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Bøger i FAQ serien i rækkefølge

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  • - The Beatles' Solo Years: 1970-1980
    af Robert Rodriguez
    229,95 kr.


  • - Everything Left to Know About the Next Generation the Movies and Beyond
    af Mark Clark
    203,95 kr.

    Illustrations throughout

  • af Lene Tanggaard Pedersen
    163,95 kr.

    FAQ om kreativitet omhandler de typiske spørgsmål, der ofte rejser sig, når talen falder på kreativitet i skolen. For spørgsmålet om, hvordan undervisere og lærere kan understøtte udviklingen af kreativitet hos studerende og elever, har i de senere år vundet fornyet opmærksomhed. At give unge mennesker muligheder for lære at tænke kritisk, kreativt og selvstændigt kan betragtes som det bedste redskab til at forberede sig på en usikker fremtid.Bogen stiller først og fremmest skarpt på kreativitetens pædagogiske dimensioner, herunder hvordan læringsmiljøer i daginstitutioner, på skoler og i uddannelsesinstitutioner har betydning for kreativitet. Bogen rummer flere forslag til praktiske greb og modeller, men læseren inviteres samtidig til at se de teoretiske perspektiver som redskaber i deres egen ret og med stor betydning for praksis.Bogen er den anden udgivelse i FAQ-serien. Den er holdt i et enkelt og kort format, og det er intentionen, at den både skal kunne fungere som en læseoplevelse i sig selv og som opslagsværk.Lene Tanggaard er cand.psych. og ph.d. og professor ved Institut for Kommunikation, Aalborg Universitet.

  • af Thomas Aastrup Rømer
    160,95 kr.

    Denne bog handler om dannelse. Det er et begreb, som har været forvist fra dansk pædagogik i mange år, idet den pædagogiske debat gradvis er blevet overtrumfet af økonomiske og dannelseskritiske synspunkter. De aktuelle reformer af skolen, læreruddannelsen og gymnasiet er et resultat af dette. Men i dag er stemningen vendt, og begrebet er igen på alles læber.Men hvad er dannelse? Det enkle svar er, at dannelse handler om forbindelsen mellem mennesket og verden. Det er sådan set bare det. Så enkelt er det. Og så interessant, bør man tilføje.I FAQ om dannelse besvarer Thomas Aastrup Rømer en række centrale og ofte stillede spørgsmål om dannelse, herunder om der findes en dansk dannelsestradition, og om hvorfor den forsvandt. Han afrunder bogen med at påvise, hvordan dannelsen formår at stille en række kritiske spørgsmål til aktuelle problemstillinger som fx verdensborgerskab, klima og digitalisering.

  • af Charlotte Wegener
    163,95 kr.

    FAQ om innovation tager det hyppigt brugte begreb innovation op og diskuterer, hvad det kan og ikke kan, og hvad det gør ved os. Hvad kan innovation bidrage med i pædagogikken? Skal elever og studerende blive bedre til at omsætte faglig viden til salgbare produkter, eller handler innovationsdagsordenen snarere om at opdrage og uddanne dem til demokrati eller evnen til at få et lykkeligt liv? Skal pædagogerne og underviserne være innovative for at styrke børnenes og de unges motivation og læring? Eller er det måden at drive skole på, der skal innoveres? Hvem bestemmer? Og hvad gør man, hvis man er uenig eller ikke har lyst til at være innovativ?En central pointe i bogen er, at vi bliver nødt til at koble innovation til et konkret indhold, da det kan betyde noget helt forskelligt i fx en skoleklasse og en kommunal forvaltning. Hensigten med bogen er at dyrke nysgerrigheden og bidrage til en retorik og en praksis, hvor vi lader os inspirere af innovation frem for at lade os skræmme og stresse.FAQ om innovation er bog nr. 4 i FAQ-serien, der diskuterer ofte stillede spørgsmål inden for det pædagogiske og psykologiske område. Alle bøger i serien er peer reviewet. De tidligere titler i serien er FAQ om uro, FAQ om kreativitet og FAQ om læringsmål. Charlotte Wegener er lektor på Institut for Kommunikation, Aalborg Universitet. Hun forsker i innovation og bestræber sig på selv at være innovativ som forsker og formidler. Hun er levende optaget af at skabe viden på tværs af universitet og praksis og har selv en baggrund som underviser og uddannelseschef.

  • af Niels Jakob Pasgaard
    163,95 kr.

    Læringsmål er blevet et centralt begreb i den danske forskning og debat om pædagogik og uddannelse. Man taler om læringsmål i forbindelse med børnenes udvikling i børnehaver og vuggestuer, i relation til folkeskolens fag og i forbindelse med de seneste års reformer af lærer- og pædagoguddannelserne. Men begrebet har ikke altid stået så centralt i sproget, som det gør nu.Bogen rejser og forsøger at besvare spørgsmål som fx: Hvorfor taler alle om læringsmål? Hvor kommer de fra? Hvad er et læringsmål egentlig, og hvad vil det sige at undervise læringsmålstyret? Er der forskel på mål? Kan man måle mål? Hvor fører læringsmålene os hen, og er der et alternativ til læringsmålene?FAQ om læringsmål er bog nr. 3 i FAQ-serien om ofte stillede spørgsmål inden for det pædagogiske og psykologiske område. Alle bøger i serien er peer reviewet.Niels Jakob Pasgaard er lektor på pædagoguddannelsen i Viborg og har en baggrund som lærer og cand.pæd. i filosofi. Han har skrevet artikler og holdt  en række foredrag om pædagogik, didaktik og læringsmål og er en aktiv stemme i den offentlige debat om disse emner. Hans arbejde kan følges på

  • af Thomas Szulevicz
    164,95 kr.

    FAQ-serien er en ny bogserie fra Hans Reitzels Forlag, hvor forskere med viden om aktuelle pædagogiske emner søger at besvare en række af de oftest stillede spørgsmål til disse.Denne første bog i serien handler om uro. I mange sammenhænge udpeges undervisningsforstyrrende uro som folkeskolens største problem og udfordring, og uro er vitterligt en kæmpe udfordring, både for mange lærere og pædagoger, men bestemt også for eleverne.Men uro er ikke en isoleret størrelse, som kan håndteres med et universalpædagogisk snuptag, og når fænomenet på den måde sættes i centrum, kalder det både på kritisk undren og en mere nuanceret analyse og forståelse. Hensigten med denne bog er netop at udfolde kompleksiteten omkring uro i et lettilgængeligt sprog.Bogen henvender sig til alle aktører inden for det pædagogiske felt, både studerende, praktikere, forskere og beslutningstagere.

  • af Bo Møhl & Lotte Rubæk
    163,95 kr.

    Mere end hver femte elev i niende klasse har erfaring med at skade sig selv med vilje, fx ved at skære, brænde eller slå sig selv. Selvskade er et stort problem blandt unge, og andelen af selvskadende unge stiger, mens trivslen er for nedadgående. De fleste unge bruger selvskade som en effektiv, men omkostningsfuld måde at regulere svære følelser på og kommunikere til andre, at de har det svært. Selvskade må ses som et tegn på mistrivsel, og det er vigtigt, at der sættes ind så hurtigt som muligt for at hjælpe den unge med at få stoppet den selvskadende adfærd, som ellers kan udvikle sig og medføre endnu mere alvorlige problemer for den unge og for dem, der er omkring ham eller hende.Det er afgørende, at lærere, pædagoger, sundhedsplejersker og andre, der har kontakt med de unge, er i stand til at identificere og vurdere selvskade, tale med den unge og vide, hvad man kan gøre for at forebygge, at selvskade opstår eller breder sig i fx et skolemiljø.Bogen er baseret på den nyeste forskning og er primært henvendt til ansatte inden for skolesystemet, men kan også læses af pårørende eller andre, som har kontakt med unge eller ønsker at forstå selvskadens væsen.FAQ om selvskade er bog nr. 7 i FAQ-serien om ofte stillede spørgsmål inden for det pædagogiske og psykologiske område. Alle bøger i serien er peer reviewet.

  • - The Complete History
    af Sean Egan
    208,95 kr.

    Planet of the Apes was a concept that started life in 1963 as a quirky work by French literary novelist Pierre (The Bridge on the River Kwai) Boulle. His concept of a world where humans are ruled over by apes proceeded to become one of the biggest multi-media sensations in history. The 1968 Charlton Heston motion-picture adaptation of Boulle's book was celebrated and successful but was just the beginning. By 1973, said picture had spawned four sequels. It then spun off a live-action TV series, which in turn spun off the animated TV show Return to the Planet of the Apes. What with this, comic books, novelizations, and a tsunami of merchandising, the late sixties and first half of the seventies had a distinctly simian flavor. A new generation was introduced to the concept when, in 2001, Tim Burton's updating of the series appeared in cinemas. This itself was rebooted a decade later in the form of Rise of the Planet of the Apes and its two sequels. Despite all the fantasy (and money-chasing), however, the series has always been marked by thoughtfulness, exploring serious themes alien to most franchises. Planet of the Apes explores every aspect of this media phenomenon---from books to films to comic books to television shows to video games to merchandise---to provide an overview of Planet of the Apes that is truly definitive. With the help of new and exclusive interviews, it examines the contributions of producers, directors, writers, actors, and makeup artists in an attempt to gain an understanding of how this media property has changed the world.

  • - All That's Left to Know About the World's Finest Synth-Pop Band
    af Michael Christopher
    258,95 kr.

    Depeche Mode FAQ will appeal to both casual and diehard fans of the band. It's an enlightening and informative account of the forty-year history of the leading synth-pop act. The book provides the reader with a handy reference guide while digging deep into what has made Depeche Mode so enduring.

  • - All That's Left to Know About the Purple Reign
    af Arthur Lizie
    212,95 kr.

    Here is the first comprehensive book that covers Prince''s forty-plus personal and professional years in and out of the public spotlight. Firmly grounded in a detailed chronological overview of Prince''s prodigious released and unreleased recorded musical output and epic live performances, Prince FAQ: All That''s Left to Know About the Purple Reign digs deep into Purple fact and legend as it explores the multiple number-one singles, the movie hits and flops, the exclusive and adventurous after shows, and the provocative TV appearances. But more than just a look at the music and moving images, this volume also highlights Prince''s relationship with those in the Purple Court-the Revolution, New Power Generation, Third Eye Girl and other band members, his musical influences (from Santana to Stevie to the Stones), the countless individual (Christopher Tracy) and group aliases (Madhouse), protégés (Carmen Electra), the cover artists (the Bangles) and recovery projects (Mavis Staples), and the wives, lovers, and multiple ingénues. And then there are the controversies-the rivalries with Rick James and Michael Jackson, the USA for Africa snub, the questions surrounding his untimely death, the fate of countless unreleased audio and video projects, and, of course, his battle against Warner Bros. and the music industry that caused him to change his name to an unpronounceable symbol. Accompanied by dozens of rare images, Prince FAQ is the go-to volume for all things Prince.

  • - All That's Left to Know About This Elusive Band
    af Anthony Robustelli
    183,95 kr.


  • - Everything Left to Know About the Best Care Anywhere
    af Dale Sherman
    182,95 kr.


  • af David J. Hogan
    238,95 kr.

  • af David J. Hogan
    238,95 kr.

  • af Barry Monush
    208,95 kr.

  • af David Bowling
    196,95 kr.

  • - All That's Left to Know on the First Name in Metal
    af Martin Popoff
    188,95 kr.


  • - Anything You'd Ever Want to Know About the Biggest Band in the World...And More!
    af John D. Luerssen
    189,95 kr.

    U2 FAQ

  • af Karen Egedal Andreasen
    163,95 kr.

    Det at måle skoleelevers og studerendes præstationer med en karakter er en flere hundrede år gammel tradition, og karaktererne er i dag en så indgroet del af skole og uddannelse i vores kultur, at de opleves som en selvfølgelig del af hverdagen. Men er karaktergivning ikke efterhånden så gammel en praksis, at det er på tide at overveje dens rolle, formål og relevans set i lyset af den samfundsmæssige udvikling, forandringer i skole og uddannelse samt den viden, vi har i dag om læring og læreprocesser?For hvad vil vi overhovedet med karaktererne i skole og uddannelse? Hvordan bruges de, og hvordan påvirker de elever og studerende? Hvad måler en karakter egentlig? Lærer man mere, hvis man får karakterer? Spiller ens sociale baggrund eller køn en rolle for ens karakterer? Og hvilke erfaringer har man med at bedrive en undervisning helt uden karakterer?I FAQ om karakterer diskuterer og besvarer bogens forfatter disse og en række andre aktuelle og ofte stillede spørgsmål om karaktergivning i skolen.FAQ om karakterer er bog nr. 6 i FAQ-serien om ofte stillede spørgsmål inden for det pædagogiske og psykologiske område. Som de øvrige bøger i serien er også denne bog peer reviewet.Karen Egedal Andreasen er ph.d. og cand.phil. og lektor ved Institut for Kultur og Læring, Aalborg Universitet. Hun er tilknyttet CFU – Center for Uddannelses- og Evalueringsforskning sammesteds og forfatter til en række publikationer om didaktik og evaluering.

  • - All That's Left to Know About the Most Heartbreakingly Excellent Rock Band the World Has Ever Known
    af Christian Gerard
    218,95 kr.

    The Cure FAQ is a complete analysis of the band's forty-plus year career, delving into each one of their albums with fresh commentary and insight.

  • - All That's Left to Know About Britain's Most Eccentric Band
    af Daniel Ross
    263,95 kr.

    Whether you think you know everything about Queen already or if you're new to the band and want to learn more, Queen FAQ will walk you through every aspect of one of the music industry's strangest, longest, and most successful bands of all time. Queen is the quintessential stadium-filling live act with an impeccable musical pedigree and a penchant for extreme partying; Queen was, and still is, a complete one-off. Discover the journey from long-haired rockers obsessed with mythology to creators of slick chart-toppers, and their unexpected second life after the death of Freddie Mercury in 1991, taking them right up to date with sell-out world tours and an Oscar-winning movie to their name. The story of Queen has been told so many times, but never quite like this: taking an exhaustive approach to every aspect of every band member, this unique book will answer all the questions you've ever wanted to ask about Britain's biggest band. Did Freddie Mercury really sneak Princess Diana into a gay bar? What is Brian May's guitar made of? Why did Roger Taylor get so many royalties for "Bohemian Rhapsody"? And what ever happened to John Deacon? Queen is the band who conquered the US singles charts with "Another One Bites the Dust" and stole the show at Live Aid, but they're also the band that turned their songs into a hit musical and have somehow doubled the length of their career after the death of their lead singer. Frankly, there's no other band like them: this book reveals why.

  • - All That's Left to Know About the World's Most Famous Cult Band
    af Dan Caffrey
    258,95 kr.

    A comprehensive look-and once dubious and loving-at one of the most important rock 'n' roll bands since the Beatles.

  • - All That's Left to Know About Rock's Finest Actor
    af Ian Chapman
    263,95 kr.

    David Bowie was one of the world's most famous rock stars. But, as David Bowie FAQ shows, he was also far more than that. After spending the latter part of the 1960s searching for the best medium through which to express his artistic aspirations-and trying out several performing arts in the process-he experienced fleeting but significant success in music with the top-ten UK hit "Space Oddity," released at the time of the successful Apollo 11 moon landing in 1969. Subsequently he achieved true international fame in the early 1970s through playing the role of the androgynous alien rock-star Ziggy Stardust. From here he went on to a career that spanned five decades, exploring numerous artistic disciplines, challenging societal mores and conventions, and building a platform of constant change and reinvention. Whereas most rock stars would find a winning formula and rigidly stick to it to avoid alienating their fans, David Bowie made stylistic variation his cornerstone-an entirely new and model for rock stardom. But David Bowie was more than a rock star. Reflecting an approach to art that knew no boundaries, he also made his mark in movie acting, legitimate stage acting, and more. There was a unifying factor in all of the roles he played, regardless of medium, because even from childhood he'd felt himself to be an outsider, alienated and estranged. Bowie's fans quickly recognized this quality in him, and it created a bond that went far beyond the usual star-fan relationship. Through David Bowie, fans found themselves able to accept their sense of difference as a positive thing rather than a negative one. David Bowie didn't simply entertain people-he empowered them.

  • - All That's Left to Know About the World's Best-Selling Alternative Band
    af Dan Bogosian
    258,95 kr.

    From their humble beginnings as friends in high school, to playing strip clubs in nothing but well-placed socks, through a struggle to find the right guitarist, to the present day, Red Hot Chili Peppers FAQ chronicles the adventures of the best-selling alternative rock band of all time.No other book goes through each era of the band''s history. Unlike other band biographies, Red Hot Chili Peppers FAQ digs into the trivia that hardcore fans obsess over: every recorded (and unreleased) song and their origins, the story behind each band member''s every tattoo, and every piece of gear each band member past and present has ever used. Ever wonder why current drummer Chad Smith switched drum companies? Or how Flea and Dave Navarro ended up recording with Alanis Morissette on "You Oughta Know"? Just when did Anthony Kiedis meet current guitarist Josh Klinghoffer for the first time? When did Kiedis first try harder drugs? How did Cher end up as a babysitter for young Kiedis? When did Buckethead try out for the band? Who currently owns the mansion where they recorded Blood Sugar Sex Magik? All the answers lay in the pages of Red Hot Chili Peppers FAQ.

  • - All That's Left to Know About the Greatest Film Story Never Told
    af Dr. Piyush Roy
    228,95 kr.

    Bollywood a popular nomenclature for India's national film industry in the Hindi language along with the Taj Mahal yoga Buddha and Mahatma Gandhi is one of the best-known introductions and universally recognized associations with India across the world today. Despite its predominant narrative styles not confirming to the First World European and/or American cinema structure Indian cinema is increasingly viewed as the world's second-most important film industry after Hollywood with box-office influence crossing over with European cinema.ÞÊBollywood FAQÊ provides a thrilling entertaining and intellectually stimulating joy ride into the vibrant colorful and multi-emotional universe of the world's most prolific (over 30 000 film titles) and most-watched film industry (at 3 billion-plus ticket sales). Bollywood blockbusters are simultaneously screened in theaters and cinemas in over 100 nations from the USA to Japan New Zealand to the Netherlands and Peru to Pakistan. Every major Hollywood studio (Warner Bros. Fox Star Disney Sony Pictures and Viacom 18) is now making or distributing Bollywood films.ÞYet much of Indian cinema continues to amuse and confuse audiences and critics outside of India including during their first/occasional introductions to its in the words of Salman Rushdie epico-mythico-tragico-comico-super-sexy-high-masala-art form in which the unifying principle is a techni-color-storyline. ÞÊBollywood FAQÊ explains and explores the above myths and magic. It introduces India's maharajah-like stars and their cult-commanding stardom. Movie buffs will find a ready reckoner on iconic Bollywood films with a bonus must-watch listing of the cinema's most spectacular song-and-dance moments highlighting the pleasures and popularity of a national cinema that has come to be a genre in itself.ÞThis book is a reader-friendly reference to everything one has ever wanted to know about the spectacular robust humongous colorful and dramatic multi-generic cinematic being called Bollywood. The narrative is enriched with insider insights culled from its author's long career as a film writer and critic in the city of Bollywood Bombay (now Mumbai).

  • - All That's Left to Know About the Legendary Singer and the Iconic Songs
    af Dave Thompson
    208,95 kr.

    Here is a fascinating, all-encompassing journey through the life and career of one of America''s most influential, and literate, songwriters. Beginning with Simon''s earliest days as an aspiring teenage idol and Tin Pan Alley songsmith, Paul Simon FAQ takes readers through Simon''s sometimes tempestuous relationship with singing partner Art Garfunkel, with whom he established the most popular musical duo in rock history. The book goes behind the scenes of Simon''s groundbreaking work at the forefront of world music and follows him to his emotional 2018 final concert before his retirement-from performing live.In addition, Paul Simon FAQ features chapters dedicated not only to Simon''s music but also his stage, screen, and television work, his devotion to charity, and more. Influences such as Bob Dylan, the Everly Brothers, and the Child Ballads are examined, while his songwriting is documented not only through his own recordings but also those of the myriad other artists who have covered his compositions. Fact-filled sidebars serve up a wealth of statistics and lists. In short, Paul Simon FAQ is the ultimate guide to the consummate performer.

  • - All That's Left to Know About the Bad Boys of Rock
    af Gary J. Jucha
    220,95 kr.

    Cleverly marketed by their original manager as the bad boys of rock, the Rolling Stones have survived dalliances with the devil, drug busts, and the death of founding member Brian Jones to become the world''s longest-running rock and roll band. Led by partners-in-crime Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, the Rolling Stones have had No. 1 hits, released classic albums, broken box office records, and literally changed the world. All too often, however, books on the Rolling Stones glimmer with gossip instead of shimmering with facts about the band''s music. The Rolling Stones FAQ presents these musical facts in a fast-moving, fan-friendly read. The five incarnations of the Rolling Stones are highlighted with in-depth explorations of the band''s hit records, albums, films, and tours. The band''s story is told not only through the biographies of the eight men to each be called a Rolling Stone, but also through the stories of session men, producers, managers, artists, girlfriends, and wives who have contributed to the enduring, yet controversial, success of the Rolling Stones.

  • - All That's Left to Know About the Fabled Garden
    af Thomas E. Harkins
    208,95 kr.

    Thomas Edward Harkin''s Woodstock FAQ: All That''s Left to Know About the Fabled Garden cuts through the lofty rhetoric and mythology surrounding the legendary festival. Rather than waxing philosophical about whether or not the Woodstock Music & Art Fair was the defining moment of the 1960s as so many have done before, Harkins places the focus on the music, solo artists, and bands who performed.Thirty-two acts took to the stage in Bethel, New York that weekend, and the book gives the performers and the music their due consideration. Who were they? Where did they come from? What songs did they play? What happened to them afterward? How did the festival impact their careers? Those are the questions explored in these pages. Further, the book attempts to restore the chronological arc of the festival from concept to concert to its aftermath and enduring legacy.Drawing on his experiences as a media scholar, Harkins ponders how the album releases and Michael Wadleigh''s Academy Award-winning 1970 film Woodstock helped shape the narrative of the festival and in the bargain distort people''s memories of the actual event.

  • - All That's Left to Know About the Most Popular Jam Band
    af Stephen Thomas Erlewine
    208,95 kr.

    Dave Matthews Band celebrated their 25th anniversary in 2016, a milestone few bands achieve. How did the group build and retain an audience so devoted that they stuck with DMB through more than a quarter century? Dave Matthews Band FAQ answers this question and many more, exploring the group''s history in detail from a variety of angles. Natives of the college rock circuit of the southern Atlantic seaboard, DMB became part of a close-knit group of similarly minded jam bands that spread across the USA during the 1990s. Thanks to a grassroots following that eagerly traded tapes of live DMB shows, the band cultivated a dedicated fan base that crossed over into the mainstream.Dave Matthews Band FAQ traces this evolution, documenting the culture of Charlottesville, Virginia, at the dawn of the ''90s, detailing the group''s peers and examining their catalog, both live and studio, in detail. Collectively, these chapters explain everything there is to know about the most popular jam band in history.