Bøger i Ettore Majorana International Science Series serien
1.796,95 kr. - Bog
- 1.796,95 kr.
2.223,95 - 2.232,95 kr. - Bog
- 2.223,95 kr.
- Principles and Molecular Mechanisms
1.694,95 kr. Every year between three and four hundred papers are published on the topic of insulin action. I intend to present a review of the physiological effects of insulin, the pathology of defects in the action of insulin, and the current views on the mechanism of action of this hormone.
- Bog
- 1.694,95 kr.
1.659,95 kr. For ten days at the end of September, 1987, a group of about 75 scientists from 21 different countries gathered in a restored monastery on a 750 meter high piece of rock jutting out of the Mediterranean Sea to discuss the simulation of the transport of electrons and photons using Monte Carlo techniques.
- Bog
- 1.659,95 kr.
- Bog
- 614,95 kr.
613,95 kr. - Bog
- 613,95 kr.
591,95 kr. Semimagnetic semiconductors (SMSC) and diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS) have in the past decade attracted considerable attention because they confer many new physical properties on both bulk materials and heterostructures.
- Bog
- 591,95 kr.
610,95 kr. In this book are reported the main results presented at the "Fourth International Workshop on Data Analysis in Astronomy", held at the Ettore Majorana Center for Scientific Culture, Erice, Sicily, Italy, on April 12-19, 1991.
- Bog
- 610,95 kr.
1.155,95 kr. The Erice International School of Fusion Reactor Techno logy held its 1981 course on " Unconventional Approaches to Fusion " in combination with the IAEA Technical Committee meeting on " Critical Analysis of Alternative Fusion Concepts ".
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- 1.155,95 kr.
610,95 kr. The objective of the meeting was to bring together practitioners of two different approaches to the unification of the fundamental par ticle interactions: supersymmetry and supergravity on the one hand, and grand unified gauge theories on the other hand.
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- 610,95 kr.
611,95 kr. - Bog
- 611,95 kr.
849,95 kr. The meeting was sponsored by the Urological Group of the EORTC (European Organisation for Research in the Treatment of Cancer), the WHO Collaborating Centre for Bladder Cancer, the European Urological Association, the Italian Research Council (CNR) , Italian League against Tumours, Italian Government and Regional Sicilian Government.
- Bog
- 849,95 kr.
1.154,95 kr. Ecotoxicology is a relatively new scientific discipline. Ramade (1987) emphasized in their books the broad basis of ecotoxicology, encompassing chemical and radiation effects on all components of ecosystems.
- Bog
- 1.154,95 kr.
- Challenges, Adjustment and Policy Response in the EU and LDCs
2.226,95 kr. To the classical driving forces of migration such as poverty, oppression and war, yet another is being added: globalization. Many less developed countries (LDCs) accept migration of their workers to developed countries (DCs) because it reduces the pressure on unemployment, and remittances increase the capital inflow to the country.
- Bog
- 2.226,95 kr.
- Principles and Molecular Mechanisms
1.740,95 kr. Every year between three and four hundred papers are published on the topic of insulin action. I intend to present a review of the physiological effects of insulin, the pathology of defects in the action of insulin, and the current views on the mechanism of action of this hormone.
- Bog
- 1.740,95 kr.
- The Cosmological Constants Problem
1.333,95 kr. Peter Gabriel Bergmann started his work on general relativity in 1936 when he moved from Prague to the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. In 1942, Bergmann published the book "Introduction to the Theory of Relativity" which included a foreword by Albert Einstein.
- Bog
- 1.333,95 kr.
786,95 kr. This book originated in the Workshop on "Hadronic Matter at Extreme Energy Density," held at the Ettore Majorana Center in Erice, October 13-21, 1978. It was progress in the knowledge of symmetries in particle physics that fueled the advance toward the present formulation of supergravity, thus help ing to heal this historical separation.
- Bog
- 786,95 kr.
1.775,95 kr. Simons Dezsoe Horvath Gabriele Torelli V CONTENTS OPENING ADDRESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi . . . . . . .
- Bog
- 1.775,95 kr.
1.127,95 kr. Ecotoxicology is a relatively new scientific discipline. Ramade (1987) emphasized in their books the broad basis of ecotoxicology, encompassing chemical and radiation effects on all components of ecosystems.
- Bog
- 1.127,95 kr.
1.021,95 kr. In the book are reported the main results presented at the Third International Workshop on Data Analysis in Astronomy, held at the EUore Majorana Center for Scientific Culture, Erice, Sicily, Italy, on June 20-27,1988.
- Bog
- 1.021,95 kr.
1.050,95 kr. The School is dedicated to physics accessible to experiments using low energy antiprotons, especially in view of operation of the LEAR facility at CERN with the upgraded antiproton source AAC (Antiproton Accumulator AA and Antiproton Collector ACOL).
- Bog
- 1.050,95 kr.
1.048,95 kr. ELOISATRON (Eurasiatic Long Intersecting Storage Accelerator) is the name of a research and development project in the field of high energy physics, approved and funded by the Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare INFN in Italy. The main objective of the project is to conduct research and development studies to promote the construction of a (100 + 100) TeV proton-proton collider in Europe. The present volume contains the proceedings of the 4th INFN ELOISATRON project workshop, held on the topic: New Aspects of High-Energy Proton-Proton Collisions. The workshop took place at the Centro Internazionale di Cultura Scien tifica "Ettore Majorana" (CCSEM), Erice-Trapani, Sicily, Italy, in the period May 31-June 7, 1987. This was the first workshop in this series which concentrated on physics issues in proton-proton collisions with 1-100 TeV beams; the earlier three INFN ELOISATRON workshops, held at Erice during 1986 and 1987, had mostly dealt with technical issues related to the accelerator and detector aspects of high en ergy hadron colliders. The present workshop was supported by the Italian Ministry of Education, the Italian Ministry of Scientific and Technological Research, the Sicilian Regional Government and the Ettore Majorana Centre for Scientific Culture. With the successful operation of the CERN Superconducting antiproton-proton Synchrotron (SppS), resulting in the discoveries of the vector bosons W and Z and providing evidence for new aspects of flavour mixings, the interest in very high energy proton beams as probes of fundamental phenomena in nature has mounted worldwide.
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- 1.048,95 kr.
610,95 kr. The School is dedicated to physics accessible to experiments using low energy antiprotons, especially in view of operation of the LEAR facility at CERN with the upgraded antiproton source AAC (Antiproton Accumulator AA and Antiproton Collector ACOL).
- Bog
- 610,95 kr.
1.110,95 kr. In October 1978, a group of 41 scientists from 14 countries met in Erice, Sicily to attend the Second Course of the Interna tional School of Radiation Damage and Protection "Ettore Majorana", the proceedings of which are contained in this book.
- Bog
- 1.110,95 kr.
- Charge Separation Across Biomembranes
1.844,95 kr. This book contains aseries of review papers related to the lectures given at the Third Course on Bioelectrochemistry held at Erice in November 1988, in the framework of the International School of Biophysics.
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- 1.844,95 kr.
610,95 kr. The fourth course of the International School of Physics of Exotic Atoms took place at the "Ettore Majorana" Center for Scien tific Culture, Erice, from March 31 to April 6, 1984.
- Bog
- 610,95 kr.
601,95 kr. In recent years, a new field of nuclear research has been opened through the possibility of studying nuclei wi\h very large values of angular momentum, temperature, pressure and number of particles.
- Bog
- 601,95 kr.
1.726,95 kr. another is fractal geometry, which involves the concept of (non-integer) fractal dimension. This implies the formulation of fractal growth modele based on physical concepts and their theoretical understanding in the same sense as the Renormalization Group method has allowed to understand the critical properties of phase transitions.
- Bog
- 1.726,95 kr.
- Bog
- 610,95 kr.
582,95 kr. - Bog
- 582,95 kr.