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Bøger i Guardians serien

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  • af Valerie Twombly
    198,95 kr.

    He does not trust her…Lucan has one chance to save himself before the darkness he wields consumes him. The vampire would rather damn his soul to Hell, than mate his enemy’s sister. Fate hasn’t left him much choice however, because it prophesies Sabin to end the brutal war on humanity. The longer he waits, the further into the shadows he slips and the closer they all come to being destroyed.She will betray him…Sabin experiences daily torture ever since her brother locked her in his hellish dungeon. The only thing that keeps her sane, is the knowledge there is one vampire destined to save her. Even when Lucan rejects the idea they could ever become mated, she knows the fate of the world depends on them being together.He is darkness; she is light, yet they need each other to survive. Evil is preparing to destroy Sabin, and with each passing second the enemy grows stronger. Time is running out and with the Phoenix God missing, Sabin cannot fulfill the prophesy. There may be only one sacrifice left to make.

  • af Valerie Twombly
    198,95 kr.

    He's no guardian angel.Being the first vampire Guardian ever created, Seth Ruiz struggles with his identity. While his sanity balances on a razor's edge, it's only a matter of time before he succumbs to the evil inside him. When realization strikes that the fiery Kaitlyn belongs to him, he must not only battle his past demons, but fight his desire to claim her or chance killing them both.She's a demon slayer.Handed a dagger as a child, Kaitlyn O'Hara has slaughtered demons her entire life. It should come as no surprise that she is also destined to save a crazy vampire. When fate reveals her true identity, she must search her heart for the courage to move forward.Katie holds the key to help save humanity. With Seth's dark side edging closer, he prays he can keep it together long enough to protect her through the challenges she must face. However, he could prove to be her biggest threat.He fights his desire to claim her. She battles to save him. Together they wage war to protect humanity. Survival may come at a price.

  • af Valerie Twombly
    158,95 kr.

    Being the lord of dark, terrifying things makes Hades the most feared god in existence. He's also the most bored. When the guardians request his assistance, he is quick to grant it and make his way to the human realm. After all, creating havoc is what he does best. When his path crosses with a beautiful female, he finds her honesty refreshing, making his desire burn hotter. It's when she summons him for a favor that he will finally get to name his terms.When tall, dark and oh-so-sexy walks into her store, Mia suddenly finds herself marked by a god. Saddled with a curse that rips her world apart on a nightly basis, she decides bargaining with Hades to remove it might prove beneficial. Of course, requesting a favor from the lord of the Underworld comes with a huge price. Namely thirty days in Hell as his guest.Hades is only out for some fun, but Mia isn't playing his games. She intends to get through her agreement despite the yearning she feels for him. Problem is, the longer they are together the more she begins to see beyond the lord of evil to the troubled man beneath. Now she must decide if he is worthy of the only thing she has left to give.

  • af Valerie Twombly
    158,95 kr.

    Famed for his cocky attitude and womanizing lifestyle, Baal likes to make his own rules. But being the most powerful demon in Hades’ army comes with a steep price. Namely, a command to mate with the human he is bound to protect. When the lord of the Underworld reveals the female’s true identity, Baal vows he will never love her. Even though she may destroy him, he soon discovers it’s a promise he might not be able to keep.When her sibling goes missing, Ranata finds herself at the mercy of those who intend to make her Hell’s next sacrifice. With the world embraced in the wrath of a power-hungry demigod, and a sister now in his clutches, she discovers she is not fully human and now must face the biggest challenge of her life. Mating a demon is an insane idea, but she will do anything to save her sister. Falling in love with him might be even crazier.

  • af Valerie Twombly
    198,95 kr.

    Vampire Guardian, Marcus Dagotto is sworn to safeguard humanity. With the death of his mate, and a curse that will soon catapult him into bloodlust, he focuses on protecting his king and surviving each day. When the gods interfere, it's never a good thing and this time they destine him a new mate. He tries to resist the woman fated to be his, but when she ends up in trouble, instinct demands he protect her.In the darkness, she may be the sliver of light that will save his soul.After the love of Cassandra Jensen's life ditches her at the altar, she swears off men forever. But when a sexy stranger visits her nightly dreams and seduction plays a starring role, she reconsiders her current situation. Problem is, he's a figment of her wild imagination, at least until he steps into her life for real. His world is full of things that go bump in the night, and something evil is coming to claim him. To protect herself means losing him. To save him will mean the ultimate sacrifice.A single kiss will change her life forever.Formerly published as Eternal Flame. Revised 2nd edition.

  • af Valerie Twombly
    198,95 kr.

    One touch will prove fatal.Caleb is dark, hot, and commanding in human form. As a dragon, he's a force to be reckoned with. When he witnesses the slave Lileta being beaten by his Overlord Odage, he nearly comes unglued. Without understanding why, he asks to take Lileta as his own, but soon realizes his longing is more than an attraction to a beautiful woman. In a sick twist of fate, the gods have given him a demon as his mate-one he can never touch unless he wishes his own death.His only choice is to grant her freedom.Abducted as a teen, and later purchased by a dragon Overlord, Lileta's venomous touch remains her only safeguard as a slave. When the demon's rebellious nature brings about a brutal punishment, Caleb steps in and takes her as his own. As if having the sexy dragon save the day isn't bad enough, she soon realizes they are destined to be together.Mating is out of the question.The abduction of a goddess intertwines their paths once again, spiraling them to the brink of passion. Unable to resist their fatal desire, the two must trust fate and hope they don't destroy each other.This book formerly published as Fatal Desire. Revised 2nd edition.

  • af Simone Francina
    154,95 kr.

  • af Shelley Wilson
    143,95 kr.

    Amber's final quest could claim her soul, but it's a journey she must make. The evil that lurks in the Lost Lands threatens to infest the realms unless Amber, Redka, and Connor can destroy it. But Amber is more concerned about her father's safety as he is held captive by the wickedness that terrorises them all. Amber faces isolation and mistrust from her friends as they travel across land and sea to meet their most dangerous foe. Will she be able to stay true to her destiny as the last Oracle, or will she be tempted by the darkness? The fate of the realms is in her hands. Amber's final quest will be her most terrifying yet. This time, it will be deadly.

  • af Simone Francina
    156,95 kr.

  • af Karen Robards
    228,95 kr.

    Klog, udspekuleret og parat til kamp – der er kun én Bianca St. Ives i verden, og det gør folk klogt i ikke at glemme.Bianca St. Ives var for nylig igennem den helt store vridemaskine, men hun landede, som hun altid gør – og som hendes far har lært hende fra barnsben – på benene igen. Mens hun kommer sig over afsløringerne om sit ophav, der har forårsaget en menneskejagt uden lige, gør Bianca sig klar til at tage sin skæbne i egne hænder. Det er dræb eller bliv dræbt!I takt med at Bianca gør, hvad hun kan for at komme af dødslisten på det mørke internet, bliver hun involveret i et nyt stort kup: bryd ind i Pusjkinmuseet og stjæl kong Priams skat – en samling af uvurderlige artefakter, russerne stjal under anden verdenskrig – og aflever den tilbage til tyskerne. Umuligt? Måske, men for Bianca St. Ives ligger den slags normalt lige til højrebenet. Men for hvert skridt hun tager, kommer fjenden to skridt nærmere. Lever man som Bianca på lånt tid, har man dog ikke noget at tabe. Troede hun.  Liv eller død er lige så hæsblæsende og underholdende som Nomade 44 – og Bianca St. Ives viser endnu en gang, at hun i den grad er James Bond værdig.

  • af Karen Robards
    228,95 kr.

    Tyv. Manipulator. Svindler af format. Kald det, hvad du vil – Bianca St. Ives er uden fortilfælde.Bianca St. Ives har altid vidst, at hun ikke var helt ligesom andre piger på sin alder. I stedet for at hinke eller lege med dukker, blev hun undervist i kampsport og lærte at skille våben ad. Når de andre tog på ferie med deres forældre, tog hun på job med sin far, hvor hun lærte at holde hovedet koldt og slippe af sted med hvad som helst. Hun blev så at sige oplært til at deltage i familieforretningen. Nu er hun 26, gudesmuk og med imponerende evner inden for sit fag.Det, andre tyve har stjålet, stjæler de tilbage – til dem, der betaler dem for det. Men det sidste kup i Bahrain gik ikke helt efter planen – de to hundrede millioner dollars og tophemmelige officielle dokumenter, de skulle have fingrene i under en stor fest i prinsens palads, var allerede væk, da de lukkede boksen op. Og hendes far gik op i røg på opgaven. Sagen er bare, at den amerikanske efterretningstjeneste ikke tror på, at han er død. Og de vil gøre alt, hvad der står i deres magt for at fange ham, inklusiv bruge hans datter som lokkedue. Med meget lidt hjælp og hendes liv på spil, er det op til Bianca at finde frem til, hvad der egentlig er sket – og rette op på det, før det er for sent.Nomade 44 er en actionpræget spændingsroman om svindelnumre, storstilede kup og et ikke helt normalt far-datter-forhold med den unge, smukke og modige Bianca i hovedrollen.

  • af Shelley Wilson
    143,95 kr.

    Can one girl sacrifice herself to save the one she loves…Following their daring escape from the demon realm, Amber and her friends become caught up in a war between good and evil. They must join forces with the Queen's warriors to overthrow a malevolent force that has spread across Avaveil, the land of the Fae.But, as her powers grow, Amber is faced with the real possibility that she is a danger to the ones she loves. Her full strength is yet to be tested in a way she can't comprehend.Dragons, faeries and humans stand side-by-side as they are drawn into a battle of cunning, magic and surprising revelations. Can Amber survive long enough to see her dreams fulfilled?

  • af Shelley Wilson
    143,95 kr.

    One girl holds the key to an ancient pact that could destroy the world...When sixteen-year-old Amber Noble's dreams begin to weave into her reality, she turns to the mysterious Connor for help. His links to the supernatural world uncover a chilling truth about her hometown and a pact that must be re-paid with blood.As her father alienates her, and the Guardians take her best friend, her true destiny unfolds, and she begins a quest that will see her past collide with her present.Drawn deeper into the world of witchcraft and faeries, it is only at the end of her journey that she realises how much she could lose.