Bøger i Fantastic Four serien i rækkefølge
- Broen
248,95 kr. Det er ikke let at være superfamilie med børn, når superskurkene byder op til dans. Bare spørg Fantastic Four! Mørket sænker sig over Marvel-universets mest berømte familie, Fantastic Four, da H.A.M.M.E.R.-agenter under ledelse af selveste Norman Osborn angriber Baxter-bygningen! Mens alt dette sker, har Reed Richards konstrueret en bro over til Multiverset for at lære at løse alt, men i stedet finder han mere, end han kunne forudse.Mens Fantastic Four kæmper mod en af deres ældste rivaler, Mole Man, og Wizard, dukker en bekendt fra fremtiden op med en mystisk besked. Dette sender de fantastiske fire ud på en rejs dybt under Jorden og helt til Månen, hvor de afslører overraskende hemmeligheder!
- Bog
- 248,95 kr.
198,95 kr. "Reunited once more! The Fantastic Four settle into their surprising new home - unaware that a mysterious threat has made it there first! As their knowledge of language itself begins to melt from their minds, the members of the First Family sink into disarray - and the greatest villain of all time grasps the chance to seal their Doom! Then, Sue and Alicia spend some quality time together in town. But when they return, everything is different - and a very different Fantastic Four is formed! Can they save the reality that only they remember?"--
- Bog
- 198,95 kr.
208,95 kr. "The Fantastic Four meet the Jurassic Four! When our FF swap places with a set of bizarre alternate-reality counterparts, they find themselves battling for survival...in a world where everyone is a dinosaur! Meanwhile, one year ago, Reed Richards sent the entire city block on which the Baxter Building stands - along with his own children and the children of his best friends Ben and Alicia - one year ahead in time. It was a desperate measure, but it saved them. And now we're finally catching up with them! Plus: A revenge plot like nothing you've ever seen! The First Family's kids make up for lost time! Susan Storm, archaeologist, makes a shocking find! The new S.H.I.E.L.D. takes shape! And, at last, Franklin Richards' secret is revealed!" --
- Bog
- 208,95 kr.