Bøger i Molecular Structure and Dimens serien
1.050,95 kr. This classified bibliography of organic and organometallic crystal structures covers the period 1935-1969 and provides references to over 4,000 compounds whose structures were analysed by X-ray or neutron-diffraction methods. Volume 1 deals with general organic structures and Volume 2 with complexes, organometals and organo metalloids. The bibliography is the first of a new series of publications "Molecular Structures and Dimensions" prepared at the Crystallo graphic Data Centre, University Chemical Laboratory, Cambridge. The Centre has been supported since 1965 by the Office for Scientific and Technical Information as part of the British contribution to international data activities. The main objective of the Centre is to assemble a computer-based File containing both bibliographic information and numerical data abstracted from the literature and relevant to molecular and crystal structures, as obtained by diffraction methods. The File is designed to permit the checking of published numerical values, particularly interatomic distances and bond angles and to present published results in a variety of new ways. Contents of the File will be made available through the series "Molecular Structures and Dimensions" and also by the provision of data on magnetic tapes or discs. At present the numerical data relating to molecular dimensions are being checked and will be published, at a later date, as further volumes in this series and also as magnetic tapes. The File is being extended to cover electron diffraction in the gas phase.
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- 1.050,95 kr.
1.034,95 kr. This classified bibliography of organic and organametallic crystal structures covers the period 1935-1969 and provides references to over 4,000 compounds whose structures were analysed by X-ray or neutron-diffraction methods. Volume 1 deals with generat organic structures and Volume 2 with complexes, organametals and organo metalloids. The bibliography is the first of a new series of publications "Molecular Structures and Dimensions" prepared at the Crystallo graphic Data Centre, University Chemica1 Laboratory, Cambridge. The Centre has been supported since 1965 by the Office for Scientific and Technical Information as part of the British contribution to international data activities. The main objective of the Centre is to assemble a computer-based File containing both bibliographic information and numerical data abstracted from the Iiterature and relevant to molecular and crystal structures, as obtained by diffraction methods. The File is designed to permit the checking of published numerical values, particularly interatomic distances and bond angles and to present published results in a variety of new ways. Contents of the File will be made available through the series "Molecular Structures and Dimensions" and also by the provision of data on magnetic . tapes or discs. At present the numerical data relating to molecular dimensions are being checked and will be published, at a later date, as further volumes in this series and also as magnetic tapes. The File is being extended to cover electron diffraction in the gas phase.
- Bog
- 1.034,95 kr.
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- 1.050,95 kr.
1.451,95 kr. This volume is the fourth c1assified bibliography of organic and organometallic crystal structures prepared by the Crystallographic Data Centre, University Chemical Laboratory, Cambridge, and published jointly with the International Union of Crystallography. The first three volumes covered the years 1935-1971. The present volume provides references principally to compounds whose struc tures were reported in the literature during 1971-1972. A few structures published prior to 1971 and omitted from the previous volumes are also inc1uded. The arrangement of entries in the 86 chemical c1asses is identical with the previous volumes and the reader is referred to the Introduction in Vol. 1 or Vol. 2 for a description of the practical use of the bibliography. There are three cumulative indexes in the present volume: formula, transition metal and author indexes. All three cover the period 1935- 1972 and give references to entries in Vols. 1-4. The bibliography and indexes were prepared, checked and printed by computer techniques described in the previous volumes. Magnetic tapes of the four volumes are available and anyone interested should contact the Centre for further details. In the present volume we have attempted to improve the cut-off date by special arrangement with the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, France. Und er this arrangement reprints ofpapers containing crystallographic data are now sent directly to the Crystal lographic Data Centre, Cambridge, at the same time as they are sent out to abstractors preparing material for the Bulletin Signaletique.
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- 1.451,95 kr.
1.047,95 kr. This volume is the fifth c1assified bibliography of organic and organometallic crystal structures prepared by the Crystallographic Data Centre, University Chemical Laboratory, Cambridge, and püblished jointly with the International Union of Crystallography. The first four volumes covered the years 1935-1972. The present volume provides references principally to compounds whose struc tures were reported in the literature during 1972-1973. A few structures published prior to 1972 and omitted from the previous volumes are also included. The arrangement of entries in the 86 chemical c1asses is identical with the previous volumes and the reader is referred to the r ntroduction in Vol. I or Vol. 2 for a description of the practical use of the bibliography. There are three cumulative indexes in the present volume: formula, transition metal and author indexes. All three cover the period 1935- 1973 and give references to entries in Vois. 1-5. The bibliography and indexes were prepared, checked and printed by computer techniques described in the previous volumes. Magnetic tapes of the five volumes are available and anyone interested should contact the Centre for further details. Cn the present volume we have continued the special arrangement for literature search with the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, France. U nder this arrangement reprints of papers containing crystallographic data are sent directly to the Crystal lographic Data Centre, Cambridge, at the same time as they are sent out to abstractors preparing material for the Bulletin Signaletique.
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- 1.047,95 kr.
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- 1.452,95 kr.
1.059,95 kr. This volume is the seventh classified bibliography of organic and organometallic crystal structures prepared by the Crystallographic Data Centre, University Chemical Laboratory, Cambridge, and published jointly with the International Union of Crystallography. The first six volumes covered the years 1935-1974. The present volume provides references principally to compounds whose struc tures were reported in the literature during 1974-1975. A few structures published prior to 1974 and omitted from the previous volumes are also included. There are three cumulative indexes in the present volume: formula, transition metal and author indexes. All three cover the period 1935- 1975 and give references to entries in Vols. 1-7. The bibliography and indexes were prepared, checked and printed by computer techniques described in the previous volumes. Magnetic tapes of the seven volumes are available and anyone interested should contact the Centre for further details. In the present volume we have continued the special arrangement for literature search with the Centre National de Ia Recherche Scientifique, Paris, France. Under this arrangement reprints of papers containing crystallographic data are sent directly to the Crystal lographic Data Centre, Cambridge, at the same time as they are sent out to abstractors preparing material for the Bulletin Signaletique.
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- 1.059,95 kr.
1.478,95 kr. This volume is the eighth classified bibliography of organic and organometallic crystal structures prepared by the Crystallographic Data Centre, University Chemical Laboratory, Cambridge, and published jointly with the International Union of Crystallography. The first seven volumes covered the years 1935-1975. The present volume provides references principally to compounds whose struc tures were reported in the literature during 1975-1976. A few structures published prior to 1975 and omitted from the previous volumes are also included. This volume incorporates some major changes in methods of preparation, indexing, and literature coverage. These changes are designed to give a later cut-off date for the literature coverage, and to make the main classified listing more accessible to the reader through improved indexing. The major technical change was the use of the FR80 microfilm recorder at the Science Research Council Rutherford Laboratory, instead of the Linotron 505 filmsetter, to prepare the master copy of the book. The change necessitated the development of a new set of prQgrams, a project carried out in collaboration with the Atlas Computing Division of the Rutherford Laboratory. The reader may also notice the use of a new type font, developed by Dr A. V. Hershey and made available by Mrs Carla Messina, Dr N. M. Wolcott and Mr J. Hilsenrath of the USA National Bureau of Standards.
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- 1.478,95 kr.
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- 1.066,95 kr.
1.082,95 - 1.095,95 kr. This volume is the fourteenth classified bibliography of organic, organometallic and metal complex crystal structures prepared by the Cambridge Crystallo graphic Data Centre and published jointly with the International Union of Crystallography. The previous thirteen volumes covered the years 1935-81; the majority of references in the present volume pertain to structure analyses reported in the literature during 1981 and 1982. A few structures reported prior to 1981 and omitted in earlier volumes are also included. Volume 14 contains 4094 references to 4001 distinct chemical compounds with 2162 cross-references. Some 90% of these references were obtained by direct in-house scanning of 51 major journals; the remaining material was located by searching Chemical Abstracts and Bulletin Signa/etique. The table below summarizes the cut-off dates for the 25 direct-scan journals yielding most entries in Volume 14. The fully classified Chemical Diagram Index, first presented in Volume 13, is continued here. Volume 14 contains 3912 chemical structural diagrams, repre senting 98% of the compounds. The reasons for the omission of some diagrams are noted in the Introduction. This new index provides a rapid visual overview of compounds studied in 1981-82 and will, we hope, add greatly to the usefulness of the annual Bibliographies. The textual indexes in Volume 14 continue the system established in Volumes 9-13 and in the special volume Guide to the Literature 1935-76. The latter volume presents a set of cumulative indexes to the contents of Bibliographic Volumes 1-8.
- Bog
- 1.082,95 kr.