. Ridao Carlini shows that these aspects are central, both to the novels' narrative and to Galdos's understanding of Spanish society as the nineteenth century drew to a close. She also reveals Galdos's perception--one which he shares with other contemporary authors--that he was living through a time of unforeseeable social transformation. Galdos's work appears particularly relevant to us today, since we, like him, live in a time marked by a perception of social and economic uncertainty. Inma Ridao Carlini is a Teaching Fellow in Hispanic Studies, University of Leicester.

  • af Lluis Cabre
    1.323,95 kr.

    The first comprehensive study of the reception of the classical tradition in medieval Catalan letters.This book offers the first comprehensive study of the reception of the classical tradition in medieval Catalan letters, a multilingual process involving not only Latin and Catalan, but also neighbouring vernaculars like Aragonese,Castilian, French, and Italian. The authors survey the development of classical literacy from the twelfth-century Aragonese royal courts until the arrival of the printing press and the dissemination of Italian Humanism. Aimed atstudents and scholars of medieval and early modern Iberia - and anyone interested in medieval Romance literatures and the classical tradition - this volume also provides a concise introduction to the medieval Crown of Aragon, a catalogue of translations into Catalan of texts from classical antiquity through the Italian Renaissance, and a critical study of the influence of the classics in five major works: Bernat Metge's Lo somni, Joanot Martorell'sTirant lo Blanc, the anonymous Curial e Guelfa, Ausias March's poetry, and Joan Rois de Corella's prose. Lluis Cabre is associate professor of medieval Catalan literature at the Universitat Autonoma dercelona; Alejandro Coroleu is ICREA research professor of Renaissance Humanism at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona; Montserrat Ferrer is a research associate at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona; Albert Lloret is associate professor of Spanish and Catalan at the University of Massachusetts Amherst; Josep Pujol is associate professor of medieval Catalan literature at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona.

  • af Alison Sinclair
    1.289,95 kr.

    Tracks the emergence and vicissitudes of attitudes to wrongdoing in Spain from the 19th century through the decades before the Civil War.The international contributors to this volume explore the rich diversity of cultures and representations of wrongdoing in Spain through the 19th century and the decades up to the Civil War. Their line of enquiry is predicated on the belief that cultural constructions of wrongdoing are far from simple reflections of historical or social realities, and that they reveal not a line of historical development, but rather variation and movement. Voices and discourses arise in response to the social phenomena associated with wrongdoing. They set out to persuade, to shock, to entice, and in so doing provide complex windows on to social aspiration and desire. The book's three sections (Realities, Representations, and Reactions) offer distinct points of focus, and move between areas where control is paramount and on the agenda from above and those where the subtleties of emotional response take pride of place. Alison Sinclair was Professor of Modern Spanish Literature and Intellectual History at the University of Cambridge until retirement in 2014. Samuel Llano is a Lecturer in Spanish Cultural Studies at the Universityof Manchester.

  • af Lorna Dillon
    1.122,95 kr.

    The first book in English to consider the full extent of the accomplishments and influence the Chilean cultural icon, Violeta Parra.Violeta Parra was an extraordinary figure. She is best known for her contribution to the Latin American New Song movement and for her visual art, which was exhibited in the Musee des Arts Decoratifs of the Louvre gallery in 1964. Parra spent her early career singing Mexican songs in bars and researching traditional Chilean culture. All the different phases of Parra's life and work are discussed in this book, with analyses of her music, paintings, sculptures, embroideries (arpilleras), and poetry. Her exhibition in the Louvre gallery and the music venue that she set up before she died, La Carpa de la Reina, are also covered. Among the individual essays collected here are seminal works by Patricio Manns and Leonidas Morales, which have been translated into English for the first time. These works introduce the historical and biographical context for Parra's work. Other essays feature thelatest research and findings by Catherine Boyle, Ericka Verba, Paula Miranda, Serda Yalkin, Romina A. Green, and Lorna Dillon. The book also includes an interview with Violeta Parra's brother, the influential poet Nicanor Parra and a Foreword by Marjorie Agosin. Lorna Dillon earned her PhD at King's College London. She is currently a network facilitator and associate lecturer at the University of Kent.

  • af Beatriz Tadeo Fuica
    1.120,95 kr.

    An original and groundbreaking historiography on fifty years of Uruguayan cinema.Runner-up for the 2014 Publication Prize awarded by the Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland This book presents an original historiography on fifty years of Uruguayan cinema. It is the first English language academic book in which Uruguay becomes a case study to reflect upon broader interests of both Film and Latin American Studies, such as the conditions of film archives, the many materialities of film, the relationshipbetween film and politics, and the ways in which films are produced in countries without a mainstream film industry. Uruguayan cinema has recently begun to capture the attention of academics and critics. However, most of Uruguayan productions remain ignored and forgotten, and have not been explored in depth. This ground-breaking investigation unearths films and videos from private and public archives, made in both amateur and professional settings, to reflect upon the ever-changing nature of the concept of cinema. How is the concept of cinema defined in non-industrial contexts? Can we even talk about cinema, when most of the production was captured in small-gauge film and video? In seeking to answer these questions, this book uncovers the tensions behind the text and the - filmic, magnetic or digital - materiality of films. Detailed case studies are based on the analysis of the political, cultural and economic contexts of film production and current issues of accessibility. Beatriz Tadeo Fuica is an Associate Researcher in the Grupo de Estudios Audiovisuales (GESTA), Universidad de la Republica (Uruguay); and atthe Centre d'histoire culturelle des societes contemporaines (CHCSC), Universite de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines.

  • af Pablo Bradbury
    1.173,95 kr.

    How did liberationist Christianity develop in Argentina between the 1930s and early 1970s? And how did it respond to state terrorism during the Dirty War?How did liberation theology develop in Argentina between the 1930s and early 1970s? And how did it respond to state terrorism during the Dirty War? Understanding the movement to be dynamic and highly diverse, this book reveals that ecclesial and political conflicts, especially over Peronism and celibacy, were at the heart of the construction of a liberationist Christian identity, which simultaneously internalised deep tensions over its relationship to the Catholic Church. It first situates the rise of a revolutionary Christian impulse in Argentina within changes in society, in Catholicism and Protestantism and in Marxism in the 1930s, before analysing how the phenomenon coalesced in the late sixties into a coherent social movement. Finally, the book examines the responses of liberationist Christians to the intense period of repression under the presidency of Isabel Peron and the rule of the military junta between 1974 and 1983. By exploring these distinct responses and uncovering the heterogeneity of liberationist Christianity, the book offers a fresh analysis of a movement that occupies a major role in the popular memory of the period of state terror, and provides a corrective to narratives that depict the movement as monolithic or as a passive victim of the dictatorship.

  • af Lindsay G. Kerr
    1.125,95 kr.

    Traces the processes and paradoxes at work in the late parodic poetry of Luis de Gongora and Lope de Vega, illuminating correlations and connections.Co-Winner of the 2014 Publication Prize awarded by the Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland Kerr traces the processes and paradoxes at work in the late parodic poetry of Luis de Gongora and Lope de Vega, illuminating the correlations and connections between two poets who have more often than not been presented as enemies.The analysis follows the parallel development of the complex parodic genre through Gongora's late mythological parody, from his 1589 Hero and Leander romance through to his culminating parody, La fabula de Piramo y Tisbe (1618) and Lope de Vega's alter ego Tome de Burguillos, whose anthology, Rimas humanas y divinas del licenciado Tome de Burguillos, was published a year before Lope's death, in 1634. Working from the premise that parody provides a Derridean supplement to exhausted, dominant genres (e.g. pastoral, lyric, epic), this study asks: what do these texts achieve by their supplementarity, and how do they achieve it?, and, the overarching question, why do these erudite poets turn to parody in an age of decline? Lindsay Kerr received her PhDin Spanish at Queen's University Belfast.

  • af John V. Fleming
    1.142,95 kr.

    Fleming masterfully demonstrates Camoes's debt to, and participation in, the long and continuing traditions of "e;spiritual"e; or allegorical scriptural exegesis in the European Middle Ages and Renaissance.Second in its fame only to the Lusiads within Camoes's large body of poetry, "e;Sobolos rios"e; ("e;Babylon and Zion"e;) in redondilhas is a philosophically ambitious masterwork of Christian humanism that draws from the psalm Super flumina Babylonis both a general theory of poetry and an intensely focused meditation upon the shape of an individual poet's career. Bringing to bear upon the poem the several learned traditions the poet demands, Fleming's study relates the poem to the traditions of allegorical scriptural exegesis characteristic of the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Specific subjects include the centrality of the psalms and the image of David to European poets, therelation of pagan myth to biblical truth, the complexity and purposefulness of Camoes's intertextual strategies, the underappreciated influence on Camoes of Juan Boscan, the exegetical control of the poem's elaborate numerological schemes, and the concept of palinode as literary genre and personal moral statement. John V. Fleming is the Louis W. Fairchild Professor of English and Professor of Comparative Literature emeritus at Princeton University.

  • af Cynthia Lucy Stephens
    1.322,95 kr.

    Explores Borges's supreme literary craftsmanship and the intimate puzzles of his fictions.Borges once stated that he had never created a character: 'It's always me, subtly disguised'. This book focuses on the ways in which Borges uses events and experiences from his own life, in order to demonstrate how they become the principal structuring motifs of his work. It aims to show how these experiences, despite being 'heavily disguised', are crucial components of some of Borges's most canonical short stories, particularly from the famous collections Ficciones and El Aleph. Exploring the rich tapestry of symmetries, doubles and allusions and the roles played by translation and the figure of the creator, the book provides new readings of these stories, revealing their hidden personal, emotional and spiritual dimensions. These insights shed fresh light on Borges's supreme literary craftsmanship and the intimate puzzles of his fictions.

  • af Javier Burguillo
    1.170,95 kr.

    Representations of religious conflict in sixteenth-century Spanish epic poetryEste libro analiza un corpus de textos epicos y propagandisticos que se escriben en las fronteras del imperio espanol en el siglo XVI. Examina la representacion del conflicto religioso en Inglaterra, Alemania y Holanda durante losreinados de Carlos V y Felipe II, y se centra en tres episodios, difundidos capilarmente en la cultura visual y emocional europea y en torno a los cuales cristaliza la narracion heroica: los martirios de cartujos y jesuitas en Inglaterra; la guerra de Esmalcalda; y el asedio de Amberes. El volumen considera las estrechas relaciones entre epica e historia; entre epica y cultura visual; y entre la poesia epica hispanica y la historia y la cartografiaiosa de Europa en unos anos criticos en los que se construye la Iglesia Anglicana y se afianza el luteranismo en Alemania. This book analyses a corpus of epic and propagandistic texts written at the margins of the Spanish empire in the sixteenth century. It examines the representation of religious conflict in England, Germany and Holland during the reigns of Charles V and Philip II, centring on three episodes widely disseminated in European visual and emotional culture and around which certain foundational Spanish heroic narratives emerged: the martyrdom of the Carthusians and Jesuits in England; the Schmalkaldic War; and the siege of Antwerp. The volume considers the close relationships between epic and history; between epic and visual culture; and between Hispanic epic poetry and the history and religious cartography of Europe during the critical years in which the Anglican Church was evolvingand Lutheranism gaining strength in Germany.

  • af Hayley Rabanal
    1.176,95 kr.

    This book is the first major study of one of Spain's most celebrated younger novelists, Belen Gopegui, whose work stands apart from other writers of her generation for its uncompromising focus on the social function of literature.This book is the first major study of one of Spain's most celebrated younger novelists, Belen Gopegui, whose work stands apart from other writers of her generation for its uncompromising focus on the social function of literature. Gopegui's social commitments find expression in her concern for solidarity and collective projects. These become more radical over time in response to a disenchantment with the evolution of the left in Spain and to the global impact of the capitalist economic system, giving rise to increasingly interventionist narrative strategies. The core theme of solidarity is explored in relation to the collective experience of Spain's largely consensualdemocratic transition and to the apparent erosion of collective goals in post-transition society. Gopegui's discourse of solidarity is examined through engagement with theorists of advanced modernity, including Ulrich Beck's 'risksociety' model and various contemporary reflections on the concept of solidarity. Centred on Gopegui's first four novels, the study situates analysis of these within the perspective of her later works and illuminates her artisticand intellectual trajectory by drawing on an extensive array of her non-fiction writings and personal interviews, one of which is published here for the first time. Hayley Rabanal is Lecturer in Hispanic Studies at the University of Sheffield.

  • af Eavan O'Brien
    1.170,95 kr.

    Zayas's prose through a gynocentric lens.Maria de Zayas y Sotomayor published two volumes of novellas, Novelas amorosas y ejemplares [1637] and Desenganos amorosos [1647], which enjoyed immense popularity in her day. She has recently been reinstated as a major figure of the Spanish Golden Age. This study examines Zayas's prose through a gynocentric lens. Drawing on an extensive array of primary and secondary sources, and referring to the ideas of Irigaray, Kristeva, Cixous,Raymond and Genette, O'Brien reflects on the interactions of Zayas's women in such relationships as friendship, sisterhood, and motherhood, analyzing these interactions through the collections as a whole, and connecting the novellas with the frame stories, an aspect of Zayas's writing which has often been overlooked by critics. EAVAN O'BRIEN is a Lecturer in Hispanic Studies at Trinity College Dublin.

  • af Geraldine Coates
    990,95 kr.

    Representations of treachery in medieval and early modern Spain.Treacherous Foundations is the first sustained study of the theme of treachery in the founding myths of the Iberian Peninsula. It considers literary versions, in epic, chronicle and theatre, of the legends of Fernan Gonzalez, Bernardo del Carpio and King Sancho II from medieval and early modern Spain and compares the representation of treachery across two critical periods in Spanish history, assessing its political, ideological, and cultural function. This book explores the role played by representations of treachery in foundational texts in highlighting the ideological tensions that arise from movements toward the creation of collective identities. It discusses in particular visions of nationhood and the monarchical state in the thirteenth and late sixteenth centuries. The theme of treachery is expanded to cover all aspects of treason and political disloyalty and, engaging with loyalty, trust and the nature of kingship, the volume sheds new light on aspects of Spanish cultural and political history, and provides insight into the nature of myth and collective memory, historical change and the collective response to crisis. GERALDINE COATES lectures in Medieval Spanish Literature at the University of Oxford.

  • af Julian Olivares
    1.326,95 kr.

    Women's poetry of the Spanish early modern period.This collection of fourteen scholarly essays on women's poetry from Spain's early modern period shows that women did indeed have a Golden Age, and that they were significant cultural actors in the realms of poetic production. Thestudies of secular verse demonstrate how female poets of this period devised strategies to confront the dominant masculine poetic discourse, while the essays on sacred poetry explore the multiple manifestations of female piety andmysticism. The women's words are brought to life and modern readers helped to understand the socio-cultural, interpersonal, and aesthetic components of the poets' oeuvre. The volume, a companion to Julian Olivares' and ElizabethBoyce's revised anthology "e;Tras el espejo la musa escribe"e;: Lirica femenina de los Siglos de Oro, constitutes an authoritative critical enterprise focused on the recuperation of the female literary voice, and marks an important step forward in the battle to include women's writing as part of Spain's literary canon. Contributors: Electa Arenal, Aranzazu Borrachero Mendibil, Anne J. Cruz, Adrienne L. Martin, Rosa Navarro Duran, Julian Olivares, Inmaculada Osuna, Amanda Powell, Elizabeth Rhodes, Stacey Schlau, Lia Schwartz, Alison Weber, Judith Whitenack. JULIAN OLIVARES is Professor of Spanish at the University of Houston and editor of Caliope, Journal ofthe Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry.

  • af Nino Kebadze
    1.353,95 kr.

    A reading of women's post-war literary representations in terms of exemplarity.The effects of General Francisco Franco's authoritarian rule (1939-1975) on the production and reception of cultural texts can be gauged by the silence that now surrounds them. This is especially true of works which enjoyed considerable popularity when first published. Most of the novels in question belong to the sentimental genre known as novela rosa, whose authors-mostly women-and heroines Academe has consistently treated as literary pariahs. This volume represents the first serious effort to question the categories used to assess the value and meaning of texts previously presumed to be devoid of both. It does so by bringing to the fore the operative premise of Francoist cultural politics, wherein fictional works have the power to mould individual character and conduct. Narratives by Luisa-Maria Linares, Concha Linares-Becerra, Carmen de Icaza and Maria Mercedes Ortoll are thus examined in terms of the effects that they were expected to have on their readers, and the constraints that such expectations placed on the works' production and reception. The result is a paradox: while the study of women's bestselling novels is by definition a study of the constraints that shape them, careful reading reveals the limitations of those selfsame constraints. NINO KEBADZE is an Assistant Professor in the Hispanic Studies Department of the University of Massachusetts Boston.

  • af Maria Y. Caba
    1.353,95 kr.

    La representacion de Isabel la Catolica en el teatro del Siglo de OroEste estudio analiza la representacion de Isabel la Catolica en obras escogidas de tres notables dramaturgos del Siglo de Oro espanol (Lope de Vega, Tirso de Molina y Luis Velez de Guevara). Para dicho fin, la autora se centra enlos dramaturgos y sus negociaciones, intercambios y subversion de las instituciones y autoridades de la monarquia espanola del siglo XVII, asi como tambien en la concepcion del genero sexual en la epoca. Sostieneual de Isabel (por un lado, unificadora de los reinos, bastion de la fe cristiana y depuradora del imperio, y por el otro, la fuerza motriz detras de la expulsion del pueblo judio, las conversiones forzosas y la creacion de la Inquisicion) ensombrece estos dramas, permeados por la ansiedad y la condena hacia Isabel. Se sugiere, ademas, que es la interseccion entre soberania y genero sexual, que se da en Isabel, la que expone y sostiene la fluidez y ambig&edad de la paradojica posicion de la reina como mujer-cabeza de estado, y simbolo de una monarquia que fomento la hegemonia catolico-castellana que luego sirvio de marco a la identidad nacional espanola.

  • af Anne L. Walsh
    1.353,95 kr.

    The complex narrative technique of one of Spain's most renowned contemporary authors.The writings of Arturo Perez-Reverte, one of Spain's most renowned contemporary authors, have been described as a minefield. This monograph examines the complexities behind the narrative technique employed in creating such a minefield, including an analysis of the role played by both male and female characters, the relevance of the past as a motif, and aspects of the role of storytelling in creating mystery where none should exist. Both Revertian novelsand journalistic writing are seen to be part of an over-all game which is played between their author and his readers. Film, too, forms part of the material reviewed as, though Perez-Reverte is not a script writer, many films have been based on his novels. The text-centred analysis concludes that the themes of interest in all Revertian output revolve around two main areas: the significance of the past, whether historical, cultural, or literary, andthe role of the written word in communicating, in rescuing and in challenging versions of that past in order to combat what Perez-Reverte terms 'dismemory'. ANNE L. WALSH lectures in Hispanic Studies at University College, Cork.

  • af Antonio Sanchez Jimenez
    1.142,95 kr.

    Un analisis de la obra poetica de Lope de Vega revela como amoldo su propio personaje "e;Lope"e; para adecuarse, generalmente con exito, a los cambios de su entorno.La obra poetica de Lope de Vega se diferencia del resto de la produccion del Siglo de Oro por una insistente singularidad: escenas y figuras de la vida del autor aparecen frecuentemente en sus poemas. La critica y el publico general ha respondido a esta caracteristica desde una perspectiva post-romantica, considerando que Lope escribio con sinceridad e inspiracion biografica, impulsado por su apasionada vida personal. En este libro se analiza lo que los post-romanticos consideran "e;sinceridad"e; como un recurso literario. Lope consigue una apariencia de sinceridad pero, de hecho, reaccionaba a los cambios de su entorno social y literario creando nuevas actitudes "e;biograficas"e;. Ensu poesia amorosa y epica, su conocida vida amorosa le proporciona fama y reconocimiento. En el Isidro, se presenta como el genio defensor de lo castellano y espanol por antonomasia. En las Rimas sacras adopta la retorica religiosa de la epoca para contrarrestar el exito de Gongora en los circulos cortesanos. Finalmente, en las Rimas de Tome de Burguillos repasa ironicamente su carrera poetica desde la perspectiva de uno. Antonio Sanchez Jimenez es profesor de espanol en Miami University, Ohio.

  • af T. E. Bell
    1.353,95 kr.

    Darwinian theory - the big idea of the nineteenth century - and its impact on the writing of Benito Perez Galdos.Despite the fact that Darwinian theory was perhaps the big idea of the nineteenth century, most critics in the past have assumed that Benito Perez Galdos would have remained unaffected by this scientific and philosophical revolution. This work contends otherwise, charting the influence of evolutionary theories on Galdos throughout his literary career. From his adaptation of the early nineteenth-century costumbristas' depiction of social species into a more sophisticated portrayal of Madrid society to his treatment of shifting social forces at a time of major socio-economic change, Galdos's outlook is shown to be deeply enmeshed in the Darwinian debate. Attention is paid not only to the hypotheses of Darwin himself, but also for instance to Ernst Haeckel's evolutionary thought, to Herbert Spencer's social Darwinism, and to the radical histology of Santiago Ramon y Cajal. Galdos and Darwin discusses how Spain's greatest novelist since Cervantes imaginatively reworked these epoch-making theories and investigates the impact of science on culture as the Spanish nation approached the twentieth century.T. E. BELL completed his Ph.D. under the supervision of Professor Nicholas Round at Sheffield University.

  • af Encarnacion Juarez Almendros
    1.142,95 kr.

    El papel de las ropas en la construccion de la identidad en neuve autobiografias ficticias e historicas del Siglo de Oro.Este libro examina el significativo papel de las ropas y de los adornos corporales en la construccion de la identidad en nueve autobiografias ficticias e historicas del Siglo de Oro: Lazarillo de Tormes, Guzman de Alfarache, Guiton Onofre, El Buscon, La picara Justina , Vida del soldado espanol Miguel de Castro , Discurso de mi vida de Alonso Contreras, Vida i sucesos de la Monja Alferez de Catalina de Erauso y Comentarios del desenganado de Duque de Estrada. En estas obras las vestiduras proyectan una compleja vision externa de la personalidad que sustituye la falta de introspeccion y de descripcion del cuerpo caracteristicas de estas narraciones. Este estudio considera la representacion verbal de la ropa como un sitio donde confluyen dialecticamente el sujeto escindido en busca de unidad ficticia y de distincion personal y el individuo enfrentado a las estructuras y discursos que lo configuran. El analisis tiene en cuenta el significado filologico, economico, politico, moral y artistico del vestido en el periodo pero sigue diferentes metodologias,las teorias de Bakhtin, Mulvey, Freud, Lacan y Kristeva, para explicar la subjetividad particular de cada Vida. ENCARNACION JUAREZ ALMENDROS es profesora de espanol en la Universidad de Notre Dame.

  • af Alison Ribeiro de Menezes
    1.353,95 kr.

    This book assesses Goytisolo's contribution to cultural debates in Spain since the sixties and revises the prevailing critical interpretation of his fiction, arguing that his works represent an ethical engagement with postmodernist theory rather than an illustration of it.This monograph offers two new perspectives on Spanish writer, Juan Goytisolo. First, under the themes of authorship and dissidence, it integrates his writing across several genres, providing a rounded assessment of his contribution to cultural debates in Spain since the sixties and arguing that resistance to repressive discourses characterizes his essays and autobiographies as much as his fiction. Second, it revises the prevailing critical interpretation of Goytisolo's fiction by building on four premises: that his novels are less clearly oppositional than prevailing interpretations imply; that, in order to engage with discourses of identity, he employs an idiom which,contrary to his own statements, is not a poststructuralist autonomous world of words; that a textual practice grounded in the recognizable experience of post-Civil War Spain, rather than one which seeks out the realm of pure textuality, is essential to Goytisolo's subversive political intentions; and that the autobiographical element of much of his work constitutes a more complex narrative aesthetic than has been appreciated. The book argues that ifGoytisolo's work is interpreted as an ethical engagement with postmodernist theory, rather than as an illustration of it, then certain contradictions for which he has been criticized are seen in a new and valuable light.ALISON RIBEIRO DE MENEZES is a Senior Lecturer in Spanish at University College Dublin.

  • af Laura Vivanco
    1.353,95 kr.

    Differences in attitudes to death and dying in two distinct social classes, the ecclesiastics and the nobility.The theory of the three estates made clear distinctions between the functions of the two estates which comprised the elite of medieval society: the oradores (ecclesiastics) and the defensores (warriors or nobility).They had different lifestyles, clothing and ways of thinking about life. With regard to death, the responses dictated by Christian theology conflicted with the demands of the defensor ideology, based on the defence of individual honour, the pursuit of fama and the display of earthly power. This book charts the progress of the dying from their preparations for death, through their 'good' or 'bad' deaths, to their burials and otherworldly fates and also analyses the responses of the bereaved. Through the use of pre-fifteenth-century texts it is possible to demonstrate that the conflict between the orador and defensor ideologies did not begin in the fifteenth century, but rather had a much older origin, and it is suggested that the conflict continued after 1500. Textual sources include the Siete partidas, wills, chronicles, religious works such as the Arte de bien morir and literary works such as Carcel de Amor and Celestina.