Bøger i Chapman & Hall/CRC Monographs and Research Notes in Mathematics serien
1.833,95 kr. This book shows how four types of higher-order nonlinear evolution PDEs have many commonalities through their special quasilinear degenerate representations. The authors present a unified approach to deal with these quasilinear PDEs, describe many properties of the equations, and examine traditional questions of existence/nonexistence, uniqueness/nonuniqueness, global asymptotics, regularizations, shock-wave theory, and various blow-up singularities. The book illustrates how complex PDEs are used in a variety of applications and describes new nonlinear phenomena for the equations.
- Bog
- 1.833,95 kr.
1.833,95 kr. This book presents both long-standing and recent mathematical results from this field in a uniform way. It focuses on exact analytic formulas for reconstructing a function or a vector field from data of integrals over lines, rays, circles, arcs, parabolas, hyperbolas, planes, hyperplanes, spheres, and paraboloids. The book also addresses range characterizations and collects necessary definitions and elementary facts from geometry and analysis. Coverage is motivated by both applications and pure mathematics.
- Bog
- 1.833,95 kr.
- Generalized and Regularized Solutions
1.712,95 kr. - Bog
- 1.712,95 kr.
- Fundamentals and Applications
1.835,95 kr. This book treats the extending structures problem in the context of groups, Lie/Leibniz algebras, associative algebras and Poisson/Jacobi algebra. This monograph offers the reader an incursion into the extending structures problem which provides a common ground for studying both the extension problem and the factorization problem.
- Bog
- 1.835,95 kr.
- Fixed Point Theory under Weak Topology for Nonlinear Operators and Block Operator Matrices with Applications
1.712,95 kr. This is the first book to tackle the topological fixed point theory for block operator matrices with nonlinear entries in Banach spaces and algebras. The authors present several extensions of Schauder¿s and Krasnosel¿skii¿s fixed point theorems to the class of weakly compact operators acting on Banach spaces and algebras. They also address under which conditions a 2×2 block operator matrix with single- and multi-valued nonlinear entries will have a fixed point. In addition, the book describes applications of fixed point theory to diverse equations.
- Bog
- 1.712,95 kr.
1.833,95 kr. This work focuses on the Cremona groups of ranks 2 and 3 and describes the beautiful appearances of the icosahedral group A5 in them. The authors present interesting results that highlight the beauty of icosahedral symmetries of the variety V5. The book surveys known facts about surfaces with an action of A5, explores A5-equivariant geometry of the quintic del Pezzo threefold V5, and gives a proof of its A5-birational rigidity.
- Bog
- 1.833,95 kr.
- Bog
- 1.712,95 kr.
- Variational Methods and Qualitative Analysis
1.833,95 kr. This book provides a thorough introduction to the theory of nonlinear PDEs with a variable exponent, particularly those of elliptic type. It presents the most important variational methods for elliptic PDEs described by nonhomogeneous differential operators and containing one or more power-type nonlinearities with a variable exponent. The authors give a systematic treatment of the basic mathematical theory and constructive methods for these classes of nonlinear elliptic equations as well as their applications to various processes arising in the applied sciences.
- Bog
- 1.833,95 kr.
2.468,95 kr. This book presents algebraic, combinatorial, and computational methods for studying monomial algebras and their ideals, including Stanley¿Reisner rings, monomial subrings, Ehrhart rings, and blowup algebras. Along with revising all existing chapters, this edition includes four new chapters that focus on the algebraic properties of blowup algebras in combinatorial optimization problems of clutters and hypergraphs. It also contains two new chapters that explore the algebraic and combinatorial properties of the edge ideal of clutters and hypergraphs.
- Bog
- 2.468,95 kr.
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- 1.833,95 kr.
1.833,95 kr. The second edition of this book has a new title that more accurately reflects the table of contents. Over the past few years, many new results have been proven in the field of partial differential equations. This edition takes those new results into account, in particular the study of nonautonomous operators with unbounded coefficients, which has received great attention. Additionally, this edition is the first to use a unified approach to contain the new results in a singular place.
- Bog
- 1.833,95 kr.
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- 1.833,95 kr.
2.468,95 kr. - Bog
- 2.468,95 kr.
1.833,95 kr. This book brings together a number of important iterative algorithms for medical imaging, optimization, and statistical estimation. It incorporates recent work that has not appeared in other books and draws on the author¿s considerable research in the field, including his recently developed class of SUMMA algorithms. Related to sequential unconstrained minimization methods, the SUMMA class includes a wide range of iterative algorithms well known to researchers in various areas, such as statistics and image processing.
- Bog
- 1.833,95 kr.
2.318,95 kr. Although the theory behind solitary waves of strain shows that they hold promise in nondestructive testing and other applications, an enigma has long persisted - the absence of observable solitary waves in practice. This work explores how to construct a powerful deformation pulse in a waveguide without plastic flow or fracture.
- Bog
- 2.318,95 kr.
- Bog
- 1.833,95 kr.
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- 855,95 kr.
1.406,95 kr. - Bog
- 1.406,95 kr.
1.223,95 kr. Gibbs (or DLR) measures are the main objects in classical equilibrium statistical mechanics. Statistical mechanics deals with models from mathematical physics and chemistry where one is interested in, for example, some average behaviour of an interacting system subjected to some noise. They were originally introduced as probability measures on systems of infinitely many particles in infinite volume, satisfying a set of consistent conditional probabilities. Probability measures captured the uncertainty or noise of the state of the system. Gibbs measures also play a role in various other domains, such as Dynamical Systems, ergodic theory, spatial statistics and pattern recognition.
- Bog
- 1.223,95 kr.