Bøger i Birkhauser Advanced Texts / Basler Lehrbucher serien
- Applications to Differential Equations
970,95 - 1.270,95 kr. In this book, fundamental methods of nonlinear analysis are introduced, discussed and illustrated in straightforward examples. Each method considered is motivated and explained in its general form, but presented in an abstract framework as comprehensively as possible. A large number of methods are applied to boundary value problems for both ordinary and partial differential equations. In this edition we have made minor revisions, added new material and organized the content slightly differently. In particular, we included evolutionary equations and differential equations on manifolds. The applications to partial differential equations follow every abstract framework of the method in question.The text is structured in two levels: a self-contained basic level and an advanced level - organized in appendices - for the more experienced reader. The last chapter contains more involved material and can be skipped by those new to the field. This book serves as both a textbook for graduate-level courses and a reference book for mathematicians, engineers and applied scientists
- Bog
- 970,95 kr.
705,95 - 961,95 kr. This book, which is the first of two volumes, presents, in a unique way, some of the most relevant research tools of modern analysis. This work empowers young researchers with all the necessary techniques to explore the various subfields of this broad subject, and introduces relevant frameworks where these tools can be immediately deployed.Volume I starts with the foundations of modern analysis. The first three chapters are devoted to topology, measure theory, and functional analysis. Chapter 4 offers a comprehensive analysis of the main function spaces, while Chapter 5 covers more concrete subjects, like multivariate analysis, which are closely related to applications and more difficult to find in compact form. Chapter 6 deals with smooth and non-smooth calculus of functions; Chapter 7 introduces certain important classes of nonlinear operators; and Chapter 8 complements the previous three chapters with topics of variational analysis. Each chapter of this volume finishes with a list of problems - handy for understanding and self-study - and historical notes that give the reader a more vivid picture of how the theory developed. Volume II consists of various applications using the tools and techniques developed in this volume.By offering a clear and wide picture of the tools and applications of modern analysis, this work can be of great benefit not only to mature graduate students seeking topics for research, but also to experienced researchers with an interest in this vast and rich field of mathematics.
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- 705,95 kr.
- Applications and Exercises
488,95 kr. This textbook provides a graduate-level introduction to the spectral theory of linear operators on Banach and Hilbert spaces, guiding readers through key components of spectral theory and its applications in quantum physics.
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- 488,95 kr.
651,95 kr. This textbook examines the Hamiltonian formulation in classical mechanics with the basic mathematical tools of multivariate calculus. Graduate and advanced undergraduate students in physics or mathematics who are interested in mechanics and applied math will benefit from this treatment of analytical mechanics.
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- 651,95 kr.
413,95 kr. This text presents the Eulerian numbers in the context of modern enumerative, algebraic, and geometric combinatorics. The book first studies Eulerian numbers from a purely combinatorial point of view, then embarks on a tour of how these numbers arise in the study of hyperplane arrangements, polytopes, and simplicial complexes. Some topics include a thorough discussion of gamma-nonnegativity and real-rootedness for Eulerian polynomials, as well as the weak order and the shard intersection order of the symmetric group.The book also includes a parallel story of Catalan combinatorics, wherein the Eulerian numbers are replaced with Narayana numbers. Again there is a progression from combinatorics to geometry, including discussion of the associahedron and the lattice of noncrossing partitions.The final chapters discuss how both the Eulerian and Narayana numbers have analogues in any finite Coxeter group, with many of the same enumerative and geometric properties. Thereare four supplemental chapters throughout, which survey more advanced topics, including some open problems in combinatorial topology. This textbook will serve a resource for experts in the field as well as for graduate students and others hoping to learn about these topics for the first time.¿
- Bog
- 413,95 kr.
- An Invitation to the Search of Periodic Solutions for Second Order Ordinary Differential Equations
940,95 - 1.000,95 kr. This book provides an up-to-date description of the methods needed to face the existence of solutions to some nonlinear boundary value problems. In a paedagogical style the author takes the reader step by step from the basics to the most advanced existence results in the field.
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- 940,95 kr.
845,95 - 1.132,95 kr. The discoveries of the last decades have opened new perspectives for the old field of Hamiltonian systems and led to the creation of a new field: symplectic topology. Surprising rigidity phenomena demonstrate that the nature of symplectic mappings is very different from that of volume preserving mappings. This raises new questions, many of them still unanswered. On the other hand, analysis of an old variational principle in classical mechanics has established global periodic phenomena in Hamiltonian systems. As it turns out, these seemingly different phenomena are mysteriously related. One of the links is a class of symplectic invariants, called symplectic capacities. These invariants are the main theme of this book, which includes such topics as basic symplectic geometry, symplectic capacities and rigidity, periodic orbits for Hamiltonian systems and the action principle, a bi-invariant metric on the symplectic diffeomorphism group and its geometry, symplectic fixed point theory, the Arnold conjectures and first order elliptic systems, and finally a survey on Floer homology and symplectic homology. The exposition is self-contained and addressed to researchers and students from the graduate level onwards.
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- 845,95 kr.
721,95 kr. In this book an account of the growth theory of subharmonic functions is given, which is directed towards its applications to entire functions of one and several complex variables. The presentation aims at converting the noble art of constructing an entire function with prescribed asymptotic behaviour to a handicraft.
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- 721,95 kr.
576,95 kr. This book provides proofs of the asymptotic behavior of solutions to various important cases of linear and nonlinear problems in the theory of elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations. They will motivate and enable the reader to apply the theory to other problems in partial differential equations.
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- 576,95 kr.
610,95 kr. Chapters 1-6 give the function-theoretic background to Hardy Classes and Operator Theory, Oxford Mathematical Monographs, Oxford University Press, New York, 1985. The theory of Hardy and Nevanlinna classes is derived from proper ties of harmonic majorants of subharmonic functions (Chapters 3 and 4).
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- 610,95 kr.
735,95 kr. Der heutige Hochschulunterricht für Mathematiker gründet meist auf Abstraktion und führt vom Allgemeinen zum Speziellen. Die Methode hat Vorteile, sie stärkt das Denkvermögen und meidet lästige Wiederholungen. Doch sie "stellt den Pflug vor die Ochsen", weil Abstraktion auf Spezialfälle baut, die dem Lernenden oft fremd sind. So bleibt der Erfolg den Glücklichen vorbehalten, die den Weg von der Abstraktion zu den Beispielen finden. Dieses Lehrbuch führt von zwei Spezialfällen zur Allgemeinheit und gründet nicht auf Abstraktion. Die Beweise der abstrakten Algebra werden zuerst am konkreten Beispiel der Matrizen vorgeführt. Zur Schärfung der Anschauung wird dann die Begriffswelt der Elementargeometrie durchleuchtet. Die Auseinandersetzung mit dem Lehrstoff der Schule dient der Vorbereitung auf die geometrisch gefärbte Sprache der linearen Algebra, die am Ende des Buches erläutert wird. Dem Text sind Anwendungsbeispiele und zahlreiche historische Kommentare beigefügt.
- Bog
- 735,95 kr.
617,95 kr. This book provides proofs of the asymptotic behavior of solutions to various important cases of linear and nonlinear problems in the theory of elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations. They will motivate and enable the reader to apply the theory to other problems in partial differential equations.
- Bog
- 617,95 kr.
630,95 kr. "This book covers some of the main aspects of nonlinear analysis. I recommend this book to anyone interested in the main and essential concepts of nonlinear analysis as well as the relevant methodologies and applications."
- Bog
- 630,95 kr.
620,95 kr. This book covers Lebesgue integration and its generalizations from Daniell's point of view, modified by the use of seminorms. It might even be useful to the advanced mathematician who is confronted with situations - such as stochastic integration - where the set-measuring approach to integration does not work.
- Bog
- 620,95 kr.
630,95 kr. Chapters 1-6 give the function-theoretic background to Hardy Classes and Operator Theory, Oxford Mathematical Monographs, Oxford University Press, New York, 1985. The theory of Hardy and Nevanlinna classes is derived from proper ties of harmonic majorants of subharmonic functions (Chapters 3 and 4).
- Bog
- 630,95 kr.
- Planar, Symmetric and Continuous Piecewise Linear Systems
681,95 kr. The book deals with continuous piecewise linear differential systems in the plane with three pieces separated by a pair of parallel straight lines. Moreover, these differential systems are symmetric with respect to the origin of coordinates. This class of systems driven by concrete applications is of interest in engineering, in particular in control theory and the design of electric circuits. By studying these particular differential systems we will introduce the basic tools of the qualitative theory of ordinary differential equations, which allow us to describe the global dynamics of these systems including the infinity. The behavior of their solutions, their parametric stability or instability and their bifurcations are described. The book is very appropriate for a first course in the qualitative theory of differential equations or dynamical systems, mainly for engineers, mathematicians, and physicists.
- Bog
- 681,95 kr.
651,95 kr. Some topics include a thorough discussion of gamma-nonnegativity and real-rootedness for Eulerian polynomials, as well as the weak order and the shard intersection order of the symmetric group.The book also includes a parallel story of Catalan combinatorics, wherein the Eulerian numbers are replaced with Narayana numbers.
- Bog
- 651,95 kr.
442,95 kr. This textbook examines the Hamiltonian formulation in classical mechanics with the basic mathematical tools of multivariate calculus. Graduate and advanced undergraduate students in physics or mathematics who are interested in mechanics and applied math will benefit from this treatment of analytical mechanics.
- Bog
- 442,95 kr.
577,95 kr. The analysis of Euclidean space is well-developed. In particular, the Fourier transform and the theory of translation invariant operators (convolution transforms) have played a central role in this analysis. The normal and tangent bundles become part of the language of classical analysis when that analysis is done on a domain.
- Bog
- 577,95 kr.
1.022,95 kr. Key topics in the theory of real analytic functions are covered in this text,and are rather difficult to pry out of the mathematics literature.; alternative characterizations of real analytic functions, surjectivity of partial differential operators, And the Weierstrass preparation theorem.
- Bog
- 1.022,95 kr.
1.161,95 kr. This book studies observation and control operators for linear systems where the free evolution of the state can be described by an operator semigroup on a Hilbert space. It includes a large number of examples coming mostly from partial differential equations.
- Bog
- 1.161,95 kr.
1.066,95 kr. Key topics in the theory of real analytic functions are covered in this text,and are rather difficult to pry out of the mathematics literature.; alternative characterizations of real analytic functions, surjectivity of partial differential operators, And the Weierstrass preparation theorem.
- Bog
- 1.066,95 kr.
777,95 kr. The analysis of Euclidean space is well-developed. In particular, the Fourier transform and the theory of translation invariant operators (convolution transforms) have played a central role in this analysis. The normal and tangent bundles become part of the language of classical analysis when that analysis is done on a domain.
- Bog
- 777,95 kr.
- Second Edition
700,95 kr. Intended as a self-contained introduction to measure theory, this textbook also includes a comprehensive treatment of integration on locally compact Hausdorff spaces, the analytic and Borel subsets of Polish spaces, and Haar measures on locally compact groups.
- Bog
- 700,95 kr.
- Second Edition
954,95 kr. Intended as a self-contained introduction to measure theory, this textbook also includes a comprehensive treatment of integration on locally compact Hausdorff spaces, the analytic and Borel subsets of Polish spaces, and Haar measures on locally compact groups.
- Bog
- 954,95 kr.
- Aus Dem Englischen UEbersetzt Von Annette A'Campo
789,95 kr. Important though the general concepts and propositions may be with which the modem and industrious passion for axiomatizing and generalizing has presented us, in algebra perhaps more than anywhere else, nevertheless I am convinced that the special problems in all their complexity constitute the stock and core of mathematics, and that to master their difficulties requires on the whole the harder labor. HERMANN WEYL Die Arbeit an diesem Buch begann vor etwa zwanzig Jahren mit Aufzeichnungen zur Ergänzung meiner Algebravorlesungen. Ich wollte einige konkrete Themen, wie Symmetrie, lineare Gruppen und quadratische Zahlkörper, ausführlicher be handeln als dies im vorgesehenen Text der Fall war, und darüberhinaus wollte ich den Schwerpunkt in der Gruppentheorie von den Permutationsgruppen auf Matrixgruppen verlagern. Ein anderes ständig wiederkehrendes Thema, nämlich Gitter, sind spontan aufgetaucht. Ich hoffte, der konkrete Stoff könne das Interesse der Studenten wecken und gleichzeitig die Abstraktionen verständlicher machen, kurz gesagt, sie sollten weiter kommen, indem sie beides gleichzeitig lernten. Das bewährte sich gut. Es dauerte einige Zeit, bis ich entschieden hatte, welche Themen ich behandeln wollte, und allmählich verteilte ich mehr und mehr Aufzeichnungen und ging schließlich dazu über, die ganze Vorlesung mit diesem Skript zu bestrei ten. Auf diese Weise ist ein Buch entstanden, das, wie ich meine, etwas anders ist als die existierenden Bücher. Allerdings haben mir die Probleme, die ich damit hatte, die einzelnen Teile des Buches zu einem Ganzen zusammenzufügen, einige Kopfschmerzen bereitet; ich kann also nicht empfehlen, auf diese Art anzufangen, ein Buch zu schreiben.
- Bog
- 789,95 kr.
583,95 kr. "This book covers some of the main aspects of nonlinear analysis. I recommend this book to anyone interested in the main and essential concepts of nonlinear analysis as well as the relevant methodologies and applications."
- Bog
- 583,95 kr.
844,95 kr. As such it ideally serves as preparation and as entry point for a deeper study of the analysis underlying symplectic field theory.An introductory chapter sets the stage explaining some of the basic notions of contact geometry and the role of holomorphic curves in the field.
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- 844,95 kr.
- From the Viewpoint of Galois Theory
945,95 kr. Galois.The study of algebraic equations has served as a motivating terrain for a large part of abstract algebra, and according to this, algebraic equations are visible as a guiding thread throughout the book.
- Bog
- 945,95 kr.
- Blow-up, Global Existence and Steady States
1.077,95 kr. This book is devoted to the qualitative study of solutions of superlinear elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations and systems. This class of problems contains, in particular, a number of reaction-diffusion systems which arise in various mathematical models, especially in chemistry, physics and biology.The first two chapters introduce to the field and enable the reader to get acquainted with the main ideas by studying simple model problems, respectively of elliptic and parabolic type. The subsequent three chapters are devoted to problems with more complex structure; namely, elliptic and parabolic systems, equations with gradient depending nonlinearities, and nonlocal equations. They include many developments which reflect several aspects of current research. Although the techniques introduced in the first two chapters provide efficient tools to attack some aspects of these problems, they often display new phenomena and specifically different behaviors, whose study requires new ideas. Many open problems are mentioned and commented.The book is self-contained and up-to-date, it has a high didactic quality. It is devoted to problems that are intensively studied but have not been treated so far in depth in the book literature. The intended audience includes graduate and postgraduate students and researchers working in the field of partial differential equations and applied mathematics.The first edition of this book has become one of the standard references in the field. This second edition provides a revised text and contains a number of updates reflecting significant recent advances that have appeared in this growing field since the first edition.
- Bog
- 1.077,95 kr.