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Bøger i Mathematical Physics Studies serien

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  • af Annalisa Marzuoli
    1.238,95 - 1.247,95 kr.

    This book contains a self-consistent treatment of a geometric averaging technique, induced by the Ricci flow, that allows comparing a given (generalized) Einstein initial data set with another distinct Einstein initial data set, both supported on a given closed n-dimensional manifold. This is a case study where two vibrant areas of research in geometric analysis, Ricci flow and Einstein constraints theory, interact in a quite remarkable way. The interaction is of great relevance for applications in relativistic cosmology, allowing a mathematically rigorous approach to the initial data set averaging problem, at least when data sets are given on a closed space-like hypersurface. The book does not assume an a priori knowledge of Ricci flow theory, and considerable space is left for introducing the necessary techniques. These introductory parts gently evolve to a detailed discussion of the more advanced results concerning a Fourier-mode expansion and a sophisticated heat kernel representation of the Ricci flow, both of which are of independent interest in Ricci flow theory. This work is intended for advanced students in mathematical physics and researchers alike.

  • af Shinichi Kotani
    1.246,95 kr.

    Large numbers of studies of the KdV equation have appeared since the pioneering paper by Gardner, Greene, Kruskal, and Miura in 1967. Most of those works have employed the inverse spectral method for 1D Schrödinger operators or an advanced Fourier analysis. Although algebraic approaches have been discovered by HirotäSato and Marchenko independently, those have not been fully investigated and analyzed. The present book offers a new approach to the study of the KdV equation, which treats decaying initial data and oscillating data in a unified manner. The author¿s method is to represent the tau functions introduced by HirotäSato and developed by Segal¿Wilson later in terms of the Weyl¿Titchmarsh functions (WT functions, in short) for the underlying Schrödinger operators. The main result is stated by a class of WT functions satisfying some of the asymptotic behavior along a curve approaching the spectrum of the Schrödinger operators at +¿ in an order of -(n-1/2)for the nth KdV equation. This class contains many oscillating potentials (initial data) as well as decaying ones. Especially bounded smooth ergodic potentials are included, and under certain conditions on the potentials, the associated Schrödinger operators have dense point spectrum. This provides a mathematical foundation for the study of the soliton turbulence problem initiated by Zakharov, which was the author¿s motivation for extending the class of initial data in this book. A large class of almost periodic potentials is also included in these ergodic potentials. P. Deift has conjectured that any solutions to the KdV equation starting from nearly periodic initial data are almost periodic in time. Therefore, our result yields a foundation for this conjecture. For the reader¿s benefit, the author has included here (1) a basic knowledge of direct and inverse spectral problem for 1D Schrödinger operators, including the notion of the WT functions; (2)Satös Grassmann manifold method revised by Segal¿Wilson; and (3) basic results of ergodic Schrödinger operators.

  • af Floyd L. Williams
    1.529,95 kr.

    This book continues the applications of mathematics, more specifically of theta, eta, and zeta functions, and modular forms, to various areas of theoretical physics. It is a follow-up and extension in some sense of the author¿s earlier book entitled A window into zeta and modular physics. Some of the main topics are1. A new approach to logarithmic corrections to black hole entropy2. My recent work that provides for an explicit cold plasma-black hole connection3. Generalization of work of physicists on certain asymptotic problems relating to string theory, for example, by way of the general theory of modular forms of non-positive weight4. A construction of the E8 root lattice, its theta function, and its relevance for heterotic string theory5. Applications of elliptic functions to KdV, nonlinear Schrödinger, and Duffing equations, for example, including a discussion of Lax pairs and the Miura transformation6. Finite temperature zeta functionsand partition functions for quantum fields in thermal equilibrium on various curved background spacetimes7. Exact solutions of the Einstein gravitational field equations for Lemaitre and inhomogeneous cosmological models, with a special focus on the Szekeres¿Szafron exact solutions by way of the Weierstrass elliptic function8. Elementary particles and my zeta function formula for higher spin fermionic particles; this covers, in particular, the gravitino particle (of spin 3/2) and bosons with integral spin s = 2, 3, 4, 5.These are some sample topics. Others include the continuous Heisenberg model, reaction diffusion systems, Dirichlet and Hecke L-functions, the modular j-invariant, the computation of the one-loop effective potential for non-compact symmetric spaces, the BTZ black hole, Jacobi inversion formulas, etc.Thus, there is a very large range of material with the first 9 chapters of preliminary, expositional background for mathematicians and physicists.

  • af Hiroshi Isozaki
    1.636,95 kr.

    Spectral properties for Schrödinger operators are a major concern in quantum mechanics both in physics and in mathematics. For the few-particle systems, we now have sufficient knowledge for two-body systems, although much less is known about N-body systems. The asymptotic completeness of time-dependent wave operators was proved in the 1980s and was a landmark in the study of the N-body problem. However, many problems are left open for the stationary N-particle equation. Due to the recent rapid development of computer power, it is now possible to compute the three-body scattering problem numerically, in which the stationary formulation of scattering is used. This means that the stationary theory for N-body Schrödinger operators remains an important problem of quantum mechanics. It is stressed here that for the three-body problem, we have a satisfactory stationary theory. This book is devoted to the mathematical aspects of the N-body problem from both the time-dependent and stationary viewpoints. The main themes are:(1) The Mourre theory for the resolvent of self-adjoint operators(2) Two-body Schrödinger operators¿Time-dependent approach and stationary approach(3) Time-dependent approach to N-body Schrödinger operators(4) Eigenfunction expansion theory for three-body Schrödinger operatorsCompared with existing books for the many-body problem, the salient feature of this book consists in the stationary scattering theory (4). The eigenfunction expansion theorem is the physical basis of Schrödinger operators. Recently, it proved to be the basis of inverse problems of quantum scattering. This book provides necessary background information to understand the physical and mathematical basis of Schrödinger operators and standard knowledge for future development.

  • af Fabio Bagarello
    1.518,95 kr.

  • af M. Flato
    976,95 kr.

  • af Hassan Emamirad
    1.239,95 kr.

  • af F. A. E. Pirani, W. F. Shadwick & D. C. Robinson
    454,95 kr.

    The aim of this paper is to show that the theory of jet bundles supplies the appropriate setting for the study of Backlund trans­ formations. These transformations are used to solve certain partial differential equations, particularly non-linear evolution equations. Of course jets have been employed for some time in the theory of partial differential equations, but so far little use has been made of them in applications. In the meanwhile, substantial progress has been made in the study of non-linear evolution equations. This work has been encouraged by the dis­ covery of remarkable properties of some such equations, for example the existence of soliton solutions and of infinite se­ quences of conservation laws. Among the techniques devised to deal with these equations are the inverse scattering method and the Backlund transformation. In our opinion the jet bundle formulation offers a unifying geometrical framework for under­ standing the properties of non-linear evolution equations and the techniques used to deal with them, although we do not consider all of these properties and techniques here. The relevance of the theory of jet bundles lS that it legitimates the practice of regarding the partial derivatives of field variables as independent quantities. Since Backlund trans­ formations require from the outset manipulation of these partial derivatives, and repeated shifts of point of view about which variables are dependent on which, this geometrical setting clari­ fies and simplifies the concepts involved, and offers the prospect of bringing coherence to a variety of disparate results.

  • af Daniel Sternheimer, Simone Gutt & John Rawnsley
    1.069,95 - 1.078,95 kr.

  • af Evgeny V. Doktorov & Sergey B. Leble
    1.071,95 kr.

  • af Jose Labastida
    1.058,95 - 1.066,95 kr.

    The emergence of topological quantum ?eld theory has been one of the most important breakthroughs which have occurred in the context of ma- ematical physics in the last century, a century characterizedbyindependent developments of the main ideas in both disciplines, physics and mathematics, which has concluded with two decades of strong interaction between them, where physics, as in previous centuries, has acted as a source of new mat- matics. Topological quantum ?eld theories constitute the core of these p- nomena, although the main drivingforce behind it has been the enormous e?ort made in theoretical particle physics to understand string theory as a theory able to unify the four fundamental interactions observed in nature. These theories set up a new realm where both disciplines pro?t from each other. Although the most striking results have appeared on the mathema- calside,theoreticalphysicshasclearlyalsobene?tted,sincethecorresponding developments have helped better to understand aspects of the fundamentals of ?eld and string theory.

  • af C. Fronsdal
    552,95 kr.

    to our own also needs to be understood. Such unification may also require that the supersymmetry group possess irreducible representations with infinite reductiori on the Poincare subgroup, to accommodate an infinite set of particles. Such possibilities were 5 envisaged long ago and have recently reappeared in Kaluza-Klein . 6 d' . th 7 S . l' th supergraVlty an m superstnng eory. upersymmetry Imp Ies at forces that are mediated by bose exchange must be complemented by forces that are due to the exchange of fermions. The masslessness of neutrinos is suggestive-we continue to favor the idea that neutrinos are fundamental to weak interactions, that they will finally play a more central role than the bit part assigned to them in Weinberg-Salam theory. There seems to be little room for doubting that supersymmetry is badly broken-so where should one be looking for the first tangible manifestations of it? It is remarkable that the successes that can be legitimately claimed for supersymmetry are all in the domain of massless particles and fields. Supergravity is not renormalizable, but it is an improvement (in this respect) over ordinary quantum gravity. Finite super Yang-Mills theories are not yet established, but there is now a strong concensus that they soon will be. In both cases massless fields are involved in an essential way.

  • af J. P. Jurzak
    1.055,95 kr.

  • af M. Cahen
    1.610,95 - 1.619,95 kr.

  • af V. S. Yarunin & V. N. Popov
    1.612,95 - 1.620,95 kr.

  • af Anne Boutet de Monvel, Radu Purice, G. Nenciu & mfl.
    562,95 kr.

  • af R. Gielerak, Z. Popowicz & J. Lukierski
    553,95 kr.

  • af A. Lichnerowicz, M. Flato & R. Kerner
    562,95 kr.

  • - Lectures given at the Meetings of the Belgian Contact Group on Differential Geometry held at Liege, May 2-3, 1980 and at Leuven, February 6-8, 1981
    af M. Cahen
    1.054,95 kr.

    This volume contains the text of the lectures which were given at the Differential Geometry Meeting held at Liege in 1980 and at the Differential Geometry Meeting held at Leuven in 1981. The first of these meetings was more orientated toward mathematical physics; the second has a stronger flavour of analysis. The Editors are pleased to thank the lectures who contributed scientifically to these two meetings. They are also grateful to Professor M. F1ato who has encouraged publication of these contributions in the Mathematical Physics Studies Series. We also thank the F.N.R.S. who supported financially the Contact group in differential geometry. The Universite de Liege and the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven which have given us a warm hospitality have contributed to the success of these meetings. We express our gratitude. The Editors. M. Caken et al. (6ds.), Differential Geametry and Mathematical Physics, vii. vii Copyright e 1983 by D. Reidel Publishing Company. Lectures given at the Meeting of the Belgian Contact Group on Differential Geometry held at Liege, May 2-3,1980 SIMULTANEOUS DEFORMATIONS OF A LIE ALGEBRA AND ITS MODULES D. Arnal University of Dijon INTRODUCTION We expose here some results which are obtained by a team at the University of Dijon. This team included Jean-Claude Cortet, Georges Pinczon and myself.

  • af P. Barut
    1.066,95 - 1.075,95 kr.

  • af W. O. Amrein
    1.059,95 kr.

    The bulk of known results in spectral and scattering theory for Schrodinger operators has been derived by time-independent (also called stationary) methods, which make extensive use of re­ solvent estimates and the spectral theorem. In very recent years there has been a partial shift of emphasis from the time-indepen­ dent to the time-dependent theory, due to the discovery of new, essentially time-dependent proofs of a fair number of the principal results such as asymptotic completeness, absence of singularly con­ tinuous spectrum and properties of scattering cross sections. These new time-dependent arguments are somewhat simpler than the station­ ary ones and at the same time considerably closer to physical in­ tuition, in that they are based on a rather detailed description of the time evolution of states in configUration space (whence the designation "geometric methods" used by some authors). It seemed interesting to me to present some of these new meth­ ods from a strictly time-dependent point of view, by considering as the basic mathematical object strongly continuous unitary one­ parameter groups and avoiding the spectral theorem completely. The present volume may be viewed as an essay in this spirit. It is an extended version of a course taught in 1979 at the University of Geneva to undergraduate students enrolled in mathematical physics.

  • af C. Lindblad
    1.061,95 kr.

    The problem of deriving irreversible thermodynamics from the re­ versible microscopic dynamics has been on the agenda of theoreti­ cal physics for a century and has produced more papers than can be digested by any single scientist. Why add to this too long list with yet another work? The goal is definitely not to give a gen­ eral review of previous work in this field. My ambition is rather to present an approach differing in some key aspects from the stan­ dard treatments, and to develop it as far as possible using rather simple mathematical tools (mainly inequalities of various kinds). However, in the course of this work I have used a large number of results and ideas from the existing literature, and the reference list contains contributions from many different lines of research. As a consequence the reader may find the arguments a bit difficult to follow without some previous exposure to this set of problems.

  • af Koji Hashimoto, Akinori Tanaka & Akio Tomiya
    871,95 - 1.250,95 kr.

  • af Lawrence Horwitz & Yosef Strauss
    1.057,95 - 1.065,95 kr.